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Rumor, distrust and social psychology in the company

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Social and organizational psychology sets a perceptual guideline for the reality of informal communications in companies and, especially, in Spanish public higher education institutions. For this reason, we have decided to resort to the perceptual visions of specialists of the PhD student in Social and Organizational Behavior: Research, Development and Innovation in the Knowledge Society, which is taught at the Autonomous University of Madrid, in its Faculty of Psychology, as well as other researchers social organizations that have made methodological approaches to human groups, organizations and society in general, their attitudes, values ​​and norms, among other topics.


The flame is lit. In our days, the social complexity of both public and private organizations favors the phenomenon of uncertainty, giving way to the unpredictable. Thus, herd turbulence in these chaos-prone environments is triggered by perceptual factors from the business or institutional environment and others away from it. Their organizational schemes are tied to the ways of thinking of groups of individuals who interact in different ways, assuming the work environment to their sanity. Under this idea the instruction and particular education of each organizational member intervene.

Permanence in employment commits the employee to be aware of the mission, vision and values ​​of the organization in question. This is where internal regulations, administrative procedures and institutional policies per se enter, both those that were business-oriented, as well as the unwritten rules that ride mostly towards the particular perspective of the employee on what he believes, estimates or points out convenient.

Therefore, the environment intervenes in a decisive way in the goals of the organization. Theorists in organizational communications amalgamate the existential and spiritual processes of employees, the origins of professional and personal growth, among others. But, organizations "capture external energy" and this acquires relevance, in the meantime, they come to define themselves as open systems that aspire to adapt to their same environment where there is exchange of messages. According to Katz and Kahn, the functioning of any structure as a system confines the following: "synergies, import and transformation of energy, negative entropy, information input and encoding processes, stability and dynamic homeostasis as well as differentiation".

Organizational identity is related to its end of existence, its linguistic, iconic and graphic form, as well as its beliefs, values ​​and attitudes, which should initially be carried by its members, but not everything is the sum of its parts. Among the new supports that all organizations also use is the rumor, which according to some social researchers originates from internal or external inconsistencies to the structures, due to problems of adaptability, credibility, consensus, acceptance criteria on hierarchies, manifestation of power, use of rewards and punishments, ideologies or philosophies, individual rites, as well as jokes and jokes. Even what each person understands by law.

All this is part of the corporate culture that the Spanish theorist Justo Villafañe defines in his book Positive Image as “the dynamic assumption of the identity of the company. Assumption in the form of acts, manifestations, shared values ​​and beliefs about it, its history and its future projects. It is the corporate behavior not ruled ”.

1.- Relationship between creativity and rumor

“There are two ways in which persuasion is obtained: veracity (which would be the right thing to do) and subjective verisimilitude. Therefore, the subjective credibility that the misinformer seeks would be the complete opposite of being convinced by the truth. However, what, precisely, gives value to the disinformation message is its verisimilitude ”(Martínez, 2004, p. 77-78).

As is known, communication scientists and social researchers have rigorously studied the receiver's thoughts and relationships. Considerable research has also been conducted on other aspects such as the trust that a certain society expresses in organizational communications. For his part, on the relations of creativity with informal communications, the professor in Persuasion and change of attitudes in organizations, attached to the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Pablo Antonio Briñol Turnes, insisted that it would be pertinent to bring carry out new methodological approaches that have a greater influence on the creative phenomenon as a variable of the receiver towards informal communications. This would allow us to understand what is thought about the message.

Professor Briñol Turnes assured that communication as a creative phenomenon linked to rumor would generate –possibly- particular investigative results if it is seen as a variable of the message or the issuer that presents it. “An alternative way of approaching the same relationship would be to focus on the creativity that the recipient has and not the message or the proposal in principle. The more creative the communicative thought, the more elaboration there will be on the subject and that would lead to more or less persuasion depending on whether the message is elaborated, positively or negatively ”, declared Briñol Turnes.

As a response to this new line of research, the coordinator of the doctorate in Social and Organizational Behavior: Research, development and innovation in the knowledge society of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Manuel Fernández Ríos, stated that informal communications seen as a means to creativity, “could be in the ingenuity of someone who tries to sharpen a gossip, rumor or some specific aspect of reality, but nothing more. Therefore, they contain few creative elements, although that will depend on each person… But since gossip abounds… "He made a silence and continued:" But since gossip is present, it cannot be said that it is an overabundant reality, much less. Let's say that creativity often does not go further,except for the occurrence that someone has to make a joke about a specific fact ”, said the respective professor of the Human Resources, organization and work module.

For his part, David Aguado García, professor of the chair of Virtual Work Teams of the PhD in Social and Organizational Behavior at the UAM, estimated that gossip would have a certain influence on creativity as long as it differs from the norm. Assuming the qualitative and quantitative studies that he has coordinated, said teacher believes in percentage terms that the creative response in terms of tests of the Spanish population is significantly low. “However, gossip and gossip does not contemplate a truly creative aspect, but rather an exaggeration of a certain phenomenon. I don't know if it is an invention… It is an exaggeration or partialization of a fact ”, he clarified his point of view.

As a third response to the sociability between rumorology and creativity, during the workshop given to the students of the Doctorate in Applied Creativity of the Autonomous University of Madrid, under the title Creativity as a basis for innovation in the company, some of the psychological and organizational blockers that link originality with organizational communications. This training course was given by José María Gasalla, Spanish speaker and manager of the Spanish group Talentum. Among the psychological blockers of creativity manifested by the participants were: “Lack of self-motivation and self-esteem, paradigms and archetypes, malleability, little flexibility, mental schemes, excess of expertise and intrinsic motivation. Likewise,the fear of failing or fear of ridicule, risks or failure. Likewise, the excess of insecurity, the aversion to novelty and the lack of tolerance to ambiguity ”.

For their part, among the organizational blockers of creativity, the students of the teaching period of the aforementioned doctoral student would define: “Traditionalist culture, authoritarian leadership, rigid norms, short-termism, immediate personalized success, destructive criticism of the different, envy contrasted with fear and lack of confidence ”.

The social trances manifested in attitudes can generate propensity, stereotypes or prejudices that, used as disqualification devices, sponsor rumors and more when certain organizations - not all - manage groups of individuals with similar moldings. The attitude is linked to the feeling, which allows to select stimuli consonant with individual or group beliefs. For example, the implicit or explicit ideological aims of an organization could motivate or affect its workers, depending on the frames of reference.

That is why, in some contexts, informal communications could throw to the ground the partial credibility of an organization, even worse when these excessive communication devices, start from maneuvers or improper ways of thinking among staff and / or towards them. In this regard, José María Gasalla, international consultant, asked the following: Will the conflict caused by a negative attitude be productive? To which he replied: “It all depends on attitude. I would lean towards the use of organizational symbolism and metaphors. Gossip stops making sense in a culture of trust and obedience between the different groups of an organization. Respect must be weighed as people and not as simple human resources ”. About trust,Gasalla explained that Spanish society is characterized by being afraid of trust. “The environment of trust does not exist in business organizations in Spain. I only know two companies in Brazil that do believe in it, "he revealed, thinking of it as a metacompetence that must be the product of seven behaviors that are:" The awareness of the other, clarity as truth, compliance, coherence, consistency, mutual correspondence and commitment ”, theory of other experts.consistency, mutual correspondence and commitment ”, theory of other experts.consistency, mutual correspondence and commitment ”, theory of other experts.

Regarding the matter mentioned in the previous idea, the author of the respective article More than show: The spectacle and the spectacularity of the rumor Ángel Díaz, recently published a narrative account that borders on the phenomenon of La (dis) confidence (as he titled the story) from the perspective of an alleged fiction. It was announced during the month of September 2008 through the website of the pioneering Spanish publisher in new Latin American writers: Éride Ediciones.

It is of special interest that –among other views of the phenomenon of the annex- two publications of the columnist in Gestiopolis.com are present in La (dis) Confidence as attachments four and five in order to try to increase the same texts: The employee of the month and Ecstasy behavior Inappropriate precipitate institutions, already disclosed sections that, at present, are rescued as a kind of methodological inseparable: an idea that also includes new ways of writing in order to deepen the literary plot and, especially, the interiority of certain of the characters that would be amalgamated -creatively- to the ways of thinking of their conjectural protagonist.

