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What can I do to protect the physical integrity of the worker?

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Every year accidents occur in companies, for this reason it is necessary to take as a priority safeguarding the physical integrity of the worker through regulations or civil protection plans but the elaboration of these tends to be a long period of time, that is why they occur ten alternatives that can help protect the worker and provide us with a faster and more effective solution.


Safeguarding the physical integrity of workers and all those who are in the facilities of a company, establishment, etc., is a concern and a high priority. To comply with, the following 10 alternatives are presented that can be implemented according to the needs of each organization.

  • Implement the different industrial safety standards Apply the 5's method Apply the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) model in the machinery Apply the PGSBC method (Behavior-Based Safety Management Processes) Perform the FMEA method (Analysis of modes and effects of potential failures) Implement the Deming Circle model Carry out a basic guide for brigades Carry out an accident prevention and protection program Carry out drills taught by specialized institutions Carry out an internal hygiene and industrial safety regulation.

Presenting in this work the ten previous methods taken as alternatives, are intended to provide great benefits to the company as well as to society if they are executed correctly.


1.- Implement the different Industrial Safety Standards such as:


NOM-011-STPS-2001 NOISE.



When deciding to make and implement the aforementioned standards, the following advantages will be had:

Decrease in accidents and occupational diseases, therefore the decrease in expenses caused by them. As well as the reduction of economic losses (damage to infrastructure and equipment) of the company. The worker is made aware of personal safety and risks at work, improving the work environment.

And the most important thing for any company that gives prestige and a better position to the company before the competition.

The disadvantages that can occur are the following:

If there is not enough available budget to optimally execute each of the standards, they will not be able to be fully complied with, if the company does not have trained personnel, the standard will not be executed on a regular basis.

2.- Carry out the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) model on the machinery

This is a method that focuses on the total maintenance of machinery.1 but which provides advantages to the worker which are the following.

The machinery will function properly and accidents caused by them will be reduced, reducing the costs of injury to the worker and the reduction in the loss of machinery, as well as the reduction of occupational diseases caused by stress due to the malfunction of the machinery.

The disadvantages that this method shows us are those shown below:

If the company does not have trained personnel to perform maintenance on the machinery, it will later be more expensive to maintain them. It requires a large budget to give full maintenance.

3.- Apply the 5's method.

The 5's is a Japanese methodology that helps to keep a work area organized and clean.2 Its advantages are as follows.

Implementing this method is not very expensive, the areas in which it is executed are ordered, eliminating unsafe conditions and reducing the number of human errors, therefore there is a decrease in accidents and occupational diseases. Facilitates and improves worker performance. The worker is made aware of order, personal safety and risks at work.

This method has the following disadvantages:

This method requires sufficient time and dedication from the staff, which becomes tedious for this reason, sometimes it is not fully met, it can only be applied in certain areas of the company.

4.-Apply the PGSBC method (Behavior-Based Security Management Processes).

The PGSBC is a process based above all on the observation and control of behaviors implemented through a comprehensive commitment that encourages the participation of management, middle managers, supervisors and collaborators in general.3 The advantages that can be achieved are the following:

Analyze in detail the behavior of the worker to obtain the reason for the accidents. Eliminates risk behaviors, reducing accidents and occupational diseases, improving the coexistence of workers in their work environment resulting in better worker performance. Decrease in expenses caused by accidents.

The disadvantages that can occur are the following:

This method requires a lot of observation time and trained personnel since it is not easy to observe the behavior of individuals. When analyzing people's behaviors there are times when they cannot be taken critically.

5.- Carry out the FMEA method (Analysis of modes and effects of potential failures).

FMEA is a tool that relates the failures or defects of a process to reduce or eliminate the risks that may arise.4 The advantages that it offers us are the following:

By applying FMEA, potential risks are identified, and thus possible solutions to the risks found will be determined, accidents and occupational diseases will be reduced. Reduction of expenses caused by accidents, this method is not very expensive and is carried out in a short period of time.

