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Psychometry and graphic test of maladaptive behaviors gracode


Currently the field of Psychometry has expanded to different levels that require specialization of areas of evaluation, to date we have psychological tests that allow us to measure intelligence, temperamental traits, character, emotional stability, values, attitudes, aptitudes and more personality characteristics, however, one of the areas that is most interesting to be evaluated, both by companies, schools and clinical settings in general, are maladaptive behaviors; Nowadays there is an inventory-type test that measures these behaviors and in view of this arises the need to create a projective type evaluation that specifies in quickly and effectively qualifying said behaviors, without detracting from the antisocial behavior test of inventory type,A projective test has been developed, since in this way manipulation of the evaluation can be avoided, and thus its reliability can be increased. Given the need to measure maladaptive behaviors by means of a reliable psychological test specified in this area, we deliver the Maladaptive Behaviors Graphic Test better known as GRACODE.


The most significant features in the drawing that connote the presence of maladaptive behaviors will be presented and selected, as well as the graphics proposed by Mauricio Xandro, all of them will be classified by their presence in the drawing and the letter of the evaluated, obtaining a general qualitative report on the conduct of the subject. GRACODE adapts application methods that allow increasing the level of projection of the human figure test coupled with graphology; as is the elaboration of the history of drawing in pen and on a new sheet.

From this moment on, we begin a scrutiny of the personality of the subject evaluated, for which I request the highest level of objectivity and ethics when interpreting the features found in drawing and writing.

Trusted that we will make the best use of GRACODE, I welcome you to the wonderful world of Graphology.


The human tendency when providing a pencil or a graphic tool is to draw, scratch, sketch a stick figure or, in the case of adults, a living being, specifically a human being.

As there is no preset pattern or drawing scheme that indicates that it is right and wrong when we scratch a sheet; allows the unconscious to convert writing into one of the most direct forms of communication with the outside of the human psyche.

In this way, graphology is structured as a communication language between the unconscious and the conscious, whose job of the graphologist is to decipher said code

GRACODE, puts in one way or another in evidence, the concerns, the preferences, the needs or repressed desires, the frustrations, the balance or inner imbalance and the way of behaving or elaborating the behavior in the face of their environment, specifying said characteristics in the manifestation of maladaptive behaviors.

Knowing that graphic features are a true reflection of the personality structure of the cartoonist or writer; now we need a place of manifestation and this is the sheet of paper whose symbolism is: THE ENVIRONMENT, the place where the abstract will become real.


The material that you must have for the application of the evaluation is the following:

  • Letter size white sheets, standard whiteness BIC brand black medium point pen Sharpened pencil, number 2.


The evaluated subject is provided with the pencil and a white sheet in a vertical direction, giving the following indication: “please draw a person with a full body”, in case of any questioning by the subject, they will be answered: “as you like it ”,“ not for a drawing contest ”,“ draw as you please ”.

It is worth mentioning, if the person draws a stick or wire stick figure, we will ask them to make a new drawing but this time as complete as possible, on a new sheet.

When the drawing is finished, we move said sheet to the left side of the evaluated one, we provide them with a new sheet (with the same orientation as the first one) and the pen, removing the pencil from the table. It is important to verify that the first drawing of the subject is visible to the person evaluated, since this will serve as a graphic reference, which will raise the projective level of graphology.

Once the second sheet and the pen have been placed on the table, you will be given the following instruction: “now on this sheet, I want you to please write me a story about the person you drew (pointing to the drawing on the side) "

In case the subject fills the first page of the sheet with his story and needs to continue writing; You will be provided with another sheet to continue the same, let's try to avoid writing it on both sides of the sheet, as it can decrease the level of interpretation of our test.

Once the story is finished, the subject is asked to sign the sheet, if there is any question, the answer will be: "where you like". Once the signature is made, you are instructed to write your name (on the history sheet), if there is any question, the answer will be: "where you like". It is extremely important that these two instructions are carried out separately, that is, only until you have signed we tell you to write your name, since if we ask for a name and signature, it alters the qualification of the intimate self.

At the end of the evaluation, we thank the subject for his time and collaboration.


For your Electronic qualification Enter the following page:



Taking into account the premise: "the drawing is a graphic representation of the personality and the white sheet the environment of the subject", in general people adapt to the environment in which they operate, which allows them to interact and function adequately in very different situations, so we can analyze in the following way the fact that the evaluated horizontally inverts the sheet that was provided vertically: they erroneously seek that the environment adapts to them, they fight against the current, and they take a negative attitude, contrary to everything that does not go with their conditions, these types of people are the ones who change the orientation of the sheet.


There are aspects that are important to consider in the drawing of the evaluated person, among them are the following:

  1. The location of the drawing on the page The size of the drawing The speed The pressure of the lines The strength and structure of the line The spontaneity and plasticity of the drawing or rigidity The proportions of the parts of the body The tendency to omit details, for example, the eyes without pupils, the lack of fingers on the hands, or leaving some areas weak and others reinforced, etc. The concentration of the subject's attention on the structuring of a part of the figures The attitude and position of the drawing (in motion, in a passive or immobile state, inclined, vertical, in an inverted position, stepping on a solid base or in a floating position, etc.) Distortions, breaks or disconnection of some parts from others in the drawings, the shading, the difficulty in drawing certain areas of the figures, etc.

Each area of ​​the drawn figure corresponds to a certain psychological aspect of the personality.

The main areas are the following:

  1. Zona de la cabeza, zona de la cara y rasgos faciales, que corresponden, simbólicamente, al modo como el sujeto realiza sus contactos sociales. La cabeza simboliza al Yo Racional. El modo como el sujeto trata el dibujo de la cabeza (específicamente el rostro) nos informa sobre sus relaciones sociales y sobre el control de sí mismo aunado al factor intelectual.Zona de los brazos, de las piernas y de los pies, representan los órganos de movimiento, de acción y de contacto. A través del modo como el sujeto dibuja estas partes del cuerpo, podremos deducir la forma en cómo se enfrenta con su entorno.Finalmente, los aspectos estructurales, el tamaño, la ubicación, la posición, la simetría, las proporciones, la sucesión de las líneas y la actitud de las figuras, en su conjunto, nos facilitan indicios sobre el equilibrio general de la personalidad y sobre la modalidad de la conducta.

Shading, erasure or cross-out, weakening, the exaggerated insistence of retouching in certain areas of the face, are important indications of maladjustment, lack of cohesion in ideas, purposes or actions, due to internal conflicts.




DESCRIPTION: The drawing or text sheet is rotated horizontally and the evaluated person proceeds to perform the test in that way.

INTERPRETATION: The person will take occasional rebellious attitudes, seeking that the environment adapts to him and not vice versa.

