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Professional role of the graduate in sociocultural studies in Cuba


Sociocultural work becomes one of the main concerns of the new Cuban social project by considering the man as a central element of the cultural project, despite the attempts of globalization to achieve a globalized culture, the need to revitalize the local in function of achieving a development of the sociocultural, community identity, thus the community constitutes the social scene where they express the economic, political, social, cultural features that characterize a society as a whole.

For the career professional, there is an urgent need to carry out specialized work of sociocultural detection, investigation and intervention, having a sense of belonging and identification with their community. The fields of action cover all social areas.

They are facilitators of the affirmation and construction of personal and social identity, the appreciation and creation of ethical and aesthetic values ​​and the deployment of creativity, communication and social participation. It is interesting to take into account for the exercise of the profession the development of communication skills to relate man and the environment, using language in order to transmit historical-social experiences, constituting an activity that contains a strong affective component. This article addresses the relationships between culture, local culture, cultural management, promotion and communication as ways of community sociocultural work.


Since the triumph of the Cuban revolution, sociocultural work becomes one of the main concerns of the new social project by considering man as the central element of the Cuban cultural project, political and mass organizations were given the task of promoting social work community on essentially empirical bases based on the challenge that this represented. To the extent that progress has been made in this area, it is increasingly important that regional peculiarities are taken into account when drawing up transformation and rescue policies. The exercise of this profession supposes the scientific and ethical training of future graduates who, above all, must have conscience and act in social practice, according to two basic principles: the real leadership of people,groups and communities and the active participation of all in sociocultural processes.

Sociocultural work prepares groups of people within the community to participate in the control and transformation of their daily lives. The community occupies a privileged place, due to the importance given to the individual and to the different social groups in the community environment; This space has the potential to respond to what is now called self-sustained and self-managed development. Despite the globalized and neoliberal world.

At the beginning of a new century, faced with the growth of the spiritual and material needs of Cubans, as well as the increase in tourism, a new challenge has arisen: the urgency of training a professional with a broad profile in the field of humanities and social sciences who perform in sociocultural work, professionals with a rigorous training that allows them a scientific and comprehensive interpretation of reality and, simultaneously, prepares them to coordinate, induce or suggest development initiatives, projects or programs, that produce the appropriate changes in the psychosocial and sociocultural field.

In the case that concerns us with the training of Sociocultural Studies professionals, the mode of action is specified in the Professional Model, in the performance of specialized work of sociocultural detection, research and intervention.


The professional training process is understood as the process by which it contributes to forming the qualities of the personality of the subject who will perform as a professional during the solution of the problems that arise in their work sphere with a deep innovative sense. (Álvarez de ZC, 1996).

It is the professional problems that specify the mode of professional performance considered as a generalization of the professional's work methods, characterizing the professional's performance regardless of the object on which their activity is developed.

The activity is the process of a practical and sensitive nature by which people come into contact with the subjects of the surrounding world and influences them for the sake of their personal satisfaction and therefore in the reiteration of actions and operations is that they develop as a form of active relationship between man and the environment, such as the process in which man uses language in order to transmit and assimilate the historical-social experience, since communication is a very peculiar activity that contains a strong affective component.

In the act of communication as a social practice, the process of formation and development of skills is instrumented that are nothing more than the domain of a complex system of psychic and practical actions necessary for the rational regulation of activity with the help of knowledge and habits that the person possesses.

As a generalization of these moments (detection, investigation and intervention), management is a professional activity that integrates them, while management is considered as an action and effect of integrating socio-cultural processes in the communities.

Social management in culture is a process of diagnosis, organization, planning, control, monitoring and evaluation, systematically focused to access and effectively influence socio-cultural interventions in any context. (Guerrero, M.,).

Álvarez de Zayas Carlos M. (2001). Curriculum design. Higher education. Havana

The role of the professional in sociocultural work is in the community considered as a multidimensional phenomenon where geographic, sociological, natural, territorial, political, cultural and social elements intervene that must be known, respected and integrated to make the locality a social organism efficient and effective materially and spiritually, it is a group of people who share a territory, with common cultural traits, behaviors, feelings and levels of organization that allow them to interact as a network of social relationships where the sense of belonging, identification and roots acquire a very important validity.

UNESCO has raised the need to place culture at the very center of the conceptions and strategic decisions of development, as it is "one of the dimensions that most factors integrate into a solution for any crucial problem." (Hart, 2001).

While culture has been understood as a “set of distinctive, spiritual and material, intellectual and affective features that characterize a society or social group. This includes, in addition to the Arts and Letters, the ways of life, the fundamental rights of the human being, the value systems, traditions and beliefs. (UNESCO, 1982). The main sociocultural problems integrate a set of needs of the communities that range from their basic requirements to the forms of recreation, leisure and construction of their future.

We are in a position to refer to one of the fundamental actions of sociocultural work is cultural management: understood as everything that concerns the processes of cultural administration (planning, coordination, direction and evaluation) and the dimensions of cultural work (animation, creation, preservation, dissemination), which ensures an adequate and efficient development of policies both in macrosocial systems and in those related to the behavior of entities, programs or specific projects of the cultural sector. (Russeau, B., 1999).

Hart Armando (2001). Culture for development. The challenge of the XXI century. Editorial of Social Sciences. Havana.

Various authors (1991). Education reforms: experiences and perspectives. UNESCO.

Paris. Russeau Buenaventura (1999). Theoretical instruments.

Russeau Buenaventura (1999). Theoretical and methodological instruments for cultural management. Atlantic University. Mixed Fund for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts of the Atlantic. Colombia.

The analysis of these concepts and from the theoretical bases assumed around the sociocultural, the concept of sociocultural management is approached.

Sociocultural management is understood as the systemic and integrating process of the moments of detection, investigation and intervention, which guarantee the sociocultural development of the communities, based on the dynamization of culture as a transversal and transdisciplinary axis of said process. (Márquez, D., 2005).

In the process of Universalization it has its beginnings with the new century with the objective of training competent professionals including within the specialties the Bachelor's degree in Sociocultural Studies, who, trained in their municipalities, have community sociocultural work as the center of their work, which guarantees, based on the knowledge of its cultural reality, an activity based on cultural management, taking up this concept given by another author: it is everything that concerns the processes of cultural administration (planning, coordination, direction and evaluation) and the dimensions of the cultural work (animation, creation, preservation, dissemination),that ensures an adequate and efficient development of policies both in macro-social systems and in those related to the behavior of entities, programs or specific projects in the cultural sector. (Russeau, B., 1999).

For the professional of this career there is an urgent need to carry out specialized work of detection, investigation and sociocultural intervention, having a sense of belonging and identification with their community. The fields of action cover all social spheres, especially cultural and educational institutions, work centers and popular councils. They are facilitators of the affirmation and construction of personal and social identity, the appreciation and creation of ethical and aesthetic values ​​and the deployment of creativity, communication and social participation, all formations of wide application in the future of Cuban society.

It should be taken into account in its curricular training model the structuring in a systemic and articulated way the basic disciplines that promote the development of professional skills that contribute to their social mandate, especially communication skills as a basic competence for the exercise of the profession, a capacity that It can be achieved through curricular, extracurricular and investigative work with activities designed for the development of oral, written and gestural expression given the broad scope of their profile, trying to organically combine their cognitive functions as practical-transformative to perform in social work community, sociocultural research, cultural and tourist animation and management, teacher training, consultancies and cultural extension among others.

The degree in Sociocultural Studies, as an agent of change, is linked to the sociocultural development of the community, exercising the role of facilitator, organizer and researcher. Therefore, it is interesting to take into account as an intellectual instrument for the exercise of the profession the development of communication skills as a form of active relationship between man and the environment, as the process in which man uses language in order to transmit and assimilate the historical-social experience, since communication is a very peculiar activity that contains a strong affective component.

That is why the Bachelor of Sociocultural Studies like no other professional needs to find the exact word, the logical and coherent ordering of ideas and the appropriate expression in both subcodes of language: oral and written language.

Developing basic linguistic skills that allow them to function efficiently in the different communication systems essential for adequate communicative competence.

Sociocultural work prepares groups of people within the community to participate in the control and transformation of their daily lives, to be protagonists in decision-making on policies and strategies that lead cultural actions and makes it possible to not only be consumers of goods and services, but rather promotes collective creativity and the promotion of citizen participation. The exercise of this profession implies the scientific - ethical training of future graduates who, above all, must be aware of and act in social practice, according to two basic principles: the real leadership of people, groups and communities and the active participation of all in the sociocultural processes.

Among these problems, situations related to the environment, health, education, hygienic-sanitary problems, the prevention of negative social manifestations and other situations related to different aspects of the bio-psycho-social sphere of man stand out. It is also essential what is related to traditions, artistic expressions, historical practices, habits and customs. These elements generate or give life to multiple sociocultural projects, foundation and requirement in the training of professionals in Sociocultural Studies.

According to the fundamentals of the career, it is in the community where sociocultural processes occur, in various scenarios and contexts associated with the most everyday, of the reproduction of life and its survival, where it is increasingly important that the regional particularities for the design of transformation and rescue policies.

This justifies that the graduate, trained in his region, has community work as the center of his work, guaranteeing its effectiveness through knowledge of the cultural reality that surrounds him, whose universal substratum is the heritage bequeathed by previous generations. Scientific knowledge about the local culture, bases the epistemological bases, which guarantees the development of an activity based on the sense of belonging and identification with their workplace, and the cultural heritage present in it, which responds to the strategy to be followed. by way of extracurricular training where activities are proposed that are oriented, through a systemic approach, for the development of investigative capacities, based on the work of promotion and sociocultural orientation in the communities,taking into consideration the local culture.

The design of sociocultural development plans based on diagnosis and research to preserve and disseminate the local culture guarantee success in the performance of the graduate in Sociocultural Studies in their sphere of action.

These elements, related to the promotion and preservation of local culture, are insufficiently addressed in the training model of the career professional, thus weakening any theoretical projection in the model.

That is why the conception of training in this context has to be seen with an integrating perspective and looking for higher levels for the training process carried out in an organization that has to learn to serve culture if we keep in mind that it is “Shield and Sword of the Cuban Nation ”.


Local culture is the very objective of development, assumed this as human fulfillment in all its extension, taking up distinctive material and spiritual, intellectual and affective features that characterize a society or social group.

The Cuban experience confirms the need to promote local development assuming culture as the central axis. Therefore, it is increasingly evident to revitalize the local in order to achieve a development of socio-cultural identity, emphasizing the community.

The transformation processes in the community are linked to sociocultural work since it detects, investigates and intervenes to achieve development, operating through the close relationship that must be achieved, between management, cultural promotion and communication as an intellectual instrument of the Profession in our country Cuba are nuanced by a high commitment at the local level, which confirms the process of universalization of higher education in each municipality.

The analysis of the treated topic constitutes a great challenge, in the formation of a cultural agent that manages the development that contributes to stimulate the relations between culture and development from a new perspective.


1. Álvarez de Zayas Carlos M. (2001). Curriculum design. Higher education. Havana.

2. Álvarez de Zayas Rita María (1997). Towards a Comprehensive and Contextualized Curriculum. Tegucigalpa. Honduras.

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16. Márquez D. (2005). The process of professional training of students of the Sociocultural Studies career, through the mode of action. Thesis in Option to the Academic Title of Master in Educational Sciences. Center for Higher Education Science Studies. Pinewood of the river.

17. Russeau Buenaventura (1999). Theoretical and methodological instruments for cultural management. Atlantic University. Mixed Fund for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts of the Atlantic. Colombia.

Professional role of the graduate in sociocultural studies in Cuba