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Relationship between ambition and talent


Ambition is the desire that organizations, institutions, people, etc. have. tending to achieve something. It is the burning, passionate intention to achieve a goal.

Be careful with the word "passion", its etymology goes back to Latin - Indo-European language - the word passion comes from Passio which means to suffer, suffer, resist, therefore we can infer that the person in a "state of ambition" suffers from the pretense of that something, plus the state of ambition is passive, without movement.

The word Ambition comes etymologically from the Latin ambitionis which means "to stalk, ponder on one side and the other, prowl".

Of course, the intended "thing" can be dignifying or amoral, let's establish "Morals as Ethics in Motion", Ethics and Morals are two different questions, but this will be a reflection of another moment.

Regarding the development of the subject, I say that between the point where we are and the one we "ambition" there is a gap, this gap generates a tension called Creative Tension.

In order to resolve this Creative Tension, we can hold onto our "Talents", which are "our riches".

Talent is a word originally from Greek (also Indo-European language), referring to the scale plate where different elements were measured and weighted. There was also a monetary unit in the East called Talent, for biblical reasons I think many of us know this parable.

Talents are our capacities, abilities, aptitudes, innate or developed throughout our lives, through study and empiricism.

Let's remember that ingenious conceptualization of Luck combining two variables, Preparation and Opportunity, that is why I affirm: I believe in Luck, defined as the Preparation that finds Opportunity.

Now we will delve into the Relationship given by the Ambition and Talent variables.

  1. What happens if a person has greater Talent than Ambition? Simple, we will be facing a lukewarm, as the famous parable indicates, buries his talent to "not lose it" but given that the World needs "Talents" this ends up being inert and lazy. What happens if a person has the same level of Talent and Ambition? Very good! He will achieve his goals and the same desire for growth will lead him to develop his Talents, we call this virtuous circle.What happens if a person has more Ambition than Talent? We are complicated, unless the level of variable Talent until reaching a position that brings him closer to his ambitious claim.

There is such a need for Talent (Valor) in world organizations, that a quasi-profession called Headhunter (talent hunter) was created.

I juxtapose to the supra writing to assume that our Ambitions are noble, altruistic; now ………….. in what dilemma would we be if there is Talent that is used for petty, harmful purposes …….

Suggestion: if we are at point one (1) not to bury our Talent, to share it and expand it with our communities. If we are at point two (2) to enhance both variables, more ambition, more talent and this renewing itself in a circle of Total Quality. If we are at point three (3) to ask for help, Humility can help us because it is the "Ability to Recognize our own limitations", from there we move forward.

To grow our Talents, to get closer to our Ambitions, Dreams, Desires and collective Well-being.

Relationship between ambition and talent