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Public relations for the improvement of customer service

Table of contents:


This research project focuses on the Design of a Public Relations procedure that contributes to raising the level of satisfaction of the Client Rest of the Organization that requests graphic services from the Villa Clara Graphic Company.

Public Relations and Customer Satisfaction are addressed through the perspective of the Company's communication with its external audiences. For this, concepts, criteria and methodologies necessary for research are affiliated.

It was possible to diagnose and characterize the communicational problems of the entity through the application of methods and techniques used interchangeably in one or another stage of the investigation, defining the central problem of the proposal for the Public Relations campaign with all its steps, as well as the degree customer satisfaction.


In our country, talking about Public Relations is almost a challenge, taking into account the novelty of this specialty in the business work of today's Cuban society.

A large number of specialists focus their actions on advertising, leaving behind the role of the public relations officer as well as their actions on customer satisfaction.

For the rescue of public relations and customer satisfaction, its understanding is necessary as the action of an industrial or commercial company, professional or worker group, public or civic body, or of any other society and institution to adapt to its environment and interpret before the society in which it operates, as well as to attract and preserve the friendship, understanding or sympathy of its employers, shareholders, members, employees, clients or any other groups of people affiliated with the activity of the corporation or affected by it.

In Cuba these are necessarily aligned with Latin American positions, without forgetting our specificities of all kinds. And although it is too risky to venture a definition according to our own national experience, it is not possible to fail to recognize that it should have a predominant place in the social component that by relying on communication serves the interests of the organization, in the first place and to all of society, by extension.

This research was carried out at the “Enrique Núñez Rodríguez” polygraphic company, which is located on the central highway km. 295, Esperanza band, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, is part of the Polygraphic integration and with branch dependency to the Ministry of Light Industry (MINIL). It is an entity specialized in graphic productions, inserted eight years ago in the Business Improvement process.

The mission of this company is: to guarantee the printing of the national and provincial press for the Central Region of the country, to position itself as leaders in the production and commercialization of graphic products, and to achieve the levels of efficiency and quality of the best companies in the Union.

The vision is set on being leaders in the printing of newspapers and popular books in the Central Region of the country with outstanding quality and efficiency.

The problem that we posed to carry out this work was: How are the communicative relations of the entity with its target audiences?

The fundamental limitation of this company is the inexistence of a department for the study, analysis and action of public relations to fulfill the development of marketing and customer satisfaction.

General Objective: Propose a Public Relations campaign that contributes to strengthening the image of the company with its audiences and raising the degree of satisfaction thereof.

Specific Objectives:

  • Diagnose main communication problems in the company Characterize the problems detected in the entity Determine actions that respond to the elimination of the problems.

To complete these, an analysis of the methods and techniques used in the investigation and the results that they produced will be carried out to determine the central problem of the proposal for the design of the Public Relations procedure and customer satisfaction.


Theoretical Analysis

The Marketing System is a fundamental tool for the management of the Company, in the achievement of a coherent and harmonious communication system that enables greater internal integration and the strengthening of the values ​​of culture and identity.

Through the application of the Marketing System, a functioning of the Communication is achieved in order to improve the Company and the tendency to improvisation that frequently exists in terms of Public Relations and Customer Satisfaction is reduced.

According to the literature, there is no universal definition of Public Relations, the existence of more than four hundred basic definitions is pointed out.

There are four definitions related to the three schools or currents of thought, the European, the American and the Latin American, which highlight the dominant thought:

1- It is a general and global communications effort by an organization, and its purpose is to influence the attitudes of various groups towards it. These activities may aim to build or maintain a favorable relationship with your audiences.

2-They are the management function that evaluates the attitudes of the public, identifying the policies or procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest and executes an action program to obtain understanding and acceptance.

3-The exercise of Public Relations is the art and science of achieving harmony with the environment, thanks to mutual understanding based on truth and total information.

4- The exercise of Public Relations is the conjunction of art and social science to analyze trends, foresee their consequences, advise the management of the organization and put into practice action programs, previously planned, that serve both the interest the organization and the public.

Objectives of Public Relations

  1. They are aimed at deepening and recognizing the resources that move them through instruments that allow characterizing them. Achieving the integration of the purposes of the company and the people who compose it to set interaction objectives that allow establishing communication between superiors and managers. workers, know the performance and debate the results achieved through action, discussion and evaluation Public Relations create, increase and reinforce the reputation and image of the corporation served, it is a task before various groups or audiences to achieve goals making known the strengths of their performance but also recognizing and analyzing the failures, making the communication process effective.

