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Public relations and corporate social responsibility

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Currently there are many forms of Social Responsibility related to the organization with its community, with its environment or environment. Companies are increasingly forced, in one way or another, to remedy the damage or detriment that may be the product of their activities: manufacture of hydrocarbons, paints, emission of noise and toxic gases, among others. In addition, Social Responsibility also includes psychological and legal aspects, to norms created by the peoples, their values ​​and customs. As time passes, not only companies or organizations act actively in the damage they produce in their environment, but the communities themselves are taking participation, action against ugliness, pollution and noise in their areas.

Public Relations is when you must fulfill the role of communicator, mediator, taking actions that contribute to your relationships with your audiences. At the same time, The Relationship Officer must carry out an investigation (technical process) and thus be able to reach a real diagnosis of the situation. All individuals have a need for affiliation, to relate to others and thus enjoy, enjoy a whole range of social and economic satisfactions that the organization provides. Corporate Social Responsibility must make use of its forces and resources, and thus be able to maximize its activities and functions by producing goods and services in favor of the community and, not leaving the solution of problems solely to government entities. The discipline has the duty to make companies aware of their social and economic duties with their environment,public, and thus making use of its trilogy (information-communication and public opinion) can achieve a balanced harmonization between it and its audiences, in short, a collective well-being.


Responsibility from the moral and legal point of view can be understood as the capacity of the person to know and accept the consequences derived from their actions.

Another concept is: A way of managing and making decisions that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and social expectations that society has of companies.

The term responsibility refers directly to the idea of ​​obligation, because through it we are linked to the consequence derived from their actions, that is, responsibility is equivalent to an obligation or set of derived obligations, of course, the free assumption of a state or condition.

As for social responsibility, the problem is deeper and more significant than it might seem at first glance, since philosophical, sociological, psychological and legal aspects are involved. Talking about Social Responsibility refers us directly to the problem of custom (norm created and imposed by the social or original use of Law, that is, of the Spirit of the people), in terms of manifestations of the moral or legal feeling of a community, of the experience of their values ​​and even of the legitimacy of any imperative order.

It follows that the obligation and social responsibility are those imposed and determined by social use, in the sense that it is an emanation of the common feeling of the community regarding what should be done because it is fair, being the opposite a conduct derived from reason and therefore reprehensible. Then we can define Social Responsibility as the set of obligations (they can be specified in giving, doing or not doing), inherent in the performance of a function of this nature, not yet recognized by the legal system (naturally they have not been recognized those obligations as such, that is, as legally enforceable),but whose binding force comes from the intimate conviction on the part of social groups that its non-compliance constitutes or may constitute a serious attack on the most adequate interpretation of the norm of culture (in the event that it is not fulfilled, society sets in motion its complex sanctioning mechanism).


According to Hopkinson M Tom:

"Public Affairs is the management function responsible for the study and analysis of the relations of the corporation with the environment in which it operates, and which then interprets the significance of the issues of public interest for the corporation, advising it with the appropriate response to such topics ”(Solano Fleta Luis, Public Relations Treaty (1999) pp 247-248).

According to URZÁIZ J:

"Public Affairs are the actions maintained by large companies with the ability to influence the country's politics and the representatives of the government or legislative chambers capable of modifying policy and legislation through their decisions" (Fleta Solano Luis, Treaty of Public Relations (1999), p 248).

According to MOORE H FRAZIER:

"Public Affairs is about management relations in its role as a corporate citizen" (Solano Fletas Luis, Public Relations Treaty (1999), p 248).

Public Affairs always presupposes a relationship between public powers, but it was in the sixties when Public Affairs underwent a radical change in its objectives, which was fundamentally limited to collaboration with public powers to solve the serious social problems that afflicted and they afflict our society.

At present, although many errors have already been corrected in this regard, the Public Affairs function is far from offering uniform profiles in the various organizations, suffering from an excess of goodwill on the one hand, and an almost total lack of systematization.