That is why, with an insinuating and elegant cover with a whitish background in the front and blue clouds in the rear (-the other details could be confined to the psychology of color-), the only thing missing is that a certain Re (y) naldo - " as they say to know or as they say to call it "-, take advantage of the opulent scepter and" managerial "throne that inspires the book, to make pomps of the power that" wraps it up ". All this, under the visual and "calm" protection of one of its many characters imagined as patho -with an ax-, because it is estimated that "there is ethos by hoarding in the refrigerator or freezer", as one of the voices of La (distrust.

And it is that as can be seen in its back cover, the narrative text delves into organizational psychology, especially in the existential problems and double morality that impregnate the corporate world with "various emanations", as noted on its back cover.: “The literal organizational atomic bomb explodes. Neuralgic colors abound with (mis) confidence with different degrees of concentration to tint occupational health with some tone. To do this, the writer of the story scrutinized the on-site experiences of anonymous journalistic sources, unusually manifested as stunned, jocularly confused appearances. As assets of the organizational culture, the sedition of communicational informalities levitate like a strange "transparent fog" saturated with gossip, gossip, rumors and urban legends.Incompatibly, the power of unwritten rules draws - without fear or self-censorship - the malevolence (public or private) that from sunrise to sunset: tans, toasts, roasts, browns, scorches, charred, scorches or burns hundreds of employees.

The story -inclusive- reveals The (mis) confidence of the expected reader prototype, inspecting his own existential and spiritual labor problems: organizational and double morality matrices of opinion that impregnate the corporate world with various visions. Inside, the details go from having aesthetic value, beyond being signs that in any other literature jump unnoticed. Its significance could dismantle the (un) known. There is a new intention in the use of jargon between Venezuela and Spain. Who speaks? Does anyone hesitate? This is precisely how everything looks: Re (y) naldo, its conjectural protagonist, claims to hold the managerial throne by projecting himself as a "nutty / professional / sane", if at all times corporate global society is "contaminated". Sometime,Henry will try to protect the good will of the writer of the story… And of the many others outside of it ”, it is quoted.

The (dis) trust was part of the research "Codification and (de) codification of literary creativity", teaching period 2007-2008 of the doctoral student in Applied Creativity Ángel Díaz, module Genius and madness: cultural myths of creativity, which was dictated by Professor Julio Romero Rodríguez at the Complutense University of Madrid. Said educator held the following opinion: “Especially rich, far-fetched, playful and disguised language with very expressive and suggestive words. The story is a journey to corruption, to everyday madness. It refers to irrationality, oppression or persecution both inside and outside the organizations. It is clear here how disease, abnormality, or the opposite, are culturally constructed concepts; and how the culture of the organization -even- makes it sick or takes for normal,absolutely aberrant behaviors and attitudes.

The allusions that gave rise to the story Error: another ingenuity of the author are funny and complicated. There will come a time when the reader will not know if he is reading reality or fiction because almost all of us are victims of this operation. Finally, I congratulate the writer, journalist and researcher since the previous surveys allowed to develop the entire literary framework ”.

Next, a part of the slides of the author's presentation presented for the 2007-2008 teaching period is assembled, module "Genius and madness, cultural myths of creativity", dictated by the professor at the UCM:

2.- Open secrets: Story La (mis) confidence + show = Rumor

According to the media phenomenon used for its ventilation, there are countless examples of content associated with rumors. It is especially relevant that, as a kind of evolutionary chain, the rumor could lead to the breaking of new "boxes", stealthy of hypertextuality. In addition, the Internet has been a medium for the expansion of rumors that have as a collection center the chats and virtual discussion forums, as well as the Web pages that dedicate news spaces, mainly to political and leisure interests.

With the academic aim of showing one of the many scenarios of the rumor, "the curtain opens again", requiring deep and conscious musings given the misunderstandings of the citizens as well as the highest private and public authorities. The proper ABC of morality and civic ethics should be estimated.

It is striking that the story La (mis) Confidence elicits mysterious reactions from the same fictional characters who walked as anonymous. "Jocoso" and -although pain could also forge laughter due to negative moods-, they find their double counterpart, precisely in 'truthfulness'. Meanwhile: everyone allows the coloring they want, personalistic or manipulated, everyone deciphers it as caresses, everyone puts on or takes it off, everyone remembers and rejects, outrages or puts on the stars or, everyone points with the finger to another (s) for ease. And this is because - precisely - this is what stories and literature are for: to recognize oneself or stop accepting oneself, raising the flight of what each person - from the work point of view - has to live or experience. In that poetic time, in today's sun,the textuality of the literary discourse opens, splits, divides, sets aside or separates sublime ranges of feigned, conventional, simulated, forced, artificial possibilities. Or, rather, accurate, as certain as that the author of this article on The spectacle and the spectacularity of the rumor Ángel Díaz, has already been tried several times to intimidate and manipulate - fruitlessly -, violating his human rights so that he would not reveal himself public light both the story La (dis) confidence, as well as the line of comments that journalistically carries.He has already been tried several times to intimidate and manipulate - unsuccessfully -, violating his human rights so that both the story La (dis) confidence, as well as the line of comments that journalistically carries, was not revealed to the public.He has already been tried several times to intimidate and manipulate - unsuccessfully -, violating his human rights so that both the story La (dis) confidence, as well as the line of comments that journalistically carries, was not revealed to the public.

We then recall a "note" of rumorological content signed under the pseudonym of FF and that was published during the month of October 2008 on the digital pages of http://www.ciudadpolitica.com/. Approximately two days after being published, it disappears -what chimera- from said media, having already won (according to the data attached to the debate and information in the respective articles), about 20 visits without a public response from the Forists who browse said Home Page, possibly censored by the coordination of said Web page?

But the case did not end there. Surprisingly, it reappears published a few days later in another Venezuelan forum dedicated to the news of national and international events under the address http://www.noticias24.com/ and endorsed –now- as “A real earthquake”, without the pseudonym data FF. And that was produced as a comment attached to an international news story with tragic content: more textuality for the believers, faithful, practitioners, fervent, worshipers or contemplatives of the rumor.

Consequentially, after making an observation to the opinion matrix of the forum members who participate in the daily discussion of the respective Noticias 24 Web page, one can appreciate -with a quick glimpse- a language loaded with grotesque and anonymous adjectives, somewhat uneven in the way to tell the first "rumor" that tried to be the target of readings, without comment and that - even - was publicly commented on in a Venezuelan radio communication medium. And then, as a parallel story, a certain FF requests a response that he makes public on the Ciudad Politica website after said "note" has been removed. But the letter to the editor published by FF was also excluded. That communication stated the following:

'Dear Lic. RR, director of Ciudadpolítica.com, I am writing to you because in recent days I sent to the discussion forum on RUMORS, a text called What is hidden behind the story La (mis) confidence ?, I surprisingly saw that it was removed from your page. In Venezuela in recent times the term Freedom of Expression has been attacked (I have witnessed it as a social communicator), which motivates me from a personal and professional point of view to reflect on whether - I ask - it will not be a simple alibi of certain people - from their personality - to repress themselves. Therefore, I regret that if this (my article) was thought to be eliminated, I was not informed about it before, since the promotion of virtual forums - anywhere in the world - favors Freedom of Expression, even excessively. To the,I would like to know and understand the reasons why this material is eliminated, since the link (RUMORS promoted by you) could imply its exemplification, beyond saying what specialists already know about its classical theory. Finally a reflections for the city: Did you feel in a commitment? Could it be that the rumor when perceived can be seen -immediately- as absolute truth? Did they send you an intimidating email asking to remove this material? Did they virtually threaten you? Was he self-conscious? Were you offended or offended someone - the rumor - I mean? Could it be that Venezuelan society itself, especially its political forces - whichever side they are - has promoted and encouraged rumors due to conflicting political situations? Did you feel reflected? Is rumor a punishment? I would love to have your insight or an answer.The path should continue to be to understand that the "City" still belongs to all of us as a space for "intrapersonal, interpersonal, group or collective" virtual meditation. I am protected -happily and humanely- in my Code of Ethics since I do not say anything that is not verified and attached to this (promoted by you): «CIUDAD POLITICA offers truthful, pertinent and updated information for political practice (…) With Regarding the Public Administration, CIUDAD POLITICA points out the need to have (…) a system of (…) PUNISHMENT ”, as requested in their use policies. And so -as a denouement- the sky changes scenery. And as reflected by the theories on urbanism:I am disturbed to find that the «great» space of the people who live in a City (in capital letters) is «still reduced»… I will walk through other streets, I will look for another new literal garden… With PD attached '.

