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Internal regulations of a surveillance company

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Our company has the permits and valid solvencies before the different Government Organizations:

  • FANB Armament Directorate (DAEX) Ministry of the Interior and Justice Social Insurance Ministry of Labor (Labor Solvency)

Contact Personnel:


Phones: _______________________

Email: ________________________



ARTICLE 1.- All the actions of the company service will be found within the framework of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and ORGANIC LAW OF LABOR, THE EMPLOYEES AND THEIR PARTIAL REGULATIONS; Other National and State laws, Municipal Ordinances and especially the regulation of the private services of surveillance and protection of properties, being a duty of the company staff, their strict and faithful compliance, in addition to the provisions of this regulation.

ARTICLE 2.- The object of the company is oriented to the exercise of the service of Surveillance and Protection of Properties, in industrial, commercial and residential facilities, legally constituted in order to transmit to the client security about their person, facilities and assets.

ARTICLE 3.- All staff of employees and guards must strictly comply with the rules of conduct and regulations described herein and it will be considered a serious offense, the violation or contempt of these rules.

ARTICLE 4.- The client is the raison d'être of this company and the most important figure in it, therefore all the actions of the workers must be aimed at achieving full customer satisfaction.

ARTICLE 5.- During the execution of the service or the working day, all the employees, supervisors and supervisors of the company, must carry their identification, the card and their respective uniform in a visible place. In the absence of these requirements, they will not be able to exercise company functions.

ARTICLE 6.- All company personnel, including Management and Administrative Personnel and the Coordinators and Executors of the Company's operational activity, such as Heads of Operations, Supervisors, Vigilantes, among others, will have broad rights, taking into account those granted by the different laws that protect them such as:

  • The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela The Organic Labor Law and its Regulations Antiquity according to Article 142 Holidays according to Articles 190 - 191 Profits according to Articles 131 - 132, etc. The Partial Regulation of the Organic Labor Law The Food Law for Workers Articles: 02.04, 15 and 16 (Ticket Basket) Decree 699, Article 13, of the provision of uniforms and other objects of the company to the staff. Assignment of Accident Insurance Policies, Life and Funeral Expenses, and other Laws or Regulations that interfere with Labor Law.



ARTICLE 7.- The authorities of the company, the President, the Vice-President and the Directors, who will have within their internal organization, the Chief of Operations, the Supervisors, the Group of Vigilantes and the Administrative Personnel.

ARTICLE 8.- The Company will be directed and administered by the President and Vice-President and Directors of the Company, with the support of a Secretary who is required to achieve a high level of efficiency in the performance of their duties. labors.

ARTICLE 9.- The Administrative Personnel will have a schedule from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday, however due to the type of Company, this personnel is subject to mobilization in any circumstance, including the Secretary.

ARTICLE 10.- The main function of the Administration of the Company will be the correct distribution of the Guard personnel, contract of external entities and of course the representatives of the Company before third parties for the sale of the service.




ARTICLE 11.- The guards upon entering the company will receive a copy of this regulation, which is mandatory, and the respective uniform that distinguishes them as an active member of said company, they will wear the logo and symbols on their sleeves. of the company, in the right pocket the mention Private Surveillance and in the left pocket the name of the company. These uniforms, according to the Resolution published in the Official Gazette No. 36,364 dated: 12/30/1997 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, may only be used at the workplace or on the occasion of the provision of the service as established in article 12 of Decree 699 published in Official Gazette No. 30,597 of January 14, 1975; they are the exclusive property of the company and must be reinstated at the end of the employment relationship in the same good condition that received it and if due to the worker's negligence they are lost, damaged or stolen, they will be discounted from the worker.

ARTICLE 12.- Any and all aspiring security guard, in order to enter the company, must present a certificate for physical and psychological examination that declares them suitable for surveillance tasks according to Resolution 108 dated: 02-01-1982, published in Official Gazette No. 32,406, by doctors appointed by the company.

ARTICLE 13.- The guards are the direct service providers of the Company, who are hired for a specified or indefinite period. These will have rotating schedules comprised of three (03) shifts of eight (08) hours each, from Monday to Sunday, adjusted to the provisions of Article 90 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the LOTTT (Articles 167, 173, 175 and 176), always keeping in mind not to exceed the legal limits.