The historical evolution of Public Relations took place in a series of phases that in some way corresponded to a series of fundamental rights of society. In the order of the social function, Public Relations must act in the general interest, guiding the organization towards multiplication and improvement and its relations with the public.

The social dynamics of the present era points to the men who act in a good way, the need to face the problems derived from the misunderstanding of human attitudes and the solutions of the problems must be based on good will to make peace possible. Social. The evolution of the explicit content of the social right to information led it to be configured as a right to participation; society is informed to be able to pronounce on the material content of information. In Public Relations, the communication process is preceded by the study and definition of audiences, that is, in order for communication action to take place, it is necessary to take into account the economic and social role.

Every organization, as part of a social system, has unavoidable obligations that face responsibilities that will be of action or omission, material or immaterial. Today the concept is accepted that, in addition to producing goods and services to ensure their stability, continuity and growth, companies must meet social objectives. This does not mean that they should be in charge of solving specific community problems, but rather that they will respond as an instrument to satisfy social needs. In addition, the leaders and other members of the organizations must strictly conform their actions to the morals and ethics prevailing in the society in which they operate.

The organizations agree that the human being is rational and social, with biological and social needs, that by its rationality it sets priorities, ends and objectives, applying the work to satisfy those needs and achieve those objectives. The conjugation of the enumerated qualities of man, motivated the integration between them, giving rise to organizations, understanding them as a structured process in which people interact to achieve objectives. It is then necessary to state what are the reasons that justify the existence of the organizations. We consider that based on the qualities of people and their individual reasons, enhanced by material reasons and finally included in social reasons, the need for the existence of organizations is a logical consequence.

The individual reasons are justified in that, since the man is a gregarious individual, he needs to interact with other people and enjoy the social satisfactions that organizations will provide. This is how he works in churches, clubs and in economic companies, receiving a number of varied satisfactions such as companionship, friendship, social values, sense of belonging, monetary rewards, etc. For this reason, it is affirmed that organizations are created by and for man. Material reasons cause man to organize himself to obtain three things that he could not do alone: ​​increase his capacity, reduce the time required to achieve objectives and take advantage of accumulated knowledge from previous generations.

Organizations increase the capacity of man, allowing him in organized efforts to obtain benefits that alone could not, in addition to increasing his efficiency. This efficiency leads to specialization, allowing a vicious circle of higher production (goods, services and knowledge) at lower cost. At the same time, the necessary exchange between organizations and / or people arises. This combination of factors allows the so-called "synergistic effect", the product differs from the sum of the parts. This effect can be positive or negative with the existence of factors (internal or external) that enhance or impede the normal performance of organizations. The study of this effect has led to important theories such as constraints, the ABC cost system, etc.

From this summary analysis, the social reasons and the needs of the existence of organizations for the development of modern societies can be deduced. Consequently, every organization will have an end, which will be linked to the social system to which it belongs. This end can be considered to be the function that the organization fulfills in society. In the analysis carried out, the term “organization” can be replaced by “company”, without changing its content and conclusions.

The Social Responsibility of companies consists of using their forces and resources to maximize their activities (today, their equity value), company executives are not in a position to determine positions or adopt resolutions regarding the urgency of social problems, nor the quality of an organization's resource to be used to solve any given problem; If so, resources are wrongly and unfairly diverted from shareholders, employees and customers. In other words, their position is that companies should dedicate themselves to producing goods and services with the greatest efficiency and leave the solution of social problems to government organizations.

Companies must set objectives in relation to their social responsibility that must be tangible and set according to the political and social conditions that affect each company.

We can affirm that today the conception is accepted that, in addition to producing goods and services, to ensure their stability, continuity and growth, companies must meet social objectives. This does not mean that they should be in charge of solving specific community problems, but rather that they will respond as an instrument to satisfy social needs.

The social aspect affects the planning and decisions of companies, within the framework of positive law and sociological-cultural processes. These socio-cultural processes occur in two senses: the evolution of society penetrates the company and its actions affect the evolution of society. The company is a subsystem of the society system, and as such it maintains a relationship of interdependence with the other subsystems of the same. Therefore, for each space-time reality it is necessary to define the political, social and economic subsystems in society in order to establish the role of companies according to their dimension.