Anticipating the inclusion of the devotee of the rumor in a "note" that has already disappeared in two divergent media, it is published –now it does- to accommodate that voice that has decided to reveal their views, theirs, there, hidden, retired, out of the ordinary. that the external other might think, that is, not necessarily bordering on the conjectures of others, who will have their own. More hypertext game.

To displays a button with internal quotes. Only the initials (NA) of the true-truth of that interpreter are betrayed. And like a new story, the crimson ribbon, the colorful wrapping paper, is removed and it opens like this, the clandestine thing in that, that personalistic box:

'About the recently published story in Spain La (dis) Confidence, it is rumored that the characters are all real-Venezuelans and that they would have a relationship with the following little lives. After a detailed reading, phrases that could have to do with an unfortunate reality are rescued, from them, the following is deduced: "Disgusted environments from top to bottom are many", one of them is the TC Theater where certain of the employees suffer from Moobing, and if you enter their website you will notice a NO update of their links. And the great fault is the son of P who changes the Communications Manager every three months, nobody lasts in that position. How weird, right? What will happen there? See link: http: //www.gestiopolis.com / mobbing-harassment-labor / Totally true // "The corporate president of an anonymous branch" seems to be HR of P, by the way, how this Mr. likes to drink even beer! "Why don't you shut up?" // "Three journalists from a subsidiary" will it be CT, MZ and CA? Because everything coincides // The expressions of "hitman or sick focus" in two distant parts of the story, resemble the employee who was allegedly changed -not removed- from a subsidiary within PDVSA to another, when threatening to kill a journalist in INTEVEP. This is RV, supposedly a former employee of P and of the Management of the Metropolitan Social District Miranda de P, right hand of the homo-fo-what's next !? de TO // Regarding the character of Jacinta, it turns out that some time ago an Administrative Manager with the surname AND an employee of COFAE,I would think about stopping buying toilet paper, anticipating first investing the few resources emanating from the Comptroller's Office –for that moment- in other administrative tasks // “Orea among her classmates that the substance is true”, in the corporate dining room of PDVSA INTEVEP In front of several public officials, the current Communications Coordinator, although rumors suggest that they came from him, Mr. CT did not mince words to shout that he “was” a drug addict, although the note - and not from the press - is evident. Loneliness… // "A perfumed Foundation uses it", the Department of Culture, Communications, Etcetera of COFAE in charge of "Mrs." AM, a body attached to the Comptroller's Office, was seeing the need to use graphic design programs without licenses. Audited control,perhaps? // "Business center will resume Catholic adventures." Without any shame, the current manager of AAPP of INTEVEP -IB-, suggested in a corporate meeting that INTEVEP could resume the adventures of priests or nuns because, a Communications Campaign to discredit the image of internal employees and carry out some Aggressive videos requested by the HR Management from journalists MZ and MU, so they could make it interpret // "Pornos pages on the Intranet", in the old PDVSA several employees were taken when they saw porn pages like those that certain MEP journalists continue to enjoy // "Philosophy and morbid jet skins" on the Intranet, how a certain journalist loves it, supposedly ex, of an ME // "They believe that the President of a hotel network cannot bear children", will it be the MC?This is because the rumor continues to spread through the corridors of said hotel in Caracas // “Go shopping with your boss”, is it the former couple of alleged former officials of the Comptroller's Office: MG, again? // "Hiring prostitutes", an employee did not have any seeds on his tongue to spread the rumor, at some point, that the C entered those "dark worlds", some time ago // "Old greens", will they be the So many of the old PDVSA ?, One of them suggested during the behind the scenes of a journalist interview that she had had romantic relationships with one of the employees who at that time distributed the PDVSA daily newspaper in the old administration, by the way, Mr. continue there // "Merit to work in your first class",During the annual event organized by the Comptroller's Office, employees blaspheme other co-workers who have been awarded years of service, assuming them as -among others- award-winning drunks // “La Cristina”, one of the characters most anticipated by readers of La (des) trust, will it be AM from COFAE again? // Jerónimo and the 10th floor, how strange that COFAE is between 9 and 10, is it that AGA of COFAE borders Jerónimo? A… doesn't smell yet… // Henry, is it related to the E in the story? // With regard to “the strange gift of the triangle”, it turns out that an MEP employee is still alive and kicking her job. She loves to give away particular objects taken from antique shops that could perfectly pass as witchcraft // “Find her a glass of water to the boss ”,It also took place in the corridors of a certain ME where a supervisor managed to fire an Internationalist for refusing to be her boss's "maid", "housekeeper" service. In the same Ministry it is said "here among us", that one with the position of Vice Minister would have maintained "something" with another Vice Minister. By the way, it is rumored that said Vice Minister was arrested in the immigration office of an Arab country, and this bothered her because the search was intimidating // "Taking the plastic cardboard to be able to evacuate inside the bathroom", among so many generations, it is also There was a rumor, among current BN employees, that an official was seen in the same way. How many are not physiologically intimidated by their boss? // "Parallelism between Parker and Wales",it was run among employees of a Venezuelan Oil Cultural Center // "The gas station", in relation to the above, will it be the homo-fo… TO again? By the way of whom it has also been said -what rumor- that they applied the Ice Law to INTEVEP for reasons attentive to his personality and exercise // "His CV disappeared… Campfire or ripped from the resumes", it is rumored that the wife of RR, they were seen to be bold to enter PDVSA with the position they currently hold. Below it is the list of an assistant manager - a lawyer by the way - who does not meet working hours and therefore lets his assistant falsify his signature // About "Mariano", could it be that this character has a desire -without the h - The same as the alleged "journalist" MA?JG's assistant at the MEP who loves to be given animated birthday cakes with Che in marriages or children's parties // "Mario (Aristotelian pathogen)" several readers have been seen jumping or laughing at supposing that It could be MS driver of La Hojilla who is said to have been seen in intimidating attitudes of attack, others, not others, in public acts of the government // Ironically, “the festive set design” of La (dis) Confidence Will it look like the one on the set of La Hojilla?, An old program on the channel of all Venezuelans // “Psychotechnical alterations of the HR”, the selection and recruitment tests of the current Ministry of Food as well as PDVSA could be touching the intimate,although one of the psychologists from the Ministry of Food tries to protect herself in the integrity of the recruit in order to fall into sexual probing of the talents who try to enter the ranks of said state institutions to get a job. Is private life being attacked, is the Constitution and legal regulations on human rights being violated? Deciphering privacy for organizational income, in a socialist company or institution? Meanwhile, it was possible to perceive at some point that the MINCI uses laughter therapy to make fun of what the candidate suggests in the interview, that is,They take advantage of the confidential information supplied and then –the official in charge- pass this information through the management of a presumed socialist HR // On the employees who literally “pass Pride® on the boss's desk”, among so many implicit or explicit cases they continue flashing a string of journalists (professionals graduated from a "university") who, in order to keep the boss won, decide to look for a washcloth and clean the boss's desk, as KM would love to be the supposed sister of AM from COFAE, who, by relativity, it could also border on the "fall of the beating of caresses bush", the K. Brave attitudes of the new journalism? // “Distribute juice and little bit”, could even border on the name of the current Communications Secretariat of the Comptroller General of the Republic.Public relations officer C is the one that processes air tickets for officials by telephone, while the remaining women communicators distribute the brochures at the entrance to the Comptroller's office. K with K, is dedicated to one of them because of the… // “Carbon monoxide that enters through the parking lot”, when the former PDVSA Los Chaguaramos Public Administration Management was moved to the corporate headquarters in La Campiña, the nerves A thousand of the journalists were put, with a small group suggesting that they did not want the move because they had a feeling that they could be poisoned by the carbon monoxide in the basement, which adjoins a parking lot. ES, the one remembered for the beautiful jewels of the old PDVSA, was the Communications Manager, a position she still runs at another level. At that time, Sans-ta was Communications Coordinator,I do not know why it is about ES, who loved to ridicule the subordinates and pregnant women of the old PDVSA // "Journalist who crushed another colleague", although the case is repeated as a card, she herself tells you without ask her, yes, herself: La M, who even put a colleague friend in the Comptroller's Office and then had her removed at the rib of her rib // The fable of the Hairy Affairs Management, turned out to be in a high percentage: true. Zennith resembles CT, Jakinno passes through CA, Mr. Scientist adjoins HR, La-Basurritthax is related to MZ, La Babosa would like to be IB, Miss Orgasmic Antioquia, will it be LM ?, the bipolar gallant, will it be the LB?, all employees of the PDVSA INTEVEP Public Administration Management // "With a tangle of hair that comes from the belly and rises in abundance",the ratadaaaaaaaa in the journalistic union is so shameful that the previously named: F (of flesh and blood) came to mock MT, a MEP journalist for adjoining this idea // On "the Memorandums taken to flyers", a relatively of the Human Resources Management of the Comptroller's Office, led his manager (that of the hairdresser according to M) to pass a Memo very similar to the one on page 47-48. Laughter and annoyance generated in socialist employees who had no choice but to decorate the supervisory institution with "neckties on their backs" every day // "Spray Glade® in the work environment", some companies and institutions buy this type of air freshener and -Even-, while the employees work, they are sprayed on their naive faces. In the meantime, the alleged former C manager sprayed him. Similarly, in the ZV clothing store network,It is still watered to customers in the locker room hallways. Toupee, or no toupee? // “He likes it”, G –who is rumored to have disappeared from the map- although he is still there, “he threw the house out the window” by putting an internationalist in the position of editorial coordinator, son of the journalist S, position that, previously, belonged to a chavista named CD who at the time of resigning to the supposed former president A-nía, ex because he is still here, threw duuuuuurooooo! the door in your own face. Chavista with chavista is paid! And they are charged and also they give the change! // It is rumored that the smelly and unethical characters of Error are the ex-couple MG. Of M, it has been said that he was divorced. Right or what? // The quote from the first intermission of Golpiza de Caricias that suggests: “Av. AB and C too ”, in this regard,Could it have happened in the AB? About the hanged man, "J_ _ (_) _ _ _ N" was easier than peeling a tangerine: J. And amusingly, a person with the same name held the position of Communications Manager in the Comptroller's Office some time ago. And if it is “¡Caballo Viejo, caraaacha!”, It could continue the saga of G. In Los Robles ?, Is it not in Los Caobos ?, the denial // About the third intermission of Golpiza de Caricias is rumored that could be associated with the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Lands, although the sofa is actually beige and the Puritan linked to the man, they would have seen her lying down, which owner of the sofa, waiting for him. Alive and kicking // It is rumored that in order not to say who could be suggested in the Fifth intermission of Golpiza de Caicias,a journalist would censor a broadcast of a radio program so as not to reveal to the possible Vice Minister of Culture: IP, who would put him, I would say, his face like a grill when feeling his intimacy revealed. By the way, some neighbors in a dormitory city, close to said Vice Minister, have suggested the use of narcotics in the family environment. Lie or truth ?, rumor or what. Envy perhaps? GRAVE… GRAVE! '

