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Responsibility of the teacher in the use of tics in Peru

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From a didactic point of view, teacher training for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is analyzed. Many of the teachers of Higher Level Educational Institutions in the provinces of Peru are not properly trained in ICT, which in recent times has been developing rapidly from the scientific advances produced in the fields of information technology and telecommunications. ICTs are the set of technologies that allow access, production, processing and communication of information presented in different codes (text, image, sound). The most representative element of the new technologies is undoubtedly the Computer and the Internet, which have notably changed the way of life and relationships of human beings.

Reason why it is essential, the domain and responsible use of this technology, on the part of teachers in the Higher Level of the province of Chanchamayo, since there are limitations in the implementation of technological advances of Universities and Institutes, as well as in the preparation, training and updating of teachers in these aspects, it can be clearly seen that the Higher Level Institutions in the province of Chanchamayo lack updating in their professional training.


The responsible use of ICT Information and Communication Technologies by trained teachers from the higher level of Chanchamayo would improve the academic performance of students.


Education is one of the development pillars of world societies, it is also considered one of the problems in which limited investment is made (government policies), higher education does not escape this reality. Which brings with it the interest to emerge from the current lethargic situation and follow the model of highly competitive countries in the Education sector.

According to Mariz V. (2012) who defines Education as a concept basically referred to man, classified as a conduction process, taking an initial point (which will serve as a starting point or reference) key to see from where we will start and where we will arrive (goal).

We consider University Professors as those teachers responsible for scientific, humanistic and technological training. Research, teaching, permanent training and intellectual production are inherent to university teaching (Article 43 of Law 23733).

Teachers must make responsible use of computer resources, since in the current reality of Education we see two marked scenarios in terms of technological advance, it is that while the Universities of the capital struggle to win a place in technological advance in accordance with Information and Communication trends, reflected in the training of teachers and the implementation of appropriate classrooms for this purpose. In the Universities of the provinces far from the capital, a different scenario is visualized, making clear the numbness in terms of implementation of cutting-edge technologies, both in human capital properly trained teachers, professors and teachers, as well as in equipment and appropriate infrastructure, to the good development and training of future professionals in the province of Chanchamayo.

Situation that shows that the universities in the interior of the country do very little or nothing to contribute and be part of these advances, dedicating themselves to imparting knowledge with many limitations, part of this problem is the education policies that we have in Peru, since they do not adequate budgets are assigned, which leads to a decrease in the will to invest in provincial Higher Education; neglecting fundamental aspects:

  • Inland universities that do not have modern infrastructure and equipment to promote ICTs. Faculty not trained in ICTs, a deficiency that needs to be corrected to promote the development of scientific and / or technological research within the universities. Outdated libraries, causing the limitation of data and information collection from students, a factor that contributes to the fact that graduates of these educational institutions have incomplete and uncompetitive training in scientific or technological training.


MATERIALS.- To carry out the documentary analysis of our article We have resorted to the use of physical and virtual books or texts: physical and electronic bibliographic sources, electronic articles, physical and electronic citations.

METHODS.- We use the qualitative descriptive research method for this article.


With the passing of recent years, the advances in ICTs are taking an unlikely role in all societies and structures that make them up, which makes it necessary to have properly trained and prepared teachers to join a technological society, do The use of their advances in favor of University Education would make them highly productive teachers in favor of cutting-edge teaching, according to Ríos (2016). Societies that pursue development must be made up of individuals who have certain competencies required by the technological environment, Institutions must be created and identified with a social function that uses technological and informational means.

Contributing to an optimal academic training of the student, we consider scientific research as one of the pillars of higher education, according to Picardo (2002) considers it of vital importance that Educational Centers dedicate themselves to research, or more, that they recover their research role in the Community, for this, duly trained teachers will be in a position to promote and guide research using ICT correctly.

Auris (2017) considers that the purpose of the research must be posed masterfully, following the line of research and highlighting the thematic and methodological utility in the field of praxis, which would be achieved with the advice and guidance of teachers updated in the field of productive scientific research through the responsible use of ICT, highlighting that the main objective is to achieve replicability by other new researchers in similar contextual situations, as Auris (2017) maintains.

According to Zambrano (2015) one of the problems in Education would be the relationship with knowledge (knowledge), there being a special connection in this ethical and political requirement, we consider that part of the professional ethics of the teacher, would be knowing that they are properly trained in issues related to ICT, to responsibly advise the students under their charge, also makes clear what we have been arguing in this article: The relationship with science and technologies requires a deep reflection from our school and educational institutions (Zambrano L. 2015), We must connote that the responsible use of ICT, by duly trained teachers, could provide a different scenario for the development of the capacities of higher-level students in Provinces,therefore the reality of the region would see a change reflected in the new generations of professionals.

