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Reflections on the concept of supervision

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All Organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, public, private, mixed, etc. They develop activities, in what is planned, a series of actions to be implemented are listed, in the organizational world the statement "The Task is Not Negotiable" sounds very strong, which means that things must be done without fail.

Between what we plan and what we actually do there may be a gap that indicates differential levels in a greater or lesser range, and there comes the need for Supervision, so let's define…

Supervision: is the function that allows to control, correct and improve the results of any process, previously we had stated that a process is a set of actions that merit work to achieve a specific objective.

There are many concepts related to the purposes of Supervision, we will not delve into them, what I do want to focus on is the usefulness of this observation action, on this supervision is based, first we must contemplate how the process is executed, then analyze the quality execution, to finally apply improvement measures on what we are seeing, the fundamental thing is to understand that the Supervise action should not only reveal the difference between what we should do versus what is actually done, but also point out the series of elements and missing factors, and then execute them immediately and that this finally leads us to the effective fulfillment of what is intended.

There is a popular phrase that says “the master's eye makes cattle fat”, it is precisely the central direction of supervision, the existence of a viewing entity that firmly indicates what should be done.

I profess the Catholic faith, there are biblical issues that in my humble understanding are related to Supervision, I present this thought with great respect, without wanting to decontextualize, in the Gospel of John, in the parable of the Good Shepherd Jesus says: “I am the Good Shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life to the sheep. The wage earner, on the other hand, who is not the Shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong, when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons them and runs away, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. Since he is a wage earner, he does not care about the sheep." (John 10, 11-13).

I clarify that I know excellent employees, excellent employers and well…. also of the others, but I understand in this biblical quote something that Jesus had observed having lived in our world, He marks in the aforementioned parable, a difference in the actions of the owner and the employee, I think the example is simple and concrete, surely This evangelical observation taken from real life is a trend question of the human race rather than a rule of application to all cases, in this section of the New Testament what I indicate is underlying the fundamental purpose of the biblical message of the text.

Organizational Plan

Our duty is to work hard on Labor Culture and Philosophy, understanding that all employees are "a bit owners" just like the owner, and this is the dilemma, history and experience show that Supervision is inescapably necessary to achieve the goals and objectives, now…. If we would improve our sense of Responsibility towards the Due Tasks (suggestion for both Employers and Employees), how much resource would we optimize in use!, Since everything that must be done would be done without the need for Supervision, this necessary distraction of resources that requires The guarantee of the Task performed would be used for Value Construction and not for Supervision of the Servuctive or Productive Task of that Value Construction.

Reflections on the concept of supervision