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Staff recruitment and selection


Since ancient times it can be known through history, that man made selection of his congeners for certain qualities; such selective procedures were, of course, very rudimentary. For example, in ancient Rome colored slaves were preferred for rough work because of their strength. As time goes by, it evolves towards a more adequate selection based on the objective observation of the qualities and characteristics of individuals, but it is not until the origins of applied psychology that the first psychometric evaluations of men begin to be made..

Applied psychology is any procedure and method used in the practical application of the results and experiences provided by psychology.

Psychotechnics or psychometrics is the branch of applied psychology, intended to obtain practical results of quantifications in any domain of human activity.

The selective means of people for their employment can be distinguished in two fundamental groups:

to. Traditional procedures: They are forms of selection based on custom, within these the following can be indicated:

  • Recommendations: They are the product of compadrazgo, friendship and compromises, hence it is not an adequate form of selection. Letters of reference: Inappropriate because they do not always conform to reality. Oral references: Better than the previous ones, you can delve into certain aspects that you want to know. Personal impression: The simple assessment can be wrong, since it is enough that involuntary feelings of sympathy or antipathy intervene for the choice to be ineffective. Curriculum Vitae: It presents difficulty in which the applicant's capacity is not verified in practice. Interview: Many personality traits are observed, but the practical aspects are not delved into. Trial period: Effective, but if the admission was wrong it becomes a waste of time for both parties.

b. The scientific procedure: Coast of a selective system whose essential part is the application of psychotechnical tests, through which it is possible to appreciate the individual, in relation to her personality, intelligence, knowledge and aptitudes. The selective system partly contains traditional procedures duly improved and has the following sequence:

  • Recruitment of candidates through appropriate sources. Application filling out containing the information the company needs. Preparation of the interview based on the application data. Carrying out the prepared interview. Application of the appropriate test to the work to be performed. Checking references. Socio-economic survey practice. Medical examination appropriate to the position. Another or other interviews if required.

It becomes evident then that this method is superior to the traditional ones, inasmuch as it obtains essential characteristics for the development of each type of trade, and does not incur unobjective parameters that lead to selection errors.

Personnel selection is undoubtedly one of the most significant problems facing organizations today. This is because the human resource of a company is directly related to its productivity or unproductiveness. Due to the overflow of the unemployment rate that affects the country, the number of applicants for each vacancy has increased considerably and therefore the work of recruiters is becoming more expensive and demanding every day.

Those in charge of this work within the organizations have a great responsibility on themselves, for this reason they cannot fall into the vices commonly developed in our society, such as cronyism, compromises and influence peddling; These vices have plunged the state and its institutions into total unproductivity, since the people who work in it do not have the capacities to efficiently carry out their work.

The selection of personnel must be carried out by means of a previous study of the position that is desired to be occupied, the objectivity of the work must be defined and the characteristics that the individual who is going to perform it must satisfy. After this study, information about the vacancy should be issued in appropriate media, if desired, it can be searched in agencies and job boards, in educational centers or by transfers and training within the same company. In addition, you must have a study about the approximate salary that is paid in other companies for the same position, so as not to fall into excesses or defects.

In conclusion, the importance of personnel selection at all levels in an organization is observed, since the worker-productivity relationship is direct, an irresponsible selection implies both economic and time losses.

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Staff recruitment and selection