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Organizational psychology in modern companies

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Man in search of meaning, relationship with organizational psychology in modern companies


In this work we make a brief analysis of the book Man in search of meaning to organizational psychology.

Since as the author spoke, all types of organizations are a battle center, a constant struggle to be able to be the best or the leader as it may be called, it is something essential in organizations since it helps you to know the type of needs that are required for each collaborator.


In the following essay we will talk about modern organizational psychology in relation to the book "Man in search of meaning" by the author Victor Frankl. Using some of his phrases to make the analysis of the subject more specific.

Historical background

In this essay, we intend to carry out a brief analysis of the relevance of the work of the Psychologist Víktor Frankl, entitled “Man's Search for Meaning. The book, is an autobiographical way, recounts the life of the author Viktor E. Frankl in the concentration camps of the former Nazi Germany. It tells of the cruelty with which the soldiers mistreated the prisoners and in turn explains how life in the concentration camp affected the mind of the average prisoner. It is known that his book "The Man in Search of Meaning" published in Germany in 1946. We can see how the superiors mistreated the workers.

In this essay we can realize that the first action of Psychology in the company is to elaborate a diagnosis of the company's situation, analyzing and evaluating the areas that require intervention, and then provide the organization with a set of useful tools for its development having take into account the mission, vision, and values ​​of said company.

Another important task is the analysis of the work environment of employees to promote internal communication in organizations, thus maintaining a better work environment.


During the play the author explains to us in an autobiographical way the suffering of people in a concentration camp.

At present we could call the organizations a concentration center, because in them we create a battle to be better every day, As mentioned in the work… “The selection process was the signal for an open struggle between colleagues or between a group against another ”… (Frankl, 1991, p. 9). As mentioned there, organizations always have a struggle to be the leader.

The author mentions an extensive psychoanalysis of human behavior in situations such as death and social inequality. As we also find in this part of the first chapter… "There was no time for moral or ethical considerations, nor the desire to do them"… (Frankl, 1991, p. 8)

When the author talked about the whole history in the concentration camp, he was more related to psychology in relation to people, how much they could withstand that pressure and who could not.

This means the ability to decide and consequently adapt to one's own destiny. Deciding in situations of total difficulty, that means carrying the cross with love. Frankl describes two types of people, those who let themselves be treated by the terrible tyranny to further degrade themselves and those who chose to be free internally; take an optimistic attitude and never give up.

The misfortunes that people lived with in that field were terrible, the most difficult thing for them was to adapt to the field and once adapted they were like people with a couple of losses, their sentimentality disappeared, malnutrition was well known. After liberation, everything was really difficult, I think there was a stage of adaptation to normality. The prisoners did not believe it, they were so mired in suffering that it was difficult for them to assimilate it. In the adaptation stage after liberation, it was more cruel, since the former prisoners expected to find their family who were their past life at home, but unfortunately they were not there, at home.


With this work he shows us in such a way that a good relationship in organizations is very important, as mentioned by the author; The problem of today's organizations is the lack of communication since this is fundamental to know the needs of the collaborators.

Something also important for this job is leadership, it is very important since we all have a leader and out of fear we do not show them and we let some opportunities pass, leadership is a set of managerial or directive skills.

Therefore the author also touched on the issue of motivation, today it is essential in organizations since having motivation in the work environment everything will flow more smoothly.

This is why we do the author's analysis with today's administration.


  • V. Frankl "Man in search of meaning", Editorial Herder, Barcelona 1991.
Organizational psychology in modern companies