NOMENCLATURE: Initial Drawing of Palotes. ITEM: AI2

DESCRIPTION: The drawing made by the evaluated resembles a wire doll or made by toothpicks.

INTERPRETATION: Shows an extreme defensive attitude with the intention of hiding a specific factor.



The size of the figures within the page is in relation to the vital attitude (introversion - extraversion) and with the self-esteem concept, that is, with the concept that the subject has of himself and the importance that he thinks he has or wants take in your social and professional environment.

The blank page, symbolizes the environment in which the subject unfolds, where he lives and moves, that is, it is a representation of his "living space." The size of the figures drawn is an indicator of their "self-image" in that environment, it indicates "how the subject feels" in their family, social and professional environment. You can feel important, secure, and expansive within your environment if you enlarge the figures on the page. You can feel "small", withdrawn, marginalized, if the figures are reduced in size relative to the length of the page, especially if you place the HFDs in the lower left quadrant.

NOMENCLATURE: Very Large Drawing. ITEM: PG1

DESCRIPTION: When the drawing exceeds 85% of the use of the space on the sheet, either in height or width.

INTERPRETATION: Megalomania and supercompensation of the feeling of inferiority, vehemence if accompanied by straight or angular features.

NOMENCLATURE: Very Small Drawing. ITEM: PG2

DESCRIPTION: When the drawing is less than 30% of the use of the space of the sheet, either in height or width.

INTERPRETATION: Fear of effort, possible selfishness, stinginess and greed if combined with small print.


Generally, the drawn figures are placed face-on or in profile. When placed in profile, the figure may be looking to the right or looking to the left and in that direction the subject represents her interest in her past or in communication with the outside world.

NOMENCLATURE: Direction From the Drawing to the Left. ITEM: PG3

DESCRIPTION: When the drawing directs your eyes or your shoes to the left.

INTERPRETATION: Growth difficulty due to past unresolved events.


The situation of the figures in the graphic space (the page), corresponds symbolically to the importance that the subject has in their social, professional and family environment, since in this way it reflects the way in which the environment influences the subject and the latter it influences its environment.

The space and the amount of it that the subject occupies and the way it occupies it, indicates in some way the way in which it develops in its environment and how the environment influences its needs.

NOMENCLATURE: Situation on the Left Page. ITEM: PG4

DESCRIPTION: When the drawing is located on the left side of the sheet.

INTERPRETATION: She is in conflict for not overcoming traumatic events from the past.

NOMENCLATURE: Situation in the Upper Left Quadrant. ITEM: PG5

DESCRIPTION: The drawing is located in the upper left corner of the sheet

INTERPRETATION: The person has chosen a graphical quadrant preferred by criminal profiles.


The pressure that the subject exerts on the lines of the drawing reflects the level of psychic energy.

A drawing based on strong, deep and embossed lines, expresses the creative and action faculties, the vitality and energy of a person who successfully faces vital problems and walks with self-confidence towards the goals that he sets himself. If the set of figures drawn does not offer disproportions, lateralisations or other signs of maladjustment, the subject will normally be able to overcome any adverse circumstance, obstacle opposition or difficulty in reaching their goals. If the drawing presents shocking disproportions or other anomalies that reflect maladjustment and impulsivity, the subject tends to destroy, destroy or attack with more or less violence the opposing situations, pressures or oppositions, that is, the obstacles that prevent him from carrying out his wishes.


DESCRIPTION: It is characterized by lines of pasty thickness, which can sometimes pierce the sheet or simply make it appear that the line was highlighted.

INTERPRETATION: Lack of control, the life force is impulsive, destructive or violent. If there were indicators of sexual conflict, we also talk about morbidity.

In general, the thickness and depth of the strokes is in relation to the life force of the subject: this personal force or vigor can be controlled or the life force can be impulsive, destructive and violent.


DESCRIPTION: It is characterized by tremors, ruptures and pressure inequalities within a weak general tone.

INTERPRETATION: Introversion, shyness and self-consciousness, lack of energy, precarious organism.


NOMENCLATURE: Drawing of Loose Lines. ITEM: PG8

DESCRIPTION: It is a drawing that is made up of several lines. Simulates a dotted line.

INTERPRETATION: Introversion, contact and relationship difficulties, reserve and mistrust.


NOMENCLATURE: Exotic Drawings. ITEM: PG9

DESCRIPTION: It is characterized by being strange, extravagant drawings.

INTERPRETATION: Fleeing the normal, the established, lack of realism, extravagance, exhibitionism. Evasion of reality.


NOMENCLATURE: Clumsy Drawings. ITEM: PG10

DESCRIPTION: They show clumsiness in execution.

INTERPRETATION: Intellectual conflicts. Difficulty relating to people, affective obturation.


NOMENCLATURE: Deformed and Disproportionate Drawings. ITEM: PG11

DESCRIPTION: Some part of the body is out of proportion to the rest.

INTERPRETATION: Conflicts on the deformed body area, Compensation indicators.


Through the shape or structure of the drawing, we can know the most outstanding interests and concerns, the symbolism of certain moods and the deformations, complexes or conflicts that concern the subject in relation to his own body, or in relation to others.


The head is the most important and most visible of each person since in it we locate our own rational ego. For this reason it represents the center of intellectual power, social dominance, and control of bodily impulses.

NOMENCLATURE: Head without Emphasis. ITEM: PF1

DESCRIPTION: A head that is drawn as a simple circle without much effort. Smile type.

INTERPRETATION: Difficulty of social adaptation probably caused by depression.


DESCRIPTION: Large head in relation to the rest of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Intellectual frustration, immaturity, possible use of rationalization as a preferred mechanism.


DESCRIPTION: Small head in relation to the rest of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Depression and maladjustment, feelings of inferiority.

Head Drawn Last. ITEM: PF4

DESCRIPTION: The head is drawn as the last part of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Usually suffers from disorders in interpersonal relationships.


They represent the most expressive part of the body since it is the most important center of communication and the face is considered the social feature of the drawing. Through the function of the organs of the face, we inform ourselves about the outside world, about everything that exists outside of us, which generates feelings of well-being or discomfort, security or insecurity, joy or sadness, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, etc.

NOMENCLATURE: Omission of Facial Features. ITEM: PF5

DESCRIPTION: Omission of some facial feature (eyes or mouth).

INTERPRETATION: Evasion of the nature of their interpersonal relationships, lack of interest in communication, caution in their relationships.


DESCRIPTION: A simple head with no facial features.

INTERPRETATION: Asocial character.


DESCRIPTION: It is a face with a threatening look or expression.

INTERPRETATION: One of your personal motivators to act is anger or rage, which can lead to violent or vehement behaviors.

Face Drawn in Last Term. ITEM: PF8

DESCRIPTION: Facial features are drawn last.

