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Repercussions of mobbing on people's quality of life

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The strategies with which today's organizations operate have never been observed and applied before. The level of knowledge, skills, demands and availability that is requested by employees differs entirely from previous years. Despite the great difference, it is difficult to say whether the level in these aspects is higher or lower, because the elements involved in the present are different, for example, automation in processes.

What can be affirmed is how difficult it is to generate business seniority today and, within its many variables, special attention is focused on the incidence that “Mobbing” generates in the conclusion of labor relations or in its defect, repercussions and internal damages generated within the organization.

According to a survey conducted in 2014 by the online job bank "OCCMundial", it revealed that 44 percent of Mexican professionals have been victims of mobbing or workplace harassment. This is not a far-fetched figure when we stop to reflect on the work experience in which each of us has participated.

But what happens from 2014 to date. It will be that there is a favorable or negative variation in that 44 percent. Detecting the scope and repercussions generated by the presence of “Mobbing” should guide the generation of the pertinent action plans, so that although it is not eradicated, it can at least be controlled effectively.

This article aims to establish the areas of opportunity that exist, and not only the problems involved in the proper and effective treatment of “Mobbing”, asking ourselves what would happen if… that 44 percent of the year 2014 were reduced?


In 1968 the scientist and founder of ethologyKonrad Lorenz, used the expression "Mobbing" in the animal world when he detected that various small animals jointly harass another larger one to stop stalking them or being close to them. For example, the crows towards the owl.

Later in 1972, the doctor Peter-Paul Heinemann, transferred the terminology to the world of the human being when he appreciated that groups of children in a certain school generated destructive behavior on isolated individuals. This line of research is currently known as "Bullying".

Finally, for the year 1984 the term focused on the labor aspect through the mediation of the German psychiatrist Heinz Leymann. As of that date, the expression “Mobbing” refers to harassment produced in the workplace that generates pernicious - very harmful - consequences in the world of work.

After the formalization and conceptualization of "Mobbing", all kinds of books and publications have emerged by various authors alluding to the subject. Among some of the most prominent personalities is Gustavsson with his study entitled “Psychological violence at workplace. Two exploratives studies ”; as well as Piñuel Zabala, who states that the objective of workplace harassment is to reduce, intimidate and emotionally consume the victim with a view to eliminating them from the organization or personally satisfying their pathological needs to attack.


It becomes necessary to define the concept of what Mobbing really represents in order to prevent it, self-correct it, sanction it and on the part of the government to legislate it. It is intended that in addition to knowing what are the situations and events that produce it, the behaviors that constitute it can be defined.

For Heinz Leymann (1996), Mobbing is “That phenomenon in which a person or group exerts extreme psychological violence for a long time on another person in the workplace with the aim of destroying communication networks and ensuring that the victim ends leaving work ”.

According to Stale Einarsen (1996), Mobbing “occurs when someone persistently and for a certain period of time is the object of behaviors called negative by another or others, in a situation where, for different reasons, they may have difficulties defending themselves itself".

Marie France Hirigoyen broadens the definition of Mobbing seeing it as "Any manifestation of abusive behavior and, especially, behaviors, words, acts, gestures and writings that may threaten the personality and physical integrity of an individual and that degrade the work environment".


Mobbing is classified in relation to the hierarchical order that the organization has. Each of these classifications uses a specific variable mechanism to operate. It is logical since the way in which Mobbing is applied to a superior will not be the same way established between colleagues of the same job and even more so with the subordinates who are in command.

Three variations of Mobbing can be observed in terms of the organizational hierarchical order:

  • Descending: when received by the higher hierarchical order. Horizontal or lateral: on behalf of the colleagues themselves. Ascending: originated by a lower hierarchical order.


Thanks to the Mobbing study, it has been possible to detect variations and trends in relation to certain types of aspects, with which there is an increase in tendentious work pressure, among which the following stand out:

  • Gender Age Character

Each of these three aspects is directly related to the people who are vulnerable to the group, because they are the minority in terms of a certain way of thinking or acting. There will always be the risk that the masses or the majority will try against the few people with a different age, different character or the predominance of one sex over the other.


