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Computer system for the teaching and learning process


In the hundreds of Youth Club for Computing and Electronics in Cuba, both adolescents, young people and adults of any age acquire basic knowledge about Computing and its multiple applications. This massive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has socially useful purposes, different from those that, as a dominant trend, are reserved today for these advanced technologies in the world.

The present work aims to facilitate access to digital bibliography, whose content is associated with Office applications. A research design is presented to solve the problem raised by proposing the creation of a Digital Library that meets the knowledge needs of users, clarifies their doubts and makes it easier for them to learn by themselves the working procedure with the various applications of the Microsoft package. Office.

This work addresses the problem of creating a computer system (digital library) that facilitates access and interpretation of a bibliographic collection on Office automation, as well as a methodology of use that adapts to the interests and mode of action of users, in order to support the process of construction and administration of the didactic resources available through the intranet of the centers.

It includes a bibliographic study of the existing Digital Libraries in the world, their advantages and characteristics, the fundamental steps for their creation and the proposed solution according to the learning needs and the technologies available in the Young Computers and Electronics Clubs.


In Cuba, it is from the revolutionary triumph of January 1, 1959, that a growing interest in the development of science and technology begins to manifest itself. Undoubtedly, to achieve this purpose, it is essential to have the support of a specialized information base. At that time, Cuba was heir to a poor legacy of prerevolutionary science, which did not allow to speak of the existence of a computer activity based on the scientific development of the country.

As a result of the development that technologies were reaching in the world, it became necessary to create specialized institutions that would maintain access to up-to-date information and thus provide training services to the country's technical scientific society.

Cuba defends the concept that "the massive use of information and communication technologies is not an end in itself, but a powerful tool to achieve development"; This is how the Vice Minister of Information Technology and Communications, Jorge Luis Perdomo (2005) 7 expressed it, referring to the position that our country adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society, which was held in December 2003 in Tunisia. He also pointed out that it is necessary to establish a just international economic order, based on the real participation of all peoples, for the adoption of decisions that have to do with their well-being and future.

In the current conditions of economic and commercial blockade, our country has facilitated the interaction of society with Information and Communication Technologies through the Young Club of Computing and Electronics, spread throughout Cuba, and whose The essential objective is to contribute to creating a computer science culture in the population, especially among children, youth and adults, in order to socialize the knowledge and skills on the use of Computer Science and Electronics, disciplines that serve as technological support for the development of other social and cultural programs.

The preparation of new generations for the use of information and communication technologies and their application to increase the quality of the educational teaching process are elements that contribute to ensuring the future of the country.

Problem Statement

When analyzing the educational teaching process in the Young Computer Clubs, a set of educational needs and potentials is identified:

1. The machine / user ratio is very low.

2. There is no user access to technical literature on Office Automation, since it is very scarce and the printed textbooks available to the Joven Club are not loaned because they are unique copies, so users do not have documentary resources that satisfy your thirst for knowledge about information and communication technologies.

3. There is an Intranet that is not adequately exploited based on teaching.

Knowledge of the problem allows people to understand their needs and then be able to select and use products or services from computers, always identifying possibilities and opportunities that allow to overcome the problem in question.

Attention to the learning needs of users requires a response in which information and communication technologies can play an important role; hence the following scientific problem arises:

How to attend to the learning needs about Office Automation of the various users of the Young Computer Club, from the limited technological resources available?

Research Questions and Tasks

To solve the scientific problem, it is necessary to answer the following scientific questions:

  • What needs do users have in relation to the use of information and communication technologies in general and specifically office tools? To what extent do the means available to users allow them to clarify their concerns and doubts about the applications of Office Automation How to structure, based on the needs detected, a computer system that allows users to satisfy their needs and acquire knowledge about Office Automation through the use of a digital library?

To answer these questions, the following scientific tasks are established:

  • Identification of the needs and characteristics of the Young Computing Club users interested in learning office applications Determination of the theoretical framework required to propose a computer system that supports the learning of Office Automation through a digital library Development of a digital library on Office Automation, using information and communication technology resources Establishment of a methodology for acquiring the required knowledge about Microsoft Office applications through a digital library that allows access to a large volume of pertinent information Evaluation of effectiveness didactics of the digital library on Office automation from the experimental use of it according to the established methodology.



