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Theoretical references on work


The generation of new knowledge is very important. The only mechanism that allows it is the research process, which has different methodologies supported by theorists in different branches. What is clear is that the important thing when facing a study is to create a field of consciousness in the researcher, which allows him to find something new or confront what has been obtained by previously carried out research, and this is where the importance of establish a good theoretical framework and preliminary investigation of the subject to be discussed. This process for the marketer in his performance as a professional is fundamental, so I understood it in the course of the Social Research Workshop I and II courses respectively,in which it was investigated about labor trajectories in the contemporary market and its different fluctuations throughout history, becoming the subject in question that brings us together today.

This is a lengthy subject in theoretical references, so in this compendium, the tendencies that are observed and known as reductionism are not taken as law, but rather a holistic or interdisciplinary look is carried out as it is called today, thanks to the structuring of the professions.

The increase in unemployment is known to be worrisome at a global level, because work is a human need, anthropologically speaking. The work is salaried, which accelerates its extinction according to Julio Cesar Neffa, before continuing, I want to clarify that wages are formed as a result of a negotiation for the distribution of income and the guidelines derived from society, which are rationally followed by the employer and the employee. The idea is to maintain balanced salaries because the level of employment increases, but inflation must be reduced, because the stipulation of the salary is tied to inflation. The flexibility of the labor market does not make it fair but each of the participants subjectively determines what is fair and unfair.

It went from social benefits to a full salary, there is unfair competition thanks to the fact that the bargaining power of the unemployed worker is null. The decisions to employ and the search for a job on the part of the unemployed, if they have the capacity to decide, do not seem to be conditioned simply by the exchange of income and the hassle of work. This without taking into account that the human being is afraid of change in social aspects that break tradition.

But behind this end of work, Enrique de la Garza Toledo argues that the increase in the heterogeneity of workers with repercussions on their norms, values ​​and attitudes, makes us lose the centrality of work as a set of social relations, which invites us to a reflection on the deinstitutionalization that work has been suffering for centuries.

Honest work, as an ethic of a dignified life, is on the way to extinction, as are the values ​​that in the past allowed to build society from the family. Neffa names two glances about the end of work, the first of the positivists who argue that the end of work depends on the extinction or failure of wages, which would be the critical point in this discussion. The negatives for their part, say that work will disappear from scientific and technological progress. The same creative destruction that J. Shumpeter speaks of that is made known by technical progress.

To avoid the end of work, Neffa proposes to stimulate trade with customs unions, common markets and increase the working day without reducing wages, something that we glimpse in the Colombian market with the possible entry into operation of the FTAA in 2005 and the labor reform Present.

But not only Neffa proposes. Also Rifkin who argues that unemployment is due to the scientific and technological revolution supported by communications, something similar to the look of negatives. The reduction of hours, socially redistribute earnings and allocate time well for work, personal and social life. All this allows an associative principle to exist, to increase social ties and increase the social capital that Francis Fukuyama speaks of in his work Confianza, and this is Rifkin's proposal, as opposed to that of the economists who maintain that with high productivity lowers costs, increases wages, decreases prices and increases demand, responding to the cause-effect with the rise in employment,becoming more comfortable and accelerating the nation's economic growth. This sounds good, but if the previous proposals were applied, unemployment would increase, a lumpen proletariat would be created and the trend of the disappearance of the middle class would be followed, which is very important since it is a bridge between social classes and dreams. for the less favored. To argue further, this cannot be manifested, due to the present inequality in the economic structures of internal markets and their loss of value before the world as they become more homogeneous and thus the world would be fragmented between winners and losers.A lumpen proletariat would be created and the trend of the disappearance of the middle class would be followed, which is very important since it is a bridge between social classes and the dreamlike for the less favored. To argue further, this cannot be manifested, due to the present inequality in the economic structures of internal markets and their loss of value before the world as they become more homogeneous and thus the world would be fragmented between winners and losers.A lumpen proletariat would be created and the trend of the disappearance of the middle class would be followed, which is very important since it is a bridge between social classes and the dreamlike for the less favored. To argue further, this cannot be manifested, due to the present inequality in the economic structures of internal markets and their loss of value before the world as they become more homogeneous and thus the world would be fragmented between winners and losers.

Another scholar of the subject Carlos Salas tells us that since 1945 with the Marshall plan, which has only been the expansion and consolidation of the United States worldwide, it caused economic restructuring, which has made the economy the center of attention and has been neglected the social aspect. 50% of employment is being generated among family units, individuals and micro-enterprises thanks to the fact that from the 70s there were great changes in the labor market, with an ambiguity, it was expected that with the opening, the internal economy would be supported, the level of employment and become more competitive nations, fulfilling the test of international markets.

