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Resistance to change in companies

Table of contents:


Resistance to change in companies

1. introduction

It is intended to publicize why most companies that want to make a change in the industrial and / or systematic structuring, have great problems with their employees; who resist this change.

This resistance leads to the change being slow, delayed and often with few results.

2. Justificacio n

I chose the topic "Resistance to Change in Companies", since it is a topic that many companies are currently experiencing. At this moment there are many companies that are experiencing this "problem", and for this reason I wanted to investigate all kinds of books, brochures and even Total Quality manuals, where experts speak on the subject; In order to understand, why in the change in people's attitude? Why the rejection? Since in some way this change benefits us, favors us and facilitates the work within it, it can influence to increase income and above all learn from that change.

3. Resistance to change in companies



Show why employees resist change within a company.


-Teaching how the lack of knowledge is one of the greatest influences on employees to resist change.

-Analyze which are the critical factors that influence employee behavior.

-Observe what are the attitudes of managers at the time of change.

4. Statement of the problem


The crises, market problems, the price trend and the opening process that our country is experiencing, have forced companies to have new and better approaches at their administrative levels, this leads their managers to look for better technologies that help to improve the performance of your employees; all this with the help of quality strategies and continuous improvement.

All of these efforts have a common goal: To implement changes by driving business into a challenging environment and highly competitive markets.

Companies seek better performance through consultants and advisers, who focus their greatest attention on the possible failures that it presents; Later, through meetings, they indicate their status, but many times they focus their speeches on content that at times becomes trivial and repetitive, resulting in the disenchantment of employees in attempts to improve management.

From this moment on, comments and rumors of what is happening in the company begin to emerge; and for this reason we can realize that the root of the problem is common: the vision of the management and that of the employees changes in different ways (different ways of seeing the situation).

Senior managers see change as an opportunity to strengthen the business, but for many employees, including middle managers, change is neither wanted nor welcomed. On the contrary it is destructive and seen as an intruder.


The company expects from its employees:








-Is enthusiasm part of this problem (Resistance to Change)?

-Does the acceptance of employees contribute to the change being successful?

-The commitment you made with the company in this change?

-Is it collaborated so that the change is made satisfactorily?

-Is the attitude towards this change the most appropriate?

-The motivation between bosses and colleagues within the company is felt?

5. Theoretical Framework

Problem Theories

In recent years, it has been seen that companies want to be the best, for this they seek a way to increase their production, to be more competitive, to meet market expectations, and satisfy the customer.

For all these reasons they make improvements in the factory, to obtain better production; implement new applications, which make information faster and more efficient. For all this to work well, they seek the advice of external consultants, who evaluate the performance not only of the staff, but the tools that are used.

All of this causes employees to become "reserved, aggressive," since they believe that all this improvement by the company is against them.

(1) "It's like the company is undergoing five medical procedures at the same time," he told me. »One person is in charge of the root canal treatment, someone else fixes the broken foot, another works on the dislocated shoulder, and yet another takes care of the gallstone. Each of the operations is successful, but the patient dies of shock

In some companies, executives act inappropriately, working on a project for which no formal announcement is ever made. Alone

(1) Harvard Business Review, Executive Direction (The Art of Balancing by Jeanie Daniel Duck) staff learn that "Restructuring Committee Meetings" are held, but they do not really know what they are about.

After several months, the Committee makes the formal announcement of the type of restructuring that is going to take place in the company. This makes many employees feel that company policies are not clear and do not know how far their authority and responsibility go in the processes they manage; thus making decision making difficult.

Managers are often "heavily to blame" for employees resisting change, as the announcements they make leave a lot to think about, such as: "The president announces," We need to make some changes, which include eliminating processes they become repetitive; for this we need all your collaboration. This causes employees to prevent themselves and spread rumors, such as: "If they are going to kill processes, what will happen to the employees who run them?" For this reason they become aggressive, reluctant to give any type of information and many times they neglect their work or, on the contrary, they strive to do it better.

Employees act as enemies, since to save themselves from scolding or sanctions for poorly done work, they assign the blame to their colleagues, to demonstrate their 'efficiency'.

