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Remuneration system

Table of contents:


The development of competitions in companies is closely linked to their capacity for strategic organization and innovation in Human Resources Management.

The thermo qualifications begin to give rise to the new competition concept that I fear the most, involving school training, professional training, experience, and new attitudes during or work.

O post of work unfolds, according to this new optics, for the organization, where, a set of attitudes and requirements of action are demanded, part of the company and the worker with a versatility and qualitative flexibility.

The remuneration system must be linked to the development of competitions, allowing itself, as a driving force, to implement the organizational change rumored to the management model for competitions.

Or present work develops a theory second to which the worker needs to be motivated to be able to face or new model of competitions. This motivation must be developed by the company, the worker must also be able to find self-motivation that allows him to become more active in his professionalization.

It is a very important or remunerative system that the company promotes, you or a worker can find or feed-back on your commitment and effort. Ou attached, through him, develop vontade as a permanent apprentice.

We have studied the conceptual, technical and interpersonal competences, which correspond to theoretical knowledge of the profession, years of organizational knowledge, to mastery of two methods of work on ferramentas, and to capacities and attitudes.

Barnacle-em all or I study that the model of competencies adapts to the new Anthropocentric models of Management that focus human resources on the productive unit. And that, to achieve good results in competitions and competitive salary practices, these models must evolve in accordance and logic.


1 Introduction

The objective of this study or the study of implications for the implementation of the development of competencies in work organizations, in correlation with the development of remunerative practices. Or object of the exploratory study of a company of the civil construction branch. It is intended, not to study, to hold or to be interested, I want part of the company, I want part of the worker, I do not develop competitions and practical salaries.

We do not want to stop addressing an issue that directly interests the work organizations. During a professional career we are always aware that a fair, equitable remuneration and is understood by all can be a greater value for the success of the work teams. The theme was focused on the development of competitions and practical salaries.

There are specialists who begin to want to exchange or qualify thermos for competition, while others use two thermoses indiscriminately. In the course of competitions, it presents several measurement problems to take as reference the practical salaries.

With flexibility of remuneration it begins to be a practice that is increasingly developed in work organizations that, not rarely, walks together with the individualization of two contracts. Furthermore, there are two authors of the Competition Management who understand that it is with contracts that must be worked on and that they allow a strategy for the development of competitions, with greater efficiency, by the contracting and contracted party.

This system, however, does not deixa to be complex, with practical difficulties of definition, conceptual, more especially, according to some authors, of very difficult measurement in the company and later comparison with the market. This context is seen to be of relevance and relevance to the study.

A revealed equity between the work force that the collaborator gives to the organization and the authorized remuneration unlocks all a social fabric that affects the society, creating balances or large imbalances. A força das networks is also very important and creates logical novae.

Quanto à methodology, or theoretical framework and feito through a bibliographic study, with summaries registered in numbered reading cards and Internet information resources. All the work collected from the Internet is printed and organized in a numerical way, so that we can go over the same years, whenever necessary. We build summary cards for two authors that we think are more important and keep them in a numbered index, with the exact words for two authors. Resource that we are using a long year of study time, for verification. As we are working, we only register the number corresponding to the number of the record in the record. We do not reconstruct the skirting boards corresponding to the bibliography and the number of the reading card.

We also go through the Labor and Entrepreneurship Bulletins to consult some Collective Contracts of Labor and Company Agreements, not meaning to verify or its adjustment to the definition of development of competencies and new attitudes face to or work; This study was developed in the teaching curriculum part.

Approximately halfway through the study, we managed to define two concepts, components, dimensions and indexes. Starting from the verification group, represented by index hairs and constructed as units of measure, we create classification items that can be used as units of measurement for each um. As many questions, he was slightly altered at the end of his study. Or the same thing happened as a model of analysis that also suffered some small alterations.

In the effort of a company that allowed us an empirical study, it turned out to be very difficult, in spite of our many attempts. For this we thank, with all the sincerity, the company and the people who empower us or study the exploratory topic. Or the study ended up being just exploratory, for lack of time and space, and for itself difficult to execute the empirical study, inherent to the subject. For us, avolumou-se a questão ao longo do estudo: How did I develop it? Indeed an empirical study on a subject still little studied and very demanding. Furthermore, the problem of definition of measurements and the elaboration of fixed observation instruments is also being solved. These aspects are clarified over the course of the exploratory study that we establish in a civil construction company.

For concern we should try to procure a measure applicable to our concepts and dimensions, according to the profession to be studied: to the profession of engenheiro; But let us admit that it is possible to adhere to a set of profiles, more elongated, with slight adaptations.

Neste estudo put the following questões like this:

  • Is there a need for the development of competencies recognized as a worker? Does the company develop or develop competencies for an increase in performance? Are low levels of performance and satisfaction related to dissatisfaction of remuneration?

A few days implicit questions to study and that, as we say, we occupied a lot of time was also:

  • How can one measure or develop competencies and justify the current salary practices and easily update them? This question leads us to the construction of observation instruments that we do not want to apply, but rather that they become an integral part of the study.

The exploratory study was constituted by some exploratory interviews with two different companies. An interview with another company has the objective of triangulation of data. Not an exploratory study, we conducted some semi-structured and unstructured interviews, as the Director-General of the company, or responsible for two human resources and small conversations with some administrative officials. We resolve not to resort to the assessment of interviews to achieve a greater spontaneity for part of two interviewees, given delicately two subjects treated. We demand more effort of memory and better preparation of interviews; contudo, with more ease we can ask some questions, and this happens. We are also conducting direct observation at other civil construction companies, not us day-to-day.

This exploratory study is destined to build two observation instruments, we do not have enough time to reach conclusions, so we do not want to apply the measures that the company has implemented or the competition model. Or study, destined, also, to test these questions, hypotheses and our model of analysis.

In terms of the organization of the structure of this work, we plan it in fourteen points. The first constitui or introductory chapter, where two objectives are missing, methodology, main theoretical concepts and work structure. I do not put two of this study reflective of changes in work, or new paradigm of competitiveness, new performance of work, flexibility and versatility. I do not put three to apply for the reorganization of work referring to the new production models. I do not put four reflections, we are acting cenários, passing by the salary component to us collective directives, to valuing two human resources and perspectives for the future.

I do not put five develop-me or problem of qualifications and competitions. It is presented or adopted competition council, the technological competences and knowledge and preponderance of know-how. I do not put six things to do with competencies in the labor market, thinking or problem with your management of organizations and your relationship with entrepreneurship. We do not set this work for us, we present some forms of remuneration, types of salaries, trends in some IRC's and the introduction of a model of competitions. As new trends in remuneration are referred to, I do not pay. This new year reflects the question of attitudes and organizational culture. Either ponto dez, or problem gives motivation and satisfaction of the worker in the work organizations. I do not put onze we present or our analysis model,questions and hypotheses in the exploratory study. Follow the conclusions and bibliography. In annexes, we present the observation instruments that we build and data from the company and company statistics of the civil construction sector.