ARTICLE 14.- The schedule established by the company, for the work day of Los or Las vigilantes is the following:

Turn I 05:30 am to 02:00 pm
Turn II 02:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Turn III 10:00 pm to 05:30 am

The advance will work the days off of the shifts: I, II and III.


Shift I: Hours of rest and feeding. 09:30 am to 10:00 am

Shift II: Hours of rest and feeding. 06:00 pm to 06:30 pm

Shift III: Hours of rest and feeding. 01:30 am to 02:00 am

The previous work schedule, for each shift is adjusted to a maximum of 40 hours per week of daytime work, with half (1/2) hour of daily rest, thirty-seven and a half (37.5) hours per week of shift work mixed with half (1/2) hour of daily rest and thirty-five (35) weekly hours of night work with half (1/2) hour of daily rest, in accordance with Article 90 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Articles 168 and 176 of the LOTTT.


ARTICLE 15.- The guards must be at their service posts fifteen (15) minutes in advance at the time indicated by their supervisor. Both guards, both the one who delivers and the one who receives the guard, must take a tour of the company's facilities and record in the news book whether or not there is any relevant news and report it immediately to the duty supervisor. If this does not happen, the guard who receives the guard will be responsible for what happened and for what happens in the facilities once he takes over and during his shift on duty.

ARTICLE 16.- Every security guard must report to the Guard Supervisor during his day or night shift through the Radio assigned to the Code, Project, Service or workplace, according to specific instructions for each case, issued from the Main Office. If for any circumstance the security guard cannot report to work within a certain time, he or she must notify the Supervisor at least six (06) hours in advance.

ARTICLE 17.- It is expressly understood that any justified absence must be verified by means of reliable documents.

ARTICLE 18.- The security guard must not leave his or her service post before the appointed hours, until he or she has been duly relieved. In the event that the replacement does not arrive at the time of the change, the Guardian must notify the Supervisor and await instructions without leaving his or her guard post at any time and remain in uniform.

ARTICLE 19.- Special Guards: In the event that the replacement does not appear for the corresponding service due to force majeure, the Guard shift will be extended for up to three hours (Article 178 LOTTT) which will be paid according to the shift that generates the incident; The special guards will be implemented in a concerted manner between the parties, to cover the days off for the guards of each Service, this in order to avoid irregular situations that may cause guards of other services or different advances; These Special Guards will be covered by an advance, or any Guard in a situation of availability, who will set up the corresponding Guard Shift, and will be paid with all the benefits of the Law (working day, rest hours, night bonus if applicable and food or meal ticket).

ARTICLE 20.- Changing of the Guard between Guards is prohibited, without the prior knowledge of the company; This situation must be presented in writing and with (48) hours in advance to the corresponding Supervisor, who in turn will present it to the company for approval or denial; Failure to comply with this provision will carry severe penalties.

ARTICLE 21.- Leave will be paid or unpaid according to the causes that generate it: In the event of the death of a relative in First or Second degree of Consanguinity, the worker will enjoy three (03) days of paid leave If the death is in the Local State (Federal Entity, Province…), in case the death occurs outside the State, the leave will be five (05) paid days, in the event of the death of a Third Degree relative onwards, the leave will be limited to two (02) days in all cases and will not be remunerated; leave for personal proceedings or for studies will be unpaid; in each case, they must present the corresponding support.


For this purpose, the company will apply the sanctions according to the severity and nature of the same, in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 79 of the ORGANIC LAW OF LABOR, among other articles and legal grounds that list the duties and rights of the worker.





Article 79

The following facts of the worker will be justified causes of dismissal:

  1. Lack of probity or immoral conduct at work, in fact, except in legitimate defense, infringement or serious lack of respect and consideration due to the employer, the employer, their representatives or the members of their family who live with him or her Intentional act or gross negligence that affects occupational safety or hygiene Omissions or imprudence that seriously affect occupational safety or hygiene Unjustified absence, for three (03) business days in a period of one (01) month, the which will be computed from the first absence. The illness of the worker will be considered justified cause of absence from work. The worker must, as long as there are no circumstances that prevent it, notify the employer of the cause that makes it impossible to attend.Material damage caused intentionally or with gross negligence in the machines, tools and work tools, furniture of the entity, raw materials or products made or in progress, plantations and other belongings Disclosure of manufacturing, manufacturing or procedural secrets Serious fault a The obligations imposed by the employment relationship Abandonment of work Workplace harassment or Sexual harassment.