Employees do not find differential treatment between those who improve and those who remain the same or worse before the change.

It is difficult to hold meetings when the members do not feel related, involved and responsible.

There is a lot of disbelief from some bosses about the effectiveness of quality tools, bringing this serious consequences within the company, since it is a methodology that helps us to properly plan these events.

(2) We can take into account that managing towards change means: "managing communication and information between the people who lead the change effort." Because if this does not prevail as part of this process, gossip or rumor fills the void, which is usually much worse and more negative than reality.


Employee resistance to change is due to the lack of communication and information on the part of the managers towards their employees.

(2) Hardvard Business Review, Executive Direction (The Art of Balance by Jeanie Daniel Duck).


This survey is personal, you do not need to write your name; it will be completely confidential.

1. Are you comfortable with the work you do in your position?

2. Are you worried that the things you do will be changed?

3. Do you know of any changes that are being made in the company? Like which ?

4. Do you think this change benefits or favors the company?

5. Do you think you have enough information about the change? Would you like to have more information on the subject?

6. What do you think are the factors that influence employee behavior?

7. How do you feel about this change?

8. Would you be willing to commit to this change?

9. Do you think your contributions are important to him?

10. Do you think that the management of change has been given a good treatment?

11. What would you do for the company?

12. Are you really motivated for change?


The compilation of all the information contemplated in this work is carried out by the UV-Euristic method.

This work was carried out by experiences and experiences in the work area.

For this work I took into account the following:

-Look for the topic I chose in Total Quality manuals, Magazines and brochures.

-Classify the information according to its importance.

-Order all this information within the work according to your understanding.

-Make an open survey model, as an annex, which would help me determine the reasons of the employees

to resist this change.

-Determine at the end of the work which would be the conclusions and appreciations of the chosen topic.

7. Conclusione s

We can see that what most influences employees, to resist change within a company, is due to the little knowledge they have regarding what 'change' implies. All of this comes from a lack of honest communication between management and employees.

Managers think that they are the only ones who are part of the change in the company, that everything works for them; at no time do they think that the foundations of the company are made by the employees.

Some critical factors have been observed that influence the behavior of employees, which makes the culture advance or lag, such as:

Attitude: Disposition of mind that each person takes or manifests before an event, which leads to things or operations that are being carried out going well or badly. This attitude is influenced by various causes such as: treatment, mood, salary, among others. In many cases it is lousy, they are always looking for a culprit to come out well in any situation.

Motivation: It is the incentive that people have to carry out any entrusted work, such as: bonuses, better remuneration in salary, etc.

Commitment: It is the way each person takes the work to be done, it is the 'putting on the shirt.

Availability: Time each person has to carry out their work.

It can be noted that the greatest responsibility for the change is held by the directives, since they have a great commitment to the employees.

Managers at all levels must learn to see the situation from another angle. They must put on the shoes of their employees to understand what the picture looks like from their positions and to examine the terms of personal commitments between company employees.

They must motivate employees to collaborate and participate in the change.

Allow employees to participate in the change with ideas or solutions that can be used to improve processes that at some point do not work well within the company.

The Management must promote the enrichment of employees as HUMAN BEINGS, this is achieved by incorporating a series of values, feelings, cultural manifestations to dispose the individual and collective spirit towards the improvement process.

There must be good communication, on the part of the directives towards the dependencies or areas of the company, so that the rumors do not degenerate the processes, moods that at that moment are occurring.

Provide good training to staff, so that they know well how to handle the new process that the company will handle.

Every person wants to be appreciated. We never let experience this need and, even when we seem to be independent and self-sufficient; the truth is that we need to feel valued by others.

8. Bibliography

-Duck, Daniel. Business Class. The Art of Balance. Harvard Business Review. 1994.

-Strebel, Paul. Efficient Office. # 73. Why do employees resist change? Harvard Business Review. nineteen ninety six.

-Harari, Pray. Efficient Office. # 73. Time for the change. Harvard Business Review. nineteen ninety six.

-Fernández, Juan Carlos. Different approaches to the continuous improvement process. «Strategies for Change». Palmyra. 1997.

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Resistance to change in companies