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Breaking paradigms: the role of the teacher


Identifying the differences between teaching-centered and learning-centered teaching has been a matter of controversy in recent years and the purpose of this is to recognize a paradigm shift in the teaching, learning and teaching processes. evaluation.

The following table shows some characteristics of the teacher according to the role in their different positions.

Teacher role focused on teaching Teaching role focused on learning
The teacher is responsible for knowledge Develops in the student the responsibility for their own knowledge
He is a teacher who talks and the students listen Learning producer
The teacher is not self-managed The teacher is self-managed
The teacher transfers knowledge Create learning communities and environments of trust
It is atomistic, the importance is centered on the teacher
The teacher gives importance to students, education is student-centered
Conceive education to teach 50-minute lessons, there is no class outside It promotes the development and talent in the student, inside and outside the classroom, anywhere is a learning environment
Values ​​learning in terms of teaching Use strategies and tools to generate new learning
He is an expert in his field and does not have the pedagogical bases Prepares and trains for a better development of their class and communication of knowledge
Does not allow true communication between those present Promotes True Communication: Encode-Decode
The teacher only covers his program
The teacher enriches the program with current topics
Their classes are compulsory in person. Their classes are face-to-face, virtual or self-managed
Handles a lecture-speech format Promotes learning through dialogue and effective communication
Learning is cumulative Learning is summative
Offer courses Apply strategies and tools to facilitate
His learning
The teacher introduces himself as an employee The teacher introduces himself as part of the learning team
It involves rudimentary relationships Create inclusive relationships
Has the knowledge Spread the love of knowledge
Impose ideas Train students to live with values

I believe that the objective of the Comprehensive Reform of the Higher Secondary Education System (RIEMS) is to adapt the profiles of teachers so that they can give a better education to young students. By managing the same teacher profile focused on learning, it is facilitated in a certain way that students have the opportunity to change schools without their studies being affected and that in the end they feel identified and grateful for the attention they are receiving.

The intention is to create standards so that education is standard throughout the country and somehow achieve the globalization that is required today.

It also gives us an overview that what we do has a name, that we can improve in teaching practice, and it also gives us the opportunity to provide a comprehensive service so that students are better able to compete in the workplace.

After having read a little more about the RIEMS and some authors who speak about this issue of change in education, I realize that indeed this arises from a need for globalization and the low academic level that Mexico has obtained in the degrees. upper secondary education through specific tests that are carried out to measure student achievement. I am beginning to realize why it is necessary to work under this scheme, and how interesting it can be to apply it effectively in the classroom or any learning environment, I believe that the teacher plays an important role so that this reform can work effectively, the The question is to break paradigmsget involved and prepare for the positive changes that this reform can offer. Of course, it will be important to set goals, assimilate new concepts, put them into practice so that our work has a clear meaning, is satisfactory, can be enriched with the contributions of the students and then we achieve a sense of belonging.

In the end, I believe that everyone involved can benefit: students because they will receive greater attention to their learning needs, values, skills and attitudes; the teachers because they are receiving training on how to impart knowledge and achieve meaningful learning in the young people who are in this stage and finally the educational institutions because they will be able to work under national standards and compete internationally.

It will be necessary to consider that the most important aspect of the reform, regardless of the flexibility and equity that may occur, is the relevance, when the young student feels comfortable in the classroom, at school, in his environment and with teachers who motivate and that are not taxable, it will be difficult for them to leave school and therefore the levels of failure and dropout will be lower. To the extent that young people feel integrated and identified with the institution where they study, but above all with the teachers who teach the various subjects, they will tend to finish their studies and make an extra effort to be recognized.

The sense of relevance is not only important for the student, but also for the teacher, as this fosters a greater degree of professional and personal satisfaction, makes them tend to develop their weaknesses in a personalized way and that personal competences become more solid. The feeling of belonging to a certain institution gives security and can lead to a better job.

After reading Segura and Barr, it is clear that the commitment that a teacher acquires when practicing this profession demands from him a change of thought and attitude towards the subject of education.

Many times, a teacher educates how he was educated and thinks that it is fine, but with technological advances and the generational change that is taking place, it is increasingly difficult to follow this traditional trend.

Teachers must be trained to be at the forefront and make an example of themselves for adolescents in every way. Likewise, change requires that the way of teaching changes and becomes more enjoyable for students, that paradigms be broken and that their strengths are exploited to the maximum and that they review their weaknesses.

Breaking the paradigm can be difficult because it implies the recognition and self-criticism of the work that has been carried out, of their attitudes and skills, in order to generate a change in their person, and there will always be resistance to modify some behaviors and habits. But with training and tolerance, change can be achieved and become a quality teacher, the one that students demand today.

The first thing that a teacher must commit to in order to take on the changes personally is to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, those weaknesses that require attention must be understood and of course, the best way to make them strengths should be considered.

On the other hand, to modify the weaknesses and little by little achieve a greater number of strengths that the teacher himself finds in his daily work, it will be necessary to make changes based mainly on the training that he can receive from the Institution for which he works, look for programs that are offered for free or at a low cost, be willing to invest time, become aware of the advantages that this can imply for your work, the degree of satisfaction you can obtain and some other intangible advantages, such as being respected for your students, transcending beyond the classroom or learning environments, making ourselves an example for adolescents in every way, among others.

In the table above, some of the changes that must be achieved to advance from a teaching role to a learning role are shown by the teacher, if this is achieved, the students will notice the difference immediately and of course that both the student as teacher, will work more at ease and comfortable sharing knowledge. This makes it clear that as changes occur, the environment becomes friendlier, more trustworthy, and the generation of a learning community is truly fostered. The commitment that a teacher acquires when exercising this profession, demands from him a change of thought and attitude towards the subject of education.



  • Agreement number 447 which establishes the teaching competencies for those who teach upper secondary education in the school modality. DOF Wednesday, October 29, 2008. Agreement number 444 establishing the competencies that constitute the common curricular framework of the National Baccalaureate System. DOF of October 21, 2008. Segura B, M. (2005) "Personal teaching competencies". Journal of Education Sciences. University of Carabobo. Vol. 2 No. 26. pp. 171-190
  • Barr, R. and Tagg, J. (1995) “From Teaching to Learning, a new paradigm for undergraduate education” ANUIES - SEP. No. 24
Breaking paradigms: the role of the teacher