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What is merchandising and how is it applied at the point of sale

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Merchandising: how to make an excellent point of sale image synonymous with the success of a product

How many times when you enter a store, you are received very well, they serve you in the best way and you are impressed with the good explanation and promotion that is made of a product? Or, have you resisted tasting a juice or a liquor that a beautiful woman offers you at no cost in a super market?

The above details serve as an introduction to talk about an extremely important topic within the promotion of products at a point of sale: merchandising.

What is merchandising?

To begin with, we can define Merchandising, as that activity in retail establishments, based on promotional actions on the set of products that are sold there, in order to optimize the sales space, or in short, all actions marketing carried out at a point of sale.

It should be noted that just as marketing creates demand for products through advertising and promotions, and these in turn push the customer to the point of sale, Merchandising pushes the consumer at the point of sale.

The main reason why Coca-Cola posters are put up in a store, tasting points are installed in a shopping center, information sheets with the menu of the corner restaurant are distributed or a beautiful girl or an attractive man stops you for talking to you about a product is to increase sales and make a product and its campaign known and remembered always and thus improve market share.

Definition of merchandising: promotional actions carried out at a point of sale

Merchandising elements

Isn't it true that no one would dare to approach a shelf where the products are dirty or worse, they have already expired? This is the first point to take into account when it comes to Merchandising, since good condition and cleanliness are of the utmost importance if you want to awaken consumer habits to buy the product offered.

Primary objective in Merchandising: give life to a product at the point of sale and increase its sale

Closely linked to the previous one, there is the next step, which is the decoration of the point of sale so that it is more striking and thus incentivize customers to visit the facilities and worry about knowing what is being sold there. Remember that many times we have left restaurants or food outlets because the lighting is bad, the colors on the walls conveyed desolation or there were no flashy posters or pictures to observe.

Thirdly, the location of the products in the points of sale is very important, it is very useful that these are located by "families" and well ordered, that the quantities reach for all those who want to buy the product, that they are easily acquisition and access, and it is very important that there is adequate space to travel within the establishment to avoid inconvenience to customers.

The fourth point to take into account is to have a favorable pricing policy for consumers. Let's remember that all of us always look for the lowest price for a product that can be obtained in various parts. Likewise, the guarantee of an item will make us acquire it with greater confidence.

Finally, good service at a point of sale will result in excellent benefits in the sale of a product, for this, it is necessary to have a trained staff and above all aimed at total consumer satisfaction.

As could be seen, within the establishments that sell products, there are many factors that will make them succeed or fail, for this reason, going to certain places to buy products is becoming an excellent opportunity for fun and knowledge, that will make the act of buying less boring every day.

As a closing of this brief description we leave you with the following video in which the merchandising concept is presented very clearly.

What is merchandising and how is it applied at the point of sale