Sole Paragraph:

It is understood by abandonment of work:

  1. The untimely and unjustified departure of the worker during the working hours of the work site, without permission from the employer or whoever represents him The refusal to work in the tasks to which he has been assigned, provided that they are of in accordance with the respective contract or with the Law. The worker's refusal to carry out work that involves an imminent and serious danger to his or her life or health will not be considered abandonment of work. worker who is in charge of a task or machine, when this lack means a disturbance in the progress of the production process, the provision of the service or the execution of the work.



ARTICLE 22.- The Guardian will show interest in their work by remaining awake, alert to their duty.

ARTICLE 23.- Do not read while on duty. Apart from what is supplied by the contracting company, such as instructions for the performance of their duties.

ARTICLE 24.- During your service you will not be able to engage in conversations and you will absolutely avoid political, religious or controversial topics.

ARTICLE 25.- You will not carry out any type of commercial activities while on duty or wearing the company uniform.

ARTICLE 26.- You may not accept, under any circumstances, gifts or gratuities of any kind, related to the service and the company where it is provided, without the prior authorization of the Main Office.

ARTICLE 27.- Do not use the cell phone for any call or personal chat during the duty shift, just as you should not receive, except for family emergency calls, nor use MP3, headphones or any electronic device.

ARTICLE 28.- You may not dispose of, or use any object, entrusted to custody.

ARTICLE 29.- You must use the uniform only in the dependencies attached to the offices and in the companies or places where it is prominent. In no case will they use the uniform on public roads.

ARTICLE 30.- The restrictions established by the contracting company regarding not smoking, refers to another internal provision, will be strictly observed and respected by the company.

ARTICLE 31.- You must immediately report to the Supervisor, any news that you observe during your work, and whenever you deliver guard, you must do so on the sheets prepared for this purpose.

ARTICLE 32.- OF THE DAILY NEWS REPORT. Both the Supervisors and the Wardens, must present at the end of their daily activities, a report with details of all the news that occurred during their shift; For this, it will have books foliated and stamped by the company, it will also keep a detailed list of vehicle and visitor access according to the nature of the service; The Books must be treated with the utmost care, the annotations will be in black ink and they must not be scratched on the outside, or the front and back cover sheets white, inside the same.

ARTICLE 33.- In compliance with Article 35 of Decree No. 699, Official Gazette No. 30,597 dated: 01/14/1975, in case of war, disturbance of public order, public calamities or other serious emergencies, the personnel, facilities, equipment, weapons and implements will be placed at the command of the National Executive, proceeding to reinforce the services and through the Main Office to request the assistance of the Public Force.

ARTICLE 34.- You may not borrow money from other guards or workers of the contracting companies.

ARTICLE 35.- You will not be able to appear at your service, at the main office or at its premises with the smell of alcoholic beverages and even less while intoxicated.

ARTICLE 36.- You may not ingest alcoholic beverages, or play games of chance in the premises specified above, or in the areas of the contracting companies.

ARTICLE 37.- You may not authorize your name and position to appear photographed in advertisements for any company, social media, without written authorization.

ARTICLE 38.- The Guardian will not receive any type of personal visits at his guard post, nor will he call or visit any other guard post of the company, unless authorized for a commission, calls to other posts are strictly Order of service and / or emergencies for the respective support or in case of illness that warrants its relief or send a substitute, must be authorized by the company.

ARTICLE 39.- Do not take measures on your own initiative, likewise you must not neglect or abandon work or leave unexpectedly without authorization from the supervisor.


ARTICLE 40.- The Guardian will be respectful and patient with the public at all times, strictly using the appropriate language for the fulfillment of their duty, refraining from giving any information that is not related to the service, or engaging in any type of gathering. with employees or strangers.

ARTICLE 41.- He or the Vigilante may not at any time go down to the level of discussion with worker or administrative personnel of the company where he is prominent, limiting himself to passing news, with all order, promptly and will pass in detail to his relief the Orders received by him will be limited to passing orders received from the main office or from a person duly authorized by the contracting company, which must be provided in writing with a copy. In the event of the existence of a Group Leader, he or she must receive the orders and transmit them to the guards, who will be responsible for their strict compliance.

