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Do you know how to behave in church?


This is one of the themes that, due to my training as a member of the Catholic Church, I have wanted to develop for some time. At the same time, I think it appropriate to discuss it on the eve of the celebration of one of the most important events in the history of Christianity: Holy Week, which reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice for the salvation of all of us.

By definition, the Catholic people should understand that the temple is a place of prayer, meditation and approach to our Christian devotion. It is a space to relate to God and in which the forms express our obedience to the House of the Lord. However, I verify -when I attend a religious celebration- the incorrect conduct of the vast majority of the faithful who come for "vocation" or "occasion".

In this sense, I wish to share the words of the Argentine PR Eduardo Volpacchio (ordained by John Paul II in 1987), when he affirms: «… 'The forms form' if they are given content - it is love, not mere formality - and if it is understood the reason for being of each one. Everything is intended to be an expression of respect and love for God. Jesus sums up all of God's law in a single commandment: 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind, with all your strength, with all your soul.' Loving God with all our being and our life. It obviously includes our gestures. The love shows. In the church there are liturgical norms that guarantee the care of the worship of God. A kind of 'protocol' for the sacred: ways how we should treat God and the things of God… "

I continue to be surprised and indignant at the ordinary behavior of those who go to the temple and assume a conduct that could be valid in a theater or public auditorium. The lack of solemnity is evident in our day. Not to mention the increasingly inappropriate clothing that, especially, ladies and gentlemen wear in summer. Respect is also shown in the appearance and hygiene that we use. A few days ago I attended the mass of the year for the death of a very dear uncle and his children were dressed as if to go to the national stadium and, by the way, they could not correctly say the readings and requests. When crossing the altar they did so, on successive occasions, like someone passing through the stalls of a movie theater. They did not have the slightest of regard to the place where we were.

To begin, the House of the Lord is entered and remains silent before and during the liturgy. It is wrong to greet well-known believers, talk on the phone, check their text messages, turn to look at the chorus, talk while the crowd arrives, cross your legs, chew gum, assume an attitude with little observance, among other "habitual" and indecorous gestures.

If you join while reading, wait at the entrance. You can seek a seat during the sung responsorial psalm or gospel acclamation. The side aisles will be used at this time so as not to distract. Minors will always sit with their parents or adults in order to learn how to participate. Pushchairs must remain outside so as not to obstruct the roads. If you don't have someone to leave your children home with, don't go to the temple. Your presence will be a hindrance to those who wish to pray, you will not be able to concentrate, and your family member will generate distraction and intrusive noises. Use common sense and do not go with those who cause discomfort at a religious ceremony.

When entering the church avoid putting your hands in your pockets. Do so with a considerate attitude and bow to the altar before sitting on the bench. If, for any reason, you pass through the tabernacle, genuflect. Keep the recliners up, unless you need to kneel. This will prevent them from getting dirty and damaged. To recite the Lord's Prayer, many have a tradition of holding hands. This "custom" has not been recommended in the General Instructions of the Roman Missal and has become a practice for many people. You are not required to do so.

Dear reader, the Sign of Peace is only a symbolic greeting. The right thing to do is offer it to your fellow man who is on your right and left, nothing more. Do not make this moment a mess and, therefore, a distribution of kisses and hugs to friends and relatives. I reiterate, it is a greeting of our desire for the peace of Christ in our lives and in the world. If you are accompanied by minors, teach them to act correctly in each act of the homily.

When communion takes place, remain silent if you do not receive communion. I frequently observe neighbors - of all ages and status - who believe that, by not receiving the Eucharist, they can take the opportunity to chat, look at their cell phones and watch, and establish a brief dialogue with their peers on the bench. If you go to church, do it to pray and show your level of education in a sphere sacred to Catholics.

A couple of final comments. Avoid retiring before the priest, when you leave your bench, bow with your right leg. Evada will say hello (she will only come once) and chat during her exit from the church. Keep in mind that you are at Casa de Dios, not at a social or recreational event. Be sober, courteous, and display genuine circumspection in this room. As the French philosopher Blaise Pascal said: "Let us strive to do well: here is the principle of morality."


(*) Teacher, consultant in event organization, protocol, professional image and social etiquette.

Do you know how to behave in church?