2. As alterações do trabalho and organização do trabalho

2.1 O New paradigm of Competitiveness

The new production models or a new production paradigm occupies a prominent place in all recent publications, colloquiums and seminars on the processes of management and production. More to matter not peaceful. There is no consensus on the emergence of a new production model, nor on the previous model.

As companies see themselves, I am counted on, with the need to opt for a new production logic imposed by information and communication technologies and for new market conditions. A flexibility and rapid ability to adapt to changes will become a necessity for the emergence of unforeseen markets. For this new production framework, the ability to adapt to change, new human and technological resources, competition, responsibility and initiative is required by two executives. Note-I know that these new conditions and the introduction of new information technologies are incompatible with the mass production model. Pela part two diverse authors presenting different perspectives of interpretation in relation to the introduction of new technologies.Fala-se numa a post-industrial society or a society of information second a deterministic perspective.

Information becomes a fundamental variable in the economy, supplanting or working with capital as a source of increased value. Or new type of society and the result of generalized application of new technologies. As information technologies from origin to knowledge society and ongoing technology. A deterministic perspective is precise that people adapt to technology in no way or contrary.

From a Marxist perspective, despite the transformations, we cannot fail to break and emerge from new models of production. The Taylorist-Fordist model continues to subsist in our markets, since it does not break the principles in which organizations are founded, in the way we operate companies and social relations of work.

A third party approaches different models of production that are in accordance with new, concrete, historical social situations. The new models can coexist in different countries, sectors, regions, and the same companies.

When one fails of a new paradigm of competitiveness, invertem-se, of certain way, the old values ​​give wealth. It is considered that the processes that create value, as or conhecimento, can become more important than the natural resources and subsoil.

The investments called imateriais, distinguish themselves from the level of the competitiveness that the global economy saw grow. In order to innovate and raise new ranges of products, it is considered a source of wealth from the economies of two countries or two individuals. Or creative use of the knowledge applied that generates innovation and allows the introduction of new products in the markets.

A quality of two services, as well as new forms of work organizations, or of management, excellence of training, skills and two human resources can help to make a highly competitive economy.

Upon innovation, or introduction of new products, it provides, by way of competitiveness, conditions that allow the development of regions or States that undertake the process. Innovation can both correspond to own production, which is applied internally and / or the same exports as well as it can be bought from other countries and applied in a large national economy.

In order to support the principles of the new paradigm, it is convenient to create a culture of innovation that implies, not a research area, efforts to promote bags that induce technological innovation, mobilizing the productive sector in the State.

Note, we international markets, that companies and individuals are first to establish themselves as competitive factors in both countries. As companies appear to have some sensitivity to envelop, hair that, global policies affect their behavior. You refer space-time to two completely different leafing businesses two decades ago. Or development of information and communication technologies, which are very important to define or space in which it becomes a globalized economy. I understand that it will be tended for a relative immobility of two highly qualified individuals, as long as they know their competences, starting from any point no space. It is considered to be a large mobility of knowledge, independently of the consideration of higher or lower mobility of the organization.

Natural resources, other factors of competitive vantage, are revealed to be insufficient, gaining strategic importance or knowledge of its direct application to the economy. As companies move on to play, at the same time as global and national policies, an important strategic role for national and international economies, appearing as power groups capable of importing their own rules and regulations.

The knowledge, on the other hand, must be applied in a productive force to become competitive and induce agents of change. The quest for the creation of new organizational forms, the management of qualifications and the approximation of R&D units to companies becomes of great relevance.

We can say that excellence of knowledge, material resource, becomes considered a source of competitiveness. As new information and communication technologies, in particular to the Internet, contribute to the fact that a large part of this development is shared by the entire world population, making it more democratic and distributing more parity than natural resources.

A higher economic and competitive development emerges in Asia, which begins to appear as a dominant competitive force. China and India have grown in the last 50 years, in terms of Gross National Product, more than for twenty centuries. Isto want to say that a purchasing potential increases in these markets, where a middle class emerges, with accumulated possibilities and a different value system. The rapid economic growth of China and India constitutes a revolution that is moving to face the economic world.

According to Goldman Sachs Bank, China will transform itself into the world's largest economy in 2050, followed by India, leaving Japan, Brazil and Russia. Finally, it is considered that Europe will be a cluster of small nations, like Germany and England at the head.

The world seems to begin to trilhar a new path, sem precedents, of new methods of management. Many workstations will be extinct and business activities will not stop moving around the world.

It is considered that there are many deficits that are cyclical, while others seem to be structural: Europe will be able to suffer enough and it will be able to fail its internal reform. Second Stéphane Gareli many nations will continue in front in other falharão.

As companies assume a strategic position in the definition and application of national and transnational policies. Fact that can be assumed as worrisome, considering that there are very few macroeconomic policies that define a path of global convergence. The same national policies seem to be assumed, at times, in a little consistent way.

According to an analysis of the European Commission, from 1995, Portugal, together with Grécia, presents the lowest levels of production.

However, the accreted value variation was higher than the European average, or that allows to see a picture of hope, as long as the financing and risk capital policies are considered. This analysis also refers to the importance of qualifications and professional training, this question being a fulcrum part of our study, linked, through two indices, a measuring instrument, years of our competence concepts.

The magazine Dirigir, Carlos Barbosa de Oliveira, affirms that the human potential is not taken advantage of by the majority of Portuguese companies, despite being due to loss of profitability, productivity and competitiveness of the same.

In this document, I know that some of the causes for this gap, between the worker and the employer's entity, reside in more preparation than two employers, who have, in average, a less preparation than two employees.

With R&D activities, in Portugal it continues to invest very little and these activities are very little linked to business development. A direct link between R&D activities at the company level would allow immediate patent registration and development, as well as the introduction of new products. The current charter of entrepreneurship in Portugal shows us unemployment taxes in high, to grow more qualified and young people, wages in low, many absences, and increase in unemployment (2.6%) services to us.

As Ilona Kovács's referent on New Models of Production, or the future seems to depend on two social actors, with their capacities and capacities, and with the degree of democraticness that is implemented in our transformation processes. It is understood as essential a reflection on the current transformations of the productive process and the barnacle, it is necessary to rethink as fundamental the social dimension of the phenomenon. A renovation of the sociological analysis asserted as fundamental to be able to show or limit some approaches to official and futuristic discourses and, also, to be able to perceive and analyze real situations that are little clear.

