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Reprogram your mind to be able to speak in public


When it comes to looking for tips to speak in public, there are countless tips that we find on the internet, but rarely do authors refer to the most important of them and it is precisely to that secret to lose the fear of speaking in public that I am going to refer this time.

Already in my previous article I told you how from childhood our subconscious is programmed so that we are afraid of doing things that can be considered as making a fool of ourselves, including speaking in public.



This time I will tell you how to change that programming, as I had announced in my previous post, with a few simple steps that will allow you to take advantage of the full potential of any of the tips for public speaking that I will teach you on my blog.

Before the end of adolescence, our subconscious has already been programmed by family, friends, teachers, TV, and even strangers. No matter what has happened in your life, today is a new beginning in which you trace the path, today you will have tools to give yourself a new programming. I know that what you are looking for is to learn to lose your fear of speaking in public, but the first of the tips for speaking in public that I am going to give you does not involve an audience, on the contrary, it refers exclusively to you and your inner conversations.

Studies show that the average person talks to himself about 14 hours a day. Now you may be wondering “but when am I talking to myself? Well, you just did it again, you just spoke with your inner voice. The worrying thing is that little more than 80% of that dialogue is usually negative, dedicated to worrying about problems, inventing movies of what can go wrong, making assumptions, filling you with false beliefs.


When you have to speak in public your inner conversation betrays you, your inner voices criticize you, they remind you of the times when you had a bad experience speaking in front of others and you begin to pray that your voice does not break, that your knees do not shake or don't forget what you have to say. Those voices panic and lead you to falsely conclude that you are not good at public speaking.

This is one of the tips for public speaking that you should apply immediately. Now you are going to counteract those voices with affirmations of positive reinforcement, you are going to generate new inner conversations to reprogram yourself. Say positive phrases out loud, never using the word "NO" or any other negation. You are going to repeat out loud things like "I'm a great speaker", "I enjoy speaking in public speaking", and "I add value to people when I speak in public." over and over again, dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to make your affirmations and while you do it visualize yourself in front of a large audience clapping, close your eyes and visualize how you are cheered, let the sensations fill your body and anchor those feelings in your mind.


Make use of affirmations every day, write these phrases and paste them in different parts of your home or work, repeat them over and over again and you will see how you change your inner conversation, gradually losing fear and thus you can make the most of all the tips for public speaking that I will give you on my blog.

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Reprogram your mind to be able to speak in public