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X-ray of the young Colombian consumer


How are young Colombians, what, where and how do they consume? What differentiates them from previous generations? A study carried out by Arena, a company of the multinational group Havas Media, analyzes young Colombians and their new consumption habits.

X-ray of the young Colombian

The Global generation or G generation grows up surrounded by an increasingly invasive digital environment. More than a product, brand or character, young people buy social attitudes and perceptions that they no longer only see but “live” through the media.

Bogotá, May 2011.- Of the 45,981,417 Colombians that exist today, approximately 30% are young people between 12 and 24 years of age. In addition to being an attractive market niche, they lead the consumption of one of the fastest growing segments, technology, which is why they have displaced their parents in important purchasing decisions. According to a study carried out by Arena, a Havas Media Group company, a leading multinational media center in Latin America, the challenge for brands is to understand this niche and know how to conquer their eclectic tastes.

Although today's children and adolescents are stimulated by the same things as previous generations (family, friends, partner, security, emotional stability, health), the hectic world in which they live has caused the overlapping of other motivations: academic preparation, the image, the conscience (social, ecological and political), the need to always be connected, prevail in the new world.

For the director of the Pensar Institute of the Javeriana University, Omaira Parra, although this generation has a global conscience, it is multitasking, it is very informed, it handles 'non-inherited power' thanks to technology and the media, “we have noticed that (…) In today's homes the rites have been lost, the codes have been broken. Children grow up with a huge fear of failure, in an extremely competitive world, for them rest has become a kind of luxury item, they live in the frenzy of competitiveness. That is why movements such as the Slow Down (*) arise ”, concludes the specialist.

From consumer to prosumer

Beyond the difficulties faced by the children of the “global village”, a society with young people overexposed to information, more adapted and more influential, has promoted an important change in consumption.

Today, they have gone from being a "hedonistic personal consumer" to an "integrated social prosumer", that is, a proactive, curious, demanding individual, whose consumption is the result of information management, a person motivated by the desire for innovation and commitment to their environment. Generation G seeks consistency, honesty rather than hypocrisy, role models and not double standards. In the opinion of Esperanza Sarmiento, director of Arena, to captivate this G generation, brands must position themselves as authentic, constantly innovating, while offering flexibility, control and fun. "It is not enough to focus on the needs of your target and show respect, they must also earn the trust of parents."

For products and brands it is essential to be in tune with the aspirations and needs of young people because they are "influencers, trendsetters, sources of inspiration and future main consumers," says Sarmiento.

The Arena study concludes that young consumers are defined by the following points:

1. They claim not to be influenced by advertising but prefer what is advertised in advertisements.

2. They are not impressed by celebrity endorsements.

3. They value mass advertising as a source of information and brand awareness.

4. They assimilate advertising in places near them.

5. They prefer selective and personalized advertising (social networks). They trust more on the recommendations of their real friends or their virtual referents.

6. They look for “integrity” from brands and are friends with those who respect and include them.

7. They do not like intrusive advertising (radio, emails, sms).

How are young Colombians? The Arena study identifies by Life Cycles the following trend groups:

(*) The slown down culture originated in Sweden but quickly spread throughout Europe. It is oriented to the maturation of ideas, to reflection, to take the time that corresponds to each thing, to focus on our daily lives, observing, practicing but, above all, enjoying our lives, raising our standards. Its influence even reaches the food, chewing and digesting slowly, savoring, savoring each bite.
X-ray of the young Colombian consumer