Two ideas unify our approach. The first is to recognize man (in his entirety) as the center of organizations and the economy. Through him and for him organizations exist. The economy must be at your service. The ultimate purpose and end of management and business must be in achieving its benefit.

This does not mean ignoring the market economy. It should be the main objective of all activity of the organization, not out of altruism, out of well-understood interest, because it is the best means of achieving your own growth and profitability objectives. The second idea - strength is found in the global approach, developing action guidelines and skills to assist in decision-making and problem solving, that is, internalize the systematic approach.


The practice of Public Relations includes the identification of trends and the prediction of their consequences. 1970 was a year in which the preservation of the environment was taken seriously and everything related to it should be planned. Europe was especially concerned about the conservation of its environment.

1970 was named the year of conservation, exactly in Europe and, Angus Maude, in his opening speech at the annual conference said: technology can destroy, but it can also solve its own problems, as long as there are initiatives and the desire to do what.

The conservation of our environment, water, air, depends directly on the human being and often includes expenses, that is, money and / or government actions. An example regarding this point is the following:

It will depend on the allocation of money by parts of the government authorities, for the construction of a highway. If the easy way is chosen, the environment is destroyed, and if the more expensive one is used, less damage will be done to the environment. It should be noted the fact that to what extent the government participates in actions such as the construction of the highway for the benefit of the community, but the community has begun to prepare to say no to ugliness, pollution and noise.

Protecting the environment is the joint responsibility of governments, organizations and the individual. One case is the use of a gas called CFC, which affected the environment directly, produced by a company in England. The company had to invest a lot of money (approximately $ 50 million) to replace it, and the job of Public Relations was to give an explanation of the situation to the public, and little by little, make known the reasons, why, the process removal of the aerosol would take some time. If the company had taken the easy path, the social damage would have been greater, since it would stop providing the aerosol to many hospitals that depend on refrigeration and, therefore, threaten the service to many people who go to the hospital, for emergencies or simply for a specific service.

For communication on environment and development in Nairobi in November 1991. The code is considered a guide for association members working in areas related to the environment. It has nine clauses:

According to Black Sam, ABC of Public Relations, 1996, pp 123-124:

  1. “Members of the IPRA accept that they have a responsibility to ensure that the information and advice they provide, and the products and services they promote, fall within the context of sustainable development.” “Members undertake to encourage their organizations, companies or clients to adopt policies that recognize that the careless use of resources and disregard for the environment can lead to severe limitations to economic growth, serious social disorganization and serious health risks. ”“ When appropriate, members will advise their companies, clients or organizations to carry out periodic environmental assessments of their products and operations and also to prepare and communicate environmental codes of practice or guides for their employees and other audiences ”.“Members will not advertise or promote products, organizations or services claiming that they produce environmental benefits unless these alleged benefits can be demonstrated in light of current science and knowledge.” “Members will undertake to promote, at all times, openness and dialogue in dealing with facts and issues related to the environment and development "" Members will not seek to awaken or respond to unrealistic environmental expectations but, in general, will support those organizations. Products or services that have been proven to be taking action to improve environmental performance is a time scale that takes into account community concerns and government demands, as well as technological and economic imperatives.“Members will seek to develop programs that advise and communicate the benefits of a balanced consideration of environmental, economic and social development factors.” “Members will provide a free flow of information, within and through the IPRA, regarding issues development and environmental issues at an international level. ”“ Members should be familiar with the codes of practice of other internationally recognized organizations, such as the United Nations and the International Chamber of Commerce, and will also encourage the organizations for which they work to support them and be governed by them ”.“Members will provide a free flow of information, within and through IPRA, regarding environmental and development issues at an international level.” “Members should be familiar with the codes of practice of other internationally recognized organizations, such as the United Nations and the International Chamber of Commerce, and will also encourage the organizations they work for to support and abide by them ”.“Members will provide a free flow of information, within and through IPRA, regarding environmental and development issues at an international level.” “Members should be familiar with the codes of practice of other internationally recognized organizations, such as the United Nations and the International Chamber of Commerce, and will also encourage the organizations they work for to support and abide by them ”.they will encourage the organizations they work for to support and abide by them. "they will encourage the organizations they work for to support and abide by them. "