INTERPRETATION: Evasion of social relationships, caution and superficiality.

NOMENCLATURE: Facial Duplicity. ITEM: PF9

DESCRIPTION: It is the simultaneous appearance of the front and side view.

INTERPRETATION: Possibility of schizophrenia.

NOMENCLATURE: Face of Confused Direction. ITEM: PF10

DESCRIPTION: It is when the head is not related to the direction of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Rejection, evasion and denial when facing the obstacles of the environment.

NOMENCLATURE: Absence of Face-Neck Division Line. ITEM: PF11

DESCRIPTION: There is no dividing line between the face and the neck.

INTERPRETATION: His reason-emotional communication is dysfunctional, he will act impulsively, polar with a high neck, transfer with a short or absent neck.


The mouth is considered an erogenous organ with various functions. It is the organ of speech, nutrition and certain sensual and sexual pleasures. With the mouth we eat, drink, talk, smoke, bite (destructive act) and kiss (expression of affection, love or friendship), it is also used as an important stimulus of sexuality. It is also one of the organs that can best reflect childhood conflicts and fixations and express various forms of expansion and sublimation.

Oral Emphasis. ITEM: PF12

DESCRIPTION: Oral emphasis can be expressed by: omission, reinforcement, special size, shadow, erasures.

INTERPRETATION: Primitive behavior referring to worldly pleasures obtained through the mouth.

NOMENCLATURE: Teeth in Sight. ITEM: PF13

DESCRIPTION: An open mouth with visible teeth is observed.

INTERPRETATION: Oral aggression.


DESCRIPTION: The mouth is represented by a simple concave line.

INTERPRETATION: Dependence and infantilism.

NOMENCLATURE: Disdainful Mouth. ITEM: PF15

DESCRIPTION: The drawing smiles unevenly due to a greater pull on one of the corners of the mouth, simulating disdain.

INTERPRETATION: Attitude in contempt camouflaged in their social relationships.

NOMENCLATURE: Sight Language. ITEM: PF16

DESCRIPTION: The tongue is drawn in or out of the mouth.

INTERPRETATION: High sexual energy.


They are the basic organs for contact with the outside world, they are the most important entrance door of the organs of perception. Through the eyes we have a clear image of ourselves and the world around us and it is through them that we express our feelings of like or dislike, they are important elements in the drawing of the human figure since they are facial features related to our intimate being and with our communication with others.


DESCRIPTION: They are shown with a simple vertical or concave line.

INTERPRETATION: Closing the world with denial of reality.


DESCRIPTION: The eyes are represented only by two circles (no pupil).

INTERPRETATION: Emotional immaturity and inability to see and accept reality.

NOMENCLATURE: Eyes in Points. ITEM: PF19

DESCRIPTION: Eyes represented by small filled circles only.

INTERPRETATION: Difficulty of social adaptation. Distortion of reality.


DESCRIPTION: Cartoon or anime eyes.

INTERPRETATION: Distorts reality and filters it through imagination.


DESCRIPTION: The drawing uses glasses.

INTERPRETATION: Distortion of reality if the lenses are clear. Denial of reality if the glasses are dark.


NOMENCLATURE: Inverted “v” eyebrow. ITEM: PF22

DESCRIPTION: They are eyebrows represented by lines that form an angle simulating an inverted "v".

INTERPRETATION: Arrogant behavior.


The ears play an important role in the body economy and in the orientation of the body and balance. This organ can indicate paranoid tendencies.

NOMENCLATURE: Ear with Emphasis or Highlighted. ITEM: PF23

DESCRIPTION: By size, reinforcement or transparency through hair, shape, placement or erasures.

INTERPRETATION: Reaction to social criticism, receptive gossip, if the ears are very large it can indicate paranoia


It is generally related to the sexual aspect, either as a corporal or graphological interpretation, the hair is a means of communication of the eroticism of the person, therefore the ladies seduce with the movement of the hair.


DESCRIPTION: Hair appears tousled.

INTERPRETATION: Possible sexual disorder.

NOMENCLATURE: Hair with Emphasis. ITEM: PF25

DESCRIPTION: The hair is abundant or highlighted by highlighting or emphasis.

INTERPRETATION: Sexual anxiety, high importance of the sexual brain.


It is also a sexual symbol, it is a male phallic symbol that, in men, highlights sexual conflicts.

NOMENCLATURE: Nose with Holes in View. ITEM: PF26

DESCRIPTION: The nose is drawn and the holes are superimposed or simply the nose is represented by two holes.

INTERPRETATION: Extraversion and loss of impulse control, leading to aggressiveness.

NOMENCLATURE: Triangle Nose or Anxiety Spot. ITEM: PF27

DESCRIPTION: The nose is represented by a triangle or is stained with anxiety.

INTERPRETATION: Possible victim of sexual abuse.


The neck is usually an area where important conflicts are registered, since symbolically, it is the bridge that links the head (regulating center of the Ego) with the trunk and the rest of the body (receiving and executing organs of impulses. in this area, it can be an indicator of disturbances, blockages.


DESCRIPTION: Neck is not drawn, the head is attached directly to the trunk.

INTERPRETATION: Immaturity, lack of coordination between impulses and intellectual functions. Reasoning-emotional imbalance, characteristic of the transfer impulse.

NOMENCLATURE: Long and Slim Neck. ITEM: PF29

DESCRIPTION: It is a long neck in relation to the size of the body and a small width.

INTERPRETATION: Schizoid personalities, RacioEmotive polar behaviors.

NOMENCLATURE: Short and Wide Neck. ITEM: PF30

DESCRIPTION: It is a short neck in relation to the rest of the body and of great width.

INTERPRETATION: impulsive person and in a bad mood, stubbornness and stubbornness.

NOMENCLATURE: Small Shoulders. ITEM: PF33

DESCRIPTION: The shoulders are reduced in size.

INTERPRETATION: Low responsibility.

NOMENCLATURE: Dirty or Shaded Neck. ITEM: PF31

DESCRIPTION: The neck was stained by erasures or remarks.

INTERPRETATION: Economic dishonesty.


The shoulders is the body area where responsibility lies, hence the area of ​​tension. When we find ourselves overwhelmed by workloads or responsibilities; the right part of the drawing speaks of family responsibility and the left of the social and / or professional.

NOMENCLATURE: Absence of Shoulders. ITEM: PF32

DESCRIPTION: The shoulders are not appreciated.

INTERPRETATION: No responsibility.

NOMENCLATURE: Arms Simulating Shoulders. ITEM: PF34

DESCRIPTION: The arms are extended simulating your shoulders; the image resembles the position of an ape.

INTERPRETATION: Forced responsibility: this type of people must be required and supervised to carry out their activities.

