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Reflections on the work environment


The so-called “work environment” is one of the issues that, with primary emphasis, it is advisable to analyze when looking at the indicators of production, integration, socialization and other components of enormous significance in the work of a corporation. Omitting its significance is a mistake that reflects a limited vision of its scope in business prosperity.

An element that should not go unnoticed, when studying the profitability of the business, is the generation of an optimal environment where its workers feel comfortable, respected and are highly motivated. The application of good human resources practices creates favorable conditions for better performance.

Hence the need to allocate the greatest attention to employees. It is suggested to design a plan for the personnel that makes each member of the company feel satisfied. In this sense, a loyalty bond will be forged tending to reduce the frequency of rotation and the standards of customer satisfaction will be increased.

In our environment there are numerous companies with a poor internal climate and which, furthermore, have not stopped to observe their relationship with low productivity and even with the lack of loyalty. The attitude of an employee –without distinction of hierarchies and functions- reflects the “temperature” of organizational well-being or discomfort. Cold, cutting and authoritarian relationships –among other factors- influence the behavior of its members.

The internal atmosphere is made up of a set of characteristics that facilitate or impede development and competitiveness. This is perceived in gestures as common as the bond between bosses and their subordinates; internal celebrations; incentives, recognitions and awards; corporate communication policies; the way to collect and channel concerns; procedures in times of crisis and downsizing; etc.

The deal offered influences to ensure delivery, identification and personal training. I know commercial firms –even of recognized prestige- with the mistaken belief that complying with the punctual payment of fees, respecting the current legal order and giving bonuses, is enough: Inaccurate.

The performance of those who lead the organization is central to forging positive working conditions. They are the referents who, due to their space of influence, have a high level of ancestry. However, it is still thought that this task is inherent in the human resources area, forgetting that everyone offers their cooperation to make coexistence and collective harmony fluid. Everyone can contribute to make social interaction more enjoyable.

Many individuals spend eight, ten or twelve hours a day working and, therefore, the company becomes an essential sphere for them. The human being requires knowing that there is the opportunity to transcend. For this reason, it is convenient to maximize your contributions and, consequently, the compensation you expect to receive is not only economic. It is suggested to promote a scenario where everyone "wants what they do."

There are entities in which the salary constitutes an assignment that makes you feel comfortable and secure. It is convenient that the remuneration is determined in accordance with the hierarchy, responsibility, qualification, etc. and avoid establishing it in a whimsical and subjective way.

I should also note the implications of emotional and spiritual rewards. These have a connotation that, in my opinion, should not be underestimated. The employee needs to perceive himself as considerate, imagine that he occupies a place in life, and perceive that his role matters. People claim to have pride, to know that they contribute to the existence of the business. Encouraging a genuine feeling of belonging will facilitate mutual integration.

Modern companies have one of the strongest advantages in their human resources in order to face the market and the competition. Not only do they offer a fair salary, but they also provide incentives, incentives and promote mechanisms to consolidate identification with their workplace. This involves launching Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs where the employee and their family environment are one of the priorities.

The human being demands that the business offers him the opportunity to grow. Involving him in future projections, providing training, making information transparent, creating democratic channels of discussion, fostering fellowship, strengthening institutional values ​​and demonstrating - on a daily basis - that the internal public makes the prosperity of the company possible, these are initiatives designed to enable the consolidation of a hopeful and healthy organizational environment.

Reflections on the work environment