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Internet publicity

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Internet publicity

1. introduction

This work is a compilation of data related to Internet advertising; its objective being to know its characteristics and its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its convenience or not for companies.

First we will discuss the general characteristics of Internet advertising, then study its advantages and disadvantages, and finally determine when it is convenient to advertise on the Internet and when not.

2. Characteristics of Internet Advertising

Targeting this advertising is very effective, and relatively inexpensive. A combination of various strategies is used, including images and reviews on related web pages, hyperlinks, newsgroups, email announcements, and so on.

The media are increasingly relying on electronic media for advertising, as they are easily accessible and editable. An Internet-led media campaign can save an advertising department time and money by eliminating the need for time-consuming and expensive work.

Internet advertising consists of banners, miniature screens, newsletters, etc., to which Internet users are exposed when using free search services, translation, email, chat rooms and chat rooms. even free programs (Eudora-mail, Mecano 98, Acrobat Reader, Copernic, etc.).

Many companies have addresses on the net, however, these are not forms of advertising but of corporate image. It is the accesses to these pages and the advertisements of the companies that are in real advertising.

3. Advantages

Save time

It can be almost automatic, requiring little time. The time saved can be used in other productive activities.

Low costs and higher benefits

The cost of getting new clients thanks to this type of advertising is a fraction of what it would cost through traditional media. Consulting costs are also saved. Products or services can be advertised 24 hours a day not only to the local market. One of the best aspects of advertising a product or service online is that the launch and operational costs are low and potential buyers can be reached at an unprecedented rate. It is possible to measure the results of online advertising in just a matter of days, whereas with conventional media it takes months to conduct a study.

Largest audience

More clients can be accessed. A large number of clients can be reached around the world which is not normally available through traditional advertising tools.

Determination of Needs

Through the Internet, it is easy to find out what our clients' needs are by tracking their hobbies and preferences through a web page. This will allow us to be more successful in adjusting our businesses based on what customers really want and want to pay rather than based on what we think they want.

Relatively Low Risks

Little money can be spent trying new ideas, and if they don't work, not much money has really been lost. In addition, the study of advertising results can be easily and economically measured through customer responses to the new product or idea.

Customers can easily communicate with the company via email, so communication is two-way.

What makes internet advertising, many times, a form of direct response advertising.

4. Disadvantages

Advertising on the internet is easily detected by the competition.

The competition can easily be aware of the possible sites where we can advertise, thus studying our campaigns and being able to quickly overcome them.

Internet users are tired of online advertising, which is why they constantly avoid it.

The Internet is riddled with advertisements, to the point that many supposedly free services (emails, search engines, information networks, virtual communities, etc.) are paid for by advertisers, in exchange for users constantly seeing banners, thumbnail screens, receive newsletters (newsletters), and so on. In response to this situation, users try to block such advertising tools.

Advertising on the Internet is only directed at Internet users.

Not everyone has access to the internet, not even everyone with access to a computer. However, this is changing.

It is not easy to find the pages that will be the best to advertise a certain product or service.

Every day new pages and sites appear on the Internet, and others are modified or die. Besides that, users are not as loyal to web pages as they are to radio stations or television channels, which makes it difficult to determine where to advertise on the Internet.

The habits of Internet users when they are connected to the network change frequently, that is, the sites they usually visit can be easily replaced by others in just weeks.

5. Which companies should advertise on the Internet?

If the business in question is looking for local penetration, then Internet advertising is probably not the best option. However, if you are looking to penetrate a national or global market then Internet advertising is the best, as well as for those who need continuous advertising.

Due to the cost of this type of advertising, it may be convenient for companies that do not have large budgets for advertising and marketing, but must have the capacity to serve large orders of the good or service they offer.

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Internet publicity