Contribute to the dissemination of knowledge through a digital library specialized in Office applications, so that Joven Club users have a means of accessing information that is easy to use and helps them learn independently.


1. Develop software that facilitates user access to the various specialized literatures on the use of the Microsoft Office suite of programs.

2. Support learning and understanding of the contents located in the digital library.

3. Encourage staff interested in the subject to learn to manage the library on their own and also learn to use information and communication technologies effectively.

Justification of the socio-educational intervention

The proposal for a digital library that takes into account the learning needs of the Joven Club de Computación users, serves as the basis for creating a system aimed at raising knowledge and facilitating an adequate approach to the learning needs of said users. This system will allow not only users but also instructors to be able to learn on their own and the others to trust the teaching that has given the population to excel each day independently. On the other hand, knowing better the characteristics of the users will promote a greater appropriation of knowledge and will contribute to closing the digital gap between new technologies and the population in general, thus achieving a better incorporation of them into contemporary social life.

Theoretical framework.

For the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching, one of the essential conditions is that adequate equipment be available in the centers, with the teaching staff prepared about the handling of this technology and with a didactic conception that allows orienting teachers in this sense as proposed by Pastor G. Torres (2002) 10.

The typical use that is made of information and technology in Joven Club classrooms has the educational purpose of improving instructions and learning actions. Practical activities for the application of the contents covered in previous days are developed during class hours. The main objective of the instructor is for students to interact with the computer and understand that they must use it to develop skills and experiences that allow them to acquire the necessary knowledge.

According to Pilar Rico Montero (2003) 8 the possibilities offered by computer technology for the development of the educational teaching process are:

  • It facilitates the observation and interaction with processes that sometimes it is not possible to appreciate directly in the surrounding environment It allows constant interaction between the source of information (computer) and the user It increases the level of attention in students and its influence on emotional development and motivation.The user takes an active role in the construction of their knowledge, becomes familiar with Information and Communication Technologies and their essential forms of work, which has a favorable impact on their general and comprehensive culture. Contributes to the development of forms of logical reasoning, group activity and also to the formation of positive qualities of behavior and personality. Promotes security in decision-making. Develops muscle control,spatial orientation and visual-motor coordination. Enriches, develops and perfects language. It favors aesthetic creation and enriches spiritual life.

Today in Cuba there is an intense pedagogical renewal of teaching and learning methods through the application of information and communication technologies. For this reason, there is no doubt that this transformation of reality will lead each Youth Club to be a training center for computer culture for developed society, characterized by having knowledge of how to access the information they need at all times and to handle it properly.

The need for the development of communication and meaningful learning must be borne in mind, which is possible if the new knowledge is properly related to that which is already possessed.

We agree with what was proposed by the group of creators of the Ponte Dos Brozos project (2004) 3, as part of the Young Club's commitment to the community in general, the needs of children and young people must be taken into account and contribute, together with other institutions and sectors of society, to their satisfaction. These needs are for understanding, creation, games and recreation, awareness and solidarity.

As a result of the sustained development of technologies and information available to society, there has been a sustained increase in the volumes of information, the diversity of formats that carry valuable content, as well as the difficulties in their recovery, among others, have led to that specialists in the field of libraries, computing and telecommunications, take on the challenge of representing in electronic support the systems traditionally developed by libraries in order to satisfy the information needs of users.

Since the emergence of the first digital library projects on the Internet, studies and research have appeared aimed at evaluating their operation, effectiveness and validity in comparison with traditional libraries. This process has been advancing and at the beginning of the 21st century the evolution from the traditional library towards new services based on digital supports and the emergence of much more coherent and articulated evaluation models is an undeniable fact.

Thus, the digital library occupies an important place in the universe of electronic resources present on the Internet; that offer the user the perspective of electronic access to information resources, accumulated knowledge and collective intelligence, providing both temporal and spatial convenience.

Some of the main digital libraries in the world (arranged alphabetically) published by Carolina Gruffat (2006) 5 are:

According to the research carried out by Facundo Cabrera (2005) 4 in Cuba, the university library system adopted CDS / ISIS as a standard for automating its collections, which was later widely disseminated to other institutions. This action marked an important milestone in the automation of libraries in the country, mainly in university libraries.


