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Select a good work team to represent your company

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Not everything is knowing how to select your people!

"There is no doubt that to obtain important results, you must have the best elements of your specialty."

The greatness of your organization will depend, to a large extent, on the size of your people, however, having a good selection process is not all when it comes to winning.

Absolutely winning leaders required! "If you have a refined Selection process, you have great chances of winning in the market, because you will have people capable of doing great things."

But be careful, not just having the best on your side is guaranteed to succeed. When it comes to getting great results and becoming a winner, having the best elements is crucial. Therefore, having a process on your side that allows you to select the best talent will always be important.

At present, you must be clear that to win you must have an outstanding team. Gifted with the greatest number of qualities possible and technically endowed with the best capacities and abilities to make your business vision become a reality.

It should be clear that this process of selecting the best is the first step to turn your company into something outstanding, and as well as in other processes you must be ready to invest the resources that are necessary to ensure that you will have the best staff. of collaborators when it comes to meeting challenges.

But this is not a paperwork. Many companies through their HR area consider the Personnel Selection process as just another function, as if it were any ordinary procedure. This is such a delicate process that it requires the participation of all leaders in the organization.

High Performance Companies invest hours of training for their leaders, so that they are the ones who ensure that the condition of having the best talent is met to the letter. It is not just another process in the organization. Those who are convinced of achieving differentiation in the market is everything, they also seek to attract to their organization people who are endowed with unique and particular characteristics that allow them to shine like nobody else in the markets in which they participate.

So, considering the above, do not leave this task exclusively to the HR area and learn that as in most processes, the intervention of an entire multidisciplinary team is required to ensure that your company has the best people. of the market to achieve your purposes.

The intervention of each leader at the time of choosing the people with whom they will work in the future is key to achieving a good performance, since it is really he who must commit to each person who joins his team to take it to a degree of development superlative in the performance of your job.

What good is a team of stars if you don't make them shine? The good or bad performance of people is not the product of the failure of their intellect, but of how badly you lead them! It is too easy to be tempted to blame people for their poor performance on the grounds of lack of commitment or lack of ability and intelligence. It is easy to point the finger at people who, in our opinion, don't give their all because they are irresponsible or have no interest in keeping their jobs.

But, have you been thinking that before that opinion arose, was it you who gave them entry to your area or work team? Yes, you had the decision not to allow their entry, and yet due to the urgency of having your staff, they allowed you to enter the organization.

It is not just about having a process that allows you to approach competent people, but that once they work with you, it allows them to unleash their full potential so that they can expose their abilities and skills in the performance of their work.

Don't expect to have committed people if you haven't already committed to them! “The people who are hired under the Competencies scheme or any other, do not guarantee success. Her leadership capacity yes ”. What's the point of having a team of stars if you don't allow them to shine? What is the use of having the best if it does not allow them to expose their qualities? What is the use of having the best brains, if it does not allow them to use it? Accept your responsibility too.

When hiring a person, both parties make the commitment to do and give the best effort to produce a result, but the reality is different. In a great majority of companies this does not happen that way. The obligation of the employee to expose the maximum of his effort, in the agreed time and place, is pointed out and it is on this part that we act, instead of truly occupying ourselves in achieving a high level of results as a product of our good leadership with the people who are in our charge.

I have said it many times, Leadership is the Engine !, but it seems that these words have not echoed and we confine ourselves to assuming that the people who work with us have the obligation to fully comply with the employment contract and the commitments made there, and if they do not do so, their job security is at stake. What nonsense! I have always said that the size of people's results is the equivalent of the top of the leadership of the person who represents them, so when it comes to blaming others for poor performance, ask yourself if your performance as a leader also corresponds to level that the organization requires to achieve its results.

Hiring the best in the market does not guarantee success. If it gives you a high probability of forming a high-flying team, but ensuring success will always depend on your good leadership. As it is!. I have seen high payrolls that produce poor performance and smaller payrolls that maintain standards above what is required. The difference? The leadership of the person who directs them.

Your responsibility is to help them discover their greatness and achieve their willingness to put it into practice. That is your job! This is where you should focus your energy every day, because it is through this exposure of capabilities that you can achieve a high level of results for your Clients. "It is not enough to have the best talent on your side, but what you do with it when you have it in your hands."

"The best way to give your clients what no one else gives them is by exposing the capabilities of your people." So it is not enough to have the best on your side, but to motivate them to give the best of themselves!

Focus on excellence

I cannot predict if your company will be able to achieve a high level of performance, what I am sure is that if you do not seek Excellence you will never be able to achieve it. And this whole process begins once the person has been hired to be part of your team of collaborators.

Make sure you count on the best: YES. But once you have them with you, also take charge of unleashing their potential so that they can achieve a high degree of exposure of their qualities and therefore of results.

You have to make sure that the people you have accepted into your team, even with a résumé that shows great experience, need your approval to showcase their skills. You are solely responsible for Directing, Training, Supporting and Empowering them to make that happen.

If this process is not fulfilled, do not expect that your expectations will be met as far as results are required, it's that easy! Learn to see a 10 in the people who work for you and treat them the same if you want to achieve a different place in the preference of your clients.

From the beginning, also commit to them to carry out a superior leadership exercise, a leadership that leads them to expose the best of themselves, always thinking of the Client as the first option. Focus them to achieve this purpose.

Do not teach them to work for you, but for those to whom the entire organization owes itself: Your Clients. Some time ago, interviewing a candidate for a CEO position, I asked him how many people reported to him. He immediately responded with the peak air of greatness that 6 Directors and 3 Managers reported to him online. So I modified my question saying: And how many of those people report to the Client?

And he replied: What a lesson he has given me, now I have my doubts! Stop believing that the number of people you have in your department structure are yours and dedicate yourself better to guiding them to serve the Client. Commit to it! The companies that you have in your department have only one objective: To achieve a high level of customer-oriented results!

And it is you with your Leadership who can help them achieve this purpose. As always, we are attentive to helping you improve your Leadership management.

Final reflection

“Your responsibility is certainly to have the best on your side, but motivated to give the maximum of their potential in favor of those people the organization serves: its customers!

Select a good work team to represent your company