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Resilience and business competitiveness


Resilience is the ability that people or companies have to face moments of adversity and adapt quickly to changes, which as a consequence occur within those periods of instability.

It is important to emphasize that it is not about survival and not about resisting; goes further, it is about taking advantage of the stressful experience positively, to obtain a benefit that was not planned, but that at the moment becomes an opportunity to create solutions of individual benefit (person or company), which later on being replicated are they can become collective performance standards.

From the human perspective, building success in contexts of instability is more than a challenge, it constitutes the true essence of mental health; through the development of positive psychology and with a high strengthening of emotional intelligence. The individual manages to control and even overcome stressful events or traumas, turning them into real opportunities for growth and development; being almost immune to the instability that exists.

Responses to adversity are simply decisions made, in the so-called moments of truth, that allow us to develop our potential and our talent; In real crisis contexts, they even allow us to self-discover the potential and talent that we have, but of which we are not aware, until we have real needs and potential risks that we must overcome; of course if we decide so.

The decision to face these contexts of instability simply unleashes the potential and talent that we already possess; being the main cause of creativity and innovation; used as means to create solutions that allow us to overcome the imbalances we face.

From a business perspective it is exactly the same; business crises or economic and competitive imbalances that occur in the business environment can only be addressed through the use of creativity and innovation.

If we relate both perspectives, human and business, it is easy to understand that business resilience is a consequence of the application of human resilience, since organizations are managed by people and the organization by itself could never apply the principles of Resilience. Resilience being in this case one of the main competencies of today's leaders.

The competitive environments in which professionals and companies operate every day are full of visible challenges and invisible opportunities; Commonly we prepare ourselves to meet these challenges, but we hardly do so to discover the opportunities.

Instability develops an instinct for competitiveness; Competitiveness in the good sense of the word, even with ourselves, and why not, against ourselves; Competitiveness based on facing, overcoming and taking advantage of the deviations between what is planned and the changes that the external environment forces us to make for our own benefit.

Human Talent Management is a decision, and it can be given for two main reasons; The first of them is as part of a planned development process that responds to our interests and tastes. It is an ambitious process that includes challenges to achieve goals and objectives; The second reason is as a fundamental part of Resilience as a process, to recover from the difficult situations we experience as a result of the abrupt changes in our environment.

Resilience forces us to develop resources to face the uncertainty caused by the stressful experience. These resources are nothing more than potential turned into talent. It is the set of attributes and innate abilities that we possess and that we had not needed to use and / or develop.

All human beings have the ability to be Resilient, but not all of us make the decision to be; Most of us give up or flee in moments of truth, when faced with a stressful situation; Some others WE RESIST but don't necessarily get over the moment (which is not Resilience); A few of us decide to be Resilient and live the experience as such.

One of the most successful examples of Resilience is the traumatizing experience that Dr. Viktor Frankl lived in the Auschwitz concentration camp; He decided to live, for which he decided to find Meaning in Life, to make sense of experience, to make sense of something other than survival.

In Dr. Frankl's experience, there were three groups of people; The first group was made up of those who had no purpose in life, they died quickly; The second group was made up of those whose purpose was simply to "Survive", it was simply to get out of the concentration camp, they died before they could tell the experience; And finally there were those whose purpose was beyond leaving the Concentration Camp, in this group was Doctor Frankl. Who as a result of the experience wrote several books, standing out "The Man in Search of Meaning."

Dr. Frankl describes in his book that in the concentration camp everything can be lost, except the attitude, which no one can take away from us, no matter how difficult the experience we live.

Resilience is an attitudinal issue, it is not aptitude; If we look around us, in our own family, neighborhood, company, society in general, or any group of people, we will find few people who have managed to overcome adversity, such as; terminal disease; unemployment, family disintegration; etc. And that despite these great adversities they manage to get ahead and even develop a better future.

The aptitude competencies, a consequence of the knowledge and experience that people have, do not understand the essence of Resilience, but they can be a good complement or point of reference to develop it.

Resilience is also a consequence of the process of reversing the fear that we feel as human beings, when we find ourselves in high risk situations; In times or situations when we decide not to give up and decide that fear will simply become our source of energy.

It is important to emphasize that Resilience is not a planned process, it is a Plan that arises within the process of instability; It is an attitudinal characteristic that only the brave develop.

Pete Wilson wrote a book called "PLAN B" although his theory is not based on the principles of Resilience, it describes its meaning very well through finding the need to define a second alternative for our life; overcoming feelings of crisis, panic, fear, or excess control; as well as exploring the relationship between frustrated dreams and true transformation (although the book has a spiritual focus, the examples, anecdotes and the form of the writing, reflect very accurately the application of Resilience, as a means to develop the happiness of the human being).

This analogy from Pete Wilson's Plan B; It also applies business; Plan B is a consequence of the applied Resilience, and can be defined as the adjustment that is given to the Strategic Plans, when the business environment forces us to redefine them before complying with them. Those adjustments that the Plans need as a consequence of the evolution of the needs and desires of the clients, and / or of the evolution of the technological tendencies and / or of any modification that arises in the external environment; they can be seen as an opportunity to apply Resilience.

In conclusion; From the Human perspective and from the Business perspective, Resilience is a skill that generates a lot of value to be competitive; We cannot be sure when we are going to have to use it, but if we can foresee and prepare to use it, sooner or later we will have to make the decision to design and develop our PLAN B, through Talent Management; through Applied Resilience.

Resilience and business competitiveness