3.- The rumor as performance

This is how it personifies. The rumor (or myth) is literally absorbed as a kind of emotional thirst. Specialists suggest that amphibology could be the cause of instigation and even more so when there are subjective agents in the organizational environment. In this way, the capture of meanings drawn from society, individual or collective desire, after an apprehension of the emotional, the enigmatic or the intellectual, are part of the proxies who charge the spirit of public or private employees (or external agents), more so if the interested parties claim to have jurisdiction over the publics to which they belong. Not in vain, the stinger has its particular characteristics, not necessarily having relation to the extended topic. And its issuer could only seek to attract attention."Such a pleasure can even be indispensable for individuals whose life lacks color and variety" (Allport, 1982, p. 28).

Organizational pain probably has to do with "external factors" because they are improperly internalized, and the individual unduly values ​​it high or low. “There may be an important imbalance that can lead to a certain type of disenchantment, emotional suffering, disturbances. But I would say that except in particular circumstances where individuals have tendencies towards endogenous depression, in most cases it has an external origin, from perspectives that are not fulfilled, interference from others, which, in some way, causes an experience frustrating. This has to do with people with a lack of confidence in themselves, it has to do with self-confidence of their self about the misfortunes of the other ”,Professor Manuel Fernández Ríos from the UAM explained, thinking that a possible way to respond to the insane is "with the same mistrust and suspicion, not giving them credibility (…) The supervisor who allows the confrontation, does not know how to do his job."

The fantasy, the crowding or the exaggeration, the pun of evidence, thus adulterates a supposed reality of an alleged fact of corporate, social, collective, group or political interest. This revelation of chaos manages to bring up states of organizational alteration that are fired like piercing arrows in possibly hybrid media in dimension; but homogeneous based on the fact that the interests of the auditors and projectors who act in its transmission have been grouped by some interest.

“People will strengthen their desires with false beliefs, they will rationalize, project and spread false rumors, only in proportion to the ambiguity of the matter and the importance that it holds for them (…) The complications of the self gravitate on it and when the objective evidence or knowledge does not put a rational brake on trial and testimony ”(Allport, 1982, p. 27).

It would be necessary to make a clarification that as long as these messages are manifest as gossip, increasing in importance, they would generate the rumor, a product, according to the estimation of those understood in psychology with a forceful motivating factor, with highly intrinsic characteristics. “Sexual interest monopolizes much of the gossip and most of the current scandal; anxiety and fear are the hidden stimuli of the macabre stories and bad omens we hear so often; hope and desire are at the base of pink rumors; the ear sustains accusatory and slanderous tales ”(Allport, 1982, p. 18).

The deterioration of morale, commitment and loyalty, according to rumor specialists, could promote –even- a parallel culture, weakening strategic objects and increasing the informality of interpersonal, group or collective relationships associated with an organization. “The components of the work environment, susceptible therefore to analysis as fundamental variables in previous studies to implement an adjusted internal communication program, are the following: Individual components (motivation, attitudes, perceptions, values, learning, personality); inter / intragroup components (training / information groups, group norms, connection, roles / status); hierarchical components (efforts, command style, organizational power, level of influence); organizational components (structure, organization,job title); functional components (remuneration, communication, performance evaluation, selection, training); components of the task (quantity, quality, diversity) ”(Pulgar, 1999, p. 58-59)

Respect in a fair and equitable or equal treatment, "without animosity", borders on trust and job security, reduces injustice or partiality and gives a certain preponderance to efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness in the work performed.

4.- Systematization of rumor

The applicability of informal and formal communication in an organization tends to have conflicting and conflicting opinions. In this regard, some of the technical manuals on rumor skimp on the fact that informal communication appears when the formal one is insufficient to what is stipulated in the standard. This could imply the supposed view of the norm, if unwritten rules are thought to be equally part of that guideline.

Another focal point in the classification of rumor is the subject it deals with, so broad that it could even cause different magnificences on different cultural, religious or political levels. The "hate-fear-desire trichotomy" can face a dogmatic load of motivating resistance that sustains and nurtures them. We want, therefore, in the following lines, to mention a problem, manifest as rumor, in order to exemplify its significance.

The unwritten rules serve to qualify or complement the written communications and another is to be adapted as an escape vehicle, which implies that, as the fact of interest, it does not proceed in any other way, it acts as an emotional discharge and communications in organizations They circulate in all possible ways, in the vertical, horizontal and transversal directions. It is insisted, for example, that excessive informality generates uncertainty and insecurity and a displacement of formal communication, but at the same time, theorists believe that informal communications help social relations outside the concerted ones and conceive liveliness procedures through those who make decisions.

Then, discovering other informal channels leaving formalities aside, "helps to identify interfunctional processes." Now, one of the presumed discomforts of organizational information distortion is the attention to gossip, due to its uncontrollable characteristic and where the interpretation of the sender or the receiver's feedback would come to influence, because the facts or comments that are not seen as objectives -or as verifiable-, as well as the distorted noise in the subsequent transmissions of these “doubtful assumptions”, they foresee having repercussions on the organization or on the workers. The informal chain of gossip prone then as we know the rumor.