NOMENCLATURE: Dirty or Shaded Shoulders. ITEM: PF35

DESCRIPTION: The shoulders are very darkened unlike other parts of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Anxiety about responsibility.


The trunk is related to the id, to the instinctual warehouse or deposit of the personality. Since the trunk is the depository of the vital organs (heart, lungs, digestive system, and reproductive, etc.) and the base that supports the head, arms (organs of expression, grip and rejection) and legs and feet (organs of locomotion), any anomaly in the drawing of this area of ​​the body must be seen as some failure in the personality.

NOMENCLATURE: Indicated by two Parallel Lines. ITEM: PF36

DESCRIPTION: Simply marked with two parallel lines.

INTERPRETATION: Subject regressive, primitive and disorganized.

NOMENCLATURE: Trunk Disproportionate by Increase in Size.


DESCRIPTION: The chest area appears to be inflated.

INTERPRETATION: The subject has contained many emotions and is near the end.

NOMENCLATURE: Disproportionate Trunk due to Decrease in Size.


DESCRIPTION: The chest area is thin or small.

INTERPRETATION: Lacks authentic empathy.

NOMENCLATURE: Striped Emotional Brain. ITEM: PF39

DESCRIPTION: The chest area is lined either by the division of the shirt, parallel stripes, pictures, words, etc.

INTERPRETATION: Emotional Masochist.

NOMENCLATURE: Angled "v" neck of the shirt or blouse. ITEM: PF40

DESCRIPTION: The neck of the shirt or blouse is made in "v" pointing to the emotional brain.

INTERPRETATION: Emotional Masochism.

NOMENCLATURE: Double Line Garment Collar. ITEM: PF41

DESCRIPTION: The collar of the garment is made simulating a double line.

INTERPRETATION: Tendency to dishonesty.


They are a graphic representation of our union or maternal bond

NOMENCLATURE: Presence of Breasts.

DESCRIPTION: The breasts are drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Maternal dependency


They are indicative of dependency and infantilism.

NOMENCLATURE: Presence of Buttons. ITEM: PF43

DESCRIPTION: Buttons are drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Dependent, Childish and misfit.


The arms and hands are functionally related to the Self and social adaptation, they are intimately related to the core of the personality and are, so to speak, the nuclear instrument of the external personality. Thus, in the way of making the arms and hands, important aspects of the personality are revealed, such as: the way of coming into contact with the environment (aggressive, cordial, generous, timid, charitable, etc.); the degree of skill and efficiency in the activity; Aspirations; self-confidence; guilt complexes related to hands (theft, masturbation, etc.); artistic qualities and other aspects related to the body and feelings.


DESCRIPTION: Short arms in relation to the rest of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Clumsiness in social contact.

NOMENCLATURE: Right Angle Arms. ITEM: PF45

DESCRIPTION: The arms are directed outwards forming an angle of 90 ° in relation to the trunk.

INTERPRETATION: Self-perceived intellectual clumsy, or needs affection.


DESCRIPTION: The arms are long in proportion to the rest of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Ambitious personality.


DESCRIPTION: The arms are raised simulating an attitude of victory or greeting.


NOMENCLATURE: Hands with imprecise contours. ITEM: PF48

DESCRIPTION: They are usually deformed hands.

INTERPRETATION: Lack of confidence in social contacts, or in one's own productivity.

NOMENCLATURE: Hands Behind the Back. ITEM: PF49

DESCRIPTION: The hands are placed behind the back.

INTERPRETATION: There is an evasive attitude due to probable theft or masturbation behavior.

NOMENCLATURE: Hands in Pockets. ITEM: PF50

DESCRIPTION: The hands (one or two) are hidden in pockets.

INTERPRETATION: High probability of theft and / or laziness.

NOMENCLATURE: Omission of Hands. ITEM: PF51

DESCRIPTION: No hands are drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Social relationship conflicts, as well as a lack of adaptation to the environment. Possible depression.

NOMENCLATURE: Shaded or Dirty Hands. ITEM: PF52

DESCRIPTION: Hands got dirty from erasures, shading or remarks.

INTERPRETATION: Feelings of guilt either for theft or assault.

NOMENCLATURE: Hands Attached to the Body. ITEM: PF53

DESCRIPTION: The hands are glued to the body simulating a "firm" military position.

INTERPRETATION: Social maladjustment.

NOMENCLATURE: Hands Holding Some Object. ITEM: PF54

DESCRIPTION: Hands hold an object. It can be a bag, a book, a wallet, etc.

INTERPRETATION: If combined with ascending writing, it is an indicator of theft.


DESCRIPTION: The hands represent a fist


NOMENCLATURE: Sleeve of the Outlined Garment. ITEM: PF56

DESCRIPTION: The sleeves of the garment appear with shading or emphasis.

INTERPRETATION: Disguised dishonesty.

NOMENCLATURE: Double Line Garment Sleeve. ITEM: PF57

DESCRIPTION: The sleeves of the garment are drawn in a double line, with an emphasis without shading.

INTERPRETATION: Tendency to dishonesty.


The fingers represent points of contact with the outside, they are the organs that, apart from facial features, can best express our internal attitude in relation to what can be "touched" or "manipulated" and those that can express with greater spontaneity the The weight of guilt for something improper, done with the hands, in addition to being one of the main points of contact with the outside, reveal characteristics of aggressiveness.

NOMENCLATURE: Draw Fingers without Hands. ITEM: PF58

DESCRIPTION: The hand lacks a palm, the fingers come out of the wrist.

INTERPRETATION: Child aggression.

NOMENCLATURE: Shaded or Forced Fingers. ITEM: PF59

DESCRIPTION: The fingers get dirty due to erasures, shading or difficulty in execution.

INTERPRETATION: Guilt mainly related to theft and masturbation.

NOMENCLATURE: Spear- Shaped Fingers. ITEM: PF60

DESCRIPTION: The fingers are drawn with tips, simulating a spear per finger

INTERPRETATION: Aggression; if it is channeled, it is commercial aggressiveness.

NOMENCLATURE: Held Hand and Wide Development of Fingers.


DESCRIPTION: The contour of the hand is curved but the fingers are long. INTERPRETATION: Repressed aggressiveness, sign of evasion, related to occasional outbursts of aggression.

NOMENCLATURE: Abnormally Long Fingers. ITEM: PF62

DESCRIPTION: The fingers are longer than normal.


NOMENCLATURE: More than 5 fingers. ITEM: PF63

DESCRIPTION: They usually draw a sixth finger.

INTERPRETATION: Ambition and theft.

NOMENCLATURE: Less than 5 fingers. ITEM: PF64

DESCRIPTION: They usually draw 4 fingers or less.

INTERPRETATION: Distortion of reality.