It has the following disadvantages:

The implementers of the method must be very attentive and responsible when analyzing the area in detail to find the risks that arise in the company. This method only identifies one problem at a time.

6.- Implement the Deming Circle model

The Deming circle or PDCA is a dynamic cycle that can be developed within each process of the organization and the process system as a whole.5 This model provides the following advantages:

This is a model that is used to analyze and solve problems found in the company in a quick and easy way to handle, if the problems are risky, there will be a decrease in accidents. It is not an expensive method to implement.

The disadvantages that it presents are the following:

This method would have to be elaborated in each of the areas of the company to analyze it in its entirety, it is handled more for the continuous improvement of quality. You need team meetings periodically.

7.- Carry out an accident prevention and protection program

This program is based on actions that comply with a legal labor framework requirement in order to prevent or control accidents and / or occupational diseases. The advantages it presents are the following:

Safety policies are implemented, which aims to reduce injuries or deaths due to accidents, thus promoting a better work environment and raising awareness among workers about personal safety and risks at work. It gives the company prestige and a better position in the face of the competition.

The disadvantages that it presents are the following:

The company and the workers must commit to carry out the program. If the company does not have trained personnel, the program will not be executed on a regular basis.

8.-Make a basic guide of brigades

The basic brigade guide allows the development of risk or disaster prevention and reduction activities that can occur in any organization. The advantages presented are the following:

Elements are provided to be able to face any contingency and thus reduce accidents and occupational diseases, resulting in the reduction of economic losses and the worker's awareness of personal safety and risks at work.

When conducting the brigade guidance, there are the following disadvantages:

It requires trained personnel, for this reason, training costs are usually generated to carry out the brigades. The personal protective equipment and supplies required by crews can be expensive.

9.- Carry out drills taught by specialized institutions

Its main purpose is to test the efficiency of emergency plans to create and promote response habits so that - based on an organization, it turns the population into a protagonist, aware of their own safety - during the presence of a threat and helps to minimize risks. It has the following advantages:

It allows to be forewarned to act correctly in any contingency and reduce accidents or deaths by making the worker aware of personal safety and risks at work and promoting a culture of civil protection. Decrease in expenses caused by accidents.

It has the following disadvantages:

External factors such as a weather event may influence and the drill will not be carried out. If workers refuse, drills will not be held and the equipment and supplies to conduct drills can be expensive.

10.- Make an internal regulation of hygiene and industrial safety

They are safety and hygiene measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, their advantages are:

Eliminate work-related illnesses and accidents by reducing expenses caused by an accident. makes the worker aware of personal safety and risks at work and thus provides a better work environment and the worker will perform better. It gives the company prestige and a better position in the face of the competition.

The disadvantages that it presents are the following:

If the company does not have trained personnel, the norm will not be executed on a regular basis. It requires time to make a regulation according to the needs of the company.


All the alternatives raised above provide a solution to events that may threaten the integrity of the workers. Giving great benefits to companies or organizations that so desire such as the reduction of accidents and the costs caused by them. These ten alternatives are expected to be taken into account to achieve great changes in the companies or organizations that apply them.


  • Rey Sacristán F. Total Production Maintenance (TPM). Implementation and development process. (First ed., Pp. 15). Madrid Spain: Fundación ConfementalRey Sacristán F. Las 5S. Order and cleanliness in the workplace. (PP.13). Madrid Spain: Fundación ConfementalMartínez Oropeza C. (2005). The behavior-based safety management process. The new role of supervisors. (Vol. 5 pp. 107) Colombia: National University of Colombia Escalante Edgardo J. (2008). Six-Sigma: Methodology and techniques. (PP.337). Mexico: LimusaPerez Villa P. (2007) Reflections to implement a quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000) in cooperatives and solidarity economy companies (working document) (First ed., PP.50). Bogotá: Cooperative University of Colombia.
What can I do to protect the physical integrity of the worker?