"There are two basic conditions necessary for a rumor to catch on in the minds of the people and, worth the common expression, run: first, the subject of the story must revert to some importance, both for the one who transmits it and for the one who listens to it.; then, the real events must be covered with a certain ambiguity (…) due to the absence or paucity of news, due to its contradictory nature, due to distrust towards them, or due to emotional tensions that make the individual unable to accept the facts revealed in the news official or reluctant towards them ”(Allport, 1982, p. 15).

For psychological and social reasons, the versatile variables to take into account in a rumor systematization process continue to depend on the author who has to delve into the matter. Meanwhile, the items that are discussed in the book Psychology of rumor by Gordon W. Allport and Leo Postman (Allport, 1982, p. 186) stand out:

1.- The transitory aspects of haste and rhythm in traffic.

2.- The question, argument, background, purpose or plot.

3.- Spiritual moments or other halos.

4.- Negative, positive or neutral social consequences.

5.- Segmentation of local or mass rumors.

6.- Differentiation between the recent rumors, the old ones.

7.- Relativize between the feasible and the impossible.

8.- The rumor studied by dimension or magnitude, etcetera.

Of this material is particular the purpose of perpetuation. Scholars speak about the reserved, silent, discreet, hidden message, loaded with a certain enigma, concealment, secrecy, secret and that is taking air for the whispering, for the gossip that has already become a rumor reverberates in a different way. Its end is temporary although, according to specialists, it could generate a charge of discord while traveling on a chain.

Other types of informal messages are more vehement, while there are others called "divings rumors", which means that they submerge, and after having had some notoriety, they lie in the background to at some point return to their outbreak. Here it would be possible to remember the slanders, defamations or vilifications that try to radicalize the memory. The rumor is expected to be unearthed.

The rumor leak usually appears when there is some kind of crisis in the workplace. Said permeability will not only have the intention of upsetting organizational credibility internally. It will also be the whole in public opinion in an unofficial way. It usually springs up when there are gaps, gaps, questions, uncertainties, confusion. Authors of rumorology subdivide the messages that sneak in as the following: Those related to the ego, those based on the truth, casting with high expectations, those of a political, economic, social or cultural nature. Likewise, the "probe balloon" and the "telephone tip" or the leaks off the record. “The strength of the rumor consists, precisely, in that it is not ascertainable, since, if it were, it would cease to be rumor and would become news.The assertion that the rumor can be a prelude to the news is known ”(Martínez, 2004, p. 77).

5.- Formal communication Vs. informal communication

Experts say that informal conversational study only makes sense in the context of formal conversations. That is to say, in an environment -be it work or not-, where there is no formality, all the participants of the social group could tend to be informal in their human relationships. For the organizational case, business theory has suggested that within the framework of informal communications, a series of devices are created that range from suggestion boxes, social gatherings to the company edge, parties outside the companies, etc., all of this. in order for the employees of said organizations to manifest themselves humanly in a “context that is not stated in the official. I know of people who have made almost a second profession -literal- by informatively intoxicating the work environment to get what they want.And they also know how to prevent a person from ascending without any scruples. And because they are protected by a hierarchical structure, they launch disqualifications and threats. Sometimes the institutions contemplate them and sometimes they don't. It is a bit random that a response can be obtained from the institutions. This is where the responsibilities of the authorities come in. But the problem itself is when they prefer to look the other way ”, believes the professor in Business Communication Joaquín Aguirre Romero from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.It is a bit random that a response can be obtained from the institutions. This is where the responsibilities of the authorities come in. But the problem itself is when they prefer to look the other way ”, believes the professor in Business Communication Joaquín Aguirre Romero from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.It is a bit random that a response can be obtained from the institutions. This is where the responsibilities of the authorities come in. But the problem itself is when they prefer to look the other way ”, believes the professor in Business Communication Joaquín Aguirre Romero from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Informal communications can affect the internal life of the company, competitiveness, as well as its image that has been built with the workers. The coordinator of the inter-university doctorate in Social and Organizational Behavior at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Manuel Fernández Ríos, stated that informal communications begin to be a danger when they are abused, precisely at the moment when they become a mechanism of organizational communication that replaces formal communication. “From that moment on it starts to be dysfunctional. Informal communication is a complement to formal communication, not the other way around. If everything is done on the basis of informal communication in a small company it may be enough, but in a company of another level, impossible! ”,The teacher from the UAM School of Psychology externalized.

This reflection leads us to ask ourselves about certain concerns, some of which we have also tried to make inferences in the first part of the article in question: When could informal communications become dangerous for an organization? For example: It has been insisted that the excess of sociability between employees and bosses could be a danger for human labor relations. What are the recurring illegal acts of the managements involved in the proper application of informal communication policies in a company? And what are the strengths of the application of "unwritten rules" in Spanish organizations? Informal communication (rumors,gossip and gossip) will they be inversely proportional to the quantity and quality of formal communication in Spanish organizations? A talented person who does a good job and another who carries out a poor technical and work level, will they always be targets of the rumor? What do you think of employees who built their success on the failure of others? Why does the power of feelings prevail within every organizational culture? From informal communications, what losses in values ​​or percentage increases could the unethical cause to companies? These and other questions motivate the researcher in question to learn more about rumors.Will they always be targets of the rumor? What do you think of employees who built their success on the failure of others? Why does the power of feelings prevail within every organizational culture? From informal communications, what losses in values ​​or percentage increases could the unethical cause to companies? These and other questions motivate the researcher in question to learn more about rumors.Will they always be targets of the rumor? What do you think of employees who built their success on the failure of others? Why does the power of feelings prevail within every organizational culture? From informal communications, what losses in values ​​or percentage increases could the unethical cause to companies? These and other questions motivate the researcher in question to learn more about rumors.

For Professor Manuel Fernández Ríos, the excess of sociability between employees and bosses would be dysfunctional if it goes beyond the reason for being of the organizational hierarchy. “If the treatment exceeds what the employment relationship is, it would give way to the undesirable. This could lead to poor performance. Humor is convenient at work, but let's not turn it all into humor. Gossip can generate humor and if it is reasonable it can be positive. Now, one thing is gossip as a secondary topic and another thing is rumor as a communication mechanism of the organization. Gossip has therapeutic virtues from the moment it can trigger a smile or a moment of relaxation, but if it deals with improper work situations it is a source of tremendous stress, ”the professor expressed with concern.

Therefore, organizations should check what gossip, gossip, urban legends and rumors are about to see if this has the opposite effect. But despite the fact that in Spain there has been a concern about the issue of organizational rumors -even-, in journalism schools, relativity and subjectivity continue to be constant when specialists are used who deal with the turbulence that is generated by problems intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, social or collective communication.

The "cloth gives more to cut" if you look at the role that the Spanish media should fulfill, contrasted with the one they really put into practice, even more so if there is currently no Code of Ethics that supports the journalistic role. Meanwhile, it could be assumed that unethical journalists, limited to economic, political and audience interests, are interested in keeping alive –even- the illusion of vilification, which has already brought a wave of various rumors among groups of journalist teachers who have discussed of said problem in discussion forums, Congresses and Symposia.

Meanwhile, a look at independent Spanish cinema also reveals a certain interest in organizational issues within Spanish society. It is convenient to observe the interest of film directors and screenwriters in arguments, backgrounds, plots, content or themes associated with scandalous environments in the workplace. In this way, the importance of Human Resources departments borders on the contamination of the selection criteria. Professor Aguado García comments that in public light “what is lacking is revealed. If it were a solved aspect, the movie El Method ", by Marcelo Piñeyro, based on the work El Method de Grönholm by Jordi Galcerán Ferrer, would not have come out.A film that treats - without mercy - the harmful psychological and human postures assumed by various recruits dissimilar in their temperament.

Likewise, Jesús María de Miguel Calvo, professor of the doctoral module on Human Resources, Organization and Work, of the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, assumed that empirically informal communications “are not directly related” to climate studies organizational. In contrast to what has been raised, Professor Aguado García assured that "the studies of organizational climate what they do is evaluate the goodness of communication, in that sense informal communications are part of it."

In the case of Venezuela, the power of feelings, emotions and others, could directly influence the attitudes that bosses take towards certain employees, for example, that they manifest in personalistic wants, which goes much further beyond the technical contributions of a subordinate to his supervisor. Then, the personal feeling rather than professional, such as the fact of trying to interfere in the private life of the other, could -inclusively- become a point in favor for those who fall into it and intend to achieve greater short-term objectives within the organization.