Some of the existing library definitions:

Electronic library is one that has automation systems that allow an agile and correct administration of the materials it protects, mainly on paper.

Likewise, it has telecommunications systems that will allow you to access your information, in electronic format, remotely or locally. It mainly provides catalogs and lists of the collections that are physically located within a building.

Virtual library is one that makes use of virtual reality to show an interface and emulate an environment that places the user within a traditional library. It makes use of the highest multimedia technology and can guide the user through different systems to find collections in different sites, connected through computer and telecommunications systems.

Digital library is a repository of collections and digitized content, stored in different electronic formats, so that the original on paper, if it exists, loses supremacy. These are generally small, specialized libraries, with collections limited to just a few topics. It is in this type of library that we will concentrate this work.

There are numerous definitions about the digital library, based on its characteristics, functions or components. Tramullas (2002) 11 and Aguirreazaldegi (2003) 1 propose the following: “A digital library is a system for the technical treatment, access and transfer of digital information, structured around the life cycle of a collection of digital documents, on which interactive value-added services are offered to the end user ”.

Other researchers present the definition: “it is a functional structure between information and users, supported by the physical infrastructure and its operators, associated with an information system based on a computational platform and finally integrated into an object system., which it supports and feeds ”.

In summary, the digital library is a space that is used for the transfer of information and knowledge to users through a computer network, so that they can make their queries through an understandable and accessible language.

The information that can be found in digital libraries, in some cases, can be printed, recorded, emailed, and even edited. These characteristics make them a valuable resource for the community.

Ideally, complete documents should be stored and retrieved, and searches are performed on the complete content of the documents. That is, if the document is text, it is possible to search on each word included in the complete document and once located it is possible to obtain it immediately. In the case of other formats such as audio and video, the search is carried out on the codes that define the characteristics of each material.

Databases and information can be stored centrally for small collections.

Although the most common is to have distributed information, in this case, searches and queries from one system to another must be transparent to the user.

Digital libraries: advantages, disadvantages and debates.

The digitization of books, databases and publications is a titanic task that is being undertaken due to the great advantages it offers according to Aguirreazaldegi (2003) 1, among which we can mention:

  • Saving paper Reducing the need for shelf space in libraries Growth and better organization of collections Optimization of search mechanisms for texts, images, videos and audio Ability to access and share information from anywhere in the world.

By being able to store the works in digital format and being easy to distribute, a disadvantage is generated, since there is a risk of piracy being present and with it, that the authors are deprived of the benefits that exactly correspond to them. It is necessary to protect the rights of authors and readers, so that the latter can continue to have access to reliable information. There are several options that publishers have used to avoid improper reproduction of information.

On the other hand, traditional libraries have so far fulfilled the mission of serving the public within certain reasonable restrictions, but when offering information through digital libraries, it will be necessary to face the fact that not all users have the possibility of access to a computer and that, additionally, they do not have the necessary knowledge to make inquiries using digitized material.

One risk that is run when having the information stored in electronic support is the accidental erasure, for which the information must be protected from these eventualities. You must be very meticulous due to the importance of the documents you are handling

Digital libraries and their main characteristics.

A digital library is a set of services that allows remote access to the contents of a real library. In a precise sense, a digital library is a projection of the real services of a library to serve a greater number of users, located remotely.

In principle, the Information Society makes the necessary information available to everyone and provides means and channels to communicate with people around the world; However, it requires the continuous assimilation of new knowledge, instrumental skills and standards of conduct of citizens (at personal, social and work level).

The new generations are requiring new knowledge, so Education must increase the capacity of teachers to provide enriched knowledge.

The creation of a digital library required the following fundamental steps in accordance with those suggested by the Digital Library project from Colombia (2000):

  • Theoretical study on Digital Library. Definition of users and demand. Design and construction of the prototype. Implementation and testing of the system. Analysis of the impact of the system on users. Conceptual, methodological and technological redesign of the prototype.