With the integration of ICT in schools (intranet, digital whiteboards in classrooms, multipurpose rooms…), new world windows open that allow students and teachers access to any necessary information at any time, communication with colleagues and colleagues from all over the planet to exchange ideas and materials, to work together according to (Marqués Graells P. 2012).

These statements for many Chanchamayino professionals, it would seem a distant dream, to stop working with acrylics and markers, or green boards to visualize ourselves working with digital whiteboards, among other current technology devices, we wish this to be a reality in a not too distant time, For this we believe that we must promote ICT training and a willingness to update or modernize in ICT at the University Level.

According to Marqués Graells P. (2012) A new paradigm of more personalized teaching appears, centered on the student and based on pedagogical socio-constructivism that, without forgetting the other curricular contents, assures students the ICT skills that society demands.

According to Chumpitaz and Rivero (2012), since 2010, the use of ICT by teachers of Private Universities in the capital has been seen as a revolution in technology and information technology in favor of students, shown with the table that describes the teacher activities online. Results that are far from the educational reality at the higher level in the province of Chanchamayo.

Table 1. Activities carried out by teachers online

What activities do you carry out online? Yes Not
Search for information on Google, Altavista, Yahoo, etc. 98.8% 1.2%
Play online 25% 75%
Participate in social networks Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Youtube and Flickr 66% 3. 4%
Communicate with friends and family by instant messaging chat. 66.8% 33.2%
Download music videos books etc. 75.9% 24.1%
Find places and / or people Google Earth 53.6% 46.4%
Buy and / or sell products Four. Five% 55%
Stay and interact in virtual worlds Second Life, OpenSim 16.3% 83.7%

Source: Chumpitaz and Rivero (2012)


The unbridled advancement of technology and the Media has caused fright, at the same time an urgent need to update teachers at all educational levels in the world.

According to Gonzalez (2017) who in an electronic article referred to; She tells us about her experience as a teacher about the lack of knowledge of the correct use of ICT, discovering in a training she received recently that she was unaware of many of the online resources related to the educational sector, including pages that she never heard

Knowing that the University faculty of Chanchamayo is professionally trained with old technology, sufficient preparation is not currently seen, since the evolution of technology in recent decades has been devastating, many of them are unaware of the responsible use of ICT.

So we can see a deficiency in updating teachers, due in part to educational policies that are becoming outdated over time, as well as the commitment and willingness of teachers to remain active even in the presence of changes and innovations. We consider it a fundamental need that they can be involved in filling these deficiencies.


Knowing the existing problem in our province, we consider that the responsible use of ICT Information and Communication Technologies by trained teachers from the higher level of Chanchamayo will improve the academic performance of students.


We suggest assuming the commitment of training in ICT Information and Communication Technologies to the teachers of the Higher Level of Chanchamayo.

Awareness of the responsible use of ICT, in favor of the professional training of the students of the various Educational Institutions of Professional Training of Chanchamayo.

To project a model of change of University Educational Policies, which prioritizes the training of Chanchamayo teachers in the responsible use of ICT, as well as the implementation of ICT in the Infrastructure and adequate environment for its correct use.


It is recommended to widely disseminate the technological advances that are presented in recent times, provincial students should not continue to be oblivious to the reality of technology and its continuous evolution. We must get more involved with the social problem of ignorance, which keeps us in a latent state in the face of the advances of the world.


  • Auris, D. (2017) How to Write Scientific Articles. Perú, Ediciones AURISEDUCA. Chumpitaz C. (2017) «Change of Pedagogical Knowledge on Evaluation for University Professor Learning. Effect of a Continuous and Online Training Program ». Retrieved from: http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/360332 (04/03/2018) González A. (2017) ICT and Education… will go hand in hand ?. Retrieved from: https://www.oei.es/historico/divulgacioncientifica/?TIC-y-educacion-iran-de-la-manoMariz Vasquez, S. (2012) Philosophy of Education. Argentina, CIAFIC Ediciones. Marqués Graells, P (2012) Impact of ICT in Education: Functions and Limitations. Retrieved from: https://www.3ciencias.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/impacto-de-las-tic.pdf (04/02/2018) Picardo Joao, O (2002) Education and Reality: Introduction to the Philosophy of Learning. Costa Rica,Printer Obando. Ríos Ramírez, R. (2016) Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Peruvian Amazon University. Retrieved from: http://journals.epistemopolis.org/index.php/tecnoysoc, 03/31/2018 Zambrano Leal, A. (2015) Philippe Meirieu: Pedagogy, Philosophy and Politics. Argentina, Editorial Brujas.
Responsibility of the teacher in the use of tics in Peru