Communication: It is the process by which people try to share a meaning through the transmission of messages, it is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, who must be able to understand it.

It is an activity inherent to human nature that involves the interaction and sharing of meaningful messages through various channels and means to influence in some way the behavior of others in the organization and development of social systems. Communication is considered as a human process of language interaction that is beyond the transfer of information. It is more a sociocultural fact than a process.

Public: Group of people or organizations that, due to their relationship with our entity or activity, constitute an interest in our communication

This concept ranges from a lonely official whose decision on a matter that concerns us can become a problem, to the well-known public opinion, that vast universe of individuals capable of also reacting our activity and even existence. External Audiences: All those groups that, being outside the organization's structure, have a direct relationship with it or have considerable influence on its development.

Facilitating Publics: They are those who can assign spaces, resources, establish regulations, and in general make the existence of the entity more bearable.

Legitimizing Publics: They provide credibility and prestige with the weight of their own authority or recognition in the field of action of our organization.

Functions of Public Relations

Establish a constant flow of communication from the organization to its audiences and vice versa.

  • Maintain a match between the social interest and that of the organization Create and maintain a relationship of credibility and trust between the organization and its publics Ensure the maintenance of a strong sense of belonging and collaboration in the internal public Inform and advise Management on decisions that affect different audiences, both internal and external Maintaining a close relationship with the different areas of the organization Reporting and advising management on the internal climate and states of opinion that affect the organization's activity Establish general lines and control corporate identity Maintain a close relationship with the areas that deal with promotion and marketing in general.to offer a joint line of action Participate in the organization's strategic decision-making Maintain a close relationship, through appropriate channels, with trade union groups, NGOs, political authorities, the scientific and cultural community, the academic world, and especially with all media of communication Maintain a frank and respectful communication bridge with the competition Actively participate in the introduction of new products, services or projects Receive, process and help resolve complaints about the organization that are presented.Maintain a frank and respectful communication bridge with the competition Actively participate in the introduction of new products, services or projects Receive, process and help resolve complaints about the organization that arise.Maintain a frank and respectful communication bridge with the competition Actively participate in the introduction of new products, services or projects Receive, process and help resolve complaints about the organization that arise.

Actions of Public Relations

  • Personal communication Establishment and control of corporate identity Relations with the press The use of texts Use of photography Computer media Protocol and ceremonial Events Sponsorship

Public Relations in Cuba

Public Relations in recent years are seen with a novel character, but in reality, since the mid-1950s, several Cuban companies and especially North American companies based in Cuba, used Public Relations as part of their administrative management. Unfortunately, the boom achieved by Public Relations in this period is much less well known than that obtained in advertising.

There is documented evidence of the existence of the Cuban Association of Public Relations Executives (ACERP), created and recognized by decree of the Provincial Government dated October 11, 1956.

The mere existence of that association constitutes an irrefutable argument for the development of the profession at such a distant date, which debunks the alleged lack of antecedents of the profession in our country.

1960-1990 Public Relations

During this period, a series of political, economic and social changes of enormous magnitude take place in the country and are well known. These directly influence the field of Public Relations, as well as advertising. In a dramatized way, the exercise of both practically disappears.

Both activities were considered incompatible with the development of the socialist model proposed for the country, advertising was understood as the most insidious form of political propaganda.

Despite its decreed dissolution, many of the functions of Public Relations were still necessary for companies, organizations and entities, with different and particular degrees of understanding of the phenomenon. Even under a model that tended to equate the entity's particular communicative interests with those of the State, they needed to maintain different degrees of communication with their audiences, although in many cases this communication is conceptualized as political.

Thus arises a substitute for Public Relations that appears under different names and tends to fill a gap in the needs of the entity. This phenomenon had several manifestations, since in some sectors, such as tourism and perhaps in artistic culture, different activities, jobs and functions were maintained that, in some way, served as Public Relations.


  1. Time that elapses between the receipt of an order in the supplying warehouse and the dispatch of the shipment corresponding to said order. Characteristics of an order (minimum size or limit in the articles thereof) that a supplier is willing to accept from a customer. Proportion of orders that are fulfilled correctly Percentage of customers, or volume of orders, that are delivered within a certain period of time, from receipt of the order at the supplying warehouse Percentage of customer orders that can be fully satisfied, after received in the warehouse Proportion of merchandise that reaches the customer in good condition Time that elapses from the time the customer issues an order, until he receives the requested items.


