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Advertising and propaganda in the media

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The large posters along the routes have the same purpose as the small advertisements in the press. They tell us what products are available, they want to convince us to choose one brand and not another, or simply convey a message. Today millions are watching television commercials, even though the former were much more limited. In the markets wares were shouted out, and in the shops there were large posters informing about what was for sale. Everything from hats to medicines was advertised in the newspapers.

Current advertising is part of marketing that also studies the shape of the product, the price war, the packaging, etc. Propaganda gradually emerged through the media, it is generally confused with the concept of advertising.

As much as we can find advertisements and advertisements everywhere today, there are not many who know how to differentiate them, so these concepts will be defined below, clarifying that they have similarities as differences and what each one consists of.

What is advertising?

There are different points of view that arise when defining advertising and its purpose:

• For an advertising company it is a marketing action that aims to make advertisements

• For a student of communication, it is a differential transmission technique, since it is one of the existing types of communication, which is used for commercial purposes.

• For an advertiser, a profession is a professional activity whose purpose is to optimize the communication of customers who consult it.

• For a sales man it is an aid in his professional activity

• For the broadcast medium it is a source of economic resources

• For the communications manager of a company it is a source of emission of messages

• For the recipient of the communication it is an interested source of the possibilities of purchasing products and services.

In conclusion, advertising is an activity in which a diversity of professions, occupations, events, actions and functions intervene actively, passively and receptively.

It is a form of mass communication, destined to spread an impersonal and paid message, through the media, in order to persuade the audience, its goal being the consumption of specific products or services.

It is also considered a commercial fact, the company must handle it to make the product known and make sales through the most logical, efficient and economical method, it is a marketing tool.

The utility, the benefit or the pleasure that a product or service can bring, allows to establish the appropriate appeal to influence a chosen and specific recipient with the purpose of buying or using what is advertised.

Importance and Need

Due to the huge number of different products and services that appear every day, advertising became essential for the public to know them and as well as inform themselves about the changes that occur in them.

The aspiration of every producer is to get to confuse the product with the brand, getting the consumer to go to a store and not ask for a cola, but for a "coca" or "pepsi", which is feasible thanks to intensive advertising.

Commercial organization of advertising

In general, it is possible to speak of two forms of advertising: direct and indirect

Direct advertising is that which is put in contact (without intermediary agents) with the consumer; for example, home visits, correspondence, business travelers, brochures, etc.

Indirect advertising, on the other hand, does not address each consumer personally, but uses the mass media that convey its message to an entire sector of the community. This is the case of advertising in newspapers, magazines, posters, television, radio, cinema, etc.

There is also combined advertising, such as television and graphic campaigns (in newspapers and magazines) for the sale of new products, with the sending of brochures or letters at home.

But the center of commercial advertising is in the advertising agent or agency. At first the advertising agencies acted as simple representatives of the press and their function was reduced to the sale of spaces in the newspapers, receiving a commission for it, but later they began to provide real services to the advertisers, collaborating in the writing of advertisements, making sketches of illustrations, etc.

They became so important that now it could be considered that their work ranges from the study of markets to the execution of texts, drawings, photographs, placement of advertisements, preparation of catalogs, leaflets and brochures, etc.

In an advertising agency there must be at least three departments:

a) Execution, responsible for the business, who gives the general rules and orders the development of the work, also being in charge of the administrative aspect of the advertising company

b) market research and study

c) production, in charge of the preparation of texts, drawings, sketches, etc.

Psychology applied to advertising

Advertising includes different dimensions, economic, sociological, graphic arts, literature, and mainly psychology

Psychology is used to look for values ​​such as the reaction that a color normally provides, the greater or lesser facility to retain a "slogan", the greater or lesser ease of reading according to the different typefaces, the determination and the measure of human reactions to a warning or part of it; also to determine a series of general principles that determine its effectiveness, etc.

The most general characteristics of the various means used to produce psychological reactions follow a certain procedure:

• To attract attention: the so-called "appeal to sight or hearing" is used depending on where the advertisement is made. In oral advertising, the sound effects, the musical characteristic, the tone of voice used, the striking, etc. are taken into account.

Regarding the visual, colors are taken into account in the first place since psychology has made it possible to determine a scientific way of people's reaction to different colors, for example: red, yellow or orange give the impression of light, color, joy; blue or green give it freshness, or violet is related to mourning or death.

The shape of the object is also taken into account, so that it establishes originality, beauty and harmony with other related objects. The relationship with the text, illustrations, etc. is also important.

