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Reflections on the use of language. when we say we do


God orders the universe

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, everything was confusion and there was nothing on earth. The darkness covered the abysses while the spirit of God fluttered over the surface of the waters.

1. God said: "Let there be light and there was light." God saw that the light was good…

2. God said: “Let there be a vault in the middle of the waters, to separate.

3. God said: “Let the waters from under the heavens be gathered into one…

4. God said: “Let the earth produce grass, plants that give seed and…

5. God said: "Let there be stars in the sky that separate you day from night…

6. God said: “Fill the waters with living beings and flutter…

7. God said: “Produce the living earth according to its species…

8. God said: “Let us make man in our image and likeness…

9. God said: “Today I give you all kinds of plants to feed…

Thus were heaven, earth and everything in them finished. (Genesis, Old Testament).

Language directs our thoughts in specific directions and in some way, helps us create our reality by enhancing or limiting our possibilities. The ability to use language accurately is essential for good communication. Speaking correctly is essential since what differentiates us from animals is the orderly sound that transmits wisdom, knowledge and communication skills (Savarego, Solange Aparecida G. Words have power.

The Social constructionism, as Ken Gergen and Ted Sarbin (cited by. BARRET, FRANK J. and FRY, RONALD E. 2008. Appreciative Inquiry An approach to build positive cooperative capacity, Montevideo, Xn) proposes: "create the world we call real through our words - our conversations, symbols, metaphors and stories ”. Words are more than words, instruments of rhetoric or conduits of information; they are formative by guiding the way in which people build the world; they are the resources that guide how they actually live their experiences. In common conversations we create the world in society that we then experience as normal and real. And we create the world through the words we use. Each word identifies and validates a certain type of action.

Words emerge within a context of interpersonal exchanges. Compromises are forged, relationships are formed, futures are negotiated, all based on the words available and the topics that become the focus of the conversation. This is what is said when it is stated that "words create worlds."

When we refer to another person it is not a neutral act. It triggers a whole family of terms and categories that guide action and stimulate certain associations and others not. This family of terms includes references to the relationships that exist between individuals, respect, trust, or lack of them.

In this sense, a single word is never a single word, without a link to a world view. Therefore, altering everyday vocabulary in a social system has powerful possible consequences.

When the language begins to change, a whole world of possibilities opens up. Behind this is a powerful and subtle social dynamic. The words that are used guide what we focus on and certainly also guide how we interpret our experiences. Words are not neutral, they are always the product of human relationships. That changes the way we think about language. The ways we speak, the words we have, the tools that help us build and live the world.

This implies that when we create new stories, new metaphors, and new language, we are changing the very fabric of society.

We need to think of words as actions, as powerful tools that do things. Consequently, it is very important to consider what Wittgenstein affirms (quoted by BARRET, FRANK J. and FRY, RONALD E., op. Cit., P. 45), "the limits of my vocabulary are the limits of my world."

Reflections on the use of language. when we say we do