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Reflections on office romances


Lately, the cases of love affairs between work colleagues have grown a lot. But… is it beneficial or detrimental to its protagonists and to the company? Our current competitive world requires that most employees spend long hours at their jobs, trying to bring the companies where they work to the top of the commercial scale, or at least prevent it from collapsing due to stress. rival companies.

Of course, this has its repercussions on the lifestyle that these same employees will lead, who will have less time - and possibly energy, after a hard day or a strenuous work week - to develop other social activities, which put them in contact with other people.

Therefore, you can find employees who do not have opportunities to insert themselves in other areas outside of work, and who must spend 8 to 14 hours in their jobs, during which time they will enter into fluid contact with sex partners On the contrary, who will be able to entertain them in many moments, the long times that they live there and vice versa.

The formula has a predictable, almost inexorable result: romance at work. And with him, a whole world of new experiences, both professional and sentimental, and this is increasingly common.

The fact that employees spend more and more time in their jobs and, therefore, less in other areas, makes it more and more common for romances to start in these places.

This practice is so widespread that many companies began to abandon the directives to discourage love in their workplaces and some even believe it appropriate, because they think that this improves the work environment and makes the employee more productive.

Of course, this does not mean that companies give free rein for romantic relationships between coworkers. Most of them do not look down on this happening, although they do have rules about it.

In this sense, it is very common that if the relationship is between a superior and his subordinate, one of the two is transferred to another sector, because otherwise, it is known that there will be favoritism towards that subordinate, relegating other co-workers who are are on the same level.

In the case that the employees are of the same hierarchical level, the waters are divided. In some cases, there are no major problems in this regard, since in fact it is believed that this can be a good incentive, but nevertheless, for other companies, this is not so clear, so they may also be inclined towards a transfer of some of them to another sector of it.

Those responsible for these companies, argue that these romances generate distraction among co-workers, as well as distraction on the part of the members of the couple, either by showing their love, or by hiding it from their colleagues, they lose work time and productivity.

An almost inexorable path

In any case, it seems to be very difficult for companies to continue having this policy, because as can be seen, the growing habit of having "full-time" employees is causing many of them to only interact within their work environments.

In addition, as is evident, with the large number of hours working and the rising cost of living, there was a decline in nights out, to dance parties and other community spaces, which means that many of the channels no longer exist. those who used to get a partner.

But of course, it is not only the lack of external alternatives that induces love within the office, because the time spent with each other also counts. And a lot.

It happens that falling in love also has to do with being close to others, so it is not strange that, after so many hours and situations lived together, love can be born.

According to specialists, this is enhanced at work by a series of factors, which have to do with the load and energy that is put there, as with the support that is required to withstand the hours of tedium and / or pressure.

Sigmund Freud maintains that what defines a healthy man is his ability to love and work. For this reason, it is not surprising that the labor bond that one has with a co-worker also leads to an affective one, which may well be loving.

On the other hand, the labor company that the other party can provide, when one of the employees is facing the difficulties of work, can mean emotional support that goes far beyond professional assistance.

A more present woman

Another factor that influences this exponential growth in love relationships at work has to do with a greater presence of women in the workplace.

Indeed, today's woman no longer limits herself to staying within the four walls of the home, but has, for one reason or another, a much more active role, which is also verified in her greater labor insertion.

In fact, it is calculated that the participation of women in the labor sphere grew from 25 to 35 percent in the nineties, which, presumably, brought about a greater interaction between men and women.

Even, this greater participation was also expanding the democratization of labor relations, so that if before women had to have a role of submission in front of men, which made it difficult for both the chance of maintaining a more personal contact, today the interaction is usually much more even and, with it, the possibility of common points emerging.

Particular features

The fluid interaction to which I refer is another point that explains these relationships. If you think about how people relate to each other in a nightclub, bar, dance hall or other public area, you can see that there is great mistrust in this regard, because you can never be sure that the other person is what they say or appear to be.

At work, on the other hand, it is not uncommon for one to know a lot about the lives of his colleagues, which reduces barriers and there is greater security in personal treatment.

This is enhanced, the specialists point out, in the case of large companies, where contact between people is not close enough to make it tedious or tiring, nor is it so distant that there is no means of communication.

Finally, it is advisable to take into account only a couple of factors.

The first has to do with realizing if love is not, in fact, simply an escape route from work, and if it is not, that it does not affect work performance.

If it is believed that what actually happens has to do with this first case, that is to say that the search for a company is motivated by the desire for the hours to pass faster or to calm the anguish after carrying out a complex work, before that by the experience of love itself, it will be prudent to know that this kind of relationship may soon fade, so it would not be good to bet too much on it.

If love persists over time, and you become convinced that you are in love, you only need to be careful not to neglect your work obligations, because in times of economic crisis, no adult can afford to live a carefree adolescent romance.

But anyway, specialists maintain that this is not frequent. In fact, the romance at the office is also an excuse to dress better, be more active and productive, and enjoy more the work that takes place together with the loved one, which is a combination that benefits the company and the employee himself., both in its work and sentimental phase.

Reflections on office romances