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Recruitment and selection of personnel in organizations

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Who is the right person to fill the position? This is the question that the human resources area asks itself whenever it receives a personnel request.

How is it possible to find it? This is possible through the correct implementation of the recruitment and selection process.

This process allows to choose from among several candidates, the most suitable to carry out the activities of each position.

The recruitment and selection process begins when a vacancy appears within a company and it is necessary to fill it as soon as possible, complying with the requirements.

First, the applicant's profile must be defined, and the search, recruitment or call for applicants must be started, the filter must be started by reviewing applications, interviewing, evaluating them, selecting and hiring the one that meets all expectations, continuing with induction and finally with training.


Who is the best person for the job? This is the question that the area of ​​human resources is done whenever it receives a personnel requisition.

How can find it? This is possible through the proper implementation of the recruitment and selection process.

This process allows you to choose from among several candidates, the most suitable for the activities of each position.

The recruitment and selection process begins when a vacancy within a company and need to occupy as soon as possible in compliance with the requirements.

First you must define the profile of the applicant, and start the search, recruitment or call for applicants, start the filter through the application review, interview, their evaluation, selection and recruitment that meets all expectations, continuing the induction and finally to training.

Recruitment and staff selection


Dunnette states that: «Selection consists of ensuring that the right person is in the right position at the right time and under the specific circumstances, based on the consideration that the right decisions about people require knowledge of their individuality as well as knowing how the special talents of each person can be better known and used more wisely. (Dunnette, 1974)

Chiavenato, I. (1993) defines the selection of human resources as: «the choice of the right man for the right position, or, more broadly, among the recruited candidates, those best suited to the existing positions in the company, with a view to maintain or increase staff efficiency and performance ”. (Chiavenato, 1993)

Under these concepts we can define the recruitment and selection process as the means by which we will choose the candidate who meets most or all the requirements that the position requires.

Stages of the recruitment and selection process


It is the process by which the sources and means are determined to get people to come to the company to qualify them as potential employees of the same.

a) Personnel requisition

When a vacancy appears in a certain area, the following must be done:

  1. The person in charge or head of the area will inform the human resources department of the personnel request, exposing the characteristics needed for the position, identify the profile of the position and start the recruitment process.

b) Recruitment of personnel

It begins by examining the sources and means of recruitment.

1. Sources of recruitment:

Internal Recruitment

Recruitment is internal when, when a certain vacancy arises, the human resources department tries to fill it by relocating its collaborators, who can be promoted (vertical movement) or mixed transfers (horizontal movement) (transfers with promotion). Internal recruiting may involve:

  • Personnel transfer Personnel promotions Transfers with personnel promotions

External Recruitment:

External recruitment is carried out with candidates who do not belong to the company, when there is a vacancy, the company tries to fill it with outsiders, that is, with external candidates attracted by the job opportunity or desire to belong to the company.

2. Means of recruitment

Some means of recruitment used are the following:

Posting and flyer: it consists of pasting posters with information about the existing vacancies in the company, promoting them in the locality where the vacancy exists.

Periphoneum: a peripheral company is hired to carry out the promotion in the localities, with a recording of the company with the requirements of the vacancy.

Internet job boards.

Job exchange exchange: consists of an agreement between companies that occupy similar vacancies to exchange candidates.

Radio and television spots.

Newspaper ads.

Once resumes or job applications have been received as a result of the promotion carried out with the different recruitment methods, a selection of possible candidates is made to start the selection process.

Selection process

It is the process by which the most suitable candidate is chosen from among several candidates to carry out the activities of each position.

a) Selection process

  1. Interview with the recruiter: to know their profile and determine if they are a potential candidate to fill the vacancy. Application of psychometric tests: if the candidate meets the profile, the recruiter follows up the process with the application of psychometric tests. Personal references and work: we proceed to carry out the investigation of work and personal references, with which we will obtain important information about their work history, according to these results the process will continue and it is an important part for the selection of the ideal candidate. Socioeconomic study: some companies resort to the application of socioeconomic studies, once the references are concluded the next step is the application of this, with which it is intended to know the candidate in their space,and a little closer to him and his family.

b) Selection of the candidate

Once the selection process is concluded and if it has been satisfactory, the candidate is informed about the result and an appointment is arranged with him to carry out the immediate hiring.

In the event that there are two or more candidates with a satisfactory result, the recruiter and the immediate boss will carry out an analysis among the candidates to choose one of them.


In conclusion, the recruitment and selection process is a system that is responsible for the management of the ideal and necessary human resource of an organization for the optimal development of the activities concerning its area, in order to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Complying with a set of procedures and specific filters that the candidate must pass to demonstrate that they are the best prepared to fill that position.


  • Chiavenato, I. (1993). Human resources management. Mexico: Mc Graw-Hill. Dunnette, M. (1974). Selection and administration of personnel. Mexico: CECSA.
Recruitment and selection of personnel in organizations