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Reflections on induction and work environment


When we are incorporated into a job, we go through a substantial moment in our professional development and we require a certain time in order to know all the details of the tasks, provisions and functions to adapt to the company.

It is understandable that the first days are training and introduction. Organized companies have established procedures to make this stage dynamic and agile, aimed at ensuring that the employee feels comfortable and has the appropriate means to assume their performance.

According to Ana María Gubbins, manager of the Great Place to Work (entity that evaluates best practices in the work environment): “… It is important to ensure that the worker perceives a family atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable with each other and is recognized and respect the individuality of the people who work there ”. Gubbins raises various proposals to achieve the insertion of the employee: "Invite him to lunch on his first day of work, wait for him from the first day with all the tools and equipment necessary to start his work (telephone, email user, photocheck, among others) and make him go through an induction and orientation program in the company he arrives at ”.

Proximity with the worker is built on walking and sharing the work activity. It is a process of mutual rapprochement in which both parties get to know each other and forge - based on attitudes, gestures, stimuli, etc. - a lasting, trustworthy bond in which common interests and achievements converge. In this regard, I agree with what was stated by Carlos Ariel Naranjo, general manager of Red de Energía del Perú, in his article “The daily deal”: “… Like the most important relationships in life, the relationship with our collaborators is built slowly every day. It is like planting and caring for a garden: plants are nourished by daily care and that is how they will respond to us ”.

There are companies where induction is not considered in its real scope. If the person selected was the right one, this process makes it easier to put your skills and abilities into practice and, consequently, you will reach the desired performance standards more quickly. It is recommended to invest in effective mechanisms aimed at incorporating the employee in the operation of the company.

On the other hand, we must note that institutions have evolved about the importance of human resources. But, there is still much to refine in this area, not always seen as binding in its comprehensive improvement and its components. A trained, motivated, cohesive team that enjoys an optimal work environment - where their rights are respected - will have the elements to bring out their main talents.

The work environment is made up of a set of factors that facilitate or impede professional development. This is perceived in such everyday gestures as the treatment of bosses with their subordinates; internal celebrations; incentives, recognitions and awards to collaborators; corporate communication policies; the way to collect and channel the concerns of its members, etc. There are numerous actions that shape the “atmosphere” and we must give it its value and, in addition, analyze its influence on the loyalty and profitability of the worker.

The treatment offered to the internal public is significant and influential to strengthen and stimulate the levels of performance, identification and personal training. There are companies with the mistaken belief that complying with paying the salary on time, respecting labor regulations and providing some facilities to their workers is enough: Inaccurate.

Employees spend more than eight, ten or twelve hours a day in their workplace and the company becomes an essential sphere for them. The human being requires knowing that there is the opportunity to transcend. Hence the convenience of maximizing your contributions and, therefore, the compensation you expect to receive should not only be financial, but also emotional and spiritual. It is suggested to foster an environment where each worker "wants what he does", feels like a winner and, therefore, in permanent evolution and growth.

Successful organizations have a sustainable competitive advantage over time. That superiority can be your human resource. A motivating corporation has qualified applicants to fill its vacancies; manages to reduce its degree of staff turnover; it has notable levels of satisfaction and loyalty from its customers; enjoys prestige in the market; builds solid bonds of solidarity and harmony among its members; stimulates new accomplishments; projects a winning vision; reduces your costs due to human errors, among other internal and external advantages.

The professional who delivers his skills in his daily work is also a being with expectations, desires and projects that it is recommended to encourage to avoid frustrations that, finally, influence individual and business progress. Let us remember the statement of the Scottish thinker, historian, writer and social critic Thomas Carlyle: "Work is life."

(*) Teacher, environmentalist, journalist, consultant in event organization, protocol, image and social etiquette.

Reflections on induction and work environment