ARTICLE 42.- The Warden, must obey the orders promptly and notify his relief of the orders received by him, he will be limited to receiving orders from the main office or from an authorized person (Supervisor).



ARTICLE 43.- The types of weapons that are used for the execution of the service will be in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Chapter II of the Regulation of Private Services for the Surveillance and Protection of Properties; the types are mentioned below:

12 gauge shotguns.

The procurement, possession and carrying of the weapons in question, which are required to provide said Services, will be governed by the provisions of the ARMAMENT DIRECTORATE OF THE ARMED FORCE (DAEX). The use and control of the weapons to be used for the execution of the service of the company, will be done in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of Chapter III of the Regulation of Private Services of Surveillance and Protection of Properties, Decree 699, published in Official Gazette No. 30,597 dated: 01/14/1975.



ARTICLE 44.- The Company will be very demanding with the staff and this requirement begins from their hiring, where the admission requirements are the following:

  • Be Venezuelan. Of legal age. Reserved or Enrolled in the Military Service. Have passed the Baccalaureate. Must pass the Training Course, related to the Private Security and Property Protection Service, dictated by INCES, according to Resolution 368 published in Official Gazette No. 32,406 dated: 02/06/1991 or verify it by means of the respective certificate. Approve the psychological evaluation tests, in the areas of Personality, Validity, Psychomotor and Language, in accordance with Articles 11, Literal D and 37 of Decree 699 of the MRIJ and Resolution No. 108 dated: February 1, 1982, published in Official Gazette No. 32,406.



ARTICLE 45.- The physical appearance of all company personnel must be impeccable, being the uniforms mandatory for the SUPERVISORY and VIGILANT personnel, in the execution of their functions.

ARTICLE 46.- It is the responsibility of the supervisors and guards to keep their uniforms in very good condition; as well as the cleanliness and order of the booth or guard post to which it has been assigned, the company will replace the uniforms with a frequency of one endowment every six months.

ARTICLE 47.- The uniform to be used by supervisors and guards will be in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 543, Article 2, Part B, published in Official Gazette No. 36,364 dated: 12/30/1997; which is described below:

  • Light blue shirt, short or long sleeves. Dark blue trousers, plain hems. Long-sleeved jacket and dark blue tie. Black footwear (for Security). Black belt or trimmings. On the front left, the identification card.Corresponding and a cloth label with the mention of Private Security Guard or Supervisor.



ARTICLE 48.- In the event that the Guards on Duty in their workplace become aware of the commission of a criminal act or alteration of public order, they will immediately notify the competent police authorities, as well as the Guard Supervisor.

ARTICLE 49.- In case of disturbance of public order, public calamities or other emergencies, the surveillance personnel, the facilities, equipment, weapons and implements will be subject to the provisions of the National Executive, for as long as it is necessary while the causes that prompted the measures.

ARTICLE 50.- Everything not provided for in these regulations will be decided in accordance with the National Constitution and the respective laws.



ARTICLE 51.- The employment relationship may end due to dismissal, retirement, common will of the parties or causes beyond the control of both (Article 76 LOTTT).

ARTICLE 52.- The payment of social benefits will be made within five days following the termination of the employment relationship, that is, five days after receiving the payment of the corresponding fortnight and receiving what concerns the payment of the benefit of the Law of Food (Ticket Basket).

Our Staff has the following benefits, among others:

  • Laboratory Exams Medical Labor Exam Psychological Exam Punctual payment on the 7th and 22nd of the month Provision of uniforms Social Insurance Cash Ticket Mandatory Savings Fund for Housing Five (05) working days Two (02) days of rest. Three (03) Shifts of approximately 8 hours according to LOTTT. Night bonus. Extra hours. Averaged days off pay. 31st day of the additional month. Seniority Benefit) Vacation Bonus Year-end Utilities Training for our Officers throughout the year by the company It is covered by a Personal Accident Insurance Policy and Funeral Assistance Civil Liability Policy with Payment of Damages to Third Parties and Premises.

Our services can be provided in any of the following modes: Armed, Unarmed or Mixed, which we detail below:

Armed: Our Officers provide the Service carrying regulation weapons (Shotgun) authorized for this purpose by the respective agencies.

Unarmed: They are dedicated to Preventive Surveillance, identification and control and supervision of people or goods in the different areas or facilities.

Mixed: Armed Officers in Support of Unarmed Officers.



Internal regulations of a surveillance company