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Organizational psychology in virtual environments



The article is the product of a theoretical reflection on the role of the psychologist in the phenomenon of virtuality. The virtuality in the management of Human Talent is an option of the real and a maxim of the symbolic, which provides Psychology with the opportunity to assume an active role before the NTCI. A virtuality that “is not a derealization, but a mutation of identity, a displacement of the ontological center of gravity of the object considered (…)

He proposes to build a new cultural typology, one that leads his efforts to the transformation of business and a vision of man integrated into a world community.

A mass of bricks and cement, of twisted beams, of typewriters mute by the eternal knocking of the secretary, mute before the incessant letters of apology that Dr. wrote to his clients asking for an excuse for the delay in the delivery of the merchandise. A group of workers with downcast faces from a day of fatigue.

The psychologist of the company, with twenty-one years of service in the organization, telling them, "Man, change that face that in the company we are not like that!"

What happens in the city that these masses of tradition and these psychologists are beginning to disappear?

Is it that companies are running out?...

The answer is that businesses are not ending. Humanity today lives a different era, a historical moment where the brick empires have passed to a dinosaurs plane; where business reality has transcended the results of a few million pesos, to an information management to gain comparative advantage: more than millions, there is a little more.

This historical moment called by Guattari (1996), “Era of planetary computerization”, has renewed the understanding of all the members of the organization, including the Organizational Psychologist.

This era where there is a massification of information, where microprocessors synthesize a large amount of it in extremely short times, where genetic engineering redefines our human situation from a reform to our concept of life and where markets have become globalized, demands a change in the conception of policies on Human Talent. Today, making programs for labor well-being, training or performance evaluation should not only be structured symbiotically with the company's strategy, efficiently using technological resources, but also under the understanding of a new reality, in which the employee of the organization is no longer two doors from our office or in a production plant that I can see from my window;This “global collaborator” can be anywhere, including at home, and their work needs have to be met in real time, without space and time being an impediment.

The virtuality in the management of Human Talent as an option of the real, as a maxim of the symbolic, assumes the role of the new human communication, as Foucault (1968) would tell it if “an organization of the game of symbols, which allows the knowledge of things visible and invisible ”. A virtuality that we can only accept as humans if we depopulate them with an unusual amount of evils, an organizational culture that “is not a derealization, but a mutation of identity, a displacement of the ontological center of gravity of the object considered: instead of mainly defining itself Due to its current status, the entity thus finds its essential consistency in a problematic field ”(Marín Ardila).

Irene Vásquez (1990) defines organizational culture by compiling the different contributions of Management theories (Ouchi, Peters and Waterman, Deal and Kennedy)

This approach assumes the concept from three positions:

  • A shared value system A knowledge or belief of how matters work and their interaction with the people who make up the organization A knowledge of what the organizational structures and control systems or means are used to achieve certain norms or behaviors, that is - The way things are done here -

Organizational culture from virtuality is assumed with - another way of doing things - a way where "the gravitational areas, the organizational structure, the key resources, the values ​​and the social dynamics, will be very different from those we know." (Baba Nakao).

In this new culture of the virtual environment in our organizations, the values ​​we assume, those philosophical ideas that qualify people's behaviors, will be calling for a new way of doing participant observation.

The variables previously obvious to psychologists regarding human phenomena within the organization, that mythology that tells the story of symbols in the formation of groups, those morning rites that form the style of speaking, writing or doing, are they embark on that mutation, not to disappear, but to reappear in a circumstance, on a completely new level and structure.

Psychology must assume this transformation of the planes and the environments of the people, to continue carrying out an analysis of the adaptations or maladjustments of individuals to their work.

Take on the challenge of building a new cultural typology, one that leads your efforts to the transformation of business and a vision of man integrated into a world community, not a catastrophic vision of man consumed by technology and automated in front of the monitor of his microprocessor, but a man united to the world, with unlimited access to information and with new needs that have to be satisfied; a typology that transcends the proposals of Deal and Kennedy (towards power, towards punishment, towards the task, towards people), and that symbolizes the way of understanding this cultural evolution.

Psychologists who undertake the path of learning this typology must understand the difference between face-to-face and virtual observation, understand that the creation of these communicational systems are tools for growth that seek to improve the living conditions of humans.

Information technology understood as a medium, as an environment, where although these human beings seem like algorithms, they are not.

Society has created these heuristic searches (2), as an adoption of empirical rules for certain solutions, which do not explain unlimited human nature.

This confrontation with the new reality should not be a nemesis of the epistemology of Psychology, of the scientific methods that give us an objective character, it should be an opportunity to build techniques for gathering information and analysis.

This changing era, this entrepreneurial attitude that challenges Psychology to improve its methods, to increase its coverage, to actively participate in world dynamics, forces it to manifest itself beyond Hawthorne's experiments (3).

Far beyond!.

These companies that advance in their virtualization, seek that psychologists contribute in their development and in the development of their members, that the processes and demands of the environment are facilitated, that it evolve in a society that will not stop to wait for anyone, a society with fewer borders and more opportunities.


  • FOUCAULT, Michel. The words and the things. Sixth edition. Siglo XXI publishers. Mexico, 1968 GUATTARI, Félix. Regimes, subject routes, in Incorporations, Crary and Kwinter (eds), Edit. Chair, Madrid. 1996 HAMMER, Michael & CHAMPY, James. Reengineering. Norma Editorial Group. Colombia 1994 HARDÍ, Thomas & JACKSON, Richard. Learning and Cognition. Fourth edition. Prentice hall, Spain. 1998.VÁSQUEZ, Irene. The company as a system. Organizational culture and climate. Company and group. Barcelona, ​​EADA Management, 1990. MARÍN, Fernando. Essay: TECHNIQUE AND VIRTUALITY: Thinking about New Technologies. SD


(1) Title: This article was published in the Virtual Magazine. Maria Cano University Foundation. 2004

(2) Term that Newell and Simon (1973) give to Algorithms.

(3) The conclusions of the Hawthorne experiment, carried out between 1927 and 1932 under the coordination of Elton Mayo, put in check the main postulates of the classical theory of administration.

Organizational psychology in virtual environments