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Social security at work

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In the first instance, let us define that social security refers mainly to a field of social welfare related to social protection or coverage of socially recognized needs, such as health, old age or disability.

A company that provides security for its employees not only protects them from improvised situations and illness, but also from insecurity related to earning a living through work. Social security systems provide for a basic income in case of unemployment, illness and work-related accident, old age and retirement, disability, family responsibilities such as pregnancy and childcare, and loss of breadwinner. These benefits are not only important for workers and their families, but also for their communities in general. By providing health care, livelihood security, and social services, social security helps enhance productivity and contributes to the dignity and fulfillment of individuals.Social security systems also promote gender equality by adopting measures to ensure that women who have children enjoy the same opportunities in the labor market. For employers and businesses, social security helps to maintain a stable workforce that adapts to change. Finally, through safety nets in cases of economic crisis, social security acts as a fundamental element of social cohesion, helping to guarantee social peace and a commitment to globalization and economic development. Despite these advantages, only 20 percent of the world's population has adequate social security coverage and more than half do not have any type of social security coverage.

ILO social security standards provide for different types of social security coverage, according to different economic systems and different stages of development. The ILO Conventions on social security offer a wide range of options and flexibility clauses that allow the goal of universal coverage to be achieved gradually. In a globalized world, where people are increasingly exposed to global economic risks, there is a growing awareness that a broad-based national social protection policy can be a strong buffer against many of the social impacts negatives of economic crises.

Type of social security

Type of social security

The topic of social security is very broad where we can analyze various topics, for example the subjects of insurance, employer obligations, the powers of the imss, the regimes range from risk premiums that are defined more than anything according to the level of danger that the worker is subject to in the labor area, that is, the risk premium of a super market is completely different from a hospital or a construction company, that is why many companies are forced to hire payers to take care of their staff, who do the procedure themselves, the cost is considerable or many times they decide not to register their staff or do it with the minimum number of employees and base salary just in order to comply with the obligation. It also covers illnesses and maternity, disability, life, retirement,unemployment in old age and old age, nursery, social benefits.

In conclusion, we can say that social security aims to guarantee the right to health, medical assistance, the protection of the means of subsistence and the social services necessary for the individual and collective well-being, as well as the granting of a pension that, where appropriate and after compliance with legal requirements, it will be guaranteed by the State.

The realization of social security is in charge of public, federal or local entities or agencies and decentralized organizations, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other legal regulations on the matter.

It is the basic instrument of social security, established as a national public service in the terms of this Law, without prejudice to the systems instituted by other ordinances.

The organization and administration of Social Security, in the terms set forth in this Law, are in charge of the decentralized public body with its own legal personality and assets, of tripartite operative integration, because the public, social and private sectors concur., called the Mexican Institute of Social Security, which also has the character of an autonomous fiscal body.

Social Security includes:

  1. The mandatory regime, and The voluntary regime.

Social Security covers contingencies and provides the services specified for each particular scheme, through benefits in kind and in cash, in the forms and conditions provided by this Law and its regulations. The benefits that correspond to the insured and their beneficiaries are unattachable. Only in cases of maintenance obligations under his charge, pensions and subsidies can be seized by the judicial authority up to fifty percent of their amount.

Social security at work