The project focused its content on curricular and pedagogical aspects through the use of Educational Informatics, and fundamentally on mediating the acquisition of pedagogical guides and instruments, in order to achieve professional improvement for the use of pertinent methodological tools for the mediation of learning. With the application of information and communication technologies at a medium level of computer culture, it was sought to enhance the process of improving the performance of users, strengthening continuous training.

The teacher's pedagogical task is complex, involving various elements related to his activity and that of the student, as well as the characteristics of the subject he teaches and the didactic aspects of the teaching contents.

In addition, the teacher in his teaching-educational activity increasingly perceives the need to use information and communication technologies in a creative way. Many teachers have teaching materials in various formats that they use in their courses. However, not all have the same level of access, knowledge and use of methodologies to construct interactive multimedia materials to support learning, in which they can adapt and integrate the content of these materials and implement teaching-learning strategies that promote meaningful learning by students.

There is a wide demand for quality educational multimedia material, less dependent on the teacher, which allows the student to largely manage their learning, in order to incorporate said material in distance courses. At the international level, there are organizations that promote the exchange of this type of material for distance education between Higher Education institutions, which is very convenient.

The position of the digital library is highlighted as a field of research in which one works towards migration with practical applications, hardware and software development that lead to interesting theoretical problems in disciplines such as Computing, Economics, Sociology, of great utility for the society. Some research areas are highlighted in the field of the digital library as part of the Information Society, which is constantly modernized as a result of the advances made in information and communication technologies by allowing the dissemination of knowledge in a world global, in which the information has a market value.

The users that are defined in this work are the students who have a demand for information and broad knowledge about the subject that will be included in the digital library, make a pleasant and attractive solution to their questions so that they feel motivated in the right job of the computer system.

During the study on this system, questions arose that led to an analysis of them:

1. What is the appropriate architecture for the Digital Library?

2. What are the appropriate models to represent library documents (and information more generally) and services?

3. How can information of interest be located in a large collection?

4. How to represent and manipulate the transactions that occur or will occur in the Digital Library?

5. What is the best human interface for a library?

According to several works carried out in the development of Digital Libraries, there are two trends in the design of a library, the North American one which is based on the digitization of all existing documentation in traditional format, while the European one is promoted towards a central digital library to which others from different places are connected and contribute to the purpose that users have access to the greatest amount of information. The proposed project will be based on the design of a Web page, success is based on the satisfaction of those who visit it, therefore, it is necessary that the page is attractive, comfortable and meets in the best way the needs of the user group. who is focused.

The digital library goes beyond the field of education and is a powerful instrument for coexistence and social participation at the level of production and circulation of knowledge.

The interface par excellence is the Web, since it offers an open platform, mainly to provide access to users, although it is also used by library administrators and by groups in charge of generating content.

Digital libraries provide their services through the network for local use or as open as the Internet, this will depend on the services and the restrictions that must be made for access to information.

The main advantages of the Web service are three: First, that it can combine different types of information representations: text, audio, video, etc. Second, that hyperlinks or links allow you to load pages from any other server connected to the Internet. And, third, that the creation of Web pages is quite simple using the HTML language.

The proposal of representations, images, and symbols will be created for and by the user, so that the form that the digital library assumes can be explained both at the level of mental image and organizational reality, managing to configure a symbolic universe of the digital library.

The materials that can be selected for a digital library must offer, in addition to information, a set of services to users. The fact that these services are offered or not and the degree of automation and dissemination of the same through the Web must be considered a quality criterion.

The presence or absence of a search engine, the possibility of offline consultation, a print version, a text-only version, facilities for disabled access, DSI (Selective Dissemination of Information) through tables can be included in this group. content or profiles, notices about page updates, etc.

A digital library must not only bring together in its collection digitized documents that originally had a traditional format, but it must also accommodate a wide range of new digital resources, that is, documents created in this format, which respond to the new needs of the users.

These should not neglect the role of selecting the documents that make up the collection, and for this it is necessary to analyze the needs of users and the role of the institution itself in society, as well as the development of tools or skills that allow locating the necessary information, and the application of a methodology that ensures that the digital material that is going to be incorporated into the Joven Club meets the quality requirements.

The design method must be rational and objective, and the list of evaluation criteria must be complete and structured in groups, collecting in a satisfactory way all the characteristics that add quality to a digital resource.

