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Generational syncretism, the new challenge of organizational sustainability


In recent years we have been overwhelmed by countless reflections and documents related to the Millennial issue. Many of them written in good faith, some others, the product of sociological observations and some more, derived from the desire to understand the new social and organizational realities; which leads us to reflect on the behavior of the various generations that are present in the social, educational and organizational settings that begin to populate the different levels and positions available. Today we have countless documents that include characterizations and behaviors that represent, according to their authors, the phenomenology of a new business daily life.

It must be said that not all authors are right when they want to show the new behavioral trends of the generations, since the volume of writings on the subject multiplies exponentially and it is not easy to identify the founding Gurus of the concepts and themes since many appropriate ideas and research done by others.

Talking about Millennials is an obligatory topic at board meetings and a new task for Human Management teams who begin to incorporate activities into their management that allow the development of plans and programs aimed at attracting the best talents, retaining them through specific recognition and having a development offer that includes differential actions for personal and professional growth.

This is how the generational classifications go from the Baby Bummers to the millennial and now the centennial, with abundant demonstrative material product of interviews and conclusive observations that have led to countless books, conferences, videos and gurus that teach us what we should and we must not do to attract and retain these new generations.

Ideas and suggestions from “experts” abound, showing in their manuals the route we must follow as a company to implement plans and programs that allow us to find the best way to integrate and form teams with those who come from and are part of previous generations.

Los nombres van desde “migrantes digitales”, “nativos digitales” “generaciones X, Y Y Z” y adicionalmente se le suma la importancia de construir redes de contacto que incorporan el espíritu colaborativo en las redes sociales que promueven la posibilidad de construir textos con contenidos universales mediante los Wikis, etc., al punto que la realidad comienza a confundirse con la virtualidad y ya las fronteras entre ambas se diluyen.

The aim of this reflection, without disqualifying the valuable work that many scholars of social and organizational phenomena develop on these issues, is to show what for some may be a truism *, and is the need to design a management model oriented to the forced generational confluence in companies, understand the age and power curves that act internally to achieve business purposes.

We live in a time where generational change is permanent, new theories appear that challenge the imagination of business executives and the area of ​​human management has been, for many years now, a permanent dynamizer that suggests trends and fashions, some successful and others not so much, that they invite to deploy management models that aim at human and organizational development. Naming the fashions and trends would be very expensive, but in the article I wrote a while ago entitled: " Training with the latest trends, or perhaps despite them " ** some of them can be referenced and to which it is important to add and also mention the The last ones that are having great success such as Emotional Salary, Happiness Managers and many others that come to us via social networks.

Reality and everyday life come together in a mixture that enriches the management of those who build new organizational cultures that are increasingly inclusive, participatory and motivating; It is about understanding that each employee, regardless of their age, the region they come from, the training they have received or the position they hold, contributes significantly to the construction of experiences that deserve to be remembered over time, Work teams identify and personalize each of their members, understand, respect and value differences and recognize in them the success they achieve with their internal and external clients.

The challenge for managers now is to recognize and value the contribution of each of the generations that are present in the organization; of the new ones that arrive, full of joy, energy and dreams that allow them to imagine possible futures and of the generations where the older ones, with more accumulated experience and wisdom, are ready to hand over their inheritance of knowledge; They are the ones who learn that the path traveled must suggest new routes; they are the ones who marked the corporate history, leaving traces and perhaps some scars as well.

In short, the invitation is for those responsible for proposing, developing and implementing cultural models in the organization not to remain in a reductionist vision that ends up recognizing a single generation (millennial), but instead to identify the importance of generational syncretism *** where well-being, training and development proposals are capable of including programs that go beyond the seedbeds and high potentials, which in many cases can exclude or make invisible the contribution of those who, due to their age, seniority or position are not included in the business recognition models.


Generational syncretism, the new challenge of organizational sustainability