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Responsibility of holistic educators to the student

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Currently we see how many people live in that darkness from which many, when looking for the light, go out through false doors that lead them to problems such as hedonism and hoc or the same leading to drugs, prostitution, sex, to suicide, etc. other serious problems that we are suffering are the abuse we make of our planet, which is why in these times we see so many disasters in our environment, because people have a very low level of consciousness and the only tool we can use to solve This problem is holistic education, since its center is the human being, it is the spirit, with which they will work so that they can discover their true nature so that their spirit grows and their consciousness evolves.

In his books, Dr. Gallegos leads us through his lines to realize that the evolution we were talking about can indeed be achieved, that this change is feasible with holistic education and that the seed that he is sowing in each of its readers, is beginning to bear fruit, each one in his or her field of development and that little by little the vision will come true.

Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava explains to us in his books how different paradigms regarding education have been presented over time, 400 years ago the vision of the world was predominantly dogmatic centered on the Catholic Church who had world command, this from the middle ages until the seventeenth century. The explanations that were given about life were based on dogma, tradition, authority and faith. The Church was in control of everything, including education, who complied with its rules was guaranteed to be on the right track.

The Perennial Philosophy treated in these books is one of the great perspectives that nurtures holistic Education, which supports a theory on the spectrum of consciousness.

The dialogue that is presented in these books, a holistic dialogue, proposes to be listening to the other to discover the truth together, which leads us to the construction of a better future and in which we can live in harmony, as Ramón Gallegos does. With philosophers and researchers presented in them, it is not the same as arguing or debating, since this does not fulfill the fundamental principle of communication, on the contrary, it leads us to confrontation with others.

Our view of the world must change to aid human survival. The holistic vision gives us a guide to being scientific and spiritual at the same time, it integrates human knowledge in a culture of wisdom; In this way, science, art, traditions and spirituality complement each other, they form a network in which each and every one is valuable; therefore, the human being needs all of them. A holistic vision makes us and allows us to observe an objective reality in order to apply an objective solution.

The importance of international seminars and conferences improve the dialogues between beings from different continents and between their countries, as our teacher shows in the writings of these books.

In this essay I make an introduction to Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava's books about holistic education, in which he highlights the travels that the author gives us about the history of education and the different paradigms that are used through time. have been presented to date, which highlights how education has evolved up to our present time.

The change began when the dogmatic paradigm was criticized and a scientific-mechanistic vision began to emerge.

The church began to lose strength and only remained in command of religious issues, in the seventeenth century a transition to an education based on science began, its vision was of a scientific type, in this it was the opposite, they put aside what human and focused on what could be verified under theoretical monitoring.

But in neither of the two previous paradigms, the human being manages to evolve his consciousness.

During the 20th century, a comprehensive education began to emerge with a holistic vision, and during this 21st century, this education began to rescue the best of dogmatic education and the best of scientific education, creating an education with theoretical foundations but with a human side, taking the spirit as its central axis.

A new paradigm emerges based on the perennial philosophy, holistic education that surpasses the old paradigms taking the human being as the center and this being aware of his reality is concerned not only with him but with the universe where he lives.

The perennial philosophy helps us to rescue the value of our planet realizing that it is a living organism and not a machine as indicated by the mechanistic paradigm.

This new paradigm that is emerging is an integral paradigm, which is interested in all forms of life on earth, because our entire planet is made up of diversity but forming a unit.

In the previous paradigm, the person is isolated, they do not feel integrated into a whole, they feel isolated and their interior is empty, which is why in these times there are so many problems of drugs, suicides, family disintegration, etc., etc. In families they do not know how to fill that void so our students seek to fill it in schools primarily with their teachers.

Educating is nothing more than stuffing the student with knowledge that will be useless if there is no change inside. To educate is to bring out the best of the human being from within, that spirit with which you will work to educate yourself throughout life and for life, learning to live responsibly.

We conceive learning as a human improvement that leads us to the evolution of consciousness, so if there is internal order, we will have coherent and responsible solutions to the problems of life, but on the contrary, if there is conflict in our conscience what we are going to Generating is a lack of control on our planet, as we must remember that our consciousness is related to the entire consciousness of humanity.

The space where meaningful or holistic learning takes place is the one that is integrated or related to the classroom, the home and the community, these three are intimately related so that learning occurs spontaneously, permanently to throughout life.

Holistic education is based on the pedagogy of universal love where the teacher-student relationship is given from subject to subject in a conscious, deep, comprehensive and spiritual way.