"The emotional of the individual is present in all vital circumstances. A good boss cannot discriminate against an employee because he or she likes them better or worse, or if they agree or disagree with the other. He would be a boss who would not do his job well. Phobias or filias at work should be minimized because we can generate great injustices. I am very surprised that in Venezuela the use and abuse of this type of situation leads to productivity improvements. Now perhaps we are talking about a level low enough for that to be positive, "said Fernández Ríos, thinking that informal relationships are productive but in the right measure. "I agree that there are no relationships in companies for very different reasons, including the partner itself.There comes a time where they are living in an environment or world that is superimposed on each other. Spain is far from the power achieved by sexual relations and if someone did, both the supporter and the supported could leave both, although there are always exceptions. But as a rule, it would be very far from reality, and it would also look frighteningly bad (…) The employees who built on the basis of the failure of others are unworthy, that should not interest the company ”, he added.Besides, it would look terribly bad (…) The employees who built on the basis of the failure of others are unworthy, that should not interest the company ”, he added.Besides, it would look terribly bad (…) The employees who built on the basis of the failure of others are unworthy, that should not interest the company ”, he added.

Regarding staff evaluations from the Spanish Recruitment and Selection Managements, David Aguado García, professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, expressed the opinion that culturally in Spain “we do not particularly like the evaluation of others. Based on all organizational models, one of the critical aspects for the development of competitiveness are effective performance management models, where the high is prioritized. But convincing a boss that he has to do the evaluation of a person is complicated. It is shown that during this process, one of the critical aspects is communication. It is complicated because culturally it is difficult to say to another person: You have not done this well like that! ", Believes the professor, thinking culturally that the employee could even,retaliate against the boss.

Similarly, Professor David Aguado García declared that informal communications could become a danger for the organization when they touch on critical aspects, such as mergers. “When there is informal communication far from reality, it can be an injury to the organization (…) Informal talks between members of work teams favor performance, precisely because they allow sharing aspects that are not strictly work (…) Employees they will always be the targets not of rumors, but of comments. What they are, is a product of performance management, and that is common. Success or poor performance must be treated confidentially.What the evidence tells us is that in the end it is known and the work of our colleagues can be observed if we are able to assess it. Now, depending on the context in which one is on performance management, some variables take more output than others. There are organizations where performance is clearly depressed, ”Aguado García said.

Perpetuating the interview with the teacher Aguado García, we were able to delve into the organizational actions, from a neuralgic discourse:

- Now, speaking informally in organizations, will there be a limit ?, we asked the teacher Aguado García.

- Of course there is a limit. I do not know of studies that speak of the harmful. But what is documented is that small informal talks favor the performance of work teams, manifested at critical points for the organization about falsehoods.

- Verticality or rather horizontality in informal communications?

- The clearest process is that of horizontality. Even for vertical communications, it is convenient to clarify and specify the information as much as possible, thereby formalizing it. But in both senses it is the best, because we have increasingly flatter organizations. Now, what is communicated vertically in both directions is greater than what is communicated horizontally.

- Gossip or gossip, will it run more from the bottom up, than from the top down? What do you think?

- What I am clear about is that urban legend or top-down gossip have a greater burden and implication.

- What is your opinion about the unwritten rules?

- They are the support of culture. It is true that what knowledge management tries to do is convert the implicit knowledge that individuals have into an explicit knowledge of the organization. I see it as a fortress to support knowledge.

- Will the gossip contain therapeutic virtues?

- The therapeutic virtues I do not know if they are based on gossip as such, or are based on social interaction. And this is the reason for the psychology of happiness, of psychological satisfaction. In gossip, if there is no interaction, there is no gossip (…) "It is not join them, but adapt to them." What the organizational leadership model tells us is that organizations have people with different degrees of maturity and there, the leader, has to adapt to that degree of maturity.

- What do you think of those who built their success on the failure of others?

- It is lawful to improve from failure. What I do not agree is that it is the failure of others, if you yourself have fostered failure. The basic model is to establish competencies with a set of values. This rapid growth at the expense of the bump of others can be evaluated in terms of results, positively, but in terms of behavior and ways of doing it, it is never evaluated that way.

- The "pink society" product of your press, will it interfere in the labor society?

- I imagine that if a person dedicates a certain percentage of their time to that, to the extent that this space is shared with other co-workers, it will be an aspect of informal chat, very sure! -Commented professor David Aguado García about the reference.

For his part, Joaquín Aguirre Romero, professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM, to the question: could the organizational culture of higher education institutions be compared with Spanish cultural society? He replied: “¡ I don't believe in that! A look that comes from outside can understand these opinions more. It is a deformation produced by the media that I do not think corresponds to reality, it is a feedback effect in which money is handled and, where there is, a part of society that can be hooked on. I don't think it's gossip. Here we are talking about weapons! Gossip eludes what the third party may have. We are talking about a type of confrontation and it cannot be thought in terms of communication, but in terms of objectives. The rumor is different from the gossip,because the second can have an implication of evil and, although it seems the same, it is important to know what the intention of that communication is. Regarding the embarrassing television show, it is necessary to demonstrate -as an audience- the most absolute nullity and, on occasions, it can be an objective of power rather than an economic one. In the university case, the search for it through grant or research projects also becomes a conflict, which generates struggles. What I think the institutions have not taken into account is that these demands for competitiveness are at the cost of Darwinism, of crushing people. And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.it is important to know what the intention of that communication is. Regarding the embarrassing television show, it is necessary to demonstrate -as an audience- the most absolute nullity and, on occasions, it can be an objective of power rather than an economic one. In the university case, the search for it through grant or research projects also becomes a conflict, which generates struggles. What I think the institutions have not taken into account is that these demands for competitiveness are at the cost of Darwinism, of crushing people. And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.it is important to know what the intention of that communication is. Regarding the embarrassing television show, it is necessary to demonstrate -as an audience- the most absolute nullity and, on occasions, it can be an objective of power rather than an economic one. In the university case, the search for it through grant or research projects also becomes a conflict, which generates struggles. What I think the institutions have not taken into account is that these demands for competitiveness are at the cost of Darwinism, of crushing people. And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.it may be a power objective rather than an economic one. In the university case, the search for it through grant or research projects also becomes a conflict, which generates struggles. What I think the institutions have not taken into account is that these demands for competitiveness are at the cost of Darwinism, of crushing people. And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.it may be a power objective rather than an economic one. In the university case, the search for it through grant or research projects also becomes a conflict, which generates struggles. What I think the institutions have not taken into account is that these demands for competitiveness are at the cost of Darwinism, of crushing people. And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.And it is not always attacked with the noblest or most intelligent weapons, but through power and its parallel mechanisms ”.

At the time, will Spanish society really be tied to the press of the heart? What is shown on Spanish television is brought to work? Another educator also gave us his point of view: “There is a lot of press of this type in the media. Now to say that society is tied to those media or to that type of programming is different. The proof is that these programs are failing. They go to less, instead of going to more! Which means that there comes a time when they are deeply redundant, repetitive, repetitive, more of the same. And this because, they drain it and squeeze it until they do not give more. I don't think anyone takes pink themes seriously. Sometimes the TV is on - even - as a numbing element.I think they are information that nobody gives special relevance to because nobody is interested in knowing the private life of anybody, but it is a passive element. Well then, instead of being silent: it is a runrún, which might be more interesting for a piece of classical music ”, supposed Professor Fernández Ríos from the UAM.

6.- Points of view on informal communications at the Spanish University

We give them two anonymous "moments" thinking about the following: to what extent does it sting and spread !? In the first, a rumor spread through the corridors of a European university and a Spanish university professor retained it and expressed it: At the Complutense University of Madrid, a mathematics professor was very famous who flooded the University Corporate Intranet with emails telling or suggesting rumors that nobody dared to expose inside the same house of studies. Whether or not these comments were true, eventually ended up in the Spanish courts, because the alleged informer gave very compromising information of a mostly administrative nature on purchases, that is: “That building is said to have cost so much and it actually cost so much… Or the architect was not the cousin of I don't know who ”.In extract: from the rumor this implies using a person responsible as a direct attack and putting him on a silver platter against others.

