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Reality of educational management in Mexico. test

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What is educational innovation? What is educational quality? Why don't the plans work? And what is pedagogical management? These are one of the questions that pedagogues frequently ask ourselves, which we will answer during the next essay.

The concept of innovation is not something new among the pedagogical society, because it has always been immersed in it, when creating educational models, and trying to put them into practice within the school context.

That is why it is very important to make it clear that innovation is not a rare or new context in the circle of pedagogy, what is strange to pedagogy is the contextualization that the same institutions give to the term “management”, seeing it only from the administrative perspective and leaving aside the political-economic part, which causes a true management not to be fully carried out in the context that is applied: in action, in the field of research or innovation and the development.

Likewise, since there is no management, it also affects the education taught by the teacher, because it is the protagonist of one of the 4 different types of management, which will be specified in the development of this work.

Thus, mention will also be made of something that the teacher applies within the management where he is immersed, which are known as strategies.

Aiming in this way to make it clear that it is the objective that it has and that it is what management really is in the educational field, likewise to make known why each of them cannot be carried out and achieve an educational quality in the various institutions.


School management is in charge of ensuring that schools have a good educational quality, but for a management to be successful it is necessary to have a good leader, since it is the leader who is in charge of investigating where the fault lies within an institution and that In order to innovate within itself, it is worth mentioning that there are different types of management but in this section we will only mention two which are educational and pedagogical.

The educational management is in charge of everything in terms of education and administration within the institution, while the pedagogical management is in charge of the advancement or evaluation of the EE process.

It must be taken into account that intra- and extra-school management is very important and it is very important that the leader has good communication inside and outside the school, since intra- school management is essential to have a good work climax and while Extracurricular helps the school to be known and to have a good relationship with society and also to try to maintain and increase the enrollment of students.

In the case of extracurricular management, it is currently experienced in its own flesh since there are institutions that the enrollment of students is very low and the leader tries to manage the school before society and this can be made possible through events and social participation such as It is required by the people where the institution is immersed, that is, through events and parades, that is where we can confirm that extracurricular management is very important for an institution to have a good position and a good reputation in society.

But we must also take into account intra-school management, because this is the one in charge for something to work very well, and this must have a good working base and in this case it would be a good communication between teacher, students, parents of family and the leader of the institution, and by working well all these elements the climax within the school will improve and innovation will be implemented successfully and will be present within the school. And at the moment of carrying out a good management automatically in the school a good quality will emerge and we do not mean in terms of structure but in terms of the EE process because quality is what organizes and manages the inputs in order to raise student performance.

Currently, quality is managed through competencies which are based on creating a capable and useful child for productive work, conceived as a knowledge for life, where the functionality of the communication process must be pursued in order to achieve good efficiency. and effectiveness in any activity that the student carries out in society and in the circle where it develops, since primary education must offer Mexican children the possibility of making functional use of the communication process.

In some schools, the quality of the inputs is very low, due to the fact that the enrollment of students is very low and this means that the inputs and the functioning of the financial quality do not tend to respond with the conditions that the demands demand.

We must take into account that for any quality, be it educational or financial, the teacher is undoubtedly the most important determinant, because a good teacher or a good team of teachers, sometimes encouraged by the principal, is capable of making a school poorly equipped or under-enrolled, achieve learning outcomes equivalent to better-equipped schools

Management as well as administration and planning represents the strategic possibility to relate and give meaning and content to the action between the different educational levels.

These strategies serve as a bridge to action and can be carried out with both bureaucratic functions and as an organic relationship between integrative purposes and various educational sectors.

Pedagogical management is understood as the strategy of impact on the quality of education systems, it has the function of incorporating, promoting and also developing actions that help to improve current educational practices immersed in an educational institution, and also propose innovations in education which implies investigating, managing, innovating, implementing and finally evaluating.

For this, it is necessary to take into account the structure as they are, the social economic structure, the school context, the organization models, the interpersonal relationship processes and finally the individual participation of each of the members that make up the institution.

