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Reflections on philosophy and man. learning to philosophize


From Königsberg those words resound to our ears, I do not teach philosophy, I teach philosophizing, this is what Kant told us, philosophy has lost part in our environment, it is forgotten, it does not resonate in our conscience, that impulse to seek the answers to that question Why are we here? It is only the human being that is capable of asking himself this question, being a temporary being, we fall into this anguish, and it may be that we will never have that answer but it is thus that we will never have the answer to ¿ because if something exists and nothing rather exists? Why philosophically we cannot conceive of nothing. But existence is something in which we are immersed every day and it is what we can answer that question, it is when our life generates a project and we realize that we are being in itself, a dasein.

Keywords. Philosophy, conscience, anguish, nothing.

From Königsberg these words resonate to our ears, I do not teach philosophy I teach to philosophize, philosophy has lost part of our environment is forgotten, does not resonate in our conscience, that impulse to find the answer to that question, why are we here ?, it is only the human being is able to ask himself this question, being a temporary being, we fall into this anguish, and we may never have that answer but it is so that we will never have the answer to, because if there is something and not Is there rather nothing? Why philosophically nothing can not conceive.


Man is a finite being, and he hunger for immortality.Our vapor to death is shown when we think, and many flee in drugs, in alcohol in the irresponsibility of the experience, it is when anguish arrives and is revealed in nothingness, realizing that when man dies he is nothing, always in all books the situation of man in the world is considered, as situated thought, because man is a thinking being open to thousands of possibilities, in which we participate, that is where we philosophize, where we think, stop being distracted, stop being stupid, perhaps this article seems boring because it is not like a means of communication, that holds you, the media catch you with the show, they make you think what they want you to think, but philosophy makes you aware criticism, and thinking makes you aware of your freedom.

La filosofía es incomoda, hay preguntas de filosofía que a veces no se quiere contestar, preguntas fundamentales donde Rene Descartes dice y empieza a dudar, es decir empieza a dudar del Tomismo aristotélico, empieza a dudar de todo, en 1637, por lo que todo pensamiento requiere de libertad, así fue que Descartes saco la célebre formula “pienso luego existo”, pero es así que esa fórmula de Descartes sigue resonando hasta nuestros días dudemos de todo, hoy debe resonar esas palabras en nuestros días, palabras revolucionaras, dudemos de todo, de la Tv, de los diarios, de los medios masivos de comunicación, y empecemos a dudar de la información que nos tiran para sujetarnos. Para que así nuestra conciencia sea libre y empiece a ser critica, para ser autentico, sin tener la manipulación de los medios mediáticos, así es como se empieza a filosofar. Así a lo largo de la Historia decenas de pensadores han repetido esas palabras para aportar un poco de su pensamiento a la filosofía, para tener una conciencia crítica del ser humana y no estar naciendo con cadenas.


Man can reveal himself against what others try to do with him, Sartre told us “Each man is what he does with what they made of him”, and that is when we begin to understand this problem, that is when we begin to philosophize That's when we start to be alone, we stop belonging to a group and we have an identity. That is why philosophy is uncomfortable, and it makes many uncomfortable because of their own questions because they are serious questions, because every moment of our life is worth infinitely, because thinking is unique. Not being part of the system, where the system interprets us, makes us think, what to say, what to do and what to do, that is why we philosophize, make us think, have a critical conscience, have our own ideas, be thinking, that our own thinking belongs to us to an authentic existence.


1.- Descartes R. 2010, Discourse on Method, Madrid. Editorial FGS. P.18.

2.- Romero, Francisco. Culturicide: History of Argentine Education (1966-2004). Editorial Librería de la Paz, 2005. ISBN 9789872173647, p. 17.

3.- Feinmann JP The shadow of Heidegger, 2010, Buenos Aires Editorial Planeta. ISBN 950731458X p. 184.

Reflections on philosophy and man. learning to philosophize