We want it to seem that, as the school loses its exclusivity of training, it becomes more difficult to develop and implement training strategies. This responsibility jumps, now, to the sphere of various actors, including or own individual, to or long gives his active life. We find out about a new reality, that it is in companies, in training companies, in training and education, or in instructing people over a long life.

We are waiting for a new concept, or from the educational community, in which there are no more schools, but many other social actors, pois or learning system evolved, each time more, year-long life.

Portugal seems to be moving without a sense of transformation for a peripheral economy that makes it difficult for people to conquer because of the development of qualifications and competitions, especially since you are graduates not inserted in the labor market.

2.2 Novos Perfis de trabalho - autonomy and decentralization

More and more oil is needed to develop human resources as a premise of the leaf economy. The ability of two human resources to produce increased value determines the competitiveness of companies and the entire economy. For this reason, the need to invest in education and training is recognized, by schools, companies or the entire educational community.

Either I work, or I undertake the necessary competitions to soften great alterations with the pressures of the economy and the development of new technologies, allied to new organizational forms. Verify a global trend for or increase in qualifications and to make tasks more complex, or that requires new attitudes.

Note-it is a "technical illusion" in which two problems are expected to be solved, by technological means, but also cases have been verified with greater awareness, in which it is perceived that the exploration of technological capacity depends on the capacity and quality of two human resources and the organization of work.

Autonomy is two essential aspects of the work of the new paradigm of production. It does not consist in fact of the worker equipping his own operating rules. Do not want to be autonomous. Autonomy is actively conquered, it is necessary to transgress these rules. It is necessary to have the ability to choose, if necessary, and to take vantage. However, it is true that it seems necessary to have a high degree of autonomy, and / or promoted, to achieve importance.

Philippe Perrenoud understands that there are two levels of competition that are not exercising autonomy. On the one hand, we have the competencies, through what is necessary to prove that you allow us to do not exercise a defined domain, which can be computing, attribution of bags, organization of fairs, education and others. On the other hand, we have the strategic competencies where it is necessary to extend the margin of initiative or face them formally.

These strategic competencies are less dependent on a context and more of a psychosociological nature. It allows us to occupy dominant positions, stabilize instantaneous positions, unqualify other people and achieve recognition or control of action.

Perrenoud identified two types of competitions:

  1. Know how to identify and use your directives. Know, as a group, or individually, conduct projects and develop strategies. Know how to analyze situations and force relationships in a systematic way. Know how to cooperate, act in synergy, participate collectively, cooperate in leadership. Build and animate the organizations and the systems of collective and democratic action. Know how to manage and resolve conflicts. Know how to play with the rules and the ability to provide other more appropriate ones. Know how to provide negotiable orders despite different cultural differences.

I do not understand, the school plays a fundamental role, being able to help to recognize the autonomy that is necessary for life, as well as the means to achieve and maintain. Philipe Perrenoud indicates that, in the family, these rules can be taught by those who never occupy positions of power.

Another important aspect that seems to be going to modify the work profile and a decentralized form of decision-making. Alvin Toffler says that “Civilização da Terceira Vaga” is about to emerge, which he sees to replace Civilização Industrial de Segunda Vaga. Thus noted crises of our time affect values ​​and economic, political, cultural and family structures. Instead of being a highly centralized company, this new company identifies a very decentralized decision-making. It was built more in a volta of a network than of a hierarchy of new institutions. New forms of organization appear with flatter hierarchies and more transitory structures than the author chama to adocracy. Caminha-se, also, for decentralization and self-help.

2.3 As various forms of flexibility

Flexible forms of employment are usually insecure and poorly paid. Instead of contributing to the family life, we can end up creating big financial problems for families, since a company is organized second or pressuposto do secure business. At the same time, the risk of the entrepreneur is transferred to the entrepreneur, who must meet his qualifications and manage or his development of competitions. This flexibility of work also transfers the risk to the State, since it becomes impossible to manage and pay for qualifications and competitions and individuals cannot support the risks of their doenças. Flexible government policies seem to ignore their effects on companies. That is, for example, the destabilization of two human resources, which can be turned into an input into the competitiveness of the company.

It affirms that how much greater for a bet not walking the flexibility of the greater business will be difficult to develop the organizational flexibility related to behaviors and social aspects. Or permanent recourse to temporary work can even make it impossible or develop competitions that can be strategic for companies. Bipolarizam-se types of entrepreneurship.

Peripherals and bad payments and other needs to be supported by qualified and integrated human resources, in order to be prepared to deal with innovation and increasingly complex processes. More or more principle of making more like more low custody, with poorly qualified or insufficient workmanship may result in a "loss of collective memory".

All can be weakened with the diffusion of flexible forms of emprego. It runs or blockade of the development of productive intelligence and it cannot be increased to long-term productivity. It should be noted that, despite assisting in the deep restructuring of companies, there is no consensus on the nature of changes. We defend that there is no paradigm break. Others, on the contrary, I understand that a new era of information, as a new type of economy, characterized above all by flexibility and based on no knowledge, creates a break in our processes and working methods.

Organizational renewal tends to be viewed as an essential method for the competitiveness of companies. O new post-Fordist model is presented as a rupture in relation to previous years and an advance of new productive forms. It becomes relevant to company culture, to mutual trust, to autonomy, to participation, to cooperation between individuals and teams and units and companies, not meaning melhoria da quality. This new model would result in simplified and decentralized structures, with fewer hierarchies and more democratic ones. The human resources will end up becoming a precious value for the development of competitions, in view of the realization of intelligent work in cooperation networks.

Allied to business flexibility, it appears to salary flexibility and numerous forms of hiring, including individualization. A multipurpose worker has a series of competencies that widens the field of tasks that is capable of meeting costs or arrears. There is an idea of ​​adaptability that is not used by the set of pressures of flexible companies. Normally it presents a simple structure with reduced hierarchical levels and dominance of intra-company communication. O creative management style and promote collective learning, autonomy and versatility.

These flexible companies are distinguished as qualifying flexibility measures.

A qualitative flexibility consists in a constant melhoria of two human resources. The internal flexibility allows to vary the number of hours of work without modifying or the number of workers. The ideal worker seems to be the one who is ineffective in competition, who identifies himself as the objectives of the company, rather than the market or the necessary company. Due to the flexibility of the labor market, it results in the conditions installed and the agreement accrued. He affirms that he tries to install and not compatible with a stable business. Flexibilization allows you to buy cheap labor, more productive and more competitive, according to the ideologues of the flexible labor market.