As our consciousness evolves we realize that the natural world is a living organism (it is not an inanimate being), we are currently seeing, how that natural world is complaining about the treatment it is receiving, climate changes, rains in exaggeration, earthquakes, cold fronts, tornadoes, and many and many phenomena that have occurred lately in which we realize the lack of control that our nature is suffering.

The holistic paradigm integrates the knowledge of science, art, spirituality and traditions to create a culture of wisdom, achieving with this, overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge which is divided into academic disciplines.

The change from a science-based education that we call mechanistic, to a more human education called holistic, is currently taking place, worldwide, but with great force in Mexico, thanks to the unconditional support of Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava., who is the pioneer in this paradigm, and who has been the model to follow worldwide for the countries that recognize the hard work that Dr. Ramón Gallegos has carried out, that thanks to him, a change has begun to be generated paradigm, he has written around 25 books all focused on holistic education, as well as organized international conferences in which he has invited several countries to contribute their experiences and learn about the work done in Mexico, he has also organized seminars,as well as the master's degree that has been recognized as the best in Latin America and that we hope that by mid-2008, the doctorate will start also focused on holistic education, all this thanks to the work carried out by Dr. Ramón Gallegos Nava.

In his books, Doctor Gallegos, holds dialogues with a large number of characters from different continents such as America, Europe and the East on the development of holism and in comparison with what happened in Mexico. To be exact eight dialogues in each of them. His dialogues are according to the thoughts that are presented at the beginning of each of them. I make a brief development on their content.

Within his books we have the trilogy of holistic dialogues in which the author makes a compendium of the dialogues with educators within international meetings, below a review of each of the 24 dialogues and on which I made my writing extensive:

In his first book we have the first eight holistic dialogues, Holistic Education and Perennial Philosophy I.

He gives us an introduction in a biographical way, where he tells us that his holistic vision dates back to his childhood, which he lived as a pocho in the United States of America, specifically in Los Angeles California, a place that at that time represented the future society. He said that if you wanted to know what the world was going to be like in 50 years, see what California was like, he was born in Baja California, at that time he tells us, interest for a new vision of the world, for new paradigms of the world, sprouted for the first time. knowledge and for an education with a human face that does not standardize human beings but allows them to develop freely on the basis of their particular needs and interests (page viii – 1).

Over the years he tells us that reading the book: "Perennial Philosophy", by Aldous Huxley, further reaffirmed his conception of an open universal spirituality, the Perennial Philosophy which focuses on spiritual teachings.

Later, Dr. Ramón Gallegos continued reading about Buddhism and the images of the Buddha. He also tells us that one of its leaders has been César Chávez who fought for the labor and human rights of Mexican workers who work in the fields. At the age of eleven, he tells us, he emigrated with his family to Guadalajara, Mexico, where his encounter with the transcendence and the divine base would begin.

In this book, he continues with a series of thoughts found at the beginning of each of the dialogues that Nava conducts in an international holistic education event, where a universal holistic vision is shared, the first of which was carried out with the Japanese Atsuhiko, where they exchange experiences of holistic education in Mexico and Japan, to seek the middle way between the ancient and the modern, between the rational instrumental and the world of life. Analyze our own roots, evaluating the good to take it back and the bad to discard it. Find the third way. Holistic Education in Japan.

Continuing with the American Kane on spirituality that they consider as our true nature, and knowing ourselves to lower our ego, become more simple, humble, with which our spirituality will flourish, transforming us into beings with greater responsibility, caring for the welfare of others, with a genuine interest in serving and helping.

Spirituality our true nature. the quiet revolution through holistic education with the English Prentice who at the same time agrees with the comments made by Kane, who comments that in holistic education the fact of being different helps us to grow, to be complementary based on the dialogue to achieve understanding. The quiet revolution through holistic education.

The evolution of consciousness and cultural change with the Canadian Ron Miller, and he tells us that working in search of that transcendent knowledge, that touches the heart, filling that other part of us that until now has remained empty. Commit ourselves to our environment seeking a social, calm, harmonious and fair transformation, thereby achieving a sustainable society with a new vision of the world. The evolution of consciousness and cultural change.

The holistic vision of the political action with the American Gerzon like Kane, they think that the holistic vision helps us to that communities, political parties, associations, etc. Work as a unit, forming the individual integrally achieving with this that he reaches the highest levels of consciousness. A holistic vision of political action.

Holistic education and its global perspective with Australian professor Roger Stack, who tells us that holistic education is spreading throughout the world so that more and more people identify with this movement and together we can achieve change. Holistic education and the global perspective.