According to the definitions proposed above, the following elements that make up and constitute Mobbing can be identified:

  • Pressure: to be able to talk about Mobbing, pressure must be exerted and the victim must feel it. It is understood as the behavior that from an objective perspective can be perceived as an attack. In this way, workplace friction is ruled out, since the pressure goes further. Labor: the pressure that is suffered must be as a consequence of the labor activity that is practiced between the people who perform the provision of services and in the workplace, that is, where the active subject and the taxable person are closely related to each other. work form. Tendentious: it is when the pressure attends or is governed by a plan or a mission of why to carry it out. When speaking of a trend, it is because the pressure is frequent and repetitive, established over a period of time.Denigration: when it is sought to make the employee feel or make the employee look bad in different ways that can range from verbal, psychological and physical aspects, with which it is intended to cause harm to the victim. Self-elimination: it is the main purpose for which Mobbing is carried out, since it seeks for the person to abandon the work activities they carry out.

Summarizing the five aspects would be as follows:

  1. Pressure is action. Labor is the cause. Denigration and biased are the means. Self-elimination is the goal.


In the same way, as some aspects that make up Mobbing could already be analyzed, it is necessary to identify some others that are not part of this concept. Some of the characteristics of what Mobbing is not include:

  • The simple confrontation with the employer regarding a labor issue: when there is a dislike or disagreement that generates a confrontation between two parties, it cannot be seen as Mobbing because the interests and motives that originated it are other, in the same way as its purpose and origin. Antipathy with the employer or among collaborators: one thing is that we do not like someone - which is not normal and on which we should reflect - and it is quite another to generate problems or work pressure. Stress or overwork: not because of being bad because there are many activities that must be carried out, it means that Mobbing is being practiced, because its foundations are different. Sexual harassment:It focuses on the excessive sexual interest in another person, but it is not intended for the victim to leave his position because he dislikes him, on the contrary, he feels attracted to her.


Like any event, Mobbing has a series of stages with which it can be distinguished from the moment it originates and what causes it, when it develops and worsens and finally, when it produces an impact, either because a solution was found or produced the end of their mission. Among its main phases, five fundamental ones can be observed:

  • Conflict: there is a trigger or a reason that originates changing the concept of the person and classifying it as something bad and with which it is not in agreement. Stigmatization: the greatest type of negative ideas of the person are generated, even if they are equivocal, it is even assumed or predisposed that everything the victim does is wrong. Intervention of the company: the company noticing the situation, manifests itself and makes the decision it considers best to face it. Marginalization or exclusion from working life: when the perpetrators feel scolded or supported by the organization, they will choose to cut off any relationship with the victim and with the "law of the thread" they will do everything possible to show that they are no longer well received. Outcome:both the victim and the perpetrator acquire a learning of the situation, seen in the negative aspect the victim will be left with sequels and traumas and the perpetrator will continue to be like that. On the positive side, the victim will be strengthened and will learn how to face situations of this type and the perpetrator will change his way of being.


Among the investigations carried out by scholars on the subject, the following organizational reasons that incite the development of Mobbing have been detected:

  • Defective organization within the company. Lack of values, regulations, policies, etc., that is, the lack of an organizational identity and culture. Narcism. On valuation of the organization of which the maximum performance and the best results are demanded starting from the idea of ​​seeing people as perfect beings, with which, once they make a mistake or do not act as expected, generates a conflict and problems. Psychic Pathology. The suffering of others is what causes negative behavior in people, looking for a way to generate satisfaction at the time of doing it. Jealousy and envy.When the victim is standing out and standing out, causing in the perpetrators a risk in the permanence and working conditions and begins with a resentment that later is triggered and gives rise to Mobbing. Loss of interpersonal empathy. When after a certain time of a healthy and friendly coexistence, a situation or action arises in which one of the parties does not agree or is dissatisfied, initiating a progressive development in the biased work pressure.


  • Attacks with organizational measures:
  • The possibility of expressing himself to the victim on behalf of the superior is limited. He is constantly separated from each position. Communication with the employee in said position is prohibited. He is forced to perform tasks against his will. The work of the victim in an offensive manner.
  • Isolate the victim:
  • Restrict the group's ability to speak to her Assign her a work point where she is isolated from her peers Treat her as if she did not exist
  • Attacks on privacy:
  • False rumors Permanent criticism Laughing at her Claiming that she has a mental illness Imitating her in some way to ridicule her Attacking her convictions and beliefs Making fun of her origins or background
  • Violence:
  • Physical assault Insults Threats.


  • Physical level. Pains, functional disorders and organic disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, spontaneous crying, chest pain, dizziness, tremors, etc.) Social level. Irritability or low self-esteem of the victim, reflected in communication problems in the family. In passive aspects: distrust, isolation and withdrawal are generated. In active aspects: anger, resentment and desire for revenge.