According to Ilona Kovács, the labor market emerges from new cenários, new actors and new rationalities. A society of information and knowledge of this before seeing a generalized chart of intelligent work in consequence of ICTs. Camila Minamide reinforces that or work is assuming a more intellectualized sphere and becomes less directed and less prescriptive. Assumem-se more complex cognitive domains. Appreciate or know during the professional experience that it is a positive aspect. On the other hand, there has been an intensification of two hours of work, there has been a lack of professionalization through an accentuated polyvalence, “limited and illegitimate by suppressing two positions of work. “Acrescem de novo or stress, anxiety, and insecure work relationships.

According to Zarifian, companies can compete in the market through three different types: operational excellence, product innovation and orientation for or service, more than a flexibility of workmanship and incompatible with a qualification program. And this aspect seems very important to us.

Board-business flexibility a salary flexibility and a multiplication of the forms of hiring, as a major distribution of time and work space. Various non-sense measures of polyvalence are adopted, in particular non-qualifying flexibility measures. This type of measures can lead to a very fragile job-labor segmentation, a low level of qualification and access to information and a very fragile contractual labor integration. On the contrary, the qualifying flexibility measures favor integration, versatility and an increase in qualifications. The increase in flexible work, in Europe, affects the transfer of risks and costs for two employers to the State and for workers.

It will be important to mention that organizational and professional flexibility (qualitative) includes a different logic from the quantitative flexibility of the enterprise that characterizes the neo-Taylorist model. A professional and organizational flexibility focuses on the logic of valorization of your human resources. A quantitative flexibility follows a logic of devaluation of the same resources, no sense of getting cheaper work-tools. In order to obtain time, a lot of support is given in the replacement of work-hand-work by new technologies, term contracts and temporary work.

3. Reorganização do trabalho

3.1 Neotaylorism

The neotaylorist model appears as a production model, based on the principles of mass production and adapted to the new era of automation of production processes. It runs through multiple functions and the lengthening of tarefas, especially not the sense of not allowing failures in production and services. Human resources are generally poorly qualified in a company that does not invest in training. From a neo-Taylorist perspective, it is noted by a strong employer leadership in our innovation processes. It reveals itself, a technocentric perspective, through a computer-assisted Taylorism, commenced with quantitative flexibility and massive commitment. For Ilona Kovács as new technologies servem, in this perspective, to exercise a greater control over the worker, to increase the quality of products and services,e increase productivity per worker. It creates a quantitative flexibility of workmanship, with a strong incidence of unskilled workers. To its organizational and vertical structure, strongly hierarchical, and with integrated and centralized control. A fragmented work organization, with lengthening and rotations of tasks.

Quanto às qualificações, for Marcelle Stroobants, are understood as a set of knowledge and know-how. Neotaylorism does not take advantage of the knowledge acquired through the experience of two workers, easily launching earlier reforms, those who may have more qualified young people, plus half experience. O seu central objective is to reduce two costs and increase production. Criam-se subcontracting mechanisms, of temporary work, applied above all to the Japanese female sector and to the emigrant sector to Western Europe.

Countries like Argentina and Mexico are the most advanced in the implantation of the neo-Taylorist model as a hegemonic force. This model has serious repercussions on working conditions. One of them is labor flexibility that is associated with precariousness of work, consisting of this creation of clandestine businesses, contracts to term and eventual workers.

As these forms of contracting allow the entrepreneur to reduce the costs of labor, they become forms of contracting that progress more and more.

According to Elias Milano, as the consequences of this situation are unsafe in the labor market, difficulty of insurance or employment, lack of surveillance, hygiene and security standards, insecurity of non-compliance with contractual conditions (social benefits, indemnities for dismissal or accident) and of the social security system.

3.2 Lean Production

Currently, there is no context for competition in the global economy, a pressure not felt for cost reduction. A company announces dismissals, promises more profits and its price on the stock market quickly. Also in the case of mergers, it is not possible to reduce the number of companies or carry out or downsizing. There is a great inspiration for our Lean Production models and reengineering, tendo-became, the latter, in the wake of great marketing campaigns, proclaiming the excellence of its model. And, I do not have national programs, as large consulting companies ditam o caminho. Whenever it is possible to reduce costs, or investment becomes more appealing. Check out the shareholders of the power of the companies of this interest, in a general way, a quick return to profits.

The principles of Lean Production are based on zero-defects, zero-spaces, zero-stocks, zero-tempo preparation and bureaucratic control. It is intended to eliminate all that does not produce increased value. The principles of Total Quality are integrated by each worker. Or control of Qualidade é uma permanent function. Unwrap it or work it equips. Responsible, at the level of execution, pelas melhorias two products according to Kaizen principles - principles of continuous melhoria.

We acknowledge the ideas and suggestions of two workers and stimulate or appear new proposals for the memory of processes in execution. The collaborators are involved in operational decisions, but not strategic ones.

The profile of a worker is flexible, versatile and stubborn. There is a combination between quantitative and qualitative flexibility. Note-also, a predominance of qualified workers and concern with training for the part of the company. The communication processes are ascending and descending. The main suppliers are not involved in the development of products. There is this model, a phase in the integration of the conception and sale, finding this organizational form more adapted to the industrial units.

Toyota was the pioneer of the Lean Production model, through which it eliminated everything that was not strictly necessary for production, raising so-called lean companies, with the participation of dedicated teams. It is in this way that I was able to gain two human and economic resources.

The implementation of this model requires efforts that are not meaningful in the creation of entrepreneurship and training policies that are adapted to it. There are more implementation difficulties than inherent ones. On the one hand, it is difficult for workers to participate voluntarily in the growing process, which may end up costing, at many times, their serious work posts. The logic of each worker will, of course, be the maintenance of the employer with insurance and the salary being remunerated.

On the other hand, or the development of functions, a company must go a long way in order to learn the accumulated techniques that are developed in the same way, during, and not the post of work. The development of functions requires time and dedication to your exercise in the structure. A permanent instability I do not undertake or allow the development of an accumulated knowledge that a greater part of the functions requires, ending up by generating groups of collaborators detached from two interests and values ​​of organizations.

It increases the fact that the need for the development of the work in the team, inherent to the philosophy of Lean Production requires, gives two collaborators, development, knowledge of two others and trust. All ist and equally difficult to meet and reach with pictures of people you install.

In order to overcome these barriers, which have already been identified, it has been through the resource of creation of vertical integration, creating a new Taylorist logic, this time, for the company. A contracting company, or a leading company, organizes a network of subcontracted companies, as companies, for the execution of less qualified work.