With the American Kessler who talk about inner spirituality, and that there are many ways to reach spirituality and each individual will choose the most appropriate according to their way of being, to achieve this we must enter a process of self-knowledge with which we will exchange the interest of our ego for an interest for the welfare of all humanity. Inner spirituality.

And in the eighth dialogue of this first book with Canadian Jack Miller on the pedagogy of universal love, and who comments that we must trust our own inner light, to feel safe, confident, to reach the certainty that is born from direct experience of spirituality. Pedagogy of universal love.

In the dialogue entitled “Amor Sagrado” with Vicky Damián, here they talk about what has motivated their work to create a foundation, to create an international movement and a work with a vision of their own, a Mexican vision of holistic education where the vision that arises is that of love. The basis of any activity, so that it has a future and triumphs, is love, it is what makes us see everything in a different way, seeking to do good, giving ourselves to others without expecting anything, with this we are entering a stage of evolution of consciousness and the creation of a new holistic paradigm. Sacred Love.


The new holistic educators have the responsibility to put into practice the new educational model because we are passing the darkness and we are entering the light, but it is in us that this great change that is required in education, that this educational proposal lands, that it goes implementing little by little in the country's schools, so that we form a new front of new human beings, who will be committed to living, to interact responsibly with our fellow men, with the environment and with our planet.

This educational proposal is applicable at all educational levels, this educational option consists of making internal changes, slow but safe, it is applied little by little, through simple activities to develop awareness first in the educator and then in the children, then in his companions, the community, the country, the continent and the planet.

Holistic education is the tool that we can use to get out of the current problems worldwide, it is the only one that integrates the bases to find the answer to the inner emptiness of human beings.

All the dialogues agree on the appreciation of holistic education, on the inspiration that holism gives to education so that it is no longer fragmented and see it in an integral way, and live our spirituality leaving the darkness and integrating ourselves into the light, to be more creative, intelligent and love and respect each other in a better way. Don't do to the world what you don't want them to do to you. We have to have a planetary vision

The integral education that is proposed, I think exceeds even the capacity of the school, it would also have to be implanted at the family and work level, but I believe that in real terms little by little the world will be inclined towards spirituality over materialism and this current that so carefully you present us is one more sample of this orientation.

Dr. Ramón Gallegos invites us to participate in international seminars and conferences on holistic education, and this would be great. This would facilitate a greater knowledge about holistic education and improve the performance of the tasks that we have been doing and also with a vision of holistic educators why not. Furthermore, an exchange of holistic experiences at this level would be very beneficial for the planetary holistic community.

Holistic education is a comprehensive strategy that allows the restructuring of education in all its aspects: the nature and content of the curriculum, the role of the teacher, students and school administrators, the way the learning process is approached, the strategy for completely restructure the educational system, the importance of values ​​and the nature of intelligence.

This holistic education is based on new principles about intelligence, learning, the human being, society and the universe that we inhabit, principles that emerged from the new paradigms of science, such as quantum physics, chaos theory, theory holographic of the brain, cognitive science, sustainable development, ecology, etc. This education perceives the world in terms of relationship and integration, recognizes that all life on earth is organized in a vast network of interrelations.

For all the above, I reaffirm the need for all teachers to become aware of the important and decisive role we play in the educational life of society and especially in the students who represent young people as the hope of every country, so It is necessary that we professionalize the teaching task that allows change to be generated, in us educators in the first instance, in schools as educational institutions and in government as institutions of power.

Dr. Ramón Gallegos is applauded for the great work he has done in Mexico and in the world, creating holistic education for the benefit of all humanity.


  • Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) Holistic Education, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) Pedagogy of Universal Love, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) The Education of the Heart, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) Aprender a Ser, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) Learning Communities, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2007) Spiritual Intelligence, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara, Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2005) Education and Spirituality,International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2003) The Spirit of Education, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) An Integral Vision of Education, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) Holistic Dialogues, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) Wisdom, Love and Compassion, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) The Path of Perennial Philosophy, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) An Integral Vision of Education, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) Holistic Dialogues, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) Wisdom, Love and Compassion, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) The Path of Perennial Philosophy, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) An Integral Vision of Education, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2001) Holistic Dialogues, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) Wisdom, Love and Compassion, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) The Path of Perennial Philosophy, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) Wisdom, Love and Compassion, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) The Path of Perennial Philosophy, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.International Foundation for Holistic Education, 2nd. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) Wisdom, Love and Compassion, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.Gallegos Nava, Ramón (2004) The Path of Perennial Philosophy, International Foundation for Holistic Education, 1st. Edition, Guadalajara.
Responsibility of holistic educators to the student