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What are convenience stores?


Convenience stores are those establishments with less than 500 m², with business hours greater than 6:00 p.m., an opening period of 365 days a year. Hence the popular name 24 hours.

They have a wide assortment of products, focused on beverages, food, tobacco products, bazaar, etc. In exchange for the wide hours and variety of products, their prices are usually slightly higher than those of the supermarkets to use.

Generally, they are located in the center of cities although other premises are also included under this name, such as, for example: those located next to service stations or shops located at airports.

Convenience stores were established in 1976 in Mexico and the first was 7-Eleven, which received its name from the days in which it was initially open, from seven in the morning to 11 at night; However, it was Oxxo, in 2005, when it captured 62 percent of the market. There are also others such as Super City, Extra Stores, am pm and Círculo K.

The convenience stores that exist in Chiapas are: Oxxo, Extra and Gocoz.

There are about 400 stores in the state of Chiapas.

The concept of competition has been imposed in the literature on business management for the last ten years. An increasing number of companies develop competency reference systems.

Aptitudes, interests, and personality traits are commonly spoken of to represent parameters according to which individuals differ from one another. But, with increasing frequency, the demands of a position to be filled are defined by superiors in terms of skills.

They are repertoires of behaviors that some people master better than others, which makes them effective in a given situation.

They are a set of standard behaviors and procedures (reasoning) that can be put into practice without new learning (Ramírez, 2010)

Selling is one of the most sought after activities by companies, organizations or people that offer something (products, services or others) in their target market, because their success depends directly on the number of times they carry out this activity, on how well that they do it and how profitable it is for them to do it Alpizar (2006).

Romero (2008) defines sale as the transfer of a commodity through an agreed price. The sale can be: 1) in cash, when the merchandise is paid at the time of taking it, 2) on credit, when the price is paid after the acquisition and 3) in installments, when the payment is divided into several deliveries successive.

Fischer (2009) considers that selling is a function that is part of the systematic process of marketing and defines it as “any activity that generates the last impulse towards exchange in customers”. It also points out that it is at this point (the sale), where the effort of the previous market research activities, decisions about the product and price decisions becomes effective.

The relationship between competition and sales is based on the relationship of its sales and it is assumed that in a market of perfect competition, it will be established at a point in which there is a decrease, that is, everything produced it is sold and there is no unsatisfied demand (Rodríguez 2011).

Overall objective

Analyze the competition and sales of a convenience store in Chiapas.

Specific objectives

  • Define what relationship exists between competition and sales Detail how long there are convenience stores in Mexico Specify which was the first convenience store to be established in Mexico Investigate how many convenience stores exist in Chiapas and which are they.

The present investigation that refers to the analysis of the competition and its sales of a convenience store in Chiapas is convenient because this way we will know how profitable it is to operate in this sector and what are the main competition in the market.

The investigation has a social relevance for all those people who are interested in creating a company of this same line of business, in this they will find all the information they need to know.

This investigation helps to solve the problem that is had since the competition is investigated and thus the company can be improved.

The theoretical value offered by this research is the information obtained from the competition that exists in the state where the company is located.

The methodological utility provided by the research is that everyone who is interested in companies of this type finds instruments to solve the problematization.

Fernández (1988) names that the word competition comes from the Greek agón, which gives rise to agonistes, a person who competed in the Olympic games in order to win.

Competencies played an important role in the reform of the United Nations system that began in the 1990s. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan defined competency as "a combination of skills, attributes and behaviors that are directly linked to successful job performance," adding: I hope that competencies provide us with a shared language to address, in concrete terms, high levels of performance and excellence in management.

Toledo (2008) defines that competences are the capacities to put into operation the different knowledge, skills, thinking, character and values ​​in an integral way in the different interactions that human beings have for life in the personal, social and work environment.

They are repertoires of behaviors that some people master better than others, which makes them effective in a given situation.

They are a set of standard behaviors and procedures (reasoning) that can be put into practice without new learning.

Martínez (2005) points out that the rivalry or fight between two or more people in similar conditions to achieve the same thing or overcome the rival: sometimes there is too much competition between partners.

Company or group of companies that competes with another to manufacture or sell the same product and under similar market conditions: they worked for the competition.

Capacity of the person who is competent, who performs his job or performs his function adequately.

Responsibility or obligation that falls or corresponds to a person who occupies a position or an institution: the new government team will assume its powers next month.

Legal authorization to intervene in a matter. Attribution.

Dictionary in Biology (2007) describes competition as an interaction between two species that share the same resource, such as a food resource, and that represents a disadvantage for both.

Articles (2009) increasingly affirm the demand for competence in the person is greater, demanding, given the requirements that the scenarios require according to the role to be played.

In the specific case that concerns companies, they need actors with reliable competencies that lead them to operate, produce efficiently, guaranteeing not only survival but development, conquest and permanence of markets. What are really competitions? What do they involve? Why its importance, scope, repercussions?

It is very valid what indicates that a company that decides to accept to work by competencies, must work systematically to determine what are the competencies that its staff requires, since it is nothing short of impossible to make use of sets of competencies developed by other organizations. Although the lists of generic competencies developed by different authors can be used, nothing frees the organization from additional work to adapt and disseminate them among the staff, since in fact, a new way of perceiving the work itself is being created.

Silva (2011) mentions that a competence, a learning objective or an activity can be linked to multiple main elements. This is ideal for situations where the same learning objective corresponds to two or more competencies.

For example, a competition called "Clarinet" and another "Saxophone" are both reed instrument competitions; In order to learn to play any of these instruments, a person must learn to save, preserve, and manipulate a reed. However, once you have learned how to do this for one instrument, you will know how to do it for the other. It makes sense to create a single learning objective: 'Save, preserve and manipulate tabs', and use it in both competencies. The person who achieves this learning objective in the context of either of the competencies does it for both.

In activities, you can use the same activity to assess two or more different learning objectives. In some situations it can be difficult to design an activity that clearly differentiates one learning objective from another.

For example, you can have a "Conversational German" competency that includes the learning objectives "Understand German" and "Speak German", among others. A natural activity might be for people to actually strike up a conversation in German; However, in this case, the activity will assess both your ability to understand and speak the language. In this case, it would make sense to link the same activity to both learning objectives.

What are convenience stores?