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Recruitment and selection of personnel in human resources

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The recruitment and selection of personnel is a process by which companies hire the appropriate personnel to occupy a position, the recruitment and selection program of personnel must be within the strategic planning of the company so that it is directed to meet the objectives of the company. This process has 4 basic steps: analysis of the company's needs, recruitment, selection and incorporation into the organization.

Recruitment and staff selection


Currently in companies it is imperative that recruitment and selection of personnel is included in strategic planning. Having a suitable staff for our operation is the key point since at this time it is more important to have a strong human capital in order to be competitive in a market that is becoming more and more demanding.

In the present work the concepts of recruitment and selection of personnel will be defined.

II. Background

In this world that every day becomes more competitive and more demanding, companies seek to be more productive, for this technology, quality, and efficiency are needed and for all this the most important thing is to have the right personnel, which is why resource planning Humans have taken on great importance within the organization. As human capital becomes more important in organizations, they become more complex, more exhaustive and there is a trend towards a greater professionalization of the human resources department (Montes & González, 2010, p. 1)

Human resource planning is necessary due to a number of factors:

  • Instability of market demand Increase in the number of specialized jobs Need to integrate human resource management into the rest of the organization's management due to the importance that human capital has acquired in companies in recent times (Montes & González, 2010, page 54)

Carrying out the recruitment and selection of personnel in conjunction with the strategic planning allows the company to have the appropriate and necessary personnel to meet its objectives

The Human Resources or Human Capital department is in charge of carrying out this process and therefore must be prepared to take on the challenge of selecting candidates who meet the characteristics required by the position.

III. Development

“The personnel selection process consists of 4 stages: a) Analysis of employment needs (analysis and evaluation of positions); b) Recruitment (internal and external); c) Selection; d) incorporation into the organization. " (Editorial Vértice, 2007, p. 2), that is to say that it first begins with analyzing the position which the staff requires, either newly created or to keep it in operation, after the recruitment is carried out, that is, the search for candidates Either inside or outside the company, after recruiting, the candidate who meets the characteristics that the position requires is selected and finally an induction is given to the position and the company.

In order to carry out this process we must do a planning and as a principle of this planning is to determine the analysis and evaluation of the position since we cannot make a correct selection of personnel if we do not know where we are going, that is, what characteristics are required by the Market Stall. "This job analysis tries to determine: what tasks to carry out, when the tasks will be carried out, where they will be carried out, how they will be carried out and by whom they will be carried out." (Insa, 2007, p. 73). Once the job analysis has been carried out, it is possible to start recruiting personnel.

The process by which an organization tries to detect potential employees who meet the appropriate requirements to perform a certain job, attracting them in sufficient quantity so that a subsequent selection of some of them is possible, depending on the demands of the job and the characteristics of the candidates; taking into account that the first step to attract candidates lies in knowing the company and its needs (Cuervo García 1994, cited in Editorial Vértice, 2007, p. 3).

This means that the company is going to carry out a series of activities to attract the attention of qualified candidates in order to occupy the positions of an organization, it is about calling a significant number of candidates so that the selection process is later carried out. When we talk about internal recruitment, it is that the company is looking for candidates within the same organization, this can bring as an advantage the reduction in the training period and maintains the motivation of the staff since the worker is allowed to rise in position (vertical direction) or to be able to do it in the same position but in different branches (horizontal direction).

To carry out external recruitment, the company has several options to achieve it, such as: database of personnel requests, employment agencies, training centers, internet, newspaper. "The main advantage of this recruitment is that there is the introduction of new contributions to the company, new points of view and opinions that can enrich the company" (Insa, 2007, p. 74).

The final product of this step consists of collecting all the employment forms which will be analyzed and the ones that most adhere to the desired characteristics will be chosen, which will go on to the next step which is the selection.

When the employment forms have already been chosen, the selection phase begins, which can be defined as “choosing the right man for the right position, or more broadly, among the recruited candidates, those best suited to the existing positions in the company., with a view to maintaining or increasing efficiency and job performance ”(Chiavenato 1999, cited in Editorial Vértice, 2007, p. 4). In order to do this, the company carries out a series of tests, evaluations and interviews which may allow the reduction of candidates to choose the ideal one for the position, however, not the one with the highest qualifications is the one indicated, it must be taken into account various aspects such as possible integration into a specific work environment, which will encompass physical and social aspects in their environment.The purpose of selection is to find suitable people for the position who are efficient in the position.

The most common types of objective tests are: technical tests (these are professional tests, specific to the job to be filled), psychotechnical tests (they try to show the lack or possession of certain basic and generic skills and abilities for the job position), psychological tests (used to know the personality of the candidate) and finally the personal interview. (Montes & González, 2010, p. 50).

This type of well applied tests and with full awareness of their assessment objectives, serve to differentiate between candidates, however many companies do not have full knowledge of how these tests are applied, which only generates expenses in the organization, if not You have the necessary knowledge, this type of test can be just one more procedure. We can say that the personal interview is the most effective in small companies, however it should not be ruled out in any type of selection.

Once the candidate is chosen, the induction process is carried out, in which “… they are provided with the basic information on the background they require to perform their job correctly…” (Dessler, 2001, p. 249). the history of the company, vision, mission, policies, norms and values ​​among others. This induction can be informal and brief, even formal and long, however in either of the two manuals or printed materials are provided, be it policies, schedules, performance reviews, among others. The new employee is also given training, which is defined as a “process for teaching new employees the basic skills they need to know to perform their job” (Dessler, 2001, p. 249)

IV. conclusion

Due to the drastic changes that are occurring in society, companies must be attentive to meet the needs of the consumer and the company itself, that is why the recruitment and selection process should not be taken lightly. Therefore, we must advance on that traditional vision that considered the recruitment and selection processes as specific acts within the company, and integrate these processes as a fundamental part of its life and growth.

If the personnel selection process is not done correctly and a worker who is not suitable for the position is hired, it can cause the company low productivity since it is useless to develop a company philosophy if it does not have the administrative structure that the support.


  • Dessler, G. (2001). Staff Administration. Pearson Education Editorial Vértice. (2007). Staff pick. Spain: Editorial Vértice.Insa, MY (2007). Practical guide to business economics II: management and production areas: theory and exercises. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat Barcelona.Montes, J., & González, P. (2010). Personnel selection: The search for the right candidate. Ideaspropias Editorial.
Recruitment and selection of personnel in human resources