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Rules of etiquette in email. r-tag

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The modern world offers a powerful tool to all those who are linked to the world of business: Email.

You are a user of it and the development of your usual work depends, to a high degree, on the use of this resource. That is why we invite you to observe a few rules that will make your daily work more friendly and cordial.

The first rule: Make sure you are writing to the correct person and check who you copy.

Every morning you arrive at your desk, verify how many documents have arrived and give them the necessary paperwork. They are a few and most of them are important. Now, open your email: You have seventy unread messages. What to do? You first classify them by sender and decide which ones to read right away. Answer about them. Then it examines the next priority and takes another series of messages. Many of them are unrelated to your responsibility and just waste your time and patience. At this point you must attend a meeting and you must stop reading: Did you miss something important? He does not know and it is complex to know. For this reason, and to break this chain of messages, there is the corollary of the first rule:

Address your email to the person who can really collaborate in the Solution of the Problem. Send a copy only to those who should know the development of the Solution that is in progress. When copies are not necessary, it can be interpreted that 'you have lost control of the situation' and are crying out for many to come to your aid. Please ask yourself if this is what happens.

The second rule: Respect for your interlocutor:

The person who will read your message is someone like you. You have a job, you pay your taxes, you have little time left to dedicate to your family, well, similar to you. So treat him as you would like to be treated. It's simple, right?

When it is written in SHARP CAPITAL LETTERS TO INDICATE WHAT IS OR IS NOT HAPPENING, IT IS SCREAMING. Nobody likes to be yelled at. Also, sustained capital letters make reading difficult. Prevent it from happening and write in the standard font provided by the system.

Mail, when used in a business, must be used exclusively for business purposes. Therefore, obscene jokes and graphics cannot and should not be accommodated. Address your interlocutor in the kind and measured tone that, we know, you always use. When you receive a message that does not require the participation of your experience and knowledge, please let the sender know: It will help you improve your communications.

The third rule: Use a polite format.

A typical message contains the following: a) Subject, b) Message Body and c) Message Signature. Many people consider that a complement to their personality consists in adding all kinds of pictures to their messages. Always check your spelling: It is unprofessional to send notes with misspellings and certainly misspelled notes.

In the Subject of they must write about five words as a title. In them you must report on the topic you are interested in communicating. The first word should reveal the subject you are dealing with and the remaining words mention the particular issues. Rehearse: It's interesting.

The Message Body has a few little rules. A sentence should never exceed fifteen words. It is preferable to write short sentences, they facilitate a good understanding. A paragraph contains a related set of ideas and should not exceed four sentences. It is a challenge? Possibly yes, but you have the knowledge to do it. Finally, work a maximum of four paragraphs. Always try to communicate, in a short and simple way, what you require. A little tip: Always use appropriate language: Excessive colloquial or familiar expressions can lead to unwanted problems.

The Signature of the Message must be clear and plain. Your name, position, company, telephone numbers, email and email address. Use the same simple font that you have used in the text. That is, ten points and with the font you want. Avoid using a twenty-something dot size and hundreds of multiple colors.

As you can see, these are just three simple rules that will make you feel so much better when you send an email. And you will be part of the important partners of the Label on the Net, called R-label.

Notes, sources and resources

Rules of etiquette in email. r-tag