The digital library should be a site that promotes learning, rich in resources, where users can build knowledge following the individual learning styles that characterize them. Computers must be available to perform tasks and support local digital communications. The ability to think and express themselves clearly, solve problems and make decisions appropriately is assessed.

Under the concept of a network, the system of databases and digitized collections may remain decentralized and must have integrity and security systems for the information.

The problem of information security is not new, almost all libraries around the world, aware of the problems caused by loan systems and open shelving, have implemented a security system to physically protect documentary material, mainly documents. books, since when making their inventories they detected that books were missing, most of which had been stolen by users, in addition to the mutilation of materials, often with irreparable damage.

In a digital library, information security is even more critical. Instability in computer services depends drastically on their security systems and, due to the interconnection of networks, the number of possible "offending users" potentially increases.

The most important thing is to protect our systems, strengthen the computing and communications technological infrastructure, train users and personnel responsible for security to prevent these events.

For the project analyzed in the Joven Club, the user is characterized by having little computer knowledge, the option of not being able to change the content of the digitized document will be applied, in addition to having a backup copy in case of loss or deletion of any document is replaced by immediately and guarantee the proper functioning of the library.

For the effect of a digital library it is essential to have physical security, but more important is to have a good data security system. The integrity of the information is a key issue in the trust factor that the user seeks when making use of the collections and databases.

Research Methods

They will be present at different moments of the research, from its conception to the analysis of its results, for the improvement of the project. From this level will be used: the hypothetico-deductive method, scientific induction, analytical, scientific observation and measurement.

Through the research method, the problem is presented, that is, the need for a digital library to overcome the learning needs of users and this also leads to assess how to proceed in terms of the optimal use of pedagogical and technological tools to an adequate approach to the learning needs of the Young Club users.

The hypothetical-deductive method raises a hypothesis that can be analyzed deductively or inductively and subsequently verified experimentally, that is, it is sought that the theoretical part does not lose its meaning, therefore the theory is subsequently related to reality.

Among the empirical level methods, document analysis, survey and interview will be used to find out if the digital library has the desired effect on learning and meets user needs.

Scientific induction will make it possible to study the characteristics and / or connections of the users' needs with the learning of the various Office automation programs, causal relationships, among others. This method is supported by empirical methods such as observation and document review, where different publications and Web pages related to the subject under study will be reviewed.

The analytical method distinguishes the elements of a phenomenon and proceeds to review each one of them separately. This method is used from the experimentation and analysis of a large number of cases of Joven Club users who request access to the bibliography in printed or digital format.

These operations do not exist independent of each other; the analysis of an object is carried out from the relationship that exists between the elements that make up said object as a whole; and in turn, the synthesis occurs on the basis of the previous results of the analysis.

Non-participant scientific observation will allow the identification of needs related to the formation of knowledge of users and participant observation will allow to identify the problems that affect the effectiveness of knowledge formation work in learning.

The problem and the research object are known, studying its natural course, without altering the natural conditions, that is, the observation has a contemplative aspect.

Observation configures the knowledge base of all science and, at the same time, is the most generalized empirical procedure of knowledge. Ochoa (2002) 6 recognizes five elements in the observation process:

1. The object of observation.

2. The subject or observer.

3. The circumstances or environment surrounding the observation.

4. The means of observation.

5. The body of knowledge of which the observation is part.

The survey will allow an assessment of educational needs in relation to the formation of knowledge presented by users of any age. In the case analyzed during the publication of the digital library, an evaluation will be carried out through informal and / or structured questions that allow the designer to form an idea of ​​the user's perception of the system under evaluation. Adolescent, youth and adult users will be selected to compile the requirements of each group of users and obtain a system capable of meeting the requirements of the Young Club students. Annex 1 presents a survey that will be applied after having handled the proposed Web interface.

The research will make it possible to conceive and base the user knowledge training program, based on the use of a Web application that gives access to various bibliographies related to the use of Microsoft Office.

Proposed Solution

For the implementation of a digital Office Automation library in the Young Computer and Electronics Clubs, it is proposed to use the Dreamweaver application, which is part of the Macromedia commercial package for designing Web pages, in order to satisfy the demands of users in terms of consultation of documentary sources related to the interaction with the various Office applications.