  1. The fraction of orders served without inventory outages The fraction of time in an inventory outage The percentage of times an item in an order is in inventory The percentage of demand served during the established delivery time. The percentage of orders shipped complete The percentage of order lines fully served.


  1. Company: You must define a philosophy of customer service globally in terms of attitude, organization and responsibilities. The impact of Customer Service must be measured. Customer: It cannot be assumed that the customer is prepared to accept, automatically, what is being offered even if it seems very good to the person offering it. It is necessary to determine the real needs of the customer Competence: In the business environment, an essential characteristic in most strategies is the ability to do better than the competition and in many markets, customer service has become the key factor of the marketing strategy. A competitive advantage must be sought and then maintained.


  1. Characteristics, quality and reliability of the product. After-sales service. Cost. Availability of the product. Response to orders. Delivery of the product on time. Seller attitude.


  1. Identify the key components of the service relative to the customer's needs Establish the relative importance of these components Analyze the market in order to segment it according to the service elements Identify and evaluate the company's position on the key components of the service in relation to the competition Define the customer service offer by: Establishing realistic goals and objectives Control the performance of the company in relation to customer service Review the service offer on an ongoing basis.


  1. Order Service Level (NSP) Referral Service Level (NSR) Order Line Service Level (NSL) Unit Service Level (NSU)

The indicators in formulas 1 and 2 characterize the response of the logistics system in terms of quantity of items to be delivered, while the remaining ones value the response in terms of diversity, so the latter characterize the flexibility of said system.

  • Customer service: Cooperation with the sales department through:
  1. The determination of the needs and desires of the user in relation to the logistics service The determination of the customer's response to the service that has been provided The establishment of customer service levels.

According to Ballou himself (1991), other specialists have tried to capture the general nature of customer service in broad definitions and descriptions such as:

  • Set of interrelated activities offered by a supplier, in order for the customer to obtain the product at the right time and place and to ensure its correct use. It refers specifically to the chain of activities around sales, which normally begins with the receipt of the order and ends with the delivery of the product to the customer, extending in some cases, such as equipment service, maintenance or any other other technical support.

A comprehensive study by the National Council of Physical Distribution Management (NCPDM) identified the elements of such a service based on when they occurred during the transaction between the customer and the manufacturer. They are shown in Figure 4.1. Thus, customer service is the integration of all these concepts, given that consumers react and take all of them into consideration. There are two aspects that play a very prominent role in the design of the logistics system, and that are closely related to the level of customer service: the order-delivery cycle time and the rate of completed orders delivered.

The order cycle can be defined as the time that elapses between the issuance of an order (purchase order) by a customer and the receipt of the ordered goods. It contains all the activities necessary for the client to receive the requested products, including the time that elapses until the reception and transmission of the order, its processing and preparation, the verification of its availability in inventory, as well as its production in case necessary and the delivery thereof. The second aspect of the level of service referred to is the rate of completed orders. This, according to the Spanish Logistics Center (1995), can be measured in several different ways, by:

  1. The fraction of orders served without inventory outages The fraction of time in an inventory outage The percentage of times an item in an order is in inventory The percentage of demand served during the established delivery time. The percentage of orders shipped complete The percentage of order lines fully served.

Good customer service can be just as powerful a promotional element for sales as discounts, advertising, or personal selling. Thus, having efficient transportation, high inventory availability, fast order processing and a delivery service with fewer losses and damages, will usually have positive effects on consumers and, consequently, on sales.

Therefore, the importance of logistics customer service is evident: it is the tangible result of the execution of all logistics activities. Although there is no general agreement on which is the most appropriate definition for said service, the bibliography consulted repeatedly coincides in indicating the time of the order cycle as the most critical factor.

Elements that make up the Customer Service Level

The scope of the customer service level may exceed the normal limits to satisfy the customer, under normal operating conditions. Prudent managers go so far as to plan for infrequent situations, such as system shutdowns or product recalls. The objective of this contingency planning is to prevent the possible loss of customer confidence in these cases, confidence that would surely take a long time to recover, once the operation of the system had been restored under normal conditions.