Thus, each one will be involved when carrying out a management and the essential and important points are considered to be able to carry it out and achieve satisfactory results for the institution, it is therefore very important to know in itself what the educational quality of an institution is, to being able to know what you want to achieve and what is required to be able to reach that quality; In order to achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the important aspects that are the following: efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, equity and quality, if any of the points mentioned above is needed, it will be impossible to achieve good quality, because each of they are correlated with each other to achieve an expected result.

And likewise, when carrying out these processes, it will be possible to see reflected, in the good management within the educational institution, and a good communication between teachers and members of the same school that make it up in a general way, fulfilling as defined Mintiber (1984) and Stoner (1996) to the term management, "which is the provision and organization of the resources of an individual or group to obtain the expected results."

In this case, with the disposition of each one, the organization of both their projects or school proposals and their own resources, lead to achieving the objectives, which are planned.

Carrying out good educational management means, in turn, carrying out good institutional management, school management, good pedagogical management, which are what make up educational management globally, and take what each of them has its field or space to carry it out.

Pedagogical management is where the teacher plays a very important role, because in it he adjusts the strategies and the curricular plan according to the needs and resources available.

If we study school management from the field of the educational community, we refer to the field where teachers, parents and students are immersed, and this is the broadest and most important field to analyze within any management because it is in This is where teamwork is found, in a collaborative and organized way, is the broadest level of management, both institutional, school and pedagogical, since in it is the basis for a good institutional structure, in which each One of the submerged subjects is obliged to fulfill their role and their respective responsibilities and it is there then that if each of them fulfills their responsibilities, institutional management will be favored, obtaining a good educational quality as a result.

But for all this to be possible, we must not forget the strategies that must be implemented in each of the steps, especially educational management, which is where students work, and that is where they are present. the teaching process to achieve adequate learning in the student.

But what is learning? "Learning is a process by which human beings appropriate reality, integrate it into the personal heritage and develop the ability to elaborate an explanation of the world around them" (Jorge Alberto Negrete, strategies for learning, limusa, Mexico, 2002).

And in this case, learning would be the child's relationship with the world, but also his point of connection, so that the subject lives in the world, he must relate to it and therefore learn it.

In this sense, learning is not an immediate act, but through a series of instances, procedures, means, instruments, forms or models, and is then the result of a series of research processes and requires the instrumentation and implementation of strategies, both for learning and problem solving.

But for this there are different techniques which serve the student to acquire meaningful learning.

Its function is to improve achievement, which not only makes it easier for you to better understand the activity to be carried out, but also reinforces the learning experiences. And through that, the student will use the most appropriate study techniques that are easier for him and also be able to achieve effective learning.

Something that also influences, is the environment that the teacher generates within the classroom, but when the subject develops conditions, concepts and strategies that allow transforming their learning environment in order to stop depending on it, which is not always entirely favorable, then stop depending on the learning environment and create their own, and thus the student not only increases their learning capacity, but also gets more out of the same learning experiences that they get, Because it requires freeing oneself from the learning environment and thus establishing a more conducive one to make students more responsible in the field of learning and this will not only increase their own performance but also stop holding others responsible for what happens to everyone in Classroom.


So we take for granted that school management gives way to everything organizational, made up of managers, the teaching team, the rules, decision-making bodies and the actors and factors that are related to the peculiar way of doing things at school, the understanding of its objectives and identity as a collective, the way in which the learning environment is structured and the links with the community where it is located, thus turning it into an open school of learning, and likewise make the schools abandon the uncertainties and actions are encouraged to address the complex, the specific and the diverse, so that the practices that do not allow them to grow are replaced and in the same way seek professional advice and guidance, that dedicate collective efforts in enriching activities,that concentrate the energy in the entire educational community in a comprehensive plan towards its systemic transformation, with an overall vision and feasible progress for the good of any institution and thus obtain the expected results in the students and have an educational quality and correctly carry out what which is a management.

Reality of educational management in Mexico. test