Studies conducted by the National Safe Workplace Institute, as well as the British Workers Compensation Board, estimate that the repercussions at the business level are as follows:

  • Increase in costs: derived from the violence and pressure with which the work is performed, the costs directly affect the profits of the organization translated into losses of millions of dollars, as a result of the following reasons: Hospital expenses due to accidents: The accident rate is increased mainly due to negligence or carelessness. Low production: It has been found that the quantity and quality of the work carried out decreases since it is very complicated and even impossible to work in a group. In addition to the fact that absences from work are affected more and more frequently, justified or not. Reduction in product quality:There is a loss in the workforce when trying to change jobs, affecting the victim's self-esteem and disposition.


To face and control Mobbing within the company, it becomes essential:

  • Greater organizational and functional autonomy for workers Greater participation in decision-making by all Avoid stress due to the ambiguity of tasks Improve the quality of leadership in managers Encourage social support in collaborators Have Clear policies on intended behavior and consequences for non-compliance Establish complaint systems Periodic evaluation of working conditions


The initiatives and regulations that have been made in relation to the problem raised by labor pressure have been carried out by different personalities and political parties. Among them, we can mention that of Ricardo Monreal Ávila, deputy of the Citizen Party, who presented before the Assembly the problem and the impact that Mobbing generates in the country.

In said initiative, subsection c) was added to Article 3 Bis and the second section of Article 51 of the Federal Labor Law was amended, said adjustments were made explicit as follows:

Article 3. Bis. For the purposes of this Law, it is understood as:

  • Workplace Harassment or Mobbing: a form of psychological violence constituted by repeated and sustained negative actions of harassment exercised on a worker by a boss or immediate or immediate hierarchical superior that last for a specified time and violate dignity; Repeated systematic attack against a person's self-esteem at work to make them feel excluded, mistreated or undervalued, altering their right to work.

Article 51. The following are causes for termination of the employment relationship, without responsibility for the worker:

  • Incurring the employer, his family members or any of his representatives, within the service, in lack of probity or honesty, acts of violence, threats, insults, harassment and / or sexual harassment, workplace harassment, against the worker, spouse, parents, children or siblings.


The government must fulfill its function and regulate this as many other aspects. But it is not due, nor does it have to go to these instances. The government or anyone else cannot be expected to resolve our own conflicts. The solution begins by assuming the responsibility and function that each of us performs. Collaborators must change ideas and paradigms regarding the way they view each other and the responsibility of the organization is to generate the necessary working and human conditions to facilitate internal work for their team.


The extension of knowledge is so wide that many authors do not see a beginning or an end, that is, it is not known where learning begins and it is recognized that learning never ends. Sadly, knowledge is often classified as the capture and retention of information. He is satisfied with the meaning of the new word that was learned, with the new book that was read, or with being up-to-date on issues facing the country.

Usually, we feel satisfied with the completion of the article "Mobbing" and know what it consists of, in addition to learning more concepts and terms, but really what we are doing to one day avoid practicing Mobbing, how prepared we are not to do it, to be different from what we think we are and the way we visualize others.

It is believed that with the definitions and classifications it is enough, but, it is precisely there where the true search for Mobbing begins in us, we must remember that we have the wonderful ability to achieve anything we set out to do, both good and bad. But being more familiar with the bad, it is easier to admit that we are capable of murdering, slandering and humiliating others, in a situation that allows us the conditions to do so.

We must one day avoid committing something that we regret for the rest of our lives and the only way to avoid it is to prepare ourselves from now on, discovering and working with what we all carry inside, questioning ourselves in each activity if what we are doing is really okay and dedicating a specific time and space during the day to get to know ourselves through meditation.


For a long time in the environment of the family, the school, the society and especially in ourselves, the "Personality" has been defined and deepened as that way of being that we have in a unique way and which allows us to distinguish ourselves from the rest of people. Personality has not been classified as a good or bad thing, simply as the way each one thinks, reacts and acts.


However, we have adopted the personality as our own and we come to believe that the personality is ourselves. But what happens if a walker comes and tells us that personality is something we have but that it is not ourselves. It is as if it were something that has been given to us or we have decided to adopt or acquire, such as a cell phone or a car, only that the personality cannot be seen, but it is expressed in each action, in each gesture and in each behavior.


Why is it that we question all kinds of things except questioning ourselves about what we are and what we should be. If we dedicate some time to ourselves we would realize that for two reasons the personality mostly has aspects that we cannot control. The first reason is because we have not decided to define it as good or bad, that is, we are angry, vain, selfish, ambitious, etc. and when it suits us we say that they are good and necessary aspects and when not, that they are bad and absurd, or even worse, we ignore that we have them. The second reason that the aspects that make up the personality cannot be controlled is because we have never worked with them.