Currently a large organization has a responsibility to the community in which it operates. Among its main obligations is to be efficient and profitable and thus satisfy its shareholders, its employees, providing secure employment with good remuneration. At the same time it is important that the company is a "Good Citizen" a "Social Leader".

Social responsibility was firmly developed in the United States of America, England and in other developed countries. In Venezuela, however, since a few years ago, large organizations have become aware of their duties to the community. In England. Lord Laing Dunphail founded the "Percentage Club", to which a group of companies belonged, which promised to give a percent of the profits before paying taxes.

But there are also benefits for the company that operates in a friendly community, these elements are:

  1. Business: Help local entrepreneurs and support initiatives.
  1. Education: Promote new initiatives for young people.
  1. Arts and Culture: Contribute to a wide range of artistic activities.
  1. Environment: Support all local efforts aimed at safeguarding the quality of life.

Another form of support or help to the community is the provision by organizations of their spaces, offices or workshops, materials, paintings, office equipment, which are available at certain times. Like large organizations, they celebrate 1 or 2 times a year, visits to their offices, to the family and friends of their employees, and thus see and know what is done there and, at the same time, helps to motivate their employees to feel proud of the company to which they belong, helping to understand each other.

The opportunities to invest time and resources in Corporate Social Responsibility are almost infinite and, therefore, it is necessary and necessary that each company carefully examine, review its program in this field. Having a clear vision of what is responsible behavior, accompanied by acts and communication and, is of the utmost interest to both organizations and society.

The following principles can be a valuable help or guide for companies to consider their policy in this regard:

According to Black Sam, ABC of Public Relations (1996), p 125:

  1. Select the issues that have a high level of local or national concern.
  1. Focus your efforts on a few areas, where your impact and visibility are likely to be high.
  1. Use effective marketing techniques to communicate and publicize your company's social and community programs and successes.
  1. Reduce as much as possible, or totally avoid, goals that are only of corporate interest and that the public may interpret as selfish.

There are numerous organizations that have contributed to the care and preservation of our environment and. As stated above, the ways of helping and social duty of companies with their communities are vast, the DULUX case is presented below:



According to Black Sam (1996):

“The Dulux Community Projects Scheme has been in operation since 1980. It has achieved its purpose of putting Ici Paints in direct contact with many sectors of the community and has provided the company with a human face, by while maintaining its position as a leading paint brand. The plan has been promoted entirely by Public Relations, without any advertising support ”(ABC of Public Relations, p 132).


In the late 1970s, ICI Paints became deeply concerned that its image with customers was becoming too technical and specialized. The research was carried out in the UK, to establish the public's attitude towards the Dulux brand, resulting in a favorable opinion of ICI PAINTS, as a manufacturer of good paint, but Dulux was always absent from everyday life.

The adjectives used were "keeping their distance" and "too scientific." The Dulux brand did not convey the warmth, accessibility and friendliness that ICI thought were essential. Taking the results into account, the company considered it essential to find a way to satisfy its customers, without losing positive aspects such as being the leading retail brand in the United Kingdom and being known as the best quality paint. ICI hired the services of Welbeck Golin / Harris, a Public Relations consultancy, to change the attitude of consumers towards the Dulux brand, the objectives were:

  • Create a program that unequivocally associated Dulux,, with care, warmth, friendliness and accessibility; Continue to associate the brand with the technical excellence of ICI Paints, but offer it more as a way of providing confidence and not intimidation; Underline the position of the brand as Leader; Contact directly with consumers and also through the media.