3.3 Reengenharia

If the principles of Lean-Production are aimed at the industry, it gives you reengineering that is widely applied in our service sectors. To reengineer a radical organizational innovation, a measure that intends to start from scratch in relation to everything or that it says respects the previous reference frame of the company, where or process will be applied. Or its main objective is to obtain drastic changes. These basic principles are oriented towards the client. It defends focused horizontalization in our fluxes and procedures. Pressupõe-se is a stimulus to versatility, apprenticeship, professional development and creativity of two serious collaborators. It defends a clear definition of responsibilities and enrichment of tasks.It encourages participation in our processes and continuous melhorias for the creation of feedback in each stage of each work process. It seeks a concentration of outputs and inputs with articulation of performance appraisal and awards.

For James Womack no reengineering process is implicit or downsizing. A reengineering and applied a perspective of imposition of organizational change, executed with the participation of two collaborators. In this process, it is implicit that I disregard the hair that the company represented there. All this effort of moving must be sold as Marketing, for the importance of the necessity of moving, made from top to bottom. The fanaticism of the leader gives regeneration and is fundamental for it to transmit the imperative need of a purgative metamorphosis. In the United States, a large part of companies, two insurance and telecommunications sectors, implement reengineering processes, making Banking one of two more resistant sectors.

Jean Brilman in L'entrepise I reinvented a reference that most of the companies that apply to reengineering seem satisfied with the results obtained. In two third companies, or work and done by consultants, one or another third executes or process of reengineering by internal means. These companies also consider that reengenharia is a strong ally of total Quality.

I understand that the great difficulties of the process are normally found by topo chefs for fear of ameaça two seus places. As reengineering equipments must be constituted as the most capable and most brilliant, becoming or process ending with a reformulation of salaries and rewards.

The main problem of reengenharia and Downsizing is that it launches port for talents and part of the collective memory of organizations, ending up by generating demotivation and dispensing essential know-how to organization. Due to permanent instability, heartfelt collaborative hairs, children of pomp and communication problems. Deteriorates quality, serves you in the work environment. It is also understood as a negative aspect to the emphasis on technology that puts human resources in the background.

The collaborators, the companies with the reengineering process, ended up very overloaded with the quantity and quality of tasks. O work becomes very intense and generates mistrust and permanent anguish in relation to the post of work and organization. Finally, to reengineer, I have a modernization at all or cost, in terms of cost reduction, it does not take into account or problem of the company in the long term.

3.4 The Anthropocentric Systems of Production

The Anthropocentric Systems of Production use qualified human resources and flexible technologies adapted to decentralized and highly participated organizational frameworks. It defends that these systems meet the demands of two new markets. These vantagens have been confirmed by numerous experiences. Several scholars understand that it is necessary to promote or new formative paradigm.

Second Ilona Kovács, the new principles of organization involve, above all, autonomy, creativity, or professionalism, decentralization, participation and cooperation. It must stimulate or work in equipping, free communication, decentralization of information and promotion of participation.

From the Anthropocentric perspective, it seems to be the only one that places all your human resources, not the center of two production processes. It is committed to highly qualified and versatile human resources. A social dimension appears as a strategic value for people who are encouraged to develop their personal competencies.

A technology adapts to the human being, and not in reverse, the worker has direct influence on the organization of work. This system appears as a new paradigm, or the only one that causes the Taylorist principles.

It responds to the needs of two individuals with increasingly high schooling, which preferably more participated and varied work.

Helena Lopes refers to the development of qualifications not within the scope of a flexible organization, molded to technology at home. Undertake cooperation, or work with equipment, less hierarchical and decentralized structures. O objective is an effective democratization of labor organizations.

It seems important to mention that either a human being is the only one who has all the competencies to carry out the entire production process to function; by isso, it must be, or first requirement, and more valued. He is only gifted with initiative. Only you can make decisions and implement them. Furthermore, he is endowed with individual and collective capacity for learning. This model of Anthropocentric Systems of Production arises as an alternative to lean production that dominated strongly in the 90's. It is indicated as the most appropriate model for the implementation of the competition model.

4. Actuais cenários

4.1 A salary component of collective directives

O Direito do Trabalho is constituted as a concern that unifies the respective solutions. There is a collective point of view with differentiating and specific rules. A regulation of work conditions and feita through Instruments of Collective Work Regulation (IRCT'S). The Portuguese model is considered a static or contractual negotiation model. Part-given idea that the negotiation processes are identified by a result, called a "collective agreement", which fixes the working conditions for a period of time.

For Paulo Pereira de Almeida and Glória Rebelo, the concept of collective bargaining associates itself with the idea of ​​resolving labor disputes, oiling or evolving character of the move. A collective agreement is established between a company, a plurality of companies, or organizations of companies, which are respectively the Company Agreement, Collective Agreement and Collective Agreement.

Many two aspects of collective hiring, only professional training, mobility and organization of work have been reviewed, no sense of starting to rationalize management.

The neo-liberal discourse uses the crise of Fordism as a form of attack against the labor legislation and the union demands. A key concept of this process consists of deregulation of the protection of workers. The objective is to be reduced to collective bargaining and pass it to direct employer-hired bargaining. Na Grã-Bretanha, to cite an example of the application of the neo-Taylorist model, it has come to be quite implemented, the labor legislation chegou to establish restrictive norms to guarantees of social action. In terms of gerais, this offensive is practiced in different countries, but we can assassinate with a particular phase or Mexico, China and Germany.

Despite this, I understand that the unions are, still, for the core workers of the company, a valid interlocutor. Like other workers, it becomes very difficult to establish a connection, because due to its rotation it is very strong and usually has a very low political and organizational awareness.

No new production chart, as union relations, second Luís António Cardoso, seems to have to adapt the new years of production start-ups, having in view or type of company, the changes induced in the Management of Products and the changes in the organization of work.

As new production and management technologies appear to be very dependent on the involvement of the worker. This process turns a salary relationship as a contradictory question, in terms of the representation of interests of two workers. As a consequence of this fact, the opinion of Luís António Cardoso developed quite heterogeneous union relations.

In order to fully analyze the relationship between Management of Competencies and the Directorate of Work, it is necessary to consider two Instruments of Collective Regulation. We must, pois, ponder the question of individual professional interest and collective interest. Enquanto or individual professional interest is an isolated question, or collective interest belongs to a group, to a majority of two components of an indeterminate group of people.

At times, there are two collective directives corresponding to a mere somatic number of parts, including or sacrificing individual parts. The legal norms created by the collective agreements fixam conditions that impose on individual labor contracts, both not contained mandatory and normative.