To successfully develop a customer service strategy, it is first necessary for the company to recognize that customer service is one of the main pillars on which its objectives and policies should be based. This recognition must permeate all functional activities, in order to eliminate the effects of conflicts that may arise. To achieve this, it is essential to define a global customer service philosophy for the company, in terms of attitude, organization and responsibilities. This process implies that the only one who can initiate a program that benefits both the company and the customer is the service provider. However, there are two other important elements when implementing the designed strategy. The first of these is the customer. It cannot be assumed that theThe client is prepared to accept, automatically, what is being offered, even if it seems very good to the person offering it. The second element to take into account is related to the competition. In the business environment, an essential characteristic in most strategies is the ability to do better than the competition and in many markets, customer service has become the key factor in the marketing strategy (marketing mix).

This fact has been more clearly evidenced in those areas where there are hardly any differences in traditional competitive aspects, such as: product range, price and quality. Many people believe that customer service can provide the ultimate competitive advantage. Therefore, the logistics manager has to be able to identify:

  • The impact of providing a certain level of service The actual needs of the customer The requirements necessary to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage.

For a company to be successful in implementing a customer service policy, it is necessary, first of all, to establish its key components. In doing so, it must be taken into account that there may be significant differences between those defined by the client and those identified by the company. Among the key components that can be considered are the following:

  • Characteristics, quality and reliability of the product. After-sales service. Costs. Availability of the product. Response to orders. Delivery of the product on time. Seller attitude.

The next stage in the process of defining the customer service policy is to identify the relative importance of each key component. According to the Spanish Center for Logistics (1995), an evaluation method has been developed that considers the exchanges (trade off) that appear when the client is offered a range of alternative options. In this case, the customer is asked to express his preference for a certain range of combinations.

The final stage of the process of defining the customer service policy refers to the competition. When establishing the level of service, it is also necessary to establish some plan to improve it. When considering the competitive strategies of the future, it is necessary to assess whether the changes will alter the relative importance of the key components and to what extent the company's offering must outperform that of the competition.

When establishing a customer service strategy, it is necessary to consider, analyze and evaluate a set of factors that affect it, in addition to the aspects related to the identification and positioning of the key components, such as the adequate segmentation of the market. The company providing the service also has to consider the revenue and total contribution to profit from customers. Also, the position of the product in its life cycle must be taken into account. Thus, for example, the level of service that a product requires in its launch phase is very different from that required in its maturity phase.

In the broad field of logistics, there does not seem to be a direct relationship between contribution to profit and cost of service. When trying to evaluate the cost-benefit relationship, according to the Spanish Logistics Center (1995), it is necessary to consider two factors:

  • The problem related to the identification of the loss of business, associated with the maintenance or reduction of the level of service. The problem related to the optimal benefits, coming from increasing the level of service; which are achieved before reaching the maximum achievable service level, due to the fact that the costs of the logistics service increase in step.

The difficulties inherent in evaluating these two factors make it advisable to adopt the objective of achieving a satisfactory balance between costs and benefits. Since productivity is one of the main drivers of any customer service strategy, an appropriate procedure must be used to recognize all opportunities for improvement that may exist in terms of logistics. Customer service can be closely related to productivity improvements, whereby you can achieve the same service at a lower cost, or a better service at the same cost, or a better service at a lower cost.

this section, which is set out below, followed by an application example.

Procedure to establish strategies focused on customer service

1- Identify the key components of the service related to customer needs.

2- Establish the relative importance of such components.

3- Analyze the market in order to segment it, according to the service elements.

4- Identify and evaluate the position of the company in the key components of the service in relation to the competition.

5- Define the customer service offer by:

  1. an analysis of the customer service offering; the evaluation of competitor offerings.

6- Set realistic goals and objectives.

7- Control the performance of the company in relation to customer service.

To carry out this work step, the following indicators can be used:

- Order Service Level (NSP).


- Service level of referrals (NSR)


- Service level of lines per order (NSL)


- Service Level Units (NSU)


The indicators of formulas (4.) and (4.4), characterize the response of the logistics system in terms of quantity of items to be delivered, while the remaining ones value the response in terms of diversity, so the latter characterize the flexibility of said system.

8- Review the service offer on an ongoing basis.

In today's competitive environment, customer service is extremely important and companies that believe in this philosophy and put its principles into practice can reap great benefits. It is necessary to have a structured approach that allows strategies focused towards this end. To satisfy this need, the CEL proposes the following procedure that allows putting into practice all the aspects dealt with in THE WORK


The Marketing activity in the Company is located in the Production and Sales Directorate, in order to fulfill the Mission of:

Ability to solve problems: Creativity, professionalism and experience characterize our workers, technicians and leaders in their daily activities.

