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What is network marketing or multilevel marketing?

Table of contents:


Most of the people when they want to start their way on the Internet they feel lost because they do not know what product or service to sell.

In 99% of cases, they fall into a business option that does not satisfy them, personally or financially.

To avoid this, you must, before starting any activity, know the best distribution and sales options available that meet your expectations and help you make a decision.

You have several options to start your home-based business, however, as I value your time as I value mine, we are going to talk exclusively about the distribution option that is proven, by time and effectiveness, as the most successful. along these years.

When you read this document in its entirety and calmly, you will understand why I am not going to tell you about business systems where there is a high investment / risk factor.

Knowing this concept and understanding it will mean that you have taken your first big step towards going the easy way.

If you understand this form of distribution, you will have taken a giant step to focus your effort only on those companies that have this type of marketing of products or services for you.

Do you know what is the only option to create a successful online business for all types of people and social conditions?

In these years of intense work to date, I have not found a business system that would give the opportunity to create a future for all types of people and social condition such as Network Marketing, MLM, or Network Marketing.

Within the hundreds of emails that I receive every day, I see more and more people who are achieving their success under this form of distribution and commerce so simple and that offers so many possibilities.

However, many people when they hear these concepts are confused or do not know exactly what it is about.

If when I started my activity on the internet, I had learned about this trading option in detail, I would have saved precious time that I have wasted trying to find the "key" that has led millions of people to create a continuous source of profit.

The truth is that this Business option has given the opportunity to millions of people around the world who, if not for this form of distribution, would have been totally ignored in the Labor market.

We have found in the Multilevel system an affordable and easy option to achieve a successful business without special management and business knowledge.

What is Network Marketing?

NWM (Network Marketing) is a form of distribution of products and services, directly from the manufacturer to the end consumer, without intermediaries, facilitating continuous profits through personal consumption and recommendations to others.

The traditional market for it to work requires huge and ongoing expenses to keep your business afloat.

In addition, it is necessary for these products and services to pass through many intermediaries (exporters, wholesalers, merchants, etc.).

Each one of these intermediaries increases the final cost of the product. As each one has to receive their corresponding percentage of profit, it makes commercial margins always extremely low and involves a lot of investment of time, money to achieve at least make our business profitable… if we do not bring it to ruin, of course! !

In this way, NWM (Network Marketing) is defined as the way in which the manufacturer introduces its products to the market in the form of "Business Opportunity"

This is not selling door to door. The NWM is simply a smart way to consume, you consume, others consume and… everyone generates profits !!, for the company and for themselves.

With its myths and realities, the truth is that NWM is one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

According to figures from the International Multilevel Association (MMIA), total sales through NWM already exceed US $ 70,000 million and more than 20 MILLION people working in more than 2000 companies around the world.

Therefore, in the future when they talk to you about "Multilevel" Network Marketing or Network Marketing you will know exactly what they mean.

We are not going to ask ourselves if it works or not, the reality and the figures are these, they outweigh any kind of doubt, it is impossible that 10 million people around the world are wrong.

It is impossible to say that this system does not work when there are companies with more than 40 years of experience in this type of distribution of products and services.

Because we are not talking about something that has not emerged a year ago, not two, not ten… not twenty »!!!

Rehnborg started his own company, California Vitamins, in 1934, which offered vitamin-based nutritional supplements and which, inadvertently, would become the forerunner of Network Marketing.

I do not want to fill your head with figures, but data is an essential element to understand and understand that everything I tell you is not only in my imagination or in my more or less virtues of writing.

The advantages of Network Marketing compared to traditional commerce

The first questions that may come to mind are…

  • What product or service can I market? Where do I find that product or service? Do I have to invent it? Do I have a lot to invest?

If you want to market your own product, you need a significant source of investment, product, promotion, technology, staff, adapted premises… etc…

Only large corporations or companies can have enough capital to carry out such a project, and this heavy investment does not guarantee success in their company.

For this simple but important reason is why Network Marketing has had, has and will be enormously successful And I repeat… the only business option for any type of person !!

This type of distribution is the only acceptable one where:

  • You do not need large sums of investment The risk is minimal You do not need premises or virtual stores You do not have to invent the product or service Activity that can be developed part-time without interfering in your daily life It does not matter your schooling, gender, or experience

How is this distribution done?

The Network Marketing company has already made the strongest investments of:

  • Product or serviceVirtual sales sitesTechnologyReportPreparation, advice and help

Therefore you only need a sales channel, that is, a way to distribute your product or service.

But they do not sell their products in premises, or in virtual stores, but they do it through Distributors or promoters.

That is, they distribute their products or services through people, all of whom are consumers of this product or service.

Of course, these people do not become simple consumers, but they become promoters or distributors of these products or services and in return receive a percentage of these sales.

Percentages that are in most cases at 35% profit.

These promoters can make their own clients or they can invite other people to become distributors or promoters, with the same advantages that you have.

You will also receive a residual income for each sale generated by your distributors.

Likewise, your distributors can have their clients and invite others to participate as promoters, and so on.

In this way, you will increasingly create a larger turnover and in return you will receive strong commissions and residual income for the work of your entire distribution network

This is called building a distribution channel

With which they will earn money with their own consumption, and the consumption of their own clients or Distributors.

Therefore, to achieve a distribution center, no special knowledge is needed since it is the companies themselves who are in charge of preparing their Distributors or Promoters in everything they need.

You do not even have to worry about how to do it, the vast experience of this type of company means that this has already been solved for you.

Any promoter with a product, or service, technology, Marketing preparation and websites in his hand, should only worry about promoting this product or service.

You must be the first customer

The only condition that all these companies put is that you yourself be the first customer.

This is logical, if you sell shoes, it is normal for you to wear your shoes yourself.

Regulation of the Network Marketing industry

The WFDSA is a non-governmental organization, founded in 1978 and represents the Direct Selling industry throughout the Earth as a National Direct Selling Association (AVD).

There are currently more than 50 AVDs represented in this Federation, with more than 25 million independent Distributors who have invoiced more than 80,000 million dollars in 1997.

I advise you to check the WFDSA website so that you can have all the precise information on the legal aspects that govern the Network Marketing or direct sales industry.

I hope this information helps you take advantage of the enormous benefits of this type of distribution. If you are an enterprising person who finds it difficult to achieve your goals with your current job, do not hesitate, this is the only way you have so that these goals do not fall into oblivion. You decide…

To finish, we suggest the following video through which you will have the opportunity to delve into the subject of network marketing, how this type of business operates, its advantages and its key success factors.

Download the original file

What is network marketing or multilevel marketing?