Or social dialogue is recognized in the social dimension of the European model. Your partner partners directly present your interests in the problems that are linked to the world of work. Contaminates continuous training and definition of new salary forms. It is an element of democratic governance and of economic and social modernization. A positive move of the move tends to reconcile the necessary flexibility for companies and to ensure that you need workers. Either social dialogue affirms or its unique place in a democratic governação and considers itself to be a chave for a governação melhorada. Second to the Lisbon Strategy, it is necessary to invest in a joint training two responsibilities regarding the great European questões. São reconhecidos os níveis, national, local and company.O ESF is an instrument that regulates or supports the execution of the business strategy. No area of ​​intercalary valuation from 2002 to 2006 indicates special attention to European strategy do emprego.

It seems important to refer to the manifestations of Paris, conducting the negotiation of the CPE proposal, which proposes that a young man aged 26 years can be fired for just cause, and to note that the masses continue to demonstrate that they will be easily manipulated, you are interested são perceived by all.

4.2 Business restructuring and valuation of two human resources

In the perspective of Robert Boyer, in the late 60's, some industries still keep Taylor's original idea, no sense of being necessary to reduce to the maximum the learning times and knowledge. Thirty years from now, this vision has been changed to seek non-qualified work to decrease in relative and absolute terms. The production processes require a minimum of knowledge and capacity for abstract reasoning. The training and requalification of the workmanship allow us, years of workers to use it, a greater probability of insertion of the new production model.

According to Robert Boyer, to general education, to the qualification of two apprenticeship courses, to the nature of the relationships between professional training and dynamics of companies, it seems necessary conditions for the diffusion of a new production model.

As a result, the Fordist management methods are spread over the course of becoming an obstacle to the innovation of a model, since there are two official efforts that support the need to move an industrial model to no avail.

For Crozier, in A Company à escuta, a new organizational via opõe-se à classical organization of specialized functions and coordinates. This new way takes in consideration or the human system in a broad sense. To manage the work, it will not be more to program the people as not the time of the Scientific Organization of Work, but rather to mobilize the individual and collective capacities and develop them for other purposes. A new necessity for the new organizations will be to professionalize the homens instead of sophisticating the structures and procedures.

Crozier refers to another vision of the organization stating that the investment did not develop two homens must be carried out with knowledge, but without training and experience. E, second or author, must occupy each time more space in relation to material investment. This author refers to pass from quantitative social to qualitative human, being or valued human resource in this acceptance.

On the other hand, says Alain Lipiez Benko, the neo-Taylorist production strategies are not concerned with human resources and their training, for the qualified elite group, as we have seen. This strategy led to a polarization of qualifications in a dual society, not a labor market, in an em geral society. It seems that this way, neo-Taylorist, is escolhida, largely by North American, British and French capitalism.

In the same way, the strategies for the growth of companies, as well as recognizing the need for the qualification of two human resources, ended up putting in the background the valorization of the same resources, for the companies headed, noting-I know that you workers, given their insecurity I do not undertake, I do not feel very encouraged to invest in your careers.

As the mass production model begins to be abandoned in favor of new production models or the human factor, it will be able to gain new relevance and renewed perspectives in the structure of new organizations.

4.3 What prospects for the future?

The main factors of competitiveness for companies are related to cost efficiency, or product development, product quality, or post-sale service to excellent customers, flexibility that allows a rapid response capacity to market changes, continuity of operation two equipment in continuous labor and economy of tempos - JIT System - (Just-In-Time).

The Anthropocentric model of Production allows high flexibility, not respecting moves and conversions in response to errors. It allows a phase in the quality of two human resources and care in training. It comprises a qualitative flexibility of this type of resources. It allows a vertical and horizontal integration of tasks and non-business stability. Cria um enfraquecimento das fronteiras hieárquicas das funções. Lean Production and Reengenharia should not be the only role models to follow, but it is necessary not to create its negative, social and economic effects in the long term.

It would be undesirable to follow a concerted strategy with the application of various production models, global, national and regional policies that are well defined, valorization of two human resources and integration of non-working human beings. It is believed that it was necessary to avoid too much concentration of human resources, nobles, in few companies and, to try to integrate processes of stability in the profession, in societies, in order to avoid or fundamentalism two excluded.

These, I ended up constituting a natural reaction to the lack of prospects for a stable and dignified life that will be able to legitimize democratic societies in two own states.

It is indicated, that not future, the strategies of policies of innovation of processes and products will also be of equal importance. The creation of technology parks can be favorable to promote cooperation between companies. We must promote policies of cultural innovation and change of mentalities. And, finally, it seems important to us that a favorable climate for organizational innovation be created.

5. Qualifications and competitions

5.1 The Taylorist organization of new forms of work

According to a historical evolution of two objectives in the qualification of work, a study of António Rodrigues Mota, from 1987, indicates that the system of qualifications of functions is reported to the classification of the hierarchy of two salaries, which must be based on the appreciation of the value of each function. This appreciation of this value must be made in a rational way through an instrument of analysis and qualification of two work posts, in order to make it possible to compare them.

A first classification of a qualification system ended in 1912 at the Edison Company of Chicago. In 1925 the factorial method by points appeared, with Meril Lott. Our method, or work, is made up of several factors and a certain value is attributed to each number. A certain value of points was attributed to each work posto, according to a pre-defined scale.

No qualification does not work in line with the permanent demands of a function and define the various hierarchical levels that compõem. The objective would be or to establish an equitable salary policy. The quantitative systems aim at the elaboration of a qualification index, from variáveis, measured with criteria determined as precise and observable. A correlation between the various types of work was used to establish the weighting between some and others and define two positions of work in the hierarchy, in order to establish compliant remuneration bases.

The application of the neo-Taylorist model raises the problem of qualifications. As companies continue to think in rigid principles of management, oriented to reduce costs and little oriented to worker and innovation. A produtividade is understood as dependent on the production capacity of machines. Or I undertake an installed value in individual companies, investem na qualificação ou carreira. Ao not qualify or worker and, above all, to eliminate their capacity for initiative and participation, we end up triggering psychological and physical problems for us workers.

Workers are not adapted to a work that does not give autonomy and does not have initiative, or that increases the absenteeism tax and reflects a very high turn-over.

It seems to indicate that the problem of qualification, the new era of globalization, modified or economic framework two countries and regions with new models of production adopted, with the development of basic skills that are increasingly elevated and with a growing concern for development and reconsideration. of basic competencies.

When it fails in education, it must now be introduced to the notion of educational communities, where also training companies and their own work organizations, through training in the context of work, or resources for internal and external training, must be included. In the same way, it should not be defined according to the responsibility of each individual throughout their professional life.

