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Staff turnover and its impact on customer service

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By staff rotation, this article should be understood as the departure of workers from an organization, for different reasons: resignations or dismissals.

It is known as rotation since the positions are occupied by different people in a defined period of time, that is, several workers rotate for the same position.

In some companies, job rotation is evaluated as an indicator of managerial management. In companies with high turnover, it will be necessary to know the reasons for this and stop their progress in favor of the productivity and profitability of the business.

Turnover generating sources

Without going into details, you can see two sources that cause staff turnover in companies:

1. Inadequate hiring of staff.

2. Working conditions.

In the case of hiring personnel, it becomes a source of rotation, because the company does not select the right person for the position and this causes that person to be replaced within a specified period.

In the case of working conditions, there is a wide range of situations that affect turnover. This ranges from the leadership style used by bosses, to economic conditions, infrastructure, benefits, administrative career, among many other reasons.

Both sources cause staff turnover, either through dismissal or resignation.

Impact of rotation

Staff turnover can be detrimental to any company, let's see some impacts of it for organizations:

1. They have an economic impact, since all legal ends that end the employment relationship must be canceled. In some companies, these items are not budgeted, so the company must make an outlay not contemplated within its expense structure.

2. Impact on the learning curve, since the new worker must complete a learning process for the position, which can take several weeks or months. In this period, the company must tolerate failures in the work of the new Collaborator for learning reasons, a situation that affects their finances.

3. Incidence in the service. Point 2) can generate a third incident, and it is perhaps the one that worries us the most: the service given to our customers. A new worker should take the time to get to know the clients, the company's procedures, policies and standards well. If the positions rotate a lot, the impact on customers is imminent. Customers will not feel a standard service but full of ups and downs.

4. Impact on customer loyalty. This point is little explored by companies, however it is common to hear customers complain about "so much change in staff." This may mean that some clients do not feel identified with the company because they have not been able to create a bond with the workers who serve them.

The purpose of this article is to draw the attention of companies in relation to the measurement and knowledge of the reasons that are causing the turnover of their staff.

In the first place, it will help them identify their sources and make an approach to them, in order to eliminate them. And secondly, it will allow them to reduce the impact that staff turnover is having on their clients.

Good customer service can be achieved by maintaining relationships between customers and workers, allowing time for the "building" of relationships; otherwise, what we would be doing is referring our clients to our competitors, who will happily receive them.

Staff turnover and its impact on customer service