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Reflections to improve education in Costa Rica


Intelligence is perfectly well distributed throughout society. It is normal that some people are more "intelligent" than others in some things, but it is compensated in other types of intelligence.

Howard Gardner speaks of 9 types of intelligence (linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, bodily, emotional, intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalistic). Another person could categorize the types of intelligence differently (see note at the end).

Regardless of the above categorization, all people are different, but we tend to generalize in order to understand the environment where we live. One of the fundamental principles of "Huna" (Hawaiian philosophy) says that all systems are arbitrary, which actually means that all systems are invented by humans to facilitate their understanding of nature.

The previous paragraphs sound very interesting and theoretical, but they have a very serious practical consequence, education in our schools is based on these generalizations, so if the child goes out of the averages he is considered rebellious or stupid, in any way the rest of His life will be affected, with economic, social and even criminal consequences for the entire society.

I agree that generalizations and categorizations are necessary to understand and transmit knowledge, but teaching and learning methods should be based on the strengths and weaknesses of each individual, the important person is the student, not the teacher. I feel that education in Costa Rica is designed to make the teacher's job easier, belittling the fact that we are training the people who are going to run our society. Currently the future president of the country is in school, who is probably a classmate of a future money launderer, or corrupter of minors, murderer, grocer, teacher, in short, each and every one of the students is important. It is up to us if they become people who contribute to or destroy our society.

It is not worth posing the problem without proposing a solution, so the knowledge transfer process should be something like this:

1. The teacher must speak clearly and simply, without elaborate words.

2. The teacher must maintain the student's attention at all times with voice changes, practical interaction with the student, vivid examples, a positive attitude, and colloquial language.

3. The listener must put energy into understanding the teacher's concepts. If the student does not want to learn, there is no way for him to learn. It is the teacher's responsibility to identify the way in which the student perceives the information through any of the five senses (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste).

4. The student must live (experience) the concepts in order to understand them.

5. The student must repeat the experience of the concepts in order to internalize them and become part of his life.

Note that although I am generalizing the learning process, it applies to the case that all people are different.

Final Note: Personally, I want to share the following types of intelligence that make sense to me:

1. Memory: Ability to reproduce things and events perceived in the past.

2. Emotional intelligence: Ability to perceive a situation objectively, without involving the ego, insecurities or personal fears.

3. Social intelligence: Ability to be liked.

4. Logical intelligence: Ability to interrelate variables.

5. Artistic intelligence: Ability to express ideas and internal emotions through elements of the environment.

6. Sports intelligence: Ability to coordinate the parts of the body and relate them to their environment.

7. Sensitivity: Ability to perceive one's own emotions and those of third parties.

Reflections to improve education in Costa Rica