Not current panorama, as qualifications passed through deep alterations, same year of ensino system. Note-I know that 75% of the active Portuguese population has qualifications that, in addition to integrating the European process of modernization of companies, whose premises are always in training as of the end of the 9th year. Or that it will force intense policies of modification of this quadro and that it begins, of rest, to be followed now.

Second, Margarida Chagas Lopes, with initial and continuous training, began to be faced in the same way, the same year as the ensino system. On the other hand, with new technologies, we are entering a phase in which fewer and fewer workers are needed to produce goods and services for everyone or the world. Já não são os school diplomas, according to the author, which stops the exclusivity of formalization of competências, emergem training companies accredited and certified for the purpose. The work posts become a “potential for action”, reconfiguring a new form that implies a new set of tasks.

This problem of new potential for action, or set of tasks, is very important, and ends up leading us to a multi-valued questão, which, from the point of view of the company can be precious, from the point of view of the worker it can lead to lack of professionalism. It must be observed with attention.

This new conception of work posts is fundamental that or commitment involves contributing to different values ​​to the company and not just a forecast of qualification needs. Or future can pass through organizations that learn, qualify and em network. There are less positive approaches than to call attention to non-attractive realities, which accompany the challenges to or perhaps, with suggestions of less stabilized trends.

There are strong factors of resistance to change that are verified in bureaucratized structures that block innovation and do not facilitate the implementation of the competition model.

Regarding the technological structure of the educational system, according to Ilona Kovács, the organizations will not be able to carry out the changes that the theorists understand to be necessary. At the level of the organizational structure, there seems to be a latent conflict between three cultures: two operators, two executive chefs and two engineers. Organizational cultures are têm, numa company, various subgroups of action or interaction. In the absence of participation in our work processes, there may be two problems that face resistance to or the appearance of new Management models.

5.2 Competition concept

We resolve to serve-gives us the definition presented by Janayana Silva relative to exposing two concepts of competitions. The rest, na his essência, very close to others, of authors confessedly more conceived and that it would be or methodological path, theoretically more expected. This presentation served, contudo, melhor, to the idea that we begin to redesign as a theoretical frame. As we notice eventuais semelhanças, in particular with Zarifian, we work with this concept.

They defend three types of different competences: conceitual, technical and interpersonal competences.

As competencies conceituais are knowledge that can be recognized by theoretical knowledge of profissão and by organizational knowledge. As its components are qualifications, professional training, professional experience and cognitive abilities of the subject, analytical or strategic. We have as indicators: post-graduation, bachelor's degree or other complement of academic training, internal or external training, professional experience and tacit knowledge. With our organizational knowledge, we can identify the capacity to plan tasks, individual strategy, adaptation to the mission objectives, knowledge of the organizational structure, where it is verified that individuals meet different departments and their respective missions.The conceitual competencies are the domain of knowledge and theoretical concepts necessary to proficiency. We represent, not our model, in terms of measurement of professional qualification, professional experience and professional training.

Technical competences, são or mastery two methods of work that you see how to manage the tempo, verifying if the collaborator knows or does not set priorities, is cooperative, or individualistic, or, by contrast, concentrates on the tasks that must be followed. competent. Technical competitions are also in the domain of work ferramentas that are reflected in not knowing two products, not mastering two processes of execution and innovation of products and ways to carry out or work.

Interpersonal competitions are divided into skills and attitudes, communication and creativity. Thus capacities can be of chefia, of relationship or of adaptability. The abilities of chefia determine or collaborator exercises chefia in a democratic, authoritative, or individualistic way. Or relationship testa to ability to work with equipment and adaptation to company culture. A communication and creativity revealed a collaborator and a facilitator in relation to everything or that it is necessary to communicate to other colleagues, or, contrary, challenge or pass on wrong information.

Regarding attitudes, we are going to verify our indices to professional ethics, proactivity, capacity of adaptation to changes, or commitment and availability of the organizational sense. A professional ethics must determine whether or not the undertaking identifies a new solution, question as ordered, or as executed without question.

According to Janayana Silva, proactivity should measure the ability to adapt to new attitudes, or perceive yourself, contrary hair, to react badly to new attributes.

A management of competencies represents a non-sense change of responsibility and self-management of two officials. It is necessary to have the perception of the chefia face to the competence of the functionary, which at most times is incomplete, it is not to be known. It is important to know that, in this regard, you will not have to carry the cash line or what will work on the face, but the skills that must be promoted, protected or even diminished.

5.3 Technological competitions and inclusion in the labor market

For Janayana Silva, two problems in the development of competitions arise as the fact of technological modernization is not accompanied by new principles of work organization. As companies invest more and more in advanced technology, sem, contudo, will train professionals prepared to be able to use their totality. We continue to think about rigid and oriented organization principles for cost reduction, little oriented for the worker and innovation.

As work organizations strive for qualitative flexibility, continuing to strive for a reduction in labor costs, and an increase in productivity through this route. For both, reinforce, add more, or centralized control, a little in contradiction as they seem to affirm. A produtividade é for a greater part of the companies, understood as dependent on machines, becoming these, progressively substitute or human capital.

In spite of everything, it is understood that the introduction of new technologies is inevitably caused by the creation of new knowledge, of an essentially intellectual nature of a more general nature, such as communication skills, continuous learning, cooperation and teamwork.

A production in a large series, even though it has come to lose some supremacy, continues to occupy a very important space in the panorama of work organizations, worldwide. Nem or announcement of a standard market, nem o do fim do Fordismo, will allow to change or rumo of organizations, facilitating the creation of job posts destined to qualified and versatile human resources.

Other studies, a more encouraging perspective, indicates the trend of a growing professionalization, with an increase in highly qualified categories. We believe that at stake, for the future, it must be programmed and strategic, considering three agents: o State, a company and a worker.

Technological innovation affects or undertaking the entrepreneurship structure. It can, by itself, reduce product costs and strengthen competitiveness, an indispensable condition for the renewal of economic activity. As companies are fully aware of the need to implement new technologies in business situations. I am less and less appealing to cultural capacities and more to creative intelligence, which, by itself, creates training and entrepreneurship needs and is associated with measures of flexibility.

It is necessary to configure new strategies for the competitiveness of the company, associated with levels of qualification and competencies. The company must know how to identify quais as requirements regarding qualifications and competences. You must configure business competitiveness strategies associated with the elevation of the level of competition.

According to Paulo Pereira de Almeida and Glória Rebelo, permanent technological innovation implies changes in the organization of work and is to lead us to a precedence of management measures that anticipate technological alterations, as well as the needs of two clients and markets.