• Once the first effect of the ad has been achieved, attracting attention, it is necessary that that attention does not wane, awakening the interest of it. This procedure also varies depending on whether it is oral or visual advertising. In the first case, the advertiser uses dialogues, didactic references, narration, anecdotes, comments, etc. In the second, the alternatives are broader.

• The ad should move the person to action, triggering their desire to buy. The producer must adjust the article to serve the needs that people have, awakening the desire to buy, exciting and accentuating them.

• Then he has the role of maintaining the memory, that is, to excite the subject in such a way as to make him produce imaginatively the different states of mind provoked by the stimuli used opportunely in those previous stages.

The essential condition for the souvenir advertising to be used is that the buyer has obtained satisfaction in the use or consumption of the advertised product.Generally the logos, the brand or the banner, the idea of ​​quality or certain colors, characteristics are used musicals, certain people or environments that characterize the product.

Advertising and the media

As previously mentioned, advertising is expressed through mass media, and its selection is critical for the success of the advertising objective.

You could say that the selection of the medium depends on four main factors:

1. Objective: either to generate a change in perception or to create awareness

2. Its audience: it is to whom it is directed, certain media have a greater appeal for some groups than for others. For example: sports magazines, worth the redundancy, are aimed at those who are interested in sports, so different sports products tend to appear more in these types of magazines.

3. The message and its frequency: logic is applied again, if there is a lot of information for an advertisement, it is not convenient to choose 30 seconds on the radio, if the product needs to be seen in action, a written medium would not be convenient.

4. Your budget: If you cannot afford the price, it is impossible to buy a spot on television. The budget is an important factor but not the main one, you always have to consider the four main factors, so it would be a waste if it is advertised in a medium because it is low cost but does not generate any repercussion to the selected audience.

Advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication:

Newspaper Advantages

• Daily newspapers reach a diverse and broad audience.

• Consumers look for ads in newspapers; thus, they are more receptive to the messages published in that medium.

• Space is unlimited in newspapers. You can write long messages, or just a few short lines. Larger ads will cost you more.

• Newspapers have made progress in their technological capabilities to provide better quality color and photo reproduction. In addition, they can already offer a greater and better range of colors.

• Readers are actively involved in reading the newspaper. The fact that they have to hold it and turn their pages produces more attention on the ads.

Disadvantages of the Newspaper

• Many advertisers consider the newspaper the best medium to reach local audiences. This creates great competition within the newspaper and results in ad crowding.

• The newspaper is not the most popular medium for certain ages. Many newspapers have started publishing sections targeting teens and children, but their effectiveness remains to be seen.

• Newspapers are static and two-dimensional.

Advantages of Magazines

• Magazines are printed on good quality paper which allows for excellent color quality and photo reproduction.

• Selecting a specific audience is much easier.

• By design and format, magazines are more flexible - ads can contain many colors or samples of perfumes. They can have pieces that move, Photos can be bleed or can be folded to be larger means a greater number of creative options that attract the attention of the reader.

• Magazines have a longer permanence. People save them to peruse at their leisure.

Disadvantages of magazines

The cost of magazines is much higher as a result of the quality of production.

Internet advantages

• Cost efficient. The costs are independent of the size of the audience. For example, the cost will be the same no matter how many people visit your page.

• Advertisers can target their specific audiences by placing their headlines on Related Topic Pages.

• Messages can be updated quickly and easily.

• Advertisements on the Internet can be interactive. You can request an immediate response from the reader, you can take purchase orders or answer questions instantly.

• Advertisers on the Internet can reach a global audience.

Disadvantages of the Internet

• Although the popularity of the Internet is increasing, it is difficult to verify the results of advertising through this medium.

Advantages of Direct Marketing

• It is quite an expensive medium. However, if you target only high-potential customers, it can be very effective.

• Messages can be personalized, which can be an added attraction.

• You can evaluate its effectiveness. If you compare the number of responses to the number of submissions, you can set the response percent. If you include coded coupons or reply cards you can trace exactly who replied and from where.

• Recipients are actively involved. People read their correspondence when they want to.

Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

• Many people resent unsolicited offers and react skeptically to their validity.

• The average amount of mail thrown away without being read is on the rise.

• There are environmental groups that oppose the waste of materials caused by this type of shipment.

• It is quite expensive.

Advantages of Radio

• The radio and its messages move with its audience. They can be heard at work, on the beach, in the bathtub, in the dentist's chair, or in stores.

• The radio message can get through without its recipient consciously looking for it. The listener does not have to be on the lookout to hear your message.