In this other second "moment" of university rumor mills, there could be hallucinations: When seeing the minutes of an important Congress published, this teacher Perencejo - a Mengana teacher told him - that there were indications against that same Mengana teacher. Although, for Professor Perencejo (who echoes this), the teacher Mengana hallucinated, since according to him the comments were never direct; Professor Perencejo completed: "When the confrontations are already brutal, direct, to the jugular, that is," like wolves ", they directly go to the frontal attack and then they look for the field of informal communication that could have –also- their collection center from a meeting of a department where the issue breaks out, to a Faculty Board, going through the possible meeting in a cafeteria to shout de-to-do!which is not the most common. Then there are other mitigated forms, in which that is being dropped in other focuses, possibly conversational, but in which it is known that the image of the other person could be deteriorated or eroded. And then there would be what is the confrontation of Schools, which will always be disguised as an academic-scientific debate. When what coexists in reality are personal and direct struggles ”, there are several cases that illustrate what“ borders on ”university teaching and administrative life.that it will always be disguised as an academic-scientific debate. When what coexists in reality are personal and direct struggles ”, there are several cases that illustrate what“ borders on ”university teaching and administrative life.that it will always be disguised as an academic-scientific debate. When what coexists in reality are personal and direct struggles ”, there are several cases that illustrate what“ borders on ”university teaching and administrative life.

As stated by Charles Handy in his book Understanding organizations, institutional, business or organizational communication can be influenced by a perceptual distortion of the receiver, contamination of the message by the sender, mistrust on both sides, poor decoding of the message due to suggestive acts of an emotional nature, disorder due to saturation of discourse, secrecy, reasons for communicative distancing, rivalries of organizational status, displacement of certain types of communications, problems in the communication flow or no clarity of the message.

The university community has a series of more or less formalized norms to communicate, ranging from Congresses to colloquia, internal writings, university newspapers and scientific journals and other communication channels. All of them are the ones that increase status and prestige on the basis of intellectual capital. It has been tried to reach an apparent agreement that the university teaching world is one of the least studied in the field of the sociology of human groups because it is precisely - it itself - the one that studies conflicts within human relations. “The reflective character is missing. People who study these topics are stopped by their classmates (laughs).And this is precisely because they expose the mask and what is behind a facade where the university community is supposed - because it is intellectual - is the most open and in which it is easier to free itself from prejudices, it is the one that fights for the truth, when -in reality- it is a human group, like any other in conflict, with distribution of resources and its administration, and so on. Now conflicts increase when conditions of conflict proliferate. If you have four dogs and you throw a steak in the middle, the dogs will kill each other. And if you distribute them to them, you may not have so many conflicts. In the US, universities are defined as educational universities, because they contemplate the teaching and research area and also the fisti-fisti as in Spain where everything is being mixed, ”said Aguirre Romero, professor at the UCM.

In addition to what has been said, during the workshop given to the students of the doctorate in Applied Creativity at the UAM, the international speaker and consultant, José María Gasalla, expressed concern about the current exclusion of some higher education students in Spanish universities by of certain teachers. Other professors who were disturbed by this scenario were added to this opinion. After assimilating the concept of the rumor, we left all their names anonymous. This implies that certain teachers would be - presumably - privileging certain groups of students who are related to their social, political, technical or cultural conditions. University apartheid, perhaps? For the UAM professor, Manuel Fernández Ríos, at the University there are also favoritism relationships.“You have to be careful with them, because sometimes it happens that some person who can access a certain position, by having close relationships with someone, gets hurt. It does not favor him, but it hurts him ”, he commented on the matter.

In the same way, this would entail a student repercussion due to training, technical or other competences. Said teaching attitudes would know to be directly influencing the coercion towards the research processes of the students due to the previously mentioned undue excommunication, which would generate -in part- negative informal communications in the respective houses of study and about which Gasalla He did not want to advance names. "Competitiveness must be based on the union of friends and enemies", completed the lecturer Gasalla during the discussion.

In the case of rumors among teachers, the scientific level must be taken into account, of which it is not, that is, "the level that is presented as scientific". Likewise, preponderance should be given to the plane contiguous to the personal. Aguirre Romero, professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM, suggests that when the discrepancies are divergent in their content, “ideas are debated and even shouted in a Congress! But later, the opponents can have a coffee together because what has been said does not affect either their professional relationship or their person. This would be the idyllic situation. The second option is where the professional is disguising the private, that is, the personal. There someone uses the personal to attack the professional or vice versa. And thirdly, there is the unjustified personal attack ”.

In addition to what was said, the teacher Aguirre recalled an old "urban legend": academic settings where, in order to attack each other among professors, students were manipulated - preferably PhD students - and thus tried to attack certain teachers, "in the sense of doing thesis by disassembling books or theories of others. Fortunately, students often have common sense and realize the mischief in question. Likewise, the students themselves have denounced the illegal teacher. But this is also counterproductive in the corporate sense, because the bad teacher must not shirk his responsibilities. And so the University is harmed. The scope of teaching is always a set. At the same time, unionism is fatal: one teacher protecting another, even if he knows the scoundrel ",Aguirre potentially reasoned, although also -looking at other current perceptions of Spanish teachers-, the urban legend is not as fabled as “it could be estimated” to evade the matter in question out of fear –covertly- ahead of time, of what is not adjusted to Duty.

After asking a few professors from two internationally recognized Spanish universities, it was concluded from said sample that rivalries between the same professors arise during Congresses, Symposia or Workshops, where attacks arise with varied personalistic, political or academic content. “We have come to take our word for ourselves! And several professors denounced him, without having an answer until now ”, among many a professor (John Doe) commented to the author of this article thinking of another professor -ex head of a department-, who would send them constant communications to several professors -a Judge by the former So-and-so-, loaded with grotesque language and full of slander.

In opposition to formal communications, the more closed a human group is, the informal ones acquire greater preponderance because they constitute the core on which to understand the others. Classical theory has revealed that informal communications counterbalance a world influenced by hierarchies and that, in the case of Spain, it is supported by a very rigid university class base. “Our university is a medieval world, that is to say, it is not democratic, no matter how much people say, since there is no equality. Therefore, it is a highly hierarchical world of classes with its three major divisions: students-professors-university personnel. In all the universities of the world there are those distances, the repels, in addition to the fluid communications and also, the least segregated. As in the medieval world,you have the unofficial alternative causes, giving it a way out through the unofficial ones that are the unconventional ones. These are often defensive. Then, to get status, rumorological information is released that reveals things that can defend the attacked or attack, in the case of being the attacker. There is a second factor which is internal competitiveness. Therefore, the attacks of each other take more presence. Not only the prestige matters, but also the defamation ”, declared Professor Aguirre Romero, assuming at the same time that“ the snitch ”somehow seeks an official response that denounces some type of information in a semi-hidden way, that is not understood protected. “Many times in the university community, complaints are not very successful and people do not trust the institutional surveys themselves.And then, as happens in dictatorships, there is always the alternative: rumor. Another thing is that many times that loss of prestige is no longer a defense of those who do not have power, but rather it is a weapon of those who have it. That is, it not only stops, but defames and throws rumors, "he added.

Some of these burdens are expelled due to educational contradictions. In this regard, the professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Autonomous University of Madrid and professor of the module Consciousness, creativity and teacher training, Agustín de la Herrán Gascón, constantly talks in his classes about the usual mistakes they say they make the teachers, manifest as burdens "something with whose loss, something you win (…) The ego is understood as the immature part of the self". When talking about the referent, he also declared that among the limitations that usually condition the teaching work are: “The avoidance of self-criticism, strengthening of self-esteem, repeated use of self-references to one's own health, triviality, refuge in intellectual discovery, typecasting,nostalgic anchoring in memories, practice of dual reasoning, intolerance or rejection of the exceptional, boastfulness, social aggressiveness, compulsive revenge, annoyance to unfavorable criticism and mistrust ”, among many other etceteras, palpable in his theory about collective egocentrism, thus such as The ego that are developed in his Theory about evolutionary systems: Towards maturing organizations, Evolution of the burdens for creativity and, especially, in his book on The teaching ego.as well as The ego that is developed in his Theory about evolutionary systems: Towards maturing organizations, Evolution of the burdens for creativity and, especially, in his book on The teaching ego.as well as The ego that is developed in his Theory about evolutionary systems: Towards maturing organizations, Evolution of the burdens for creativity and, especially, in his book on The teaching ego.

