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Tourism sector example of opportunity immersed in the crisis


There is no doubt that the work of adaptation to the dynamics in constant evolution that the parallel society that has been created on the Internet supposes as a basic premise for entrepreneurship and the implementation of the new social order, combined with the staunch need for societies - as a whole - to promote saving as a way of life, is not an easy task.

The requirement of transmutation of the precepts traditionally accepted as valid and, additionally, societies based on waste, speculation and enrichment without planning, without added value and without a time horizon, to adapt to new efficient goods and services based on a An eminently -more than economical- optimal culture, in which the quality-price ratio is determined by the specific weight of the added value, is without any doubt a challenge for our newborn community without borders that operates on the Internet.

No sector has remained on the sidelines of this structural change and, traditionally, tourism - one of the key sectors in measuring the economic growth of societies - has been one of the great victims. We are not referring only to the lack of liquidity and solvency that has led to the "cut" of what is not considered "first necessity", but we are referring to the absence of values ​​that also imbued a sector in which it should never have been lost the nucleus that forms the essence of this sector; quality, well-being, rest, understood as a global one that includes the provision of services with distinction.

The tourism sector experienced its revolution with the online birth of the reservation of hotels, flights and other tourist services, a new door that opened to entrepreneurship and that provided and, contributes, the added value of optimizing an existing service, of new, fusion between the traditional and the most modern technological globalization.

Certainly the added value that the takeoff of this online tourism activity had was based on the added value for the client that the final savings represents.

A project planned and planned in the style of the network, with a time horizon, with gradual collection of benefits, adopting Low Cost policies in the broadest sense of the term and not as "cheaper" but as the provision of an optimal service in which the final cost supposes a saving for the client who demands it and a progressive, constant and sustained inflow of benefits for those who offer these services. "Business with a planned time horizon".

The stock markets underwent their own transformation, adapting to the integral births of conventional services to technology, without limits, without borders and with constant profitability.

The tourism sector and its most tangible reflection; Hotel search engines quickly became an icon of the much-sought-after concept of "real time" that allowed dynamic and constant appreciation, opening new channels of interest for investors, entrepreneurs and large capitals who saw in online tourism a new opportunity immersed in the crisis.

This is how large entrepreneurial projects are formed, based on quality and added value, and it is only in this way that the new production model with a central core in the network is being developed, which will result from this economic cycle.

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Tourism sector example of opportunity immersed in the crisis