The concept of this System is based on four main elements: the market, the needs of society and customers, integration and profitability. The fundamental objectives are the following:

  • Satisfy the expectations of the Company and the client, demonstrating professionalism, initiative, good appearance and good treatment Carry out the Marketing Plan, which is included in the Annual Plan of the Company Achieve a culture in the business organization, which ensures stable excellence and change, which makes it possible to constantly improve the Company, depending on the evolution of the Market and to sensitize the worker of the effect, that his performance has on the satisfaction of Clients.Achieve a communicational culture both internal and external so that empathy is achieved between the clients of both lines. Analyze the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of the Company and compare with previous years.
  • Work in coordination with the different directions of the Company so that all the regulations established in the offer and provision of services are fulfilled, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the planned results.
  • Implement the customer service system, ensuring that their needs are met. Define work objectives and strategies. Define work policies regarding the influence of factors such as; Service, Promotion, Price and Placement in Marketing Coordinate with the Legal Counsel of the Company the legal protection before the corresponding institutions, of the brands, trade names and symbols that distinguish the Company Train the staff in advanced techniques of Marketing, in the sphere of services. The Market Study is a permanent development activity, which is included in the annual Business Plan of the Company. The fundamental sources from which the work potential is derived are:

1The permanent attention to the Market is carried out:

1.- Through permanent contact with the aforementioned clients, through systematic visits as well as participation in commercial events, fairs, business rounds and others where the specialists and managers who attend the marketing activity participate as a priority.

2.- Permanent study of the evolution of the Market, identifying the segments of the market that we can access as well as potential and future clients. To know their opinions, about the work contracted and the quality of the service provided, which allow knowing the degree of satisfaction of the same, it is necessary to maintain a permanent relationship of the Managers with the Clients, both in the development of the work, and in the results later obtained by our services, to know the opinions of the Client and adapt the work to the requirements of the same, with a view to achieving maximum satisfaction.

Likewise, periodic analyzes are carried out in the Board of Directors in order to evaluate the behavior of the execution of the works, the quality and its effect on the Clients, to take the necessary actions.

The permanent updating of the portfolio of services offered by the Company to maintain a strategic projection thereof, will be a working premise of this activity


(Methods, techniques and tools used for the diagnosis, as well as the results of their application). 10 - 15 QUARTERS

Methodology Used

To carry out this research, we affiliate with the qualitative Paradigm that allows us depth of understanding, is process-oriented, the researcher is an active part of the research and gives great attention to the context, so we determine that it is the ideal one for this type of work.

From a total of 96 target audiences, we chose 15 entities. To achieve a random selection of the sample, different companies were selected such as Editoras, Turismo, Cadenas, and several companies from the rest of the organizations. These were selected from both regular and occasional audience groups.

Methods and techniques used

Bibliographic Review: It allows knowing the state of accumulated knowledge in the entity, as well as its main characteristics, work policies and projections of the same.

Participant Observation: This is the main data collection technique in qualitative research as it requires the interaction of the researcher with the phenomenon and the direct perception of the elements to be investigated.

Survey: It is a method of obtaining primary sociological information based on the posing of oral or written questions to the group of people investigated. It allows us to reach a greater number of people in less amount of time, you can establish open closed or mixed questions depending on of the answers.

In-depth Interview: You can extract exhaustive and qualitative information. Its advantage is the wealth of information obtained, the possibility of extracting more acute and comprehensive answers about the object of study and the approach to sensitive topics that cannot be addressed with other techniques.

Analysis of the results

Analysis of the interview application

The colleagues who are interviewed are from the Customer Service department who, due to their responsibility, are the ones who have the most contact with external audiences. With the first question we verify their permanence in the company for more than 15 years, which gives us the sense of belonging of colleagues and their commitment to the entity's policies.

The main communication barriers that were defined were the low use of promotional spaces where topics of interest to the company are addressed with its audiences, the communication entity-external public focuses on the work of sales and advertising and due to the dynamic nature of the process, it is not all the information is provided to them when they approach it.

As a Group they have managed to implement a group of actions for customer satisfaction and thus increase the credibility and trust that the company transmits in the central region of the country.

The department is aware of the communicational concerns of external audiences, it has carried out discreet actions in this regard but its main limitation is that they do not have a specialist in Public Relations who is in charge of planning and evaluating the necessary actions to respond to these concerns.

Analysis of the results of the questionnaire

The first question clarified that we were working with a group of clients who had had relationships with the company for two to ten years, so we were able to obtain a broad overview of how the entity has communicated with its external audiences over a long period of time..

