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Meaning of social life in young people. test


In the following essay, it is intended to establish the meaning of Social Life before young people from a brief review of the subject from a psychological perspective, it is about understanding, with a broad vision, human progress as a general framework of social development and persons. The influence of social life in situations that lead to an unpleasant path.


We will ask ourselves what our social life is like, or perhaps where the words life and social come from, it is now where we will see the meaning of social life, in what we are surrounded every day of our life in the environment in which we are.


Let's define the first keyword for our theme development:

It is said in the dictionary of the Spanish language that life is a set of characteristic properties of organic beings that can be transmitted to offspring, time in which an organism is in activity, a set of everything necessary to live, sustenance. 1) In the youth environment, life is a multidimensional construct that includes the individual's perception of economic conditions, physical health, emotional state and social relationships. 2)

Social: that concerns society or social classes. Relating to a commercial society, socialism, socializing, antisocial, society. 3)

From the Latin sociālis, social is that belonging to or relative to society. Let us remember that society is understood as the set of individuals who share the same culture and who interact with each other to form a community. 4)

Society is a term that describes a group of individuals marked by a common culture, a certain folklore and shared criteria that determine their customs and lifestyle and that are related to each other within the framework of a community.

Social life: According to the WHO: «the perception that an individual has of his place in existence, in the context of the culture and value system in which he lives and in relation to his objectives, his expectations, his norms , his concerns. It is a concept that is influenced by the physical health of the subject, her psychological state, her level of independence, her social relationships, as well as her relationship with her environment "5)

Social life is that which human beings develop in contact with their peers, in the family, work, institutional, neighborhood, and so on. It is almost impossible to lack a social life since from the moment we are born we perceive and feel the existence of the other, because we are social beings by nature

Our society, the groups and the people with whom we live are characterized by their great diversity of culture. In the way of living and understanding the world, interests, needs, etc. Such diversity is a source of enrichment for all of us who are part of society.6)

As a speaker on this topic, I can say that social life in each one of us reflects what we are in terms of our intellectual development, social development and this is a good position when problems come to us since we know how to face life before society Personally, I consider myself a bit sociable since I like to interact with many people but nevertheless we all have something that does not allow us to socialize successfully since as human beings there will always be mistrust among ourselves.

The social relationships that we establish in our lives, with friends, family, with a partner, with coworkers, are not always simple and simple, but sometimes they can be very complex and general to people, pain, anguish, anger, among other emotions.


Having a social life is putting yourself at the disposal of things that can distract you but only then can you have that satisfaction of living with other people and with those who belong to your social class, I invite the readers of this essay that we can have a social life in a way where we can develop in all aspects and thus have a different perspective of our environment.


  • Pascual- Foranda, E., & Echave-Díaz, R., (1996) Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Ed.1, Edit. Ultra Larouse, SA de CV Denmark Higuita-Gutiérrez, LF, & Cardona-Arias, JA (2016). Quality of life of school adolescents from Medellín-Colombia, 2014. (Spanish). Journal of the National School of Public Health, 34 (2), 145-155. doi: 10.17533 / udea.rfnsp.v34n2a03.Pascual- Foranda, E., & Echave-Díaz, R., (1996) Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Ed.1, Edit. Ultra Larouse, SA de CV Denmark.GUZMÁN CHÁVEZ, MG (2016). The society of the spectacle is a society of risk. Between Ulrich Beck and Guy Debord. Frontera Norte, 28 (56), 165-171 Neufeld, MR, Santillán, L., & Cerletti, L. (2015). Schools, families and socio-urban webs: intersections in contexts of diversity and social inequality.

(Spanish). Educacao E Pesquisa, 41 1137-1151. doi: 10.1590 / S1517-9702201508144876

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Meaning of social life in young people. test