• The message can be broadcast as often as you select (or the station format allows).

• The message has a voice. It can be friendly, serious, sad, it can have a macho or humorous tone - whatever suits your message. Above all, the voice can have a conversational tone, a quality that makes it easy to hear and understand.

• Buying radio time is expensive but efficient.

Disadvantages of Radio

• The radio does not contain visuals. Do not use it to report on a product the listener is not yet familiar with. Some commercials use the "theater of the mind" strategy to create highly effective visual images in the minds of listeners.

• The crowding of targeted ads on the radio can be quite large, which means that your ad can rank first, second, sixth, or 10th in the ad unit, distracting the listener's attention.

• There is no print publication, your ad is broadcast and then lost. The advertiser cannot be sure that the potential customer has managed to write down the phone since they do not know when the ad will be repeated.

Advantages of Open Television

• Television offers all the visual, sound, movement, color and special effects alternatives that you can afford. It is a powerful medium with a great visual impact.

• The TV message can get through without its recipient consciously looking for it. Viewers do not have to be involved in the process to receive the message.

• The prestige and glamor of TV can enhance your message. Some consider it the great league of advertising.

• Television is expensive, but because you can select your audience, it is costly and efficient.

• Ads can appeal to viewers' emotions and empathy.

• TV advertising can be very effective in helping to create an image for your product or company.

Disadvantages of Open Television

• To advertise on TV you have to produce the spot, or hire a producer. The production costs added to the costs of the ad make this alternative extremely expensive for many advertisers.

• TV can seem complicated to small advertisers. However, if you think it is the correct medium for your message, check with the station or an advertising or production agency.

• Messages may be cut off by the viewer, either because they change channels or because the volume of the TV is lowered.

• Although TV can be focused or selected by geography, time, program and network, it is still a mass communication medium with an extremely wide reach.

• The spaces for the placement of announcements within the programming are increasingly full. Your ad can be the first, third, or tenth, which can affect the viewer's attention span.

• Ads made on a low production budget can be tarnished compared to ads produced on a large budget.

Advantages of Traffic Advertising

• Advertising in transit includes advertisements placed on buses, subways, subway entrances, trains, and taxis.

• The exposure time is extended if the ad is placed inside the vehicle.

• The number of times the recipient is exposed to your message will depend on whether you use that method of transportation routinely…

• Advertisements placed on buses and taxis are seen by a diverse and large audience. This is arguably a captive audience if you take into consideration the number of people literally standing in their car behind a bus, or the pedestrians waiting for the bus to pass.

• The message can have an immediate effect since the person using mass transportation is probably going shopping, to dinner or some place of entertainment.

• Ads can be geographically targeted since you know who will be in a specific area at a specific time.

• They can be directed to a specific lifestyle. Everything will depend on the neighborhoods through which the transportation route passes.

• This method of advertising tends to be cheap both in absolute and relative terms.

Disadvantages of Traffic Advertising

• The size of your ad is limited to the size of the frames or places where it is placed.

• Mass transit users are not very receptive to your messages or are so used to them that they no longer see them.

• It is difficult to target a specific group. Your ad reaches a large number of people, many of whom are not even potential customers.

• The environment of subways, buses or other mass transportation system may not be suitable for the image of the product.

Advantages of Outdoor Advertising

• Giant, colorful ads attract attention. When using this medium, your message should be short and to the point.

• Your ad will have an impact. Technology has opened the possibilities for innovations and curiosities such as advertisements that speak, move. You can rent what is called a "rolling billboard" on the back of a truck that travels a specific route so that it is seen where you want it.

• Your ad reaches many people, many of whom see it repeatedly by taking the same route every day.

Disadvantages of Outdoor Advertising

• It is difficult to reach specific audiences.

• Creativity is limited by space.

• It is difficult to measure its effectiveness.

• It can be damaged by inclement weather, or vandalized.

• Costs can be very reasonable, if held for a long enough time. However, innovations can raise these considerably.

Propaganda and its difference from advertising

Propaganda is the dissemination of political, philosophical, moral, social or religious ideas, that is, ideological communication or cultural values. It informs the population, generates awareness, and modifies behaviors. Despite the fact that both propaganda and advertising aim to modify people's behavior, it differs from advertising due to its profit motive, that is, it has no commercial purpose. Clear examples of it are the advertisements for road safety education, AIDS prevention, environmental conservation campaigns, against discrimination, etc.


• Organization of the company's trade - Editorial Ciordia, SRL

January 1979, Rep. Argentina.

• www.google.com.ar

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Advertising and propaganda in the media