These target audiences are mostly regular customers (11) and occasional customers in fewer numbers (4). In their entirety they expressed being quite satisfied with the communicational relationships with the entity.

A large group of these does not know the activities in which the company is inserted outside its scope, they only recognized the International Book Fair and expressed that they would like to know the actions of the entity in commercial events inside and outside the territory, as well as know which products obtained the best results and the general achievements of the same.

The public consider it important to improve communication relations with the entity a constant constant feedback that allows them to be informed.

Analysis of observation results

This technique allowed us to verify that the treatment of all the entity's personnel with all the public is based on courtesy and good manners, where education and respect prevail.

The information requested by clients is provided quickly and clearly, but no other information is offered regarding the entity's actions.

Overall results

When conducting a joint analysis of these techniques, after successful field work it was determined that:

  • External audiences have good criteria for the actions of the company In the entity there is a favorable communication and work climate that allows a broad sense of belonging External audiences do not have all the information regarding the actions of the entity, for example little participation in the Ronda del Centro.

Public Relations Campaign

Original text

Analysis of the situation

Founded in 1996 due to the need to improve printing technology, polygraph passes from the so-called direct production in a manual mechanical production workshop on the ground floor of the Periódico Vanguardia publishing house to the place where it is currently located using a technique of more up-to-date printing called offsef, modernizing its technology according to the real possibilities of the economic situation.

The relationship of the company with its public is satisfactory, the communicative relations with the staff is very good, as evidenced by the permanence of the staff and the high performance in production. With your regular customers there is a constant exchange that is based on the trust they express in the organization and the credibility that it offers. Pus is supported by a policy of strict compliance with the contracts and agreements signed, emphasizing the quality of the product. This entity could be further strengthened in terms of greater diversification of external audiences and broaden their knowledge of the progress and achievements of the organization. The main projection is to position itself as a leader in graphic printing in the center of the countryAn ambitious projection taking into account their competitors such as the Geocuba Printing Office and Graphic Arts.

The most general characteristics of the staff, both of managers and workers, are professionalism, education, good treatment, work discipline, sense of belonging, etc. To promote this favorable work climate, leadership is put into practice that assumes participatory practices, with the Director General, the directors of the UEB and the GAC standing out.

Eventually, certain efforts are made to practice public relations with the information media, especially in the framework of the International Book Fair, presenting press releases and interviews in the main programs of the regional telecentre.

Problems and Opportunities

The research carried out revealed a group of problems, but to carry out this campaign we chose one that seemed to us the most significant: The lack of knowledge of the activities of a public relations officer and the results of the company on the part of its target audiences.

This is a company with great strengths and opportunities, which used efficiently can contribute to the elimination of problems, among them are:

  1. Stable staff Qualified staff High sense of belonging Implementation of FORUM to help improve and product quality Higher production volume than its competitors Lower cost per product than competitors Production diversification Customer segmentation

The type of campaign that we propose is a temporary one for obtaining short-term results. Indicating as main objective: Keep the public informed of the progress and achievements of the company.


The audiences to which this campaign is directed are external audiences that have considerable influence on the development of the entity, for our best performance we subdivide these into three groups according to their characteristics and their significance for the entity

Group 1 includes Habitual clients, that is to say the national and provincial press, books and others from the state council, and who have contributed 75% of the plan.

Group 2 includes those regular or occasional customers, who generally request commercial forms, and who have contributed 25% of the commercial forms plan in the semester, Group 3 are those potential customers, these are companies and / or organizations that until now have no link with the entity but are potential customers.


  1. Create expectations in relation to the participation of the company in the different commercial spaces through flat prints Report on the products that are exhibited in the mass media Publicize the results achieved by the company in the mass media.

Tactics and Tools

The main activities in which it is enrolled annually, where all the actions of this entity are evident are: the International Book Fair, the Company's Commercial Round, the Expocentro Fair and the Expocuba Commercial Fair.

For the realization of the campaign proposal, only Expocentro will be taken because it is the event that responds directly to the company's policy of positioning itself as leaders of graphic printing in the Central Region.

This campaign will last fifteen days, that is, one week before the event and one week after it.

Actions Date Responsable
Deliver promotional flyers of the event to all who come to the center.

An element of a functional nature may be added to the design (almanac or do it in the form of a marker)

One week before GAC.
Send invitations by email to the entities that are registered. One week before GAC
Interview on the Telecubanacan program “Otra vez en casa ”.

Some of the products that will be exhibited at the fair will be displayed.

