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Human resource management systems



Starting from the vision of the fourth principle of the General Bases of Business Improvement, which states that “All organizational measures that can be adopted must keep the necessary integrity.

The company is a system that must act as a whole ”, the article emphasizes the necessary requirements for the design of an Integrated Human Resources Management System: act and think in a system, the need for interdisciplinary and cross-functional nature, the degree of personal and organizational maturity necessary to be able to produce changes.

It exposes the limited vision on the part of technical specialists and managers with respect to the subject, accompanied on many occasions by insufficient or deficient theoretical-conceptual preparation and that is evident in the results obtained in the Research Project called «Current Situation of Management Systems of the Workforce and their Impact on Business Management ».

The Business Improvement process (PE) in which our companies live requires a system treatment of each of the Subsystems that comprise it. Therefore, a new way of thinking, acting, a new conception and thinking of what we have seen until today of Human Resources Management or Personnel Administration is required, since in the General Bases of the PE within the general principles of the It states that “All the organizational measures that can be adopted must keep the necessary integrity. The company is a system that must act as a whole ”.

For this we must know all the conditions and characteristics of the organization in such a way that it allows us to design our own Human Resources Management System, understood as a process and not as a specific change, «Effective change is not reactive. It requires the perspective of a shared and systemic Vision, the approach of achievable goals and an alert and communicated organization, where the precise information capable of sustaining competencies flows ”(Rojas N, E. and Hernández N, I, 2001).

Taking into account that one of the key actions to facilitate a change process is to think about the organization in an integrated and systemic way, therefore it is necessary not to see the different processes of the system in isolation, nor as the sum of the parts, but rather with integration, interdependence and connectivity that a systemic thinking demands, and with the interdisciplinary and cross-functional nature necessary to develop in the organization a new work culture based on values ​​as a turning point.

The figure below reflects this new vision that can guide different companies in the development of Human Resource Management Systems.

Traditionally, the Workstation has been taken as the primary cell to reach a level of integration and in this sense it is nothing new, but when we talk about Job Design, expansion and enrichment of work content, we are starting to define through the process of selection the level of maturity of the people and the organization in general (Dependence, Independence and Interdependence), with the aim of developing training cycles where interdependence is promoted as a level of maturity to be achieved.

"Interdependent people are aware that coordinating their efforts with those of other people can achieve greater success". If I am intellectually interdependent, I understand that I need my own thoughts along with the best thoughts of other people. (Rojas N, E. and Hernández N, I, 2001). This new way of thinking and acting leads to higher performance levels, communication and teamwork links are established so feasible to achieve dynamics in the organization.

An obstacle to the implementation of a Comprehensive Human Resources Management System in our companies has been the vision they have regarding this concept. As people grow in maturity, their personal effectiveness and in turn the organization grow. The process of change is only feasible from interdependence, the we is much greater than the "I" of independence and the "you" of dependence. As you move through the levels of maturity, you will achieve greater personal and organizational effectiveness.

In interdependence it is a paradigm shift where the ability to communicate with ourselves and with others is effective. Interdependent people are aware that coordinating their efforts with others can achieve greater successes and can also develop teamwork as one of the disciplines for systems thinking.

This limited vision, often accompanied by insufficient or deficient theoretical-conceptual preparation on the part of technical specialists and managers, is shown in the results obtained in the Research Project called “Current Situation of the Management Systems of the Police Force. Work and its Impact on Business Management ”, which was carried out by the Institute for Labor Studies and Research (IEIT) in 120 companies belonging to 24 business groups of three branch organizations.

Among the most important conclusions we can find the following:

There is little evidence of treatment and design of SDFT. Although two of the three organizations have issued their own advisory documents for their companies to design and implement their own systems, it is recognized that in practice the management methods used do not enhance the management of Human Resources in all cases. companies in a systemic way and with a strategic approach, the different subsystems that compose it continue to be worked on in a fragmented way, which reduces the dynamics of the system.

Workforce Management System (SDFT) is how the PE BG is called the Human Resources Management System.

The prevailing «direction by indications» that is manifested in the relationships between the different levels limits the fulfillment of the main function of the branch organizations of establishing policies and regulations, that of the OSDE of promoting business management and not that of managing directly, and that of companies to design and run their own systems. This situation causes duplication of actions and efforts from the functional point of view at each management level, and hinders decision-making at the company level.

The design and implementation of the strategies is based in most cases on non-integrative approaches, waiting for indications from the higher level without adequate interaction between the different levels. This reduces dynamics, no adjustments and readjustments are made, and the implementation of actions is not related to the strategic objectives, either of the entity or company, or of the system - SDFT.

The systems are worked by traditional functions or by activities, by organizational areas according to the majority. It is necessary to deepen and evaluate the real degree of integration achieved, since the lack of preparation of specialized personnel, the contents of the positions that remain the same, and the functions equal to the activities traditionally developed by Personnel, limit the work in the system..

The faculties of the HR area of ​​Directing and Control are ranked first and second respectively due to their importance. However, the powers to Decide and Authorize, which are inherent to the management process and which focus Trust as a value, are located in last places, which suggests that HR management in companies does not carry or is not perceived that involve decisions.

The coincidence between the companies of the three organizations should be highlighted in pointing out as the most important values ​​the Participation of the workers, the Leadership of the leaders and the Management Methods. But it is worrying that the history of the company also coincidentally ranks last, preceded penultimate by Innovation.

In the planning of human resources to determine the number of people, the factors of Technological Innovation and Job Design occupy the last places, which constitutes an alert of the organizational level and the development of the company, and makes doubts about the introduction of the New Organizational Forms.

The Human Resources System (HRS) that is designed must guarantee an organizational behavior that allows the development of skills, knowledge, aptitudes, values, motivations, communication, leadership and beliefs that allow the implementation of the labor policy in its integration with the management of the entities, with the vision of man as the fundamental resource for the fulfillment of its strategic projection.

The Human resources area of ​​the organization will develop a leading role and transformational leadership in the design of the system and its scope will be proportional to how it is seen.

New values ​​must be introduced and developed on the basis of an effective culture. Innovation requires cooperation, teamwork and a culture of trust that develops creativity, the sharing of information and the improvement of human relationships.

The system must be supported by a training process based on values ​​in such a way that it allows a human change within the organization that causes a dynamics of sustained effectiveness.


Institute for Labor Studies and Research (IEIT): Research Project "Current Situation of the Management Systems of the Workforce and its Impact on Business Management" (2002-2004)

Senge, P: The Fifth Discipline. Granica Editions, Barcelona. Spain (1992)

Rojas N, E. and Hernández N, I The culture of trust. Southern method for organizational dynamization. Spain (2001)

Human resource management systems