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Trade unions and labor relations

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The need for association within an organization to seek greater benefits generates an unclear idea of ​​the role of unions in a company

It is no mystery to anyone that when we hear the word union, other not very positive words come to mind, such as discussion, fight, confrontation, strike, etc. But is a union actually synonymous with all of the above words? The following article will try to clear up any doubts on the issue of unionism, explaining why it is important within an organization.

The need to organize unions

From an early age, one of the most basic needs of human beings is to be able to count on someone to do any work; playing, talking, working, traveling, it is not the same if we do it alone than with a friend or a group of them.

In the labor area, the need to join unions has arisen from the idea that only by joining efforts can better working conditions be achieved and the treatment will be much better, understanding this as the search for better wages, hours, working conditions and benefits.

Unions first of all seek security for themselves, they are the negotiating agent in any problematic situation or hiring of personnel and they fight to improve the situation of each of their members. They are like a great clan in which each member watches over the safety of the others and fights for the satisfaction of all.

Recognition of a union

As in any democratic society where the campaign and subsequent election of a candidate are the basis thereof, for a union to seek recognition of representing employees, certain steps must be followed, the first of which is called initial contact in where the union determines the interests of the employees in terms of organization and an organizing committee is established in which future prospects will be instructed about the benefits of forming a union, in addition, a whole environment of «marketing» will be created since it is thought « sell »the idea that a union is good and propaganda will be distributed and consultants will be hired to encourage the participation of all employees.

A second step is obtaining authorization cards, which must be signed by workers who agree with the election process. In each company the percentage of signatures required to carry out this process is different. To motivate workers, unionists, like any political candidate, promise to improve working conditions, raise wages, improve benefits, and generally offer a host of benefits if they join the union.

It is worth remembering that all of the above must be framed within a climate of harmony where there are no threats, no bribes or an environment of terror is implanted within the organization.

The desire to fight for better working conditions and greater benefits has been the greatest incentive for the creation of unions

As a third activity for the recognition of a union, there is a hearing, which will be held if the company does not agree with the election of a union that represents all workers. If, on the contrary, the authorization cards show great support for the movement and the company perceives that it can count on a good group in the face of a possible negotiation, this step will be skipped.

Already entering the final stretch, there is the campaign, in which the union will try to convince employees more strongly to vote in favor of the union's representation in the purely labor issues that may arise. Pamphlets and messages will be distributed, indicating the many benefits that the establishment of a union group would generate. But not only does the latter campaign, the company may also persuade employees by making them realize that a union is not necessary or that it will not contribute anything to labor relations or that problems and strikes will arise, resulting in a problem both for workers and the company.

Finally we come to the last and most important step, the election process, which like any existing vote, is secret and the one with the most votes wins. The union becomes the workers' representative if it wins the election or else it will have to save effort until another opportunity.

As seen above, the "power" is in the hands of the workers, they are the ones who decide if they want to be represented or not, the important thing is that there is always fair treatment by the organization and a serious and responsible work that fight for the interests of the workers, on the part of the union.

Trade unions and labor relations