One of the most relevant aspects is the continuous technological change. The network is still very young, the continuous advances allow to implement more and more simple developments. For this reason, it is important to keep up with all the norms and standards that are being developed for the network.

The main page consists of the proposed design, the upper rows of the tables on each Web page will be dedicated to the presentation of the page and will include images with the institution's logo, the coat of arms and the name of the municipality. All these images will be processed and designed in the case of the texts with the PhotoShop 6.0 program. It is necessary for the user to know in a synthesized way the facilities of the Digital Library, the corporate purpose of the Young Computer and Electronics Club, interactive images and a link to the history of the town that encourages interest in it. To access the next page, a link is added through a Flash button that indicates the route to follow.

In the design, the theory of color was applied through white as it expresses positive values ​​and allows a clear and legible panorama of the information that is to be transmitted.

The following Web page contains the same starting image, the text that explains in a simple and enjoyable way the adequate access to the documentation of Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Front Page, Microsoft Outlook.

Each of these links to the Office applications will be linked to a Web application in JavaScript, called DeepTree, whose objective is to dynamically generate a folder structure in the left pane of the window (similar to the left pane of Windows Explorer), it will also allow to view in its right panel the content of the elements selected in the left panel which can be seen below:

Figure. Tree structure of the DeepTree.

DeepTree allows navigation through a site structured in the form of a tree as shown in figure 1.7, which is a widely used and easy to perceive by the user, as well as being compatible with the most popular browsers, among which They are: Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 6.2, Mozilla 1.2 and Opera 7.06.

The use of this application for the digital library will facilitate its implementation, since it will avoid having to include independent links to view each of the files that make it up, since by providing the path where the folder structure is located, links are dynamically generated to the files and when selecting them, the application browser will be in charge of displaying the content of each one.

In terms of updating and maintenance, DeepTree offers an advantage, because to add and / or delete files, no changes have to be made in the implementation, since the tree structure is dynamic and is generated at the time it is accessed to the link, which would be very different if it were implemented on a Web page, in which you would have to constantly add, remove or update links.

In the design of the site, the following folders should be grouped into a folder: Library where we have the Office automation documentation, img where the images used are grouped, LibraryCode where the files that define DeepTree are found.

Figure 1.8. Files used to design DeepTree.

The Files.asp file is where the root folder is specified for the Office documentation and in this case it is expressed as the Access folder.

The TOC, UntitledFrame-1 files correspond to the separate design of both panels of the DeepTree window, while Default unifies them and programs the texts, the images to be used in the design, the OnClick events on the images (+ and -) showing the hidden frame, in order to form the final structure shown in annex 3 and 4.


The development that the world has reached in the use of new technologies allows the improvement of teaching systems, so that each user acquires knowledge through meaningful learning. The volume of information that is available in digital format is immense, so the support of a computer system is required to facilitate its storage, access and consultation.

A digital library must not only bring together in its collection digitized documents that originally had a traditional format, but it must also accommodate a wide range of new digital resources, that is, documents created in this format and for this new medium, that respond to the growing needs of the population.

The personnel in charge of a digital library should not underestimate the importance of the rigorous selection of the documents that make up the collection. This requires harmonizing the needs of users and the activities of the Young Club in society. A methodology must be applied that ensures that the digital material to be incorporated into the collection meets quality requirements, as well as promoting the development of tools and skills that allow the necessary information to be retrieved efficiently. The method must be rational and objective, and the list of evaluation criteria must be complete and structured in groups, collecting in a satisfactory way all the characteristics that provide quality to a digital information resource.

Bibliographic references

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2. Aguilar Salazar, Blanca. (2001, August). Digital libraries_ Advantages and disadvantages. Consulted on January 31, 2006 on site

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4. Cabrera Facundo, Ana M. and Coutín Domínguez, Adrián. (2005). Digital libraries. Part I. Theoretical considerations. Consulted on January 28, 2006 from the site

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8. Rico Montero, Pilar (2003). Next development area. Learning procedures and tasks. Havana. Editorial Pueblo y Educación.

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Computer system for the teaching and learning process