We have learned to add and subtract, learned historical events, laws of physics, etc., but we have never given ourselves the task of learning about ourselves, that is why the equation to be solved regarding our personality is practically impossible to achieve. Time has passed and the personality –thinking, reacting, acting, etc.- we have classified as what we are, but in reality we are something more than that.


The scope of personality is so great and confusing to a limited cultivated mind that it must be mentioned that "what we want" is not what we really are. How to explain to a person who "wants to steal" that this thought is not her; that someone who feels "resentment, envy, jealousy, pride, etc." it is not herself; that someone who believes "to have the absolute truth" does not really have it, because the truth of one is the false of another.


In what way can we work with the personality if we are not interested in our origin as humanity, nor the destiny we have after death, how to be able to work with the personality that is something intangible, talking all the time about tangible or material things. The ability to decide between the good and the bad we do has been lost. We are totally unknown to ourselves. We have the idea of ​​working only with aspects that can be scientifically proven, despite not being able to develop the inner science in us to discover where we come from, who we are and where we are going.


By detecting a personality with shortcomings and limitations, which generates conflicts and problems, is how the phrase "Nobody is perfect" can be fulfilled and indeed, we have big mistakes and defects that hurt us and the people around us. In this "Nobody is perfect" two main questions can be observed.

The first situation is that sadly we have decided to visualize this "Nobody is perfect" with a "There is nothing to do" or a "I am not interested in changing" we are not interested in improving and transforming ourselves, we are interested in improving and transforming our exterior. However, the very nature of man calls us into question. We seek perfection in everything and for our benefit, we want the best car, the best job, the best friends, the best knowledge, the best sentimental partner, etc., it seems that we are called to seek and find perfection, but in the path of evolution of man wanting to find a shortcut we have completely deviated from our destiny.

What makes us seek external and material perfection is the enormous internal emptiness that we have. Perfection springs from us naturally, but in that unconscious shortcut that we gave, instead of applying it to change and achieve an inner transformation in our way of being, we have overflowed it in obtaining a perfect cell phone, the perfect computer so that our life can make sense.

The second aspect is that there are people who psychologically deceive themselves and think they are perfect, who always believe they are right, they do not know how to apologize and everything must be to their liking and as they say it. The greatest conflict of a person with these characteristics arises when he demands a degree of perfection from the people around him, demands that they think, act, behave and do things in a perfect way and to their liking, without realizing that everyone We have a complex and conflictive personality that at least one or thousands are not going to like and for which we must learn to respect and live with personalities “different” from ours.


Thus, the only way to correct the problems caused by Mobbing is through something that very few are willing to do, accept that what we think we are in reality we are not, through self-observation. We all observe the cell phone, what the neighbor does, the partner, the company, etc., but a few are interested in spending time and effort in detecting how they think, feel and react. Discovering the elements that make up our way of being, is the essential way to deal with biased work pressure.


Based on the information collected, it is possible to affirm and corroborate the great challenge that organizations have in the face of a constant growth of Mobbing, but above all the great opportunity that people have so that individually we can discover and transform those traits and behaviors that in certain moment they come to propitiate biased labor pressure.

We believe that human beings must have the ability to understand and become aware of the presence of organizational Mobbing, where they can get out of this vicious circle seen from the perspective of the victim and the perpetrator. We consider that in this relationship - victim and perpetrator - both parties have responsibilities and a lot to work on, without a doubt, the one who has the biggest problem is the perpetrator since they are happy to harm someone else, but the victim also has a lot to work on and correct.

The offended person must have the ability to stop being seen as a "victim" and improve the relationship with their colleagues by doing everything on their part. You must have enough self-esteem, love, understanding, will and strength, so that no comment hurts or offends you. She needs to find the means to change the idea that the group has of her, many times the most effective means, is by giving roses to those who give us garbage, because each one gives what they have in their heart.

Poor and unhappy is the person who causes harm to another, the one who needs to enter the life of others because he is not capable of living his own. If we only had the notion of spiritual knowledge and the laws of life a little, the task of a good coexistence would be extremely simple, we will learn not to take things so seriously. We would be able to treat everyone as brothers and children of the same god and above all we would be able to empty our bags of hatred and fill them with love.


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Ethology. Science dedicated to the study and analysis of animal behavior.

Pathology. Branch of medicine in charge of the study of diseases in people, focused on biochemical structural changes with effect on cells, tissues and organs.

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Repercussions of mobbing on people's quality of life