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Recruitment and selection of personnel through social networks


Times change and with it our way of looking for employment and contacts to find a good job. Currently the professionals of the human resources department of a company, when making a sweep in the selection of new personnel for their company, use different techniques and tools of recruitment and selection of personnel, through social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Youtube) and job portals.

These strategies mainly refer to the search for "passive candidates" as well as being able to directly contact the candidates who apply for the position offered; the creation of "talent communities"; and the publication of job offers.

Currently within the workplace we are faced with a combinatorial process of job search between conventional portals that are increasingly socializing and social networks that are increasingly portalizing, all of which depends on the social rhythm and the needs that are necessary to cover both for companies and for searches and the candidates themselves, providing both sites, competent and recurring services.

A successful and adequate selection of personnel by a company does not focus on looking for professionals in the networks and portals when it is needed, but rather, it is about knowing the candidates before it is necessary to recruit them.

Some basic aspects and important data that we must take into account as professionals when facing the active search for employment and about the recruitment of personnel by companies, are the following:

  • Recruitment and selection of personnel: At this point, companies strategically use job portals and use social networks to recruit candidates and workers. In this way, they not only know the professionals to hire but also find out their active or passive job search and their possible job aspirations. Recruitment of personnel through a professional profile: Job portals are the most suitable and the most chosen means when it comes to capturing the professional profiles of candidates. Technical professionals and employees in general are those that we can usually find in the various work pages, however, the selection of managers is more oriented in recruitment companies.Personal contacts in job search: Personal contacts are the main source of job search by candidates and the second most used recruitment method after active job search on job portals and consultation on the web of companies. Conventional press for job search: One of the myths most used to find work was the press, a method that until a few years ago was the channel most used by users, but social progress and new technologies have displaced it towards One side with the arrival of the Internet, the internal promotion of the companies themselves or by their own training centers. Job search abroad: The most attractive option for professionals and that covers a greater geographical scope, is the search for employment abroad. Both national job portals followed by foreign job portals are one of the most used channels when looking for new opportunities outside our country. Choice of personnel recruitment methods: There are three variables for choosing professional personnel: On the one hand, we find the search based on the professional profile of the candidate in which the choice of professionals depends on the professional profile that is being sought, depending on the position or position to be held. At this point it influences: Training centers, universities, professional training or postgraduate degrees. Courses, knowledge, languages, references, work experiences, etc. With the new opening to the world of work that the Internet offers us, the number of professionals who can apply for a job, regardless of their professional profile, is increasing every day, giving more opportunities to candidates.

On the other hand we have the scope and size, that is, depending on the activity of the candidate in their social networks and job portals, it will have a greater or lesser scope in terms of: geographical, socio-demographic or the diffusion of the medium itself.

The doors to a new world of work are provided by social networks and job offer pages both nationally and internationally. Our profile will depend on our activity, passive or active, in our job search, in our direct or indirect contacts with certain companies in which we want to work as well as our image before them.

An alternative to the conventional job search that offers us great opportunities inside and outside our country. It is vital to know the professional aspects of personnel recruitment by companies to have greater opportunities to choose that highly desired position.

In the video-lesson that you find below, Almudena García, expert in talent management and professor at the School of Business and Management, teaches us more about how social networks can be used in the recruitment and selection processes of personnel. explains what recruitment 2.0 is, its advantages and the main means to use in this type of process, especially Linkedin.

Recruitment and selection of personnel through social networks