As new technologies alter the non-local duration of work and modify the conditions of work and business. I know, on the one hand, we can lose businesses, on the other hand, we can increase them, to the extent that allows us to increase economic competitiveness when allied to measures of offensive and strategic flexibility. I ended up inducing new training and skills needs, making professional activity easier.

As information technologies, in the organizations, it seems to raise an aspect that has been shown to be controversial and that is ignited with the rotation, reconversion and substitution of workers in the company. As new technologies require specific qualifications from the worker. Normally the recruiting processes are usually contacted. Contudo, it seems appropriate to relocate workers for more suitable functions, at the same time that new training processes are started, and adapt the career plans, in order to achieve maximum productivity without losing sight of motivation and satisfaction not working.

Information technologies continue to expand or that involve the creation of new jobs that require two entrepreneurs new mentalities, relative to methods and organization of work.

Paulo Henrique Possas refers that you are proficient in the computer course of having a humanistic vision and a consistent criticism on the impact of your work on a society and an organization. O seu new role is to facilitate and stimulate or appear from new competitions of users in new systems and organizations. In order to do so, it is necessary to understand how they can become implementers of the logic of competition. It is necessary for supervisors and managers to delegate responsibilities. Users, for their time, must be called into the process of implementation of two systems and be an active part of the process.

5.4 Know and tacit knowledge

The previous systems have come to be considered too rigid and little adapted to business realities, hair that begins to notice or appear other concepts and want to abandon the old idea of ​​qualifications, as we refer to. Some authors continue to use the thermo qualifications, presuming a new interpretation and definition of the concept; Other preferred use or thermal competitions. Some others, still, we use both terms, making the difference between qualifications, competitions and skills. For us, qualification is a component of the conceit of conceitual competencies.

Jorge Carrillo understands qualification as a set of skills, knowledge, creativity and responsibilities that workers need for their specific job posts. It increases the last attribute that is a corporate business culture. This culture is verified through the collaboration between workers, groups, work teams, hierarchical níveis, interdepartmental practices and the active participation of two workers in our production processes. It seems to us an elongated concept of qualification.

This author, on the current qualification, unqualification or requalification, defends that the problem is related to business strategies, such as external and internal markets, and also how the time is being processed to introduce quaisquer restructuring that at this level is façam. This new chart of qualifications is less important measurement scales, oriented more for learning and less for education and schooling. It centers on the qualifications of agreement with three different positions: the attributes of the individual, the demands of the own post of work and the organizational strategy.

Marcelle Stroobants purposely wrote down the question of knowledge and knowledge of the worker, considering that this question became clearly interdisciplinary and that, in order to find two workers, it was necessary to seek the most além do that feared, and to além das appeaências.

It is understood that you know two operatives that are more rich, more global and more complex than or planned. Or that it is added de novo to a Taylorist thinking, it will either be considered that the cognitive practices of two workers are necessary, or that it seems evident to us, especially a number of each time greater complexity of the productive quadro.

As manifestations of operative creativity, we will end up confirming how much is related to a figure of ignorance attributed to the operative. It is not your understanding that it would be important to integrate the questão do know, do know-fazer, knowledge and qualification, showing the workers an active participation in the move. The author says that tacit knowledge is of inegavel importance and can never succeed in being integrated into technology. Hair that, as organizations, when dispensing older workers in the organization, or profissão, are to lose an accumulated knowledge that we can never recover. Stroobants I prefer or use two thermos know and know-fazer, entering the rupture with the idea of ​​separação das mãos e cabeça, proper of the Taylorist process.

José Monteiro Hipólito refers to the competition and skills concepts that are starting to appear to rediscover new attitudes. Let me begin to notice the more flexible organizational structures, trying to integrate new ideas and new remuneration systems. Some of their great vantages seem to be either to stimulate or to continuously develop two professions and to deepen their commitment to the company. In our understanding, the competition concept seems to integrate new evolutionary forms of work organization, which can be adapted to the production model or to the organizational profile.

The competitions facilitate a labor market map. A map of the occupations market, a possibility of recognizing the areas of performance and the levels of professionalism. Within each area there are occupational and occupational groups. Criam-se, níveis of competencies in order to create national systems of professional training. He affirms that the competences are characteristic of people that include knowledge, skills and attitudes, that they carry out or perform in certain contexts.

5.4.1 A preponderance of know-how

Marcelle Stroobants em Trabajo e Competências, affirms that, when sociologists fail of new competences and social knowledge, a fundamental volta is given to professional activity. Inverts the sense of formal criteria, gives appreciation of qualification. It proceeds to deduce, a definition of qualification, starting directly from the post of work. As required, not so much a requirement for the organization of work, but rather a social construction. Since the mid-80s, the research programs indicate that we know and know-how, we work that fits into the triad of technology-entrepreneurship-work, tending to deixar or thermo qualification, as we have already mentioned.

In perspective, second Stroobants, our recent studies, which meet or technical-social knowledge of the work process, will be to place the questão in an integrated way, do know, do know-fazer, do knowledge and qualification, showing years of work active participation in the move.

The author, a sociologist, considers that psychology, ergonomics, anthropology and technical philosophy will see a fundamental contribution that allows us to solve the problem through a different perspective. Marcelle Stoobants indicates that the path in terms of qualifications would be to seek an exegese of logical duas, namely, associated with or knowledge, and know-how, associated with execution, unless it is given up on the basis of experience.

We believe that the concept of competences allows us to perceive the integration of two different knowledge: knowledge and tacit knowledge. And we also think that nenhum give them, a joint analysis, should be dispensed with.

6. As competences in the labor market

6.1 A long-term apprenticeship gives life to the development of competitions

Second Helena Lopes, with the capacity of apprenticeship, an important problem in the implementation of management by competencies, is not the heart of economic success. No context of globalization and of the “learning economy”, a capacity of learning is fundamental for the economic success of two individuals, of regions, of organizations and of nations. For the author, learning consists of "building new competencies and acquiring new skills". However, it is especially the most educated workers who are aware of the need for long-term apprenticeship.

We fail in qualifying organization when the company builds the necessary competencies for its survival. A creativity of work should be in itself a source of apprenticeship. The organizational modifications must have repercussions on the modifications of two competition profiles.

This new logic of competition is at the origin, for Paulo Pereira de Almeida and Glória Rebelo, gives the need to reconcile the demands of flexible work and competitiveness that create large changes in companies, including the accelerated introduction of new information and communication technologies, e hair movement of relocation of work.

Or the subject of competitions is assumed, for some authors, as a fashionable subject, which barely sees color velhas questões, ending by not doing anything de novo and hardly creating more um equivocal two reforming movements. Other scholars analyze the question in an opposite way, giving the character of rupture of mentalities and reorganization of work and remuneration.

Remuneration system