DESCRIPTION: The fingers simulate an animal claw, similar to that of a bird.

INTERPRETATION: Self- centered, possessive and aggressive personality.


DESCRIPTION: Simple or spike shaped nails are drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Aggression; which can be channeled if the drawing is aesthetic.


The sexual brain inhabits the genital area, in this area dysfunctions of this type can be evaluated; the omissions or peculiar features being significant.

NOMENCLATURE: Fly with Emphasis. ITEM: PF67

DESCRIPTION: The fly is represented with a phallic shape or with remarks.

INTERPRETATION: High importance of the sexual brain.

NOMENCLATURE: Pronounced or marked hips. ITEM: PF68

DESCRIPTION: The hips are emphasized by size or by remarking.

INTERPRETATION: High importance of the sexual brain.

NOMENCLATURE: Omission of the Genital Zone. ITEM: PF69

DESCRIPTION: The genital area disappears; legs emerge from the waist.

INTERPRETATION: Sexual conflict, possible victim of sexual abuse.

NOMENCLATURE: Absence of a dividing midline of the emotional and genital brain.


DESCRIPTION: The middle line that divides a skirt from a blouse or a shirt from pants is not drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Dysfunctional Emo-Sexual Bonding.

NOMENCLATURE: Skirt Simulating a Rigid Trapezoid. ITEM: PF71

DESCRIPTION: The skirt is made in the form of a rigid trapeze, without curves. It looks like a geometric figure with 4 internal angles.

INTERPRETATION: Sexual rigidity, may be the etiology of later or current sexual conflicts.

NOMENCLATURE: Striped Sexual Brain. ITEM: PF72

DESCRIPTION: The area of ​​the skirt, pants or genital, is lined simulating tabloids (school skirt), squares, simple lines or shading.

INTERPRETATION: Sexual masochism, which generates anxiety of the same type.


The legs and feet are the organs that we use for our movements and to get closer to the objects and people in our environment. The way in which these organs or extremities are drawn, express the way in which each subject "moves" to relate to their environment, to satisfy their biological and other needs, and to achieve valuable goals in the social and professional field.

The legs and feet allow us to "maintain an attitude" and ensure the stability of the body.

NOMENCLATURE: Supported Toe Feet. ITEM: PF73

DESCRIPTION: The feet simulate those of a ballet dancer.


NOMENCLATURE: Absence of Feet. ITEM: PF74

DESCRIPTION: Person omits feet

INTERPRETATION: Lack of contact with reality.


DESCRIPTION: The legs are shorter than the rest of the body.

INTERPRETATION: Make up for your insecurity.


DESCRIPTION: The feet are represented by spheres.

INTERPRETATION: Badly compensated insecurity.


DESCRIPTION: Heels are drawn either from sneaker or shoe.

INTERPRETATION: Cannable aggressiveness, if it is an aesthetic drawing.


NOMENCLATURE: Toes exposed. ITEM: PF78

DESCRIPTION: Toes and feet are appreciated, naked bodies are omitted or with their own clothing for bare feet

INTERPRETATION: Accent of aggressiveness, with pathological tendency. As long as the figure is not nude.


If the internal organs (the heart, lungs, stomach, etc.) appear clearly, as if the wall of the trunk were transparent, they are generally indications of pathologies.

NOMENCLATURE: Visible Organs. ITEM: PF79

DESCRIPTION: When an organ is in sight.

INTERPRETATION: Maniac, schizophrenic


NOMENCLATURE: Detachment of the Joints.

DESCRIPTION: Highlights the areas of the joints.

INTERPRETATION: It is seen in schizophrenic subjects.

NOMENCLATURE: Detachment of Musculature.

DESCRIPTION: The muscles are evident.



They are an indicator of materialism

NOMENCLATURE: Presence of Clean Pockets. ITEM: PF82

DESCRIPTION: Clean pockets are drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Materialistic, personality interested in the economic factor.

NOMENCLATURE: Dirty or Recurring Pockets. ITEM: PF83

DESCRIPTION: Pockets get dirty or draw more than two.

INTERPRETATION: Theft; dishonest behavior


NOMENCLATURE: Portfolio Or Hand Bag. ITEM: PF784

DESCRIPTION: A portfolio, backpack, or handbag is drawn

INTERPRETATION: Materialism in case of not having another indicator

significant theft, otherwise; dishonest behavior

NOMENCLATURE: Necklace, Bracelet, Rings. General Accessories without Emphasis.


DESCRIPTION: They draw any of the following accessories: necklace, bracelet, earrings, ring, watch, etc.


NOMENCLATURE: Necklace, Bracelet, Rings, General Accessories with Emphasis.


DESCRIPTION: They draw any of the following accessories: necklace, bracelet, earrings, ring, watch, with the characteristic of being highlighted or dirty.




NOMENCLATURE: Disorderly Succession. ITEM: PF87

DESCRIPTION: The drawing did not have an order at the time it was drawn.

INTERPRETATION: Disordered impulses, anxiety, possible schizoid

NOMENCLATURE: Starting with the Feet. ITEM: PF88

DESCRIPTION: The drawing of the person is initiated by the feet.

INTERPRETATION: Inadequate interpersonal adjustment and difficulty in achieving one's own emotional balance.


NOMENCLATURE: Visible Buckle or Navel. ITEM: PF89

DESCRIPTION: Draw a buckle to the belt or make the navel visible.

INTERPRETATION: Immaturity, maternal dependency.


Regarding the criminal tendencies of some social misfits, the tendency to theft is one of the most studied, pointing out the following signs as possible tendencies:

  • Location in the left upper quadrant Shading of the neck or hands Omission of arms, hands and neck Emphasis on pockets Hands hidden behind or in pockets More than 5 fingers Holding something in hands

All these signs reflect the anguish of guilt and the unconscious search for punishment.


Next, we carry out the graphological analysis and interpretation of the sheet where the subject wrote the story, checking that the text meets the Graphonomy criteria to be considered as present and scoring the corresponding item.


The size is the first group to qualify, so as not to err in the magnitude of size, we measure the oval -medium body- of the lowercase letters, respecting the degrees of inclination, for this two lines are made, one below and one over the middle letters of the line y is measured according to the degree of inclination of the writing, as shown in figure G1.

Figure G1

Below are the items and their graphics to perform the analysis of the writing with respect to the first group:


DESCRIPTION: When the oval or average body of the writing exceeds 4 millimeters.

INTERPRETATION: Vanity, delusions of grandeur, megalomania, super compensation of the feeling of inferiority.

NOMENCLATURE: Very Small and Unsightly Writing. ITEM: GF2

DESCRIPTION: When the middle body of the writing is less than 2 mm

INTERPRETATION: Conflicts of low self-esteem, mean, greedy.