Thursday before the event GAC
Make a press release addressing the most relevant events that occurred at the event.

It will be inserted in the newspaper “Vanguardia”.

The day after the Expocentro Fair ended. Director of the UEB
Interview on the radio program "Latidos de mi ciudad".

The results obtained by the entity will be announced.

Monday after the event is over. Director of the UEB
Present the achievements of the company in a visible place for the visitor.

It should be taken into account that the company receives visitors from various institutions or organizations in various functions, not just sales.

As soon as the commercial event concludes. GAC

Evaluation Proposal

At the end of the campaign, it will be presented to the board of directors for approval and for those responsible for the actions to be taken and on what date they will be known. It is proposed to evaluate the result of the same through the casual observation and survey before and after that allow to measure the knowledge of the external public in relation to the business work of the Graphic Company "Enrique Núñez" of Villa Clara.

This evaluation will allow us to measure the results obtained and the effects produced and the comparison of what was obtained with respect to the goals set.


Foldable delivery From 1-5
Send invitations one
Interview in Telecubanacán 4
Insert press release 16
Radio interview 17
Exposure in the entity 18


Cost per unit Total cost
Folding (100) 0.09 9.00 CUC
Electricity 0.9 Kw. 143 MN
Fuel 0.70 67 CUC
Paper 0.01 20.00 CUC



17. 1 In the entity, channels and methods for business communication are defined, but there is no communication system that allows establishing adequate procedures to carry out effective and efficient communication channels, where opinions, skills and behaviors of the employees are taken into account. workers as well as external clients.

17. 2 The ways and methods defined in the entity to establish communication are aimed at internal and external customers, but it suffers from the systemic nature that makes it a culture of the organization.

17. 3 Methods and ways of communication are aligned with internal values ​​but in a rudimentary way, which is not achieved efficiently, creating or accentuating motivation and the development of a sense of belonging, since the effectiveness of communication is divided and variable according to the area organizational and the times when communication is established.

17. 4 The different communication channels in the company and the different organizational structures that exist in the organization are regulated, but it lacks systematicity in its practice and evaluation of its impact.

17. 5 The external communication of the company is developed in a limited way, only through contacts with customers and suppliers, but the possibilities offered by the technological means or the information media are not fully exploited, taking advantage of the activity in this sense marketing, which is also limited.

17. 6 In recent years, a diagnosis has been made on the different aspects related to business communication, but a system that allows implementing each of the aspects and procedures related to this system has not been documented, so the evaluation is difficult periodic review of its effectiveness and the adoption of corrective and preventive measures to correct deficiencies in business communication.

17. 7 the business communication manual is not defined.

17. 8 If the corporate identity manual is defined, which is used as a fundamental tool for the management of the entity, achieving with it an image that distinguishes the organization, however it is necessary to continue working to make it part of the culture of all members of the organization.

17. 8 The communication process of the company is materialized through planned formal meetings, such as board of directors, meeting of different groups and teams, informal contacts, morning, assemblies, murals, etc., it is necessary to establish the procedures that make the process of business communication a systemic process with practical and scientific bases aimed at achieving the strategic and specific communication objectives set by the organization, in addition to the policy


1- In order to have a much more efficient and continuous contact, it was decided to place a Sales Manager in the Province of Villa Clara, taking into account its economic and social development, as well as taking advantage of the fact that the Graphic Company of that province is immersed in the battle of ideas, motivated by the technology it possesses, it does not give it the chance to enter the activity we are developing in that territory.

For this reason we developed a plan of visits to companies with high consumption rates of commercial printed matter, screen printing, stamps, key rings, such are the following cases:

  • Territorial Management of the TRD. Central University of Las Villas. Central University of Medical Sciences. PESCAVILLA Fishing Company. Territorial Management of ETESA. Copextel SAM Corporation. Ministry of Construction.

These companies will largely constitute the base of the majority work in the head of the Province of Villa Clara, while making timely visits to other entities, which have high volumes of commercial forms, but whose financial situation does not allow them to become potential customers for our Company. In another stage in that province, we would be thinking of Companies with high consumption of our productions, such as:

  • Spark Plug Factory, ELQUIM Company Fundiciones Company 9 de Abril,

Among others, but it limits us the transport, to arrive with frequent visits to these entities, with high purchasing power.

2- To stabilize the productions corresponding to the Battle of Ideas, in the following directions:

  • Editorial Pueblo y Educación, Editorial Félix Varela, Council of State.

As well as continuing to deepen relations with UNPEA and MINAZ, in order to achieve better and greater productions.

3- Locate another Sales Manager in the Province of Sancti Spíritus, to achieve critical mass in our activity in the territory itself, having as a fundamental basis communication with customers, complying with the ABC of marketing with direct advertising that in our case as a wholesale entity it is the one with the highest results.

4- The continuous survey of entities in the City of Havana, which undoubtedly constitutes the market with the most possibilities for our activity, and that at some point, when the objective conditions provided us, were vast clients, such as:

  • Central Office of the Popular Savings Bank, Supreme Court, National Statistics Office, Electric Cables Company. (ELEKA) National Center for the Production of Laboratory Animals. (CENPALAB.)

5- Carry out intense marketing work in order to carry out the acquisition of new clients on which the production and sales plans are mounted, without having to depend mainly on centralized agreements, corresponding to the battle of ideas, to have sufficient economic solvency to allow us an adequate technological development, to be able to face the threats of the environment and to the extent of the possibilities our weaknesses, such as:

  • Latin American School of Medicine. Commercial Company "La Vega" National Company of Various Seeds. Metropolitan Bank. Hotel Nacional de Cuba National Company of Air Services.

Among others that in the same way, help to solve the problem.

6- Train workers in polygraphy courses to achieve professionalism in the work they perform, and that there are debates and criteria that contribute to a further development in the quality of the products that are made, as well as give marketing seminars to achieve culture in this sense.

7- Implement a Comprehensive Quality Management System that offers the possibility of getting closer and closer to the needs of each of our clients, as well as achieving its certification.

8- Work on the progressive implementation of the corporate identity manual in aspects as sensitive as:

  • Vehicle Labels Duly personalized containers, self-adhesive tapes and packaging. Folding, or other supports with offers of our productions and / or services. All information that circulates both internally and externally must be personalized, on any support. (Axis: Letters, Memo, Fax, Post, etc.)
  • Customize all our productions. (Commercial Forms.)
  • Identify all our areas with the logo of the corporate visual image homogeneously, which denotes organization, and strict control of the image that we intend to provide to the client.
  • Identifying fence at the entrance of the Center, with a slogan.
  • Carry out coordination with the Provincial Directorate of Transit to establish signs that indicate the geographical location of our Company.

9- Convert Serigraphy and Transfer into ESTRELLA products , making quality samples, we can encode ourselves in the network of currency collection stores, which could mean high income.

This plan includes a work schedule aimed at improving the marketing work in 2005 and 2006, and must be adapted depending on the objective circumstances of each moment, a monthly analysis of the same will be carried out to carry out specific actions depending on the moment in that we meet.


  • It was possible to diagnose and characterize the main communicational problems of the entity.
  • A public relations campaign was proposed in accordance with the problem determined and consequently with the objectives, mission and vision of the company.


  • The implementation of this campaign by the directors of the center Its subsequent evaluation to measure its impact and based on the results to draw up new strategies.


1- Authors' Collective, Public Relations Manual, Editorial "Félix Varela", Havana 2005.

2- Hernández Sampier, r. Research Methodology 1.Ed. "Félix Varela", Havana, 2004.

3- Rodríguez Gómez, Gregorio. Gil Flores, Javier. García Jiménez, Eduardo. Qualitative Research Methodology. Ed. ”Félix Varela”. Havana, 2004.

5- Microsoft Encarta, 2006, Microsoft Corporation

6- Bañegil, TM and Rivero, P. (1998). "How green is your marketing?" Esic-Market 99, 97-111.

7- Bañegil Palacios, Tomás M. & Rubio Lacoba, Sergio. Reverse logistics systems in the company. Business management group. University of Extremadura

6- Cespón Castro, R. & Auxiliadora, M. (2003). Supply chain management. Manual for students of the specialty of Industrial Engineering.

7- Feito Madrigal Duniesky (2007). General procedure for the design and management of the supply chain for products used in the telecommunications sector in Villa Clara. Marta Abreu de las Villas Central University.

Thesis presented as an option to the scientific degree of master thesis in business administration. Santa Clara

8- GINTER, PM AND STARLING, JM (1978). "Reverse distribution channels for recycling." California Management Review 20, 73-82.

9-. Knudsen González, J. (2005). Design and management of the supply chain for agro-industrial waste from sugar cane. Application to agricultural sugar cane residues, bagasse and honeys. Doctoral Thesis.

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Public relations for the improvement of customer service