In contemporary Latin America, it is recalled that from the 1950s to the 1980s the countryside was abandoned and moved to the tertiary sector, women gained strength in the labor market. The economically active population (EAP) began its working career younger and made workers over 40 years old obsolete. There was trade liberalization, government privatization, financial flow liberalization and a decrease in the government's role in the economic sphere, all this according to the ILO (international labor organization). All these cycles are what is known as the accumulation wave that occurs in long boom periods with great crises and stagnations. For this reason, in non-structured markets, such as Colombia, the functioning of social networks increased, the substitution of collective contracts for individual ones was presented,indefinite by temporary and an increase in social security reforms by the state thanks to the increase in informal employment, as one of the consequences.

It is known that domestic economic policy depends on credits and since 1980 there have been various aspects such as the breaking of customs barriers, an increase in the price of the dollar, which produced a recession, therefore an increase in external debt, an increase in the treasury, a decrease in the Gross domestic product (GDP), domestic industry was replaced or displaced by the increase in imports, which in number are greater than exports, the currency was devalued and growth was low if not zero in Latin America. As an analogy at the country level, they also want to divide the world between rich and poor, since the debt is unpayable.

Landing to our environment Rainer Dombois in his study of the labor trajectories and structure of the labor market, gives the importance regarding the profound differences that exist in job opportunities and in the labor market. There is great restriction, instability and very little remuneration in the Colombian labor market. Therefore, the idiosyncrasy that characterizes the workforce in our country, makes the profession or trade determined by its social nucleus and its path in life, which has been determined by their jobs in the different companies of the domestic market, which do not It is structured like that of the industrialized countries that make the variables that characterize them present as much correlation as inequalities in this aspect.

It is estimated that the person is born to follow the national phenomenon by the social system that encompasses it, which involves a high school, a socialization with communication, the necessary education, then enters the labor market and goes through different jobs or trades. which makes the individual grow in his career.

When social networks are handled, a hierarchy is not clearly shown, therefore since the 1960s in Colombia the expansion of the technical education system in high school, technical education such as that provided by the Sena and the technical-professional training granted by centers has been manifested university students from large cities. This dichotomously divided the city with the countryside, limiting the preparation of the peasant, who had to emigrate to the city and become a worker.

Regarding the impact of schooling, it was observed that most of the workers did not finish high school, while the percentage that managed to graduate is very small. Speaking of technical training in industrial trades, the number of employees who have this training is very small, because they do not have the baccalaureate requirement, which is essential, therefore, they are mostly empirical in their functions.

In conclusion, neither the immigration status nor the school level determine access to the current situation. Two out of every three workers entered non-salaried relationships with a verbal contract. For this reason, in this labor market, professional, technical or credential certificates do not play an important role, since the Colombian has sufficient suitability to face this phenomenon and hypothetically seems to be in agreement with the present rubric.

Finally, there is a book entitled The concept of work from the Greeks to modern society which is in English and illustrates the world of work. According to this book, work is a basic human activity imposed by the texture of society, which is influencing and influencing all the basic institutions of culture, but now work cannot be taken as a focus of reference and producer of collective meaning. remembering that morally work is the axis of an upright and morally good life, according to Hannah Arent who argues that work is more human when it is distanced from society.

So, it is known that the world of work is regulated by norms, which are given at the social level, granted by factories, schools, families, the state and by their religious beliefs. All this causes a deinstitutionalization in the contemporary market, showing that work is no longer the axis, nor the creator of values ​​in society. Therefore, the human condition forces the existence of work as a condition of life, for this reason being is organized through work itself, the language, laws, government and social norms that regulate its operation appear.

Before work was defined as creating things and relating to human relationships, so work uses material things of nature as tools, so with which objects are made, food is harvested and controls the forces of living creatures from nature to satisfy human requirements.

Currently work is equal to occupation, which is the way to survive and is associated with maturity, self-discipline and moral values, therefore the restoration of work to society can be the way to improve the quality of life in the Modern society. It is important that the rulers of the world become aware of the need for this restoration of work.

To finish, I quote this illustrious phase of Socrates to invite you to reflect: “there is only one good: knowledge. There is only one evil: ignorance ”

It is clear that the only thing that builds knowledge is research… thank you.

Theoretical references on work