DESCRIPTION: Disproportionate upwards, taller than wide.

INTERPRETATION: Contemptuous towards others, rebellion (in case of subordination) arrogance.


DESCRIPTION: Importance in the middle zone, the ridges and the feet are considerably reduced.

INTERPRETATION: Tendency to depression and selfishness



The size of the letters is increasing within the words.


Easy and misplaced enthusiasm, credulity, lack of criticism, potential victims of scammers and tricksters.


DESCRIPTION: Size of the letters fluctuates noticeably and irregularly.

INTERPRETATION: Sentimental maladjustment, inconstancy, sign of reinforcing the lie.

NOMENCLATURE: Sudden Increase in Size. ITEM: GF7

DESCRIPTION: Sudden increase of letters without keeping a certain rhythm.

INTERPRETATION: Lack of nervous control leading to explosions, unpredictable temper, can border on violence, brutality and aggression


DESCRIPTION: The writing is stretched horizontally and turns into some letters in a straight line or with undulations, generally on the extended letters, «m», «n», «u», etc.

INTERPRETATION: Cunning with bad faith, hypocrisy, evasion, lying, fraud.


DESCRIPTION: The letters appear compressed together within the word, in general they are taller than they are wide without having to do with the GF3 item, although they may coincide.

INTERPRETATION: Fear, hesitation, insecurity, greed, pettiness, misanthropy, envy, jealousy, selfishness.


DESCRIPTION: The letter extends to the sides simulating that it is crushed at the top.

INTERPRETATION: Wild personality, fond of worldly pleasures and easy roads.


In the form we can see the creative originality of the artists, as well as the extravagance that adorns the inferiority complexes, disguising them as a vulgar state of haughtiness. Authenticity and vanity have been expressed in this group. The characteristics to qualify are:


DESCRIPTION: Angles tend to stiffen the curved movements of the letters.

INTERPRETATION: Feelings of cruelty, aggressiveness, despotism, resentment, envy, revenge, irritable, grumpy. In female writing it belongs to capricious personalities, wishes that others adapt to their wishes and tastes.

NOMENCLATURE: Inharmonious. ITEM: GF12

DESCRIPTION: Irregularities of all kinds, corresponds to a graphic of disproportions, disagreements and exaggerations of all kinds.

INTERPRETATION: Confusion, complication and vulgarity, the character is inharmonious, a sign of general inferiority.


DESCRIPTION: There is no grace, no graphic ease, notorious and unsightly disproportions, confusion, dirt.

INTERPRETATION: Mental clumsiness, feelings of inferiority, self-confidence of ignorance, banality.


In order to measure the direction of the lines in the writing, we will fold the paper in half, carefully, so that the line that leaves us in the center of the page allows us to evaluate the direction.

The direction of the line allows us to know the way in which the subject sees life: in a pessimistic or optimistic way, also in what way he faces difficulties.


DESCRIPTION: Ends lower than where the line started, descent no more than 5 °.

INTERPRETATION: Shyness, cowardice, lassitude, low self-confidence, influenceable

NOMENCLATURE: Very Descending. ITEM: GF15

DESCRIPTION: When the fall of the line from left to right exceeds 5 °.

INTERPRETATION: Lack of energy and vitality, fatalism, severe depression, tendency to suicide if the signature also falls. If the strokes are hard and pressed, probable hypochondria.


DESCRIPTION: At the beginning of the writing line it descends and falls, but when it reaches the middle it straightens and ends at a similar height to the one it started.

INTERPRETATION: He starts his activities with the right performance, then he loses it (going down) and takes it up again.


DESCRIPTION: The direction of the lines is in the form of a snake, ascending and descending oscillations, some words go up and others go down.

INTERPRETATION: Systematic use of lies, restlessness, inconstancy, cunning, hypocrisy, does not mind failing moral principles to achieve their ambition, employs flattery, falsehood and whatever is necessary; opportunism, moral baseness.


DESCRIPTION: The letters oscillate in a sinuous way within the word.

INTERPRETATION: Lack of judgment, falsehood and betrayal, if it is coupled with the upward stroke represents a dangerous personality.


DESCRIPTION: The direction of the lines ascends.

INTERPRETATION: If it is combined with a theft factor, it is considered economic dishonesty, otherwise, creativity.


The pressure of the strokes refers to the force applied to the pen on the paper in order to mark the writing on the sheet, physically it tells us about the vitality, strength and health of the subject.

NOMENCLATURE: Poor or Loose Pressure. ITEM: GF20

DESCRIPTION: Low pressure, it seems done with a pencil and not a pen.

INTERPRETATION: Weak will, laziness, apathy, indolence, inconsistency, indecision, susceptibility, tendencies to resentment.

NOMENCLATURE: Pasty Pressure. ITEM: GF21

DESCRIPTION: The writing is thick, it seems made with a gel pen or thick stylus.

INTERPRETATION: Nervous weakness, erotic morbidity, dishonesty, debauchery, slovenliness, aggressiveness, violence, anger, possible physical or metal exhaustion due to excesses: intoxication, alcoholism, gluttony, lust; rude, depressive.


DESCRIPTION: Lack of relief, not very pleasing to the eye, it seems that it was made with inked needles and not with a ballpoint pen.

INTERPRETATION: Intransigence, intractable, irritable people; cruelty.


The degree of inclination of the letters is a sentiometer. The irascible, the rational being is present in this group.

To measure the degree of inclination we will use the conveyor. A line is drawn through the bottom of the letters serving as a reference to measure degrees with the protractor. These measurements will be made at various points, for example; in the first line, in the lines of the middle of the page and finally in the last complete lines.

The first lines are conscious, what the subject wants to be. The lines in the middle part of the page are the zone between the conscious and the unconscious, and the last letters are the zone of the unconscious; what the evaluated subject really is.

NOMENCLATURE: Lying Inclination. ITEM: GF23

DESCRIPTION: More than 135 ° inclination.

INTERPRETATION: Violent and vehement personality, lacking in tact, restless, touchy, greed, greed.

NOMENCLATURE: Inverted Inclination. ITEM: GF24

DESCRIPTION: It is one whose investment ranges between 60º and 45º.

INTERPRETATION: Attitude of defeat, fear, sentimental frustration, rejection, susceptibility, little treatable, distressing internal situation.

NOMENCLATURE: Fallen Writing. ITEM: GF25

DESCRIPTION: The writing falls materially to the left, exceeding the investment grade of 45º.

INTERPRETATION: Fatigue and depressive ideas, egocentricity and isolation, mistrust and dissimulation, hypocrisy, falsehood and lies, repressed inner volcano, affective disorders, resentment due to frustration.

NOMENCLATURE: Irregular Inclination. ITEM: GF26 DESCRIPTION: Exaggerated mobility, oscillations in the degrees of inclination, going from inverted to inclined, from straight to inverted, etc.

