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Challenges for the IT professional in Mexico

Table of contents:


In this essay we are going to talk about the problems that exist today in our country and what a professional has to do before it.

Currently there are problems of various kinds, which affect our country and therefore the entire society, all these problems result in people or young people having the need to go to school and not just stay at the intermediate level higher or earlier but in a certain way it becomes mandatory to have a professional career to be able and know how to face the problems that our society lives today.

But why the IT professional?

Well, because as we well know, computing is a science that in recent years has evolved too much and has progressed very quickly.

Computer science is one of the most widely applied sciences in the different areas of knowledge.

It is known that due to computers there was a high level of unemployment and displacement of personnel by machinery, all because machines now have so many functions even more than those that man could perform alone and in less time.

We understand unemployment as all those people who are out of work against their will. They are displaced by the advent of technology that replaces employees.

In this matter, it is necessary to note the importance of computer law.

Law is the science that is responsible for regulating and studying human behavior or behavior within a society.

But society over the years is changing like anything.

In recent years, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have revolutionized social life in many aspects: scientific, commercial, work, professional, school, and have even changed people's entertainment and interrelation habits by interior of family life.

Certainly technology and computing go hand in hand with Law and many other sciences, although it may seem impossible, they are closely related because now computing is used for anything, it helps us to keep the documents and files within our reach in order, as well as to communicate in a faster way, among others.

The law is now intruded on computing since there are also laws and conditions on the network that must be followed for proper operation and that users are in a good environment.

The network also needs to have rules and regulations that are enforced as people who have access to this could be harmed by the content that is posted or by any situation.

Among the most prominent topics or cases on computing and law are:

  • Digital contracts. Email privacy. Database protection. Electronic evidence. Computer crimes. Copyright. Intellectual property protection. Regulation of internet content.


They are all those behaviors that, using computers, injure or damage the interests or integrity of individuals or entities.

In legal terms, the action or omission of what is established within the law, if it is marked as a criminal type, will have a sanction that is in the criminal laws.

The main computer crimes are:

  • Tampering with information on a computer Tampering with someone's e-mail Unauthorized use of programs Unauthorized access to certain programs or services Unauthorized reproduction of programs Destruction of programs Fraud through computer use

Each of these crimes has certain conditions or penalties that must be met if they are committed.

They can pay with years in jail and heavy work, as well as money.


They are those rights that the State grants to people who invent new things and register and patent them to have a certain exclusivity.

They must be truly significant innovations or modifications in order to be taken as an innovation.

Patents have a certain time limit, generally that period is 20 years and after a certain time if the author dies or decides not to patent again then it will remain in the public domain.

The same thing happens with the protection of intellectual property, if it is violated, the person must pay with jail since the law is marked as a crime.

Mexico's problems are not only focused on computing, there are also economic, social, cultural, political and of course technological problems.

All these problems have led society to be more intellectually prepared.

We will focus more on computing, the use of computers has allowed great advances within companies, in short within the country.

An entrepreneur who does not know how to handle a computer well is going to be at a disadvantage with someone who if he has adequate knowledge about it, today it becomes somewhat essential to know how to handle a computer due to the great comfort that it brings us and the organization that we can have with our files and important documents.

It is necessary, almost mandatory, to be trained in all professional fields, since someone trained, prepared and who is at the forefront updating in terms of the various branches of information will always be preferred.

What an individual can do to be more and more prepared is to attend courses, conferences in different places, read, among others.

It becomes a necessity to be updating every time you can to be more prepared. In the field of IT professionals, a little more is required of them because as technology and therefore computing are available to anyone, the competitive situation is stronger, that is, even if a person is not studying or there is no studied computer science can be trained by taking courses and become perhaps even better than a computer science student.

But not everything is just knowing how to handle the computer, it is also correctly and adequately informing other people about some subject or about anything, we cannot give wrong information since it would alter the knowledge of whoever reads it.

Professionals have the responsibility of providing reliability on the information they provide to the outside world.

Also in technology, the computer scientist knows that it is healthy to be based on certain human experiences, although it is true not everything should be based on the experience of people because it would not have so much trust towards scientists, but it is also important to base a little in the experiences so it doesn't get a bit tedious.

A computer professional must also respect the regulations that exist for him, such as having a professional code of ethics, that is, complying that the data that they provide us and that we enter into the computer are the most valuable resources for a professional.

They should not be disclosed and much less transmitted to other people without the owner being aware of it and with full authorization.

The IT professional facing the problems of Mexico today must be responsible, reliable, free and have privacy.

Responsibility in the professional

It consists of designing programs and servers that are in perfect working order and that protect our information.

Reliability in the IT professional

Reliability is when the professional agrees that the information he is receiving will be completely confidential and that it will not be transmitted to other people unless the owner of the information agrees and establishes certain conditions.


It is that freedom that individuals have to publish or create programs for the service of other people and that anyone can make use of it.


It is the capacity that people or groups have to determine what they want others to see about the information they provide and who can make use of that information.

Computer piracy also enters into the problems of Mexico regarding the computer professional.

But what is hacking?

Computer piracy consists of the illegal reproduction of software or programs to sell them cheaper but also of poor quality, although it may be the same they may have certain locks that can only be opened with the original program or software.

Piracy has advantages and disadvantages like anything else, among the "advantages" include:

Regarding the price:

Piracy forces those who produce software to keep their prices in a range that can compete with piracy and people hesitate a bit to buy a pirated program or the original.


Piracy in a way is good at this point because there are times when the programs or games do not reach our country or they will take a long time, so those who urge the update can buy it pirated while the original arrives.

Among the disadvantages are:


The quality of pirated products will never be the best, it may contain some flaws regarding the graphics or some tool.


These programs, games or movies may contain viruses and this prevents the proper functioning of what was purchased.

All this is penalized by law, although it is not carried out, it is stipulated in the law.

Most of the people buy pirated things to "save" but do not realize that instead of saving they are spending more because pirated products only last a while and need to be replaced every moment.

However, the original programs or software will always last a little longer, they have guarantees against any failure. We should take the original products as a long-term investment, because even if they are a little expensive, we will not have to deal with them as they have a good installation and perfect operation compared to pirated items.

In this essay we are based more on technological or computer problems since it is the branch in which we can most express our opinion as young people.

In conclusion

The problems in Mexico for a computer professional or any other branch, can be:

  • Economic problems Social problems Technological problems Political problems Cultural problems

But no matter what problem it is, a professional must always be prepared, and as today problems every day require us to be more prepared to know how to solve any problem of any kind.

Now it is an obligation to be well prepared to be able to provide optimal solutions to any problem, whether or not it is in our branch of study.

Now professionals must know practically everything so that in this way they have more field of work.

Challenges for the IT professional in Mexico