When planning, the company decided to create a Public Relations program that reflects the new values ​​of the brand and that would have a social importance, consistent with the responsibility of ICI, as a Leading brand. The activities involved all sectors of the community so that the attraction of the media reached the wide spectrum of users that the painting had at that time and also potential users. The effect of the project was long-term.


The plan was presented in 1980, at a reception attended by the national press, magazines of interest to consumers, radio and television. There was also a Mailing campaign targeting charities and voluntary organizations in the UK, inviting them to pass the information on to their regional members. Posters 2 were made, which were distributed through libraries, citizen service offices, showing the new colors of the painting. Successful applicants could choose any paint from the current retail range.


Statistics show the success of the plan. The average number of charities and volunteers requesting the free painting each year is 10,000. During the 12 years of the program, more than 4,500 organizations have completed their projects, thanks to the free distribution of paint. Continuous media coverage nationwide, keeping the brand a leader in the country. This is one of the most successful examples of helping community relations through in-kind donations in a planned way.


The Maiquetía International Airport Autonomous Institute (IAAIM) is an autonomous institute of the state, attached to the Ministry of Infrastructure at the service of the national and international community, offering air transportation through various national and international airlines.

Its location is in the Vargas state and since its inception in 1971, the organization has carried out a beneficial and effective work both on a social and human level, through various services it offers to the community, contributing significantly to the achievement of a better projection of the concept that public opinion has on airport work.

Among the social tasks that the IAAIM is committed to with the community, is the annual contribution it has with the Exceptional Children's Hospital, which has a population of fifty children, who suffer from various diseases and anomalies. Their contributions include the supply of medicines, products, food and clothing.

With the general direction of crime prevention, the IAAIM, makes donations to help those young people immersed in the scourge of drug addiction and crime. At the same time, it makes donations to several school canteens in educational centers and urbanizations of the Vargas state, such as: the Santa Eduvigis neighborhood, which with the collaboration of a prestigious North American airline, will donate the implements for the establishment of a fully equipped dining room, supplying the necessary inputs for the normal development of its activities every fortnight.

In this way, the IAAIM helps the community of Vargas state and the regional government in the recovery and development of such a battered region. At the same time, it is possible to observe the application of a technical process, which every relationship member must make use of when providing solutions or solutions that may be presented to them.

In Venezuela, there is FUDENA, Foundation for the Defense of Nature, which is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization created in May 1975 by a group of Venezuelans to care for and improve the environment of their country.

Its Mission: To contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the environment, through the preservation of biological wealth and the promotion of sustainable development. The conservation activities carried out by Fudena is the product of the support of a group of companies or organizations, national and international, who provide financial assistance for the implementation of the different programs, as well as contributions to their individual and corporate membership.

Clearly, it is possible once again to confirm the numerous forms, ways and diverse institutions that are dedicated to the care of our environment, a social responsibility that concerns everyone equally. Internationally there are also important organizations dedicated to the protection and preservation of the environment, the environment., which are listed below:

US Environmental Protection Agency

Department of environment Australia

European environment agency

General Directorate of Environment Portugal

International Atomic Energy Agency


world Bank


UNESCO website

Fao, among others.


Our country is an integral part of the international capitalist system and what happens in the context conditions us and sets a framework for any development aspiration of our society.

When talking about a system, precisely, it is being recognized that the parts that compose it are interrelated, and that there is a certain pattern of behavior that affects the whole. For this reason, understanding today's complex world and anticipating future trends is a permanent task that will have to be assumed from now on by the different social actors, from governments at their different levels, to intermediate entities.

In a market capitalism, all entrepreneurs are free to sustain their lives, through their acumen to discover and profit from competition by conquering consumers. He does not sacrifice himself for others, nor does he sacrifice others for his own benefit, he simply treats others for what they are.


  • BLACK Sam . ABC of Public Relations. Ediciones Gestión 2000, SA Barcelona. 1996 SOLANO FLETA Luis. Treaty of Public Relations. Gestión 2000 SA Barcelona. 1999 Von Der Becke Glossary. Constraint.htmwww.fudena.org.ve
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Public relations and corporate social responsibility