INTERPRETATION: Hesitations, uncertainties, contradictions, struggles with oneself, affective ambivalence, danger of neurosis.

NOMENCLATURE: Twisted Inclination. ITEM: GF27

DESCRIPTION: The vertical features, as well as the ridges "l", "b", "d", etc. And feet "j", "y", "g", etc., are twisted not keeping the straight line.

INTERPRETATION: Poorly thought out, distrustful, their own problems often increase, difficulty in making decisions.


NOMENCLATURE: Unnecessary points. ITEM: GF28

DESCRIPTION: Throughout the writing there are capricious and unnecessary points that do not respond to spelling rules.

INTERPRETATION: Uncompromising and inflexible personality.


In this group we will qualify the type of grouping and the continuity or discontinuity of the letters.

NOMENCLATURE: Grouped Cohesion. ITEM: GF29

DESCRIPTION: The letters in the word appear grouped, pretending that they are two or more words, although in reality it is only one.

INTERPRETATION: Variable behavior, sudden impulse control. People who like to subdivide the group.

NOMENCLATURE: Retouched Writing. ITEM: GF30

DESCRIPTION: Feverish, obsessive retouching that blurs the writing and leaves it worse, more confused and illegible.

INTERPRETATION: Scrupulous ethical, and religious. Doubts, indecisions, and anxiety, irritability, hesitant

NOMENCLATURE: Regressive Writing. ITEM: GF31

DESCRIPTION: The internal movements that make up the letters are frequently turned or directed to the left. The movements that were to be made calligraphically upward or to the right are reversed and become in themselves.

INTERPRETATION: Difficulty adapting to the environment, activity conditioned to interest, selfishness, hoarding, greed, resentment, attachment to the past. Occasionally paranoid behaviors.


The signature can be defined as a set of habitual and automated gestures freely chosen without any restriction (A. Lecerf) that embodies the stylization of the self-image (Kurtz), the self-representation of oneself (self-portrait or abbreviated autobiography) and the expression of the most intimate nucleus, private and more real of personality. In other words, it is the expression of intimate behavior and the level of self-acceptance and feeling of self.

Signature that Slashes the Text. GF32

Signature letters, capital letters, or rubric embellishments are interspersed with the letter's text. (Applies only if there is a blank space where the signature could have been placed).

INTERPRETATION: Does not know how to keep his distance, overconfidence that is in bad taste.

NOMENCLATURE: Signature Located on the Left. ITEM: GF33

DESCRIPTION: The signature is located on the left side, close to the left edge of the paper.

INTERPRETATION: Cowardice, fear, self-distrust. In case the signature is descending or falling, it can reveal a tendency to suicide.

NOMENCLATURE: Signature Located on the Right. ITEM: GF34

DESCRIPTION: The signature is placed very to the right, touching the edge of the paper on the right side.

INTERPRETATION: Passion, vehemence that cannot be contained, hardly submits to prudence or reason, violence, aggressiveness.

NOMENCLATURE: Confused and Illegible Signature, Clear-Legible Text. ITEM: GF35

DESCRIPTION: The signature is tangled and illegible, and on the contrary the text on the page is clear and legible.

INTERPRETATION: Apparent frankness, which is not real, wolf in sheep's clothing, is guided by interest, selfishness, hiding its intentions from others. Apply the phrase: "a rio revuelta", confuse others in order to profit

NOMENCLATURE: Complicated Signature and Tangled Signature. ITEM: GF36

DESCRIPTION: The signature is confusing, illegible, complicated and the signature tangled.

INTERPRETATION: Ambition that has no scruples and that if necessary to pass over others with intrigues; it will.

Slow Illegible Signature. GF37

The signature is slow, with the intention of making it illegible, premeditated.

INTERPRETATION: Hypocrisy, unscrupulous, cynical background, advantageous, avoids responsibilities.


In the old documents to authenticate the signatures the Latin words scripsit, firmavit recognovit were added and the rubric arises towards the Middle Ages as a degeneration of these words, which became illegible over time and persisted in the form of a rubric.

The rubric reflects personal intimacy, personal ambitions. The rubric is the unconscious drawing of defense mechanisms of the intimate ego, that is, the defense with respect to others (Vels).

NOMENCLATURE: Heading Underlining of a Convex Form. ITEM: GF38

DESCRIPTION: When underlining, the rubric becomes a convex line, which contains a certain softness.

INTERPRETATION: Your enthusiasm fades in the face of difficulties.

NOMENCLATURE: Signature with Points. ITEM: GF39

DESCRIPTION: After initiating several unnecessary, irregular points are placed, without reason or intention.

INTERPRETATION: Consequence of feelings of guilt and shock.

Rubric in Punta Looking to the Left. GF41

The rubric becomes a sharp point and it is directed precisely to the left side.

INTERPRETATION: Tendency to attack from behind. (If they match against signs of hypocrisy: wavy lines, inverted writing, bottom loaded, etc.)

NOMENCLATURE: Extended Rubric on the Right. ITEM: GF40

DESCRIPTION: The rubrics are extended with a simple line to the right and horizontally.

INTERPRETATION: Aggression can lead to brutality, irrepressible explosions, great rush to see what they have in hand resolved.

NOMENCLATURE: Rubric Crossing out the Name – Surname. ITEM: GF42

DESCRIPTION: The rubric is mixed with the name, crossing out in any way, it is enough that it is with a simple line, or with several superimposed ones.

INTERPRETATION: Inner torture, self-destructive tendencies if joined with other signs against.

NOMENCLATURE: Cross Stripes Rubric. ITEM: GF43

DESCRIPTION: The rubric is generally composed of several lines that intersect each other, resembling several clashing swords.

INTERPRETATION: He loves to be contrary, to go easily from defense to offense.

NOMENCLATURE: Zigzag rubric. ITEM: GF44 DESCRIPTION: The rubric adopted a zigzag figure that resembles a lightning bolt, a brusque, cutting gesture.

INTERPRETATION: Irritability, explosion, even some violence may rule.

NOMENCLATURE: Rubric in Snake. ITEM. GF45

DESCRIPTION: The rubric also makes a zigzag, but this time in the shape of a curved snake.

INTERPRETATION: Cunning and lies. Malice under the guise of innocence.

NOMENCLATURE: Complicated Rubric. ITEM: GF46

DESCRIPTION: The writing and its projections are complicated and intermingled with a presumptuous, exaggerated, tangled rubric.

INTERPRETATION: Mistrust of others, little personality, boasting, vanity, personal gain, his clear vision is misused and he does not mind confusing others, intrigue, suspicion, with the intention of harming others.

NOMENCLATURE: Knife Shaped Rubric. ITEM: GF47

DESCRIPTION: The rubric clearly looks like a sharp pointed knife.

INTERPRETATION: Point Directed to the left: masochism, coupled with other signs, possible suicidal behavior.

Point directed downwards: cruelty, criminal instincts.

Tip directed to the right: sadism, aggression, brutality.


In this group we will interpret the graphisms that connote negative graphonomy of the most significant letters; "M", "d", "i", "t", "g".

NOMENCLATURE: Letter "m" with Descent, Final Feature. ITEM: GF48

DESCRIPTION: The letter "M" ends in a descent simulating a jamb.

INTERPRETATION: Materialism if after the descent there are regressive features: theft.

NOMENCLATURE: Point of Letter “i” Weakly Marked. ITEM: GF49

DESCRIPTION: The point of the "i" is weakly marked, low pressure, leaves a very faint trace

INTERPRETATION: Shyness, insecurity and inhibition that allows us to assert ourselves.

NOMENCLATURE: Absence of Points in the "i". ITEM: GF5

DESCRIPTION: It does not put the points of the "i".

INTERPRETATION: Tardiness, difficulty in maintaining attention.

NOMENCLATURE: "t" with the Bar Above the Vertical Line.


DESCRIPTION: When the bar of the "t" appears above the crest.

INTERPRETATION: Tendency to continually rebel against the established, impose their will.

NOMENCLATURE: Bar of the "t" of the Left Side. ITEM: GF52

DESCRIPTION: The bar of the "t" does not intercept the pole, appearing from the left side.

INTERPRETATION: Introversion, cowardice, fear, hesitancy, insecurity.

NOMENCLATURE: Bar of the "t" that Hurts the Following Letters.


DESCRIPTION: The bar of the "t" when thrown, please the letters.

INTERPRETATION: Aggression towards the environment and other people.

NOMENCLATURE: Unnecessary Jambs. and / or Prolonged. ITEM: GF54

DESCRIPTION: In some letters whose formal structure does not have jambs; these appear and / or those letters that their structure does; these exceed the correct ratio.

INTERPRETATION: Just for worldly pleasures.

NOMENCLATURE: “g” for Very Long Foot. ITEM: GF55

DESCRIPTION: The foot of the "g" is disproportionate, descends vertically and extends excessively.

INTERPRETATION: Potential bigamist.


The ovals are the representation of the individual “ego” and the analysis of their micro gestures is a sure way to reach the deepest recesses of the personality according to the contributions of the teachers Matilde Ras and Maurico Xandro.

NOMENCLATURE: Ovals Open at the Bottom. ITEM: GF56

DESCRIPTION: The ovals open at the bottom, they appear to be drawn inversely.

INTERPRETATION: Hypocrisy, disloyalty, insincerity, bad faith, probability of theft.

NOMENCLATURE: Oval Closed Below. ITEM: GF57

DESCRIPTION: The ovals are closed at the bottom with a slow and awkward stroke, confusing.

INTERPRETATION: Hypocrisy, intentional concealment in pursuit of some benefit.

NOMENCLATURE: Angular shaped ovals. ITEM: GF58

DESCRIPTION: The ovals of the writing harden, stop being curved and become sharp and angular lines.

INTERPRETATION: Intransigence, lack of mental ductility, inability to understand the ability of others, aggressiveness.

NOMENCLATURE: Oval with Protuberance on the Right. ITEM: GF59

DESCRIPTION: The ascending feature of the right side when climbing advances to the right and then folds back to the left, it may or may not close.

INTERPRETATION: Illegitimate misappropriation, unscrupulous cunning, little respect for the property of others.

NOMENCLATURE: Oval Separated from the Palote. ITEM: GF60

DESCRIPTION: The oval is separated from the stick, ascending or descending, the letters with ovals are made in two strokes, sometimes they may appear linked by a stroke but separated.

INTERPRETATION: Parasitic instinct, likes to take advantage of others, little emotional and moral harmony.


To identify the following gestures, a graphological magnifying glass is necessary, since in some writings the pressure is so subtle that it is difficult to identify them with the naked eye.

NOMENCLATURE: Trait in Saber Strike. ITEM: GF61

DESCRIPTION: It can be seen in the lowercase or uppercase letter "t", also in the letter "d", in the final features; it is characterized by an angular movement.

INTERPRETATION: Constantly defensive, goes on offense at the slightest hint.

NOMENCLATURE: End Features in Needle Down. ITEM: GF62

DESCRIPTION: The end of letters, words, bars of the "t" end in an incisive, sharp way, simulating a needle pointing downwards.

INTERPRETATION: A harmful and cruel person, if other signs of violence are found, it can reach the criminal instincts.

NOMENCLATURE: Lowercase Cat's Claw. ITEM: GF63

DESCRIPTION: In the lower case letters, a tiny movement simulating a cat's claw can be seen at the end of the line.

INTERPRETATION: Cruelty, selfishness, hoarding

NOMENCLATURE: Lowercase Wild Boar's Tooth. ITEM: GF64

DESCRIPTION: In the lower case letters, at the end of the line, a movement that forms a point directed downwards simulating a wild boar's tusk can be seen.


NOMENCLATURE: Scorpion Trait. ITEM: GF65

DESCRIPTION: The tips of the feet of the letters simulate in miniature the tail and poison of a scorpion.

INTERPRETATION: Signs of evil and criminal instinct.

In this section we add two characteristics that allow us to identify traits of dishonesty and low productivity.

NOMENCLATURE: Dirty Letters, Dirty Text. ITEM: GF68

DESCRIPTION: In the text there are spots due to scratches or unjustified ink marks.

INTERPRETATION: Indicator of dishonesty.


DESCRIPTION: The story is made up of less than 40% page or a lot of space with few words.

INTERPRETATION: Low productivity

NOMENCLATURE: Mix of Uppercase with Lowercase. ITEM: GF67

DESCRIPTION: Inside the writing, capital letters appear reduced in size that pretend to be a lower case, it is important to verify that it is not, in the case of the letter "t" with a raised bar.

INTERPRETATION: Dishonesty with cloaking skill.

NOMENCLATURE: lowercase letter "p" in reverse stroke ITEM: GF68

DESCRIPTION: the letter "p lowercase looks like an inverted" 6 "starting the stroke on the left side of the oval continuing it downwards and in a single stroke draw oval and stick, INTERPRETATION: Dishonesty

Once each of the parts to be scored on the maladaptive behavior graphic test have been reviewed, the interpretations of the characteristics found in the drawing and in the writing will be filtered considering only those that are significant, taking great care with isolated features.

The writing and structure of the report will be based on the use and needs of the evaluator, whether they are clinical, work or educational in nature, said report can be complemented with the interview and thus enrich and give greater reliability to the results.

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