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Protocol for formal invitations


You have stopped to find out what scope should be considered when drawing up an invitation. Next, I present some specific experiences, contributions and reflections aimed at achieving an impeccable application of the protocol.

Most of us are flattered to be invited to a variety of activities; it is an expression of affection, retribution, friendship and an interesting opportunity to strengthen interpersonal relationships. Remember: you will be received with good disposition if we put into practice certain tips that will make our guest feel important.

In social work, you can do so by phone or email in events devoid of formality. In our days it is increasingly common to resort to social networks for this purpose. In my opinion, a printed invitation generates greater receptivity, makes a difference, constitutes a singular gesture and avoids transcribing the information to your agenda. Everything will depend, of course, on the type of event.

At the corporate level there are details inherent to the "business protocol". It is essential that the innovative, picturesque and neophyte event producers fully master these brushstrokes, in order to offer correct guidance and advice to their clients. In companies with a long history in the market, I observe unlimited mediocrities and orphans that corroborate the significance of this issue. The same happens in state and private companies whose areas of corporate image, marketing, public relations or similar relegate these factors that define the success or failure of an evening.

To begin with, the card will have the union hologram in high relief white dry stamp (by day) and in golden dry stamp (at night) in the center of the upper part. The sobriety of the writing is essential, placing the date, time and place (in that order), apart from ensuring that its quality, design, color and handwriting are consistent with the nature of the act. When inviting a person, it is appropriate to say “you like it”; if they invite several, he will say "they are pleased."

In the case of an international contest, it can be written in two languages. The man's clothing is the only one consigned and, on the right side, place the correct word according to what was offered at the end of the event: toast, cocktail, etc. Skip the expressions "toast of honor," "reception," or the fashionable adjective. The word "reception" is only used in the official sphere.

Similarly, the apologies go in the lower end on the left. Not everyone knows the traditional French abbreviation "RSVP" (answer please). For this reason, I urge you to place "excuses" or "confirm attendance" and a phone number or email. This way it will be easy to understand for those who are oblivious to these customs. If you want to restrict the access of those who have not been invited, it is worth writing down "personal invitation, present at admission.

Refuse to copy similar texts. Rest assured that they will contain abundant errors of form and substance. Wedding invitations, university graduations, baptisms, masses for the deceased, inaugurations, among others, hide a myriad of omissions and blunders. Use originality, creativity and ensure impeccable writing. Avoid turning it into a bingo ballot or raffle ticket, packed with colors, ornaments, high reliefs and inexhaustible extravagances. Frame it in a minimal frame of elegance.

Countless times the following goes unnoticed: Labels are inelegant. These are only used for trade publications, brochures, magazines, etc. It is inappropriate to put a label similar to the one used in the inserts with the monthly sales of the supermarkets. Write the name by hand or print on the envelope cover.

When the additional information is extensive (location map, vehicle parking pass, etc.), place an additional sheet; never the other way around. I suggest having an updated database to sort out wrong names, positions and addresses. Those that say "and ma'am" are frequent and, by coincidence, the recipient is single. Taking on these copious details will make a difference and display professionalism.

The means and time used for their delivery is a first "thermometer" of the host's deference. This is perceptible in the amical and family environment where it is common to appeal to existing intimacy to justify certain indelications. The way it is sent reflects, without ambiguity, the interest in the participant's attendance. A late announcement shows indifference, poor planning and it can be assumed that the guest did not join the main list of attendees. An informal one takes place a week in advance, a business conclave with ten days, a formal activity with twenty days and a wedding with a month.

It is advisable to call to reconfirm the presence of senior officials when their locations are reserved on the main stage or in a preferential area. Let us remember what is stated in article 6 of the State Ceremonial and Regional Ceremonial (DS 096-2005-RE): “… The only national authority that can be represented in a ceremony or official act is the President of the Republic. His representation may fall on the person of a Vice President of the Republic who assumes his precedence ”. This matter should not be neglected. In this regard, I want to warn that in "Peruland" it is common for public authorities to be represented and unjustifiably their servile emissaries demand to settle in the position reserved for the holder of the invitation.

Also, it is illustrative to evoke article 14 of the aforementioned device: “In any official act or ceremony attended by the Head of State or the Vice President on their behalf, the host will occupy the second place of precedence. In the event that a personality of higher precedence than the host is also present, the host will be placed in the third place of precedence ”. An excellent host will be aware of the precedents in order to avoid lackluster situations. When public and private entities converge, depending on the circumstance, the “combed protocol” is applicable. That is, elements of the official and business protocol concur.

A convenient comment in parentheses. Avoid abusing the brand new term " protocol ". I listen insistently to host apprentices, event amateurs and clueless masters of ceremony say: "protocol invitation", "protocol photo", "protocol program", "protocol speech", "protocol staff", "protocol toast", among other absurdities genius. Please, as host, act tall, sober, affable, and a genuine sense of relevance. Give up any Creole, backslider, cloying and caricatural appellation.

Experience shows, although it may seem an immodest assertion, that the protocol and the ceremonial must be in charge of experts and experts. It is a matter of vital magnitude for beginning enthusiasts to take up. Hence the insistent and urgent need to prevent its distortion in an environment saturated with eccentricities, follies and inopias. Let us not allow this aggressive denaturation that generates anarchy and confusion.

Final recommendation: dispense with those accustomed to inappropriate behaviors that impair the development of your celebration. The host is, I reiterate, responsible for what happened there, even if he was not the direct protagonist. If an attendee has deplorable behaviors, the event holder must intercede. If you don't, your inaction will compromise you.

Always an invitation is an extraordinary opportunity to expand human relationships, promote soft skills and meet neighbors outside our comfort zone, to which exuberant individuals live in chains. Entertaining with correction shows finesse and poise, a willingness to interact and, in addition, will exhibit uplifting courtesy. Keep in mind the phrase of the 18th century French writer, lawyer and politician, Anthelme Brillat-Savarín: "To host is to assume responsibility for the well-being of the guest during the time he is under our roof."


(*) Teacher, consultant in event organization, protocol, professional image and social etiquette.

Protocol for formal invitations