Regarding the academic rivalries that underlie informal communications among the Spanish faculty, seen from the generality, the teacher Fernández Ríos showed that their achievement is due to the following: “Obviously, informal communications will always be generated, because obviously you travel. Or for whatever. And then, they tell you things, you hear things, but it cannot be said that it is the dominant way. Now, there may be formal communications in a very informal tone or style ”, assuming that you do not know of any studies carried out by the respective University in this regard,“ which I am also afraid that they are studies that have no special interest. In other words, to investigate what percentage or proportion of formal or informal communication is more effective than the other, I think that is already something that is well established in classical literature ”.And then on the contrary he added: "As far as I know, climate studies are not carried out among teachers, although in Spanish companies very rigorous annual dissertations on organizational climate are carried out with a series of variables that are compared as they evolve throughout the year. in a year ”, a strange case that these journalistic, institutional and business communication issues are not complying with the law in higher education centers in Spain. “We must respect each other's personal identity. Because if someone gossips about someone that can be completely fictitious and fall into defamation. One cannot lend credibility to that information, not even with much confidence that the person who brings me the gossip inspires me, ”Professor Fernández Ríos also maintained.Climate studies are not carried out among teachers, although in Spanish companies very rigorous annual dissertations on organizational climate are carried out with a series of variables that are compared as they evolve from year to year ”, a strange case that these journalistic, institutional and business communication are not complying with the law in higher education centers in Spain. “We must respect each other's personal identity. Because if someone gossips about someone that can be completely fictitious and fall into defamation. One cannot lend credibility to that information, not even with much confidence that the person who brings me the gossip inspires me, ”Professor Fernández Ríos also maintained.Climate studies are not carried out among teachers, although in Spanish companies very rigorous annual dissertations on organizational climate are carried out with a series of variables that are compared as they evolve from year to year ”, a strange case that these journalistic, institutional and business communication are not complying with the law in higher education centers in Spain. “We must respect each other's personal identity. Because if someone gossips about someone that can be completely fictitious and fall into defamation. One cannot lend credibility to that information, not even with much confidence that the person who brings me the gossip inspires me, ”Professor Fernández Ríos also maintained.although in Spanish companies, very rigorous annual dissertations on organizational climate are held with a series of variables that are compared as they evolve from year to year ”, a strange case that these journalistic, institutional and business communication issues are not being adjusting to law in higher education centers in Spain. “We must respect each other's personal identity. Because if someone gossips about someone that can be completely fictitious and fall into defamation. One cannot lend credibility to that information, not even with much confidence that the person who brings me the gossip inspires me, ”Professor Fernández Ríos also maintained.although in Spanish companies, very rigorous annual dissertations on organizational climate are held with a series of variables that are compared as they evolve from year to year ”, a strange case that these journalistic, institutional and business communication issues are not being adjusting to law in higher education centers in Spain. “We must respect each other's personal identity. Because if someone gossips about someone that can be completely fictitious and fall into defamation. One cannot lend credibility to that information, not even with much confidence that the person who brings me the gossip inspires me, ”Professor Fernández Ríos also maintained.

Equivalently, we wanted to know the opinion of professor David Aguado García about whether gossip could be conceived as an institutional trademark registered without notice in higher education institutions: “(laughs). The gossip as a trademark could be closer to the civil service model, than to the private company. In the University they usually tell us that we look at our navel a lot. From experience - and not from previous research - there is a certain difference in that gossip is more noticeable in the public administration than in the private one. The operation, despite being supported by very strict regulations, in each organization the returns are sought to be able to adapt to that organization. In a private company, if I make the selection, I choose who I want,while giving good service to someone who is asking me for a good candidate. Here we are looking for ways, not to skip, but to adapt the regulations through the informal way, ”said the respective professor, starting from his general vision on the implementation of informal communications in the educational field.

“As a need for professorial promotion, the teacher has to be assigned to a group, that is, independence is difficult for him to protect himself either with me or against me. Many times there are university departments in certain areas whose division is divided by a personal enmity between two professors who made an effort to turn their areas into different ones so as not to see each other due to personal interest or incompatibility of people, ”Aguirre acknowledged. And then, he thought or imagined it from the university reality: “I don't like you! Therefore, I take these teachers from here and we form two departments within the same department with slight nuances, without justifying that it is physically the separation of areas ”. And is that for the professor interviewed this has to do with a kind of "relaxing function" of the field itself:“When I speak of personal reasons, politics is a personal relationship and they will disguise it as discrepancies of another kind, they will never say that it is because they are ideologically incompatible. They will disguise it by saying that the other's theory is not consistent. In closed communications, the speech could be seen as an excuse, with a series of motivations that are of another order and where the events last for dozens of years ”. Said professor once again emphasized as a university response thought of as an altercation: “… because of something that happened, or something you said to him, who is a disciple of mine… And that is not forgiven!, Because it is a field in which prestige It's fundamental". The teacher Aguirre, continued his speech insisting: “Here it is transmitted and forces others. Armies are formed so to speak. What starts in a fight of two,ends in a fight of four or eight. And this can divide a Faculty. Although then there is an intermediate zone ”. And then Professor Aguirre -in addition- took possession of the demands of others: "If you are not with me, you go!" And after reviewing the interior images, Aguirre Romero also recapitulated: “I remember a teacher who at the time asked others why she was gone. And the answer that came to me was the following: Since you are neither with me, nor with the other one, out! ”, Which, judging by the professor interviewed, forces acts of submission (known as“ el bozal de arepa ”taken to Venezuelan cases) which is the most absolutely degrading in the university environment. Then, bureaucracy generates more communicative informality. “As official causes increase,Informal numbers begin to increase to try to solve university problems ”, he explained.

The University then comes to be considered as an endogamous society where its staff tend not to say things for fear of being classified as an enemy, likewise, opposite, adverse, dissenting, dissident. “The problem with university life is that it is a closed group. Therefore it is naturally inbred. By a series of external pressures that are the laws and ministerial actions, an attempt is made to shape it. And the response of the university community itself is to regroup for those who have strength, not to lose it and, for those who do not have it, to try to gain it. Then the groups are reinforced. The latest actions due to changes in the university evaluation system have caused the emphasis to shift from the departmental groups to some macrogroups that are inter-facultative -often inter-departmental- that already believe,their own communication schemes between them. That is, they communicate in the following ways: formal, semi-formal, and in the normal ways that extend between them. Sociological and linguistic studies reveal that they are combined. In this sense, communications serve to reinforce one group or for the collective to oppose another. In the case of the company it is not closed, but they have to act effectively to achieve something externally. Here, unfortunately, the universities act inwards and then could have certain interfaces outwards. Now, its permeability depends on the professional field ”, added Professor Aguirre.Sociological and linguistic studies reveal that they are combined. In this sense, communications serve to reinforce one group or for the collective to oppose another. In the case of the company it is not closed, but they have to act effectively to achieve something externally. Here, unfortunately, the universities act inwards and then could have certain interfaces outwards. Now, its permeability depends on the professional field ”, added Professor Aguirre.Sociological and linguistic studies reveal that they are combined. In this sense, communications serve to reinforce one group or for the collective to oppose another. In the case of the company it is not closed, but they have to act effectively to achieve something externally. Here, unfortunately, the universities act inwards and then could have certain interfaces outwards. Now, its permeability depends on the professional field ”, added Professor Aguirre.universities act inward and then could have certain interfaces outward. Now, its permeability depends on the professional field ”, added Professor Aguirre.universities act inward and then could have certain interfaces outward. Now, its permeability depends on the professional field ”, added Professor Aguirre.

7.- General conclusion

As a way to promote new institutional or business tools -all educational-, it is valid to resort to the opportunity to learn from the meritorious Duty To Be. In other words, from within us something beneficial and expert is incumbent upon us and must diligently reign in our conduct institutional, in favor of the individual's job development. In this regard, the experts urge that a good fraction of the previous devices feed continuous learning. There, the proposed theme for this article fits perfectly, which seeks a tooling, educational utility, framed within the context that should be implemented in both public and private administration. It is rescued again, university apartheid, perhaps? Likewise, other introspections are thrown into the air: Does one survive labor with evil,auto barriers or what? Are acts of intelligence (im) moral, (anti) ethical? We hope that someone